UNIVERSITYUNIVERSITY OF OF PENNSYLVANIA PENNSYLVANIA Tuesday May 2, 2017 Volume 63 Number 33 www.upenn.edu/almanac Patricia D’ Antonio: Carol Ware Wendell Pritchett: Penn’s 30th Provost Professor in Mental Health Nursing Wendell Pritchett has been selected to be the and the initiation of Patricia D’Antonio 30th Provost of the University of Pennsylvania. critical capital proj- has been named the Penn President Amy Gutmann announced his ects, including new Carol E. Ware Profes- appointment last Wednesday. Currently Presi- health education and sor in Mental Health dential Professor of Law and Education at Penn science facilities, a Nursing. In addition to Law, Dr. Pritchett “is a celebrated teacher and new dormitory, and being the chair of the scholar of urban policy, education, civil rights library renovations. family and community and race relations, an accomplished leader and In 2012, he was health department and administrator, and a passionate advocate for elected president of director of the Barba- academic excellence and civic engagement,” the Coalition of Ur- ra Bates Center for the said President Gutmann. “A longtime faculty ban and Metropoli- Study of the History of member and universally admired leader in our tan Universities, a Nursing, Dr. D’Antonio Penn community, he is consummately well-po- national consortium is a world-renowned sitioned to work with our deans, faculty, staff, of higher education historian whose pro- Patricia D’Antonio students and me in advancing Penn’s highest institutions. Wendell Pritchett gram of scholarship priorities,” she added. He will formally assume Dr. Pritchett is is in the area of nurs- his office on July 1, 2017 after ratification by the a consummately interdisciplinary and award- ing history, with a focus on nursing’s labor, gen- Trustees at their June meeting. winning attorney, legal scholar and urban histo- der and religious history. Her work has also cen- Dr. Pritchett’s leadership experiences rian whose research examines the development tered on elucidating the ways in which changing uniquely position him to serve as Penn’s chief of post-WWII urban policy, in particular urban ideas about mental health and illness structured academic officer. As interim dean of Penn Law renewal, housing finance and housing discrimi- the work and worth of those who cared for such from 2014-2015 (Almanac April 15, 2014), he nation. His first book, Brownsville, Brooklyn: individuals and their families. She has received led and stewarded the school during the search Blacks, Jews and the Changing Face of the funding from the Rockefeller Foundation, the that culminated in Ted Ruger’s appointment as Ghetto (University of Chicago Press, 2002), ex- American Association for the History of Nurs- dean. As chancellor of Rutgers-Camden from plores race relations and public policy in 20th- (continued on page 6) 2009-2014 (Almanac April 7, 2009), he saved century Brooklyn. His most recent book, Robert the campus in the wake of a failed proposal to Clifton Weaver and the American City: The Life School of Nursing merge it with another institution. Dr. Pritchett’s and Times of an Urban Reformer (University of 2017 Teaching Awards leadership of Rutgers-Camden saw immense Chicago Press, 2008), is a biography of the first growth and improvement for the institution, (continued on page 4) Dean’s Award for Exemplary Teaching including graduating classes of record sizes, Anne M. Teit- the introduction of the campus’s first doctoral elman is the Patri- programs, the hiring of dozens of new faculty Launching Penn’s Center for cia Bleznak Silver- Health, Devices and Technology stein and Howard A. Today, the University of Pennsylvania cel- Silverstein Endowed School of Engineering and Applied Science ebrates the launch of the Penn Center for Health, Term Chair in Glob- Devices and Technology, or Penn Health-Tech, a al Women’s Health 2017 Teaching Awards University-wide effort to advance Penn’s world- and an associate pro- The S. Reid Warren, Jr. Award class breakthroughs into new devices and health fessor of nursing. Dr. Daeyeon Lee, pro- technologies to meet the world’s most pressing Teitelman was nom- fessor of chemical and health care needs. To mark the opening of the inated by her doc- biomolecular engineer- Center, the University will host the first in a series toral students and ing, has been awarded of regular symposia. selected for her com- the S. Reid Warren, Penn Health-Tech was established by mitment to teaching, Anne Teitelman Jr. Award, which is the Perelman School of Medicine, the School of advising and mentor- presented annually Engineering and Applied Science and the Office ing which enables her by the undergraduate of the Vice Provost of Research. It is sponsored students to fully develop as nurse scholars. In student body and the in part by a generous gift from Penn alumnus addition to being able to skillfully convey her Engineering Alumni Jonathan Brassington, GEng’97, whose passion expert scholarly content knowledge, Dr. Teitel- Society in recognition to encourage interdisciplinary investigative man communicates complex concepts and ab- of outstanding ser- projects sparked its creation. Serving the local stract topics in ways that meet the individual vice in stimulating and rich ecosystem of institutes and centers, Penn needs of each student. By doing so, she is able guiding the intellectual Daeyeon Lee Health-Tech will expand Penn’s biomedical to prepare and drive her students towards their and professional devel- technology pipeline. Its mission is to focus on the highest levels of intellectual growth and rigor- opment of undergraduate students. ous scientific research scholarship. She is fully Dr. Lee received his BS in chemical engineer- (continued on page 4) present and available to her students and serves ing in 2001 from Seoul National University. He as an advocate for them in building their leader- then went on to earn a PhD in chemical engineering IN THIS ISSUE ship and networking skills. One of her students from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 2 Senate: SEC Agenda; University Club Annual Meeting; Trustees May Meetings; Deaths; commented, “Dr. Teitelman excels in stimulat- “Dr. Lee has been incredibly helpful to me Commencement Invitation ing students and actively engaging them in in- throughout my career, both academically and 3 American Talent Initiative teractive, hands-on projects where they are able professionally,” one of his students remarked. 6 One Step Ahead: Security & Privacy Tip to learn from her mastery of rigorous commu- 7 Penn IUR Photo Contest Winners; “He is one of the most personable and skilled Morris Arboretum Hidden Gems Tour; Update; nity-based intervention work.” Another stated, professors that I’ve had at Penn.” Summer Camps; CrimeStats (continued on page 5) (continued on page 4) 8 2017 School Graduation Ceremonies ALMANAC May 2, 2017 www.upenn.edu/almanac 1 SENATE From the Senate Office Deaths Robert Sadoff, Psychiatry The following agenda is published in accordance with the Faculty Senate Rules. Robert Sadoff, a Any member of the standing faculty may attend SEC meetings and observe. founder of modern fo- Questions may be directed to Patrick Walsh, executive assistant to the Senate Office, rensic psychiatry and either by telephone at (215) 898-6943 or by email at [email protected] retired clinical profes- sor at the University of Faculty Senate Executive Committee Agenda Pennsylvania, died on Wednesday, May 10, 2017 April 17 after a battle 3-5 p.m. with pancreatic cancer. Glandt Forum, 3rd Floor, Singh Nanotechnology Center He was 81 years old. Dr. Sadoff grew up in 1. Approval of the Minutes from the SEC Meeting of April 12, 2017 Minnesota and entered 2. Chair’s Report the University of Min- 3. Past-Chair’s Report on Academic Planning & Budget, Capital Council, and nesota at age 16. He Campaign for Community graduated in 1955 with Robert Sadoff 4. Information Security Initiatives two bachelor’s degrees Discussion with Joshua Beeman, Penn Information Security Officer and earned a medical degree there in 1959. He 5. Issues Requiring a Vote completed a residency in psychiatry and earned a a. Ballot: 2017-2018 University Council Steering Committee Members master of science in psychiatry at UCLA. b. Discussion and vote on Proposal to Eliminate Principal Lecturer Track and to He joined Penn in 1972 as assistant professor of Extend the Professor of Practice Track in SEAS psychiatry and became full professor in 1978. He 6. Senate Committee Reports received the Earl D. Bond Award for Outstanding a. Senate Committee on Faculty and the Academic Mission (SCOF) Teaching in 1979. He joined the 25 Year Club in b. Senate Committee on Faculty Development, Diversity, and Equity (SCFDDE) 1997 (Almanac September 30, 1997). In 2008, he c. Senate Committee on Faculty and the Administration (SCOA) received the Special Dean’s Award, which honors d. Senate Committee on Students and Educational Policy (SCSEP) unique contributions to medical education by Penn 7. Discussion and recommendations for SEC’s agenda for 2017-2018 faculty members (Almanac April 22, 2008). He 8. Passing of the Torch and Concluding Remarks retired as clinical professor and director of the Center for Studies in Social-Legal Psychiatry at the Perelman School of Medicine last year. The Commencement Invitation to Penn Community Perelman School of Medicine had recently named To the Penn Community: Kenneth J. Weiss as its inaugural Robert L. Sadoff Penn’s Commencement is a wonderful opportunity to gather together in recognition of the Clinical Professor in Forensic Psychiatry. impressive accomplishments of our students. On behalf of the Trustees, Officers and Deans Dr. Sadoff also maintained a private practice in and their faculties, we would like to invite all members of the Penn community to attend the Jenkintown, Pennsylvania, and examined a number University’s 261st Commencement on Monday, May 15, 2017.
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