INDEX TO PROCEEDINGS, SECOND SERIES, VOL. II. • The following abbreviations are employed :—adm., admitted Fellow; app., appointed; comm., communication ; el., elected; exh., exhibits or exhibition; Ob., obituary. Aberavon, co. Glamorgan, Seal of, 88 Andorre, Republic of, 413 Abingdon, Berks., Maces of, 132; British Andoversfdrd, a Roman Site, 313 Urn from, 248 Andrew, St., Carving of, 323 Acland, H. D., exh. Arrow-head, 168 Angell, C. F., exh. Warrants for Com- Aconbury, co. Hereford, Slab at, 78 mittal to the Tower, 7 ; exh. He- Ad Antonam, Roman Station, 313 ' , raldry, 123 Address:—of Condolence to Her Ma- Anglo-Saxon Remains : — Cemetery at jesty on death of Prince Consort, 44; Long Wittenham, Berks., 37, 48,133; to Her Majesty and the Prince and Gold Ring, Witley, Surrey, 88 ; Arm-' Princess of Wales on birth of a Prince, let, Weatherby, 124; Cross, Wake- 347 ; Answers to them, 350,353 field, 124; Little Hampton, 163; Admiralty, Correspondence with, re- Snape Common, Suffolk, 177; Green- specting Tides in Dover Channel, 204; wich, 201 ; Dorchester, Oxon., 209; presents Silver Badge, 295 Ring, West Bergholt, 247; Ceme- Africa, Drawings by Bruce in North, 96 tery, Arne Hill, Berks. , 320; Kemps- Agoracritus, Nemesis of, 371 ton, Beds., 416, 420; Stanlake and Airy, G. B., on Caesar's Landing, 205 Brighthampton, 441 Akerman, J. Y., on Discoveries at Long Anne, St., Legend of, in glass, 87 Wittenham, 38, 48, 133 ; Annuity to Anne Boleyne, Portrait of, 274, 280 " him, .85, 96; on Maces at Abingdon, Anne, Queen of Hungary, 404 132; exh. Oil Painting, 168; exh. Anniversary, 1862, 104; 1863, 252; Pedigrees, 169; comm. Letter on 1864,389 Charlton Downs, Berks., 173; on Antiquarius of Hieronymus Bononius, British Urn, Drayton, 204; exh. Seal, 280 207 ; on British Urn, Abingdon, 248; Antiquity of Man, 396 presents Cannon-ball from Ody, 308; Apollo Citharadus, Statue of, 98 on Saxon Cemetery, ;Arne Hill, 320 Apothecaries Company, exh. Heraldry, Alamanic Antiquities, Drawings of, 200 123 Alauna, Roman Station, 314 Archer,Capt. L.,exh. Chinese Vase, 188 • Albanie, Count d', exh. .Slingrbullet, 266 Arches, Triumphal, in North Africa, 96 Aldeburgh, Suffolk, Tumulus near, 177 Architectural Drawings, German, 370 Alexander VII., Pope; Election of, 11 Ardleigh, Essex, Deed relating to, 376 Alexius, St., Legend of, 264 Argyleshire, Markings on Rocks in, 357 Alfred, H.R.H. Prince, exhibits Paint- Armlet, Gold, Weatherby, co. York, ings, 116 124; Carmichael, co. Lanark, 401 . Almack, Richard, exh. Roman Ring, 36; Armourers' Company, exh. Heraldry, 123 exh. Heraldry, 123 Arms, Roll of, 13th century, 203 America, earliest instance of name, 417 Arne Hill, Berks., Anglo-Saxon Ceme- Amiens, Roman Cemetery near, 318 tery at, 320 Ampulla of Lead :—from Dunwich, Suf- Arntz, R. R., el. F.S A., 167; adm. 168 folk, 63; from Thames, 166; from Arrow-heads:—Iron from Blenheim, Helmingham, Suffolk, 420; of Clay 168; Flint from Aberdeenshire, 294 ; found near Houndsditch, 431 Flint from Barrow near Stonehenge, Anastasius, Consular Diptych of, 364 429 VOL. II. 2 F Downloaded from https://www.cambridge.org/core. INSEAD, on 17 Oct 2018 at 14:05:47, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at https://www.cambridge.org/core/terms. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0950797300001360 450 INDEX. Ashpitel, Arthur, exh. Heraldry, 123; Bishopstoke, Hants, Leaden Coffin from, on Bell at' Challacombe, 410; exh. 327 Celt and Dagger, 412 ; on Old Lon- Black, W. H., on the Antiquarius of don Wall, 419 Hieronymus Bononius, 280 ; on Site Aspelonde, John, Grant by, 376 of Rojnan London, 307, 351 ; on Ass's hoof in ring, 183, 229 Portrait of Sir Michael Stanhope, 361; Auditors' Report 18C1, 100; 1862, 240; . on Bell at Challacombe, 411; exh. 1863, 375; Roman ampulla, 431 Austria, Mary of, 150 Blackmore, Rev. R. W., exh. Seal of Autographs, Exhibition of, 101,104, 326 Georgia, 209 Blackwell, S., exh. Stirrup, 65 Babyngton, Chief Just. Will, de, 156 Blenheim, Oxon., Arrow-heads from, 168 Bactrian Coin of I.ysias, 48 Blight, J. T., on Trelowarren, Cornwall, Badge of Admiralty in Silver, 295 368 Badges, Enamelled, 63 Blockele, Seal of Peter de, 188 Bagot, Lord, exh. Heraldry, 123 Blount, Charles, Lord Mountjoy, 187 Baigent, F. J., on Roman Coffin, Bishop- Bloxam, M. H., el. F.S.A., 234; adm. stoke, 327 239 Bailieborough, co. Cavan, Crannoge Boar-hunting Sword, 197 at, 286 Boat, Burial in a, on Snape Common, 177 Bain, W. presents Document relating to Bock, Canon, el. Hon. F.S.A., 234 St. Paul's, 115 Bofflens, Canton Vaud, Excavations Baker, of Kent, Pedigree of, 169 near, 9 Baker, T. LI. B., exh. Ivory Comb, 55 Bohemia, Miniature of King and Queen Ballot Nights, Hour of Meeting on, of, 434 264, 268 Boileau, Sir J. P., app. V.P. 260 ; exh. Ballots for Members, Change in, 95, 257 Cast of antique Head, 274 Barclay and Perkins, Messrs., exh. Bone objects found in Heathery Burn Heraldry, 123 Cave, 131 Bardney Abbey, co. Lincoln, MS. be- Bononius, Hieronymus, Antiquarius by, longing to, 196 280 Bardolf, John, Marriage Contract of, Boone, Thomas, exh. Books, 39 210; Seal, 213 Boone, William, exh. Autographs, 101 Bardolf family, 213 Boteler, William, exh. Heraldry, 123 Baronetcy, Fees of, 62, 73 Botener, William, 156 Barrow, see Tumulus Botfield, Beriah, exh. Nuremberg Coun- Bartrop, C. R., exh. Iron Sword, 200 ter, and Photograph of Inscription, Baskerville, Thomas, 271 15 ; on Priory at Ludlow, 78; exh. Basingstoke, Roman Bronze found near, and presents Plan of Uriconium, 79 ; 35 exh. British Pottery, 186 ; ob. notice Battlefield, Salop, Bronze objects from, of, 390 251 Bottles, Leathern, 85 Beads of Glass from Dunworley Bay, co. Boulogne, Siege of, 175 Cork, 47 ; found in America and Bracebridge, C. H., exh. Heraldry, 123 elsewhere. 334 Bradenie, Seal of Richard de, 36 Beamont, William, exh. Heraldry, 123 Brass, Monumental, at Seville, 66 ; at Bedford, Rev. W. K. R., exh. Heraldry, Crosthwaite near Keswick, 190 123 Brent, John, on Antiquities from Can- Beldam, Joseph, on Palace at Royston, terbury, 200 186 Bridle of Dey of Tunis, 65 ' Bell from Berne, Si- Brighthampton, Anglo-Saxon Cemetery Bell at Challacombe, Devon, 410, 411 at, 443 Bells of Bronze, Ireland, 242 Bristol, Marquess of, app. V.P., 400; "Benevolence" of Chas. I., 74 exh. Books, 45; exh. Heraldry, 123; Benghazi, Hydria found at, 96 exh. Key, 144 Berkeley, Gilbert, Bishop of Bath and Broadsides, Catalogue of, .168 Wells, Seal of, 36 Brocavum, Roman statiorr'of, 60 Bideford, Devon, Tiles from, 168 Brockett, W. H., exh: Heraldry, 123 Bindings, ancient German, 382 Brocklebank, Rev. Thomas, el. F.S.A., Birch, Samuel, on Ptolemaic Tablets, 349 ; adm. 363 . 207 ;, on Egyptology, 321 Bromley, Warner, Grant of Arms be- Bishops, the Seven, Poem on, 72 longing to, 49 . Downloaded from https://www.cambridge.org/core. INSEAD, on 17 Oct 2018 at 14:05:47, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at https://www.cambridge.org/core/terms. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0950797300001360 INDEX. 451 Bronze Figures in MK Fortnum's Col- Canton, Edwin, exh. Chinese Enamels, lection, 268 52 ;• exh. Roman Intaglio, 59; exh. Bronze Weapons, &c.: — Celt from Ire- Hindoo Idol, 75 land, 5, 118 ; Sword, River Lea, 51 ; Capel, William, Deed of, 282 Spear-head, Lurgan, co. Armagh, 65 ; Cardew, Rev. George, exh. Ampulla Mould, Celts, and Knife, Heathery and Quadrant, 420 Burn Cave, 131 ; Knife, Thames, 229; Cards, Playing, Illuminated, 363 Sword-sheath, Celts, &c, Guilsfield, Cardwell, Rev. Edward, ob. notice of, co. Montgomery, 249-; Unknown ob- 106 jects. Battlefield, 251 ; Celts, France, Caricature of Crucifixion, 437 and Knife, Cottle, Berks, 301 Carmichael, co. Lanark, Gold Orna- Bronze Period in America, 334 ments from, 401 Brooches, Medieval, 210 ; Danish, from Carpenter, J. W., exh. books, 39 Hebrides, 230 Carpenters' Company, exh. Heraldry, Brooke, Richard, ob. notice of, 105 123; Mural Paintings in Hall of, 81 ' Broseley Tobacco Pipes, 144 Carrack of Knights of St. John, 116. Brougham, Westm., Roman station at, Carriage, Ancient, at Mantoii, Wilts, CO; Castle at. 79 270 Brown, Mr., exh. Medallion, 325 Carthage, Sling-bullet from, 300 Browne, Douglas, exh. Heraldry, 123 Cartwright, H. E., el. F.S.A.., 6? Bruce, James, Drawings by, 96 Carvings with S. P. Q. A., 353 Bruce, John, exh. Triptych, &c.,,35; Caskets, Series of, 260 exh. Copper Bas-relief, 155 Castles, &c. in England, 24 Bruce, W. D., exh. Irish Celt and Urn, Catherine de Medici, MS. Hours of, 5;- presents the same, 118; exh. 381 Mortar, 188 Cave at Heathery Burn, Stanhope, 127 Buckingham, Geo. Villiers Dukeof, War- Caves of Dordogne, Mentone, and Sicily, rant for his committal to the Tower, 339, 345 '7,8; Paper concerning, 188 . Caulfield, Richard, el. F.S A., 62 Buddha, copper Image of, from Sultan- Celt:—bronze, from Ireland, 5, 118; gunge, 222 stone, Ireland, 119 ; bronze, Hea- Bull, Rev. W. H., el. F.S.A., 418 ; adm. thery Burn Cave, 131; bronze, Guils- 419 field, 251; bronze, France, 301; flint, Bunning, J. B., ob. noticeof, 392 Westoning, Beds., 350; bronze, Laun- Burgess, Richard, 232 ceston, 360; stone from Sundridge, Burghley, Lord, Seal of, 70 400 Burgmaier, Hans, Triumph of Maximi- Celtic Ornaments from Polden Hill, 312 lian by, 371 Censer found near Church Stretton, 318 Burgundy, Margaret Duchess of, 149 Ceylon, Coins of, 47 Burgundy, Philip Duke of, 148 Challacombe, Devon, Bell at, 410, 411. Burnett, H., comm. Drawings of Anti- Chambers, Robert, on Scotch Kitchen- quities in Herefordshire, 78 middens, 335 Burton, F.W.,el. F.S.A:, 273;adm. 274 Charlemagne, Portrait of, 152 Bury, Talbot, el. F.S.A., 273; adm. 274 Charles I., Badge of, 35 ; Ring given by Bury St. Edmund's, Leaden Cross and him to Sir Philip Warwick, 55; Bene- Seal from, 301 volence asked by, 74 Butler, G.
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