Santa comes to town CHRISTMAS LIGHTS SWITCH-ON WILL STILL TAKE PLACE: PAGE 4 Series 2 No. 8382 Established May 1848 Thursday December 3, 2020 80p BRIEF ING NEWS Langholm store marks 20 years Vaccination roll-out is imminent: NHS chief THE Langholm Co-op is Immunisation of high-priority groups will start next week celebrating 20 years in vaccine distribution from December to business this week. February are frontline health and social This year, like no other, the care staff, older residents in care homes, Glenesk Road store has shown care home staff, all those aged 80 and its worth to the communities. over, unpaid carers and personal assistants and those delivering the vaccination pro - Full story: Page 3 gramme. Those, who meet these criteria, will be SPORT contacted in December and January or, PEOPLE in high-priority groups will if they work in health and social care, Worthwhile trip bags start to be immunised against COVID- by their employer. Ewart 2 winners 19 from as early as next week. After these people have been vaccinated, The government revealed yesterday the advice is that people aged over 65 that 800,000 doses would be available should be next, followed by under 65s to begin with and several million more with additional clinical risk. would be sent from Belgium in the next The wider population will then be vac - few weeks. cinated. Vaccinations will begin with care-home Public health experts say it will likely residents all over the UK and will be be next spring or summer when mass rolled out to other groups in the new vaccination of those not in the most vul - year. Two doses of this particular vaccine nerable groups takes place. Vials with COVID-19 vaccine stickers attached and syringes, with the logo of the University of JAMES Ewart Racing made are needed. Oxford and its partner British pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca. AFP/Justin Tallis a worthwhile trip to Newcastle The programme begins after the UK Doses better place without polio measles and Jim Rowan of Newcastleton said: “Most last Saturday when picking became the first country in the world to However, this depends on how many many other diseases.” definitely. The world is a far healthier up two well-deserved wins. approve the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine doses are available. Katrine Eagleson, also of Langholm, place with the vaccinations available. for widespread use. It is the news everyone has been waiting said: “Any means necessary to get us all Where would we be without them? Prob - Full story: Page 16 MHRA regulator Dr June Raine said for during a very challenging 2020. back on an even keel.” ably in a cemetery somewhere.” "no corners have been cut" in approving The E&L Advertiser asked readers Rachel Atkinson says she doesn’t believe Christine Calvert, who lives in it. whether they would have the vaccine. it will be available to the masses until Langholm, said: “Definitely. We need a Everyone in Scotland over the age of Langholm resident Gavin Graham said: the following year. type of normality back in our lives for 18, that’s 4.4m people, will be offered a “I’m definitely going to get it. The sooner She added: “If I’m offered it, I will everyone’s mental health. We need to be vaccination. It is not mandatory. the better so we can get back to normal. have it but I think we will run out of able to meet family and friends.” The priorities for the first wave of “Vaccinations have made the world a stocks early on.” >Turn to Page 2 Muc kle M erry Chris tmas Online Subscriptions to the E&L Advertiser OUR SPECIAL EIG HT-P AGE SHOP L OCA L SUPPLEMENT :PAGES 9 - 16 Series 2 No . 83 81 Established May 1848 Thursday November 26 , 20 20 www. 80p BRI EFI NG NEWS Happy 400th as town marks chart er 200m high turbines foDeverlop e rtwo pl edges £9 0Eskdale0,000 a year for ne arby csitesommunit ies now available from only £1 per week MOST of us would agr ee tha t View %at at a comfortable armJs length 2020 hasn’ t give n Langhol m and Eskdal e a lot to celebrat e. ........ Luca has global +RS VU LJ Ful l story: Page 3 A new way to read the ‘Langholm Paper’. Published weekly and available to read anytime and NEWS green ambitions The W auchope Photomont age OS reference: 329801 598094 Horizontal #eld of view: 53.5? (planar projection) Camera: Nikon D750 Eye level: 329.3 m AOD Principal distance: 812.5 mm Lens: Nikon 50 mm f1.4 Hops rig Wind Fa rm Viewpoint 1: Kirk Cleuch Hill Wa ders Direction of view: 191? Paper size: 841 mm x 297 mm (half A1) Camera height: 1.5 m AGL Env ironm enta l St at em ent Figure 4.16b(ii) Nearest turbine: 8.74 km Correct printed image size: 820 mm x 260 mm Date and time: 17/09/2016 09:25 January 2017 One of Muirhall Energy’s visuals of Hopsrig windfarm near Langholm. It munit y is making a real di ffer - proposes to increase the blade tip height to 200m and add an extra turbine en ce to res id en ts , ini tia tiv es and THE developer of two wind- The company has announce d pr oj ects such as thr ou gh our farms near Lan gholm wants it s inten tion to incr ease the £100,000 Cro ssdyke s Initial to incre ase the heights of the annual comm unity be nefit pay- Investmen t Fun d last year . turb ines an d ad d an ext ra tur- ment from £5,000 to £7,000 for Community ethos bine to each site. every MegaW att of capa city . CO LD -W ATE R swi mm ing “W ith the propo sed use of next Having recei ved consent for Co mbi ne d wi th the use of mo re may not seem as mad as it generat ion turbine technol ogy anywhere using multiple devices from mobile phone to tablet and laptop. the 12 turbines at Hopsrig and pow erfu l tur bines , th e tot al fu nds looks as these swim mers in an d the stro ng co mmu ni ty eth os ei gh t at Loga nhe ad in 2019 , on of fer to or ganisati ons in the of our com pa ny , we wi ll inc re as e the Wauchope Water in Muirhall Ener gy is looking to ar ea wou ld ju mp from £3 00, 000 Langhol m can testi fy . the comm unity benefi t to an raise the tip hei ghts to 200m to £900,000 ea ch year . industry-lea ding £7, 000 a for all th e tur bin es and in tro duc e Chris Walker , managi ng meg aw att , ins tea d of th e indu st ry Full story: Pa ge 20 an ext ra turbine to each sit e, dir ector , sai d: “T he new Hops rig standard £5,000. Luca Skelton has written to Dumfries and Gallow ay bringing the generati ng capaci ty and Loganhe ad propos als are a “Thi s of fe rs communitie s the Council about recycling in h is home tow n SPORT fo r ea ch win dfa rm to mo re tha n nat ural progre ssi on aft er th e potenti al to benefit from Rugby ban frust ra tin g “WHEN I grow up , I want Ham ilt on, Annand ale Eas t 50MW . establi shm ent of Crossdykes. £900,000 a yea r across the two to be a cleaner and and Eskdale ward off icer at This take s the threshold for “Muirhall is excited to ma x- project s. appli cations out of the juri sdi c- but unders tandable ” Dumfries and Gall oway imi se the re newables potentia l “This is an exc iting tim e for ‘clean the w orld’. tion of Dumfries and Gal loway of this area for landowners, the Five year-o ld Luca Coun cil, to ask for his help all involved and we look forward Council and me ans the Scot tish communi ties and as a furt her to building on our strong com- Skelton , a pup il at with Lan gholm’ s recycl ing. WHAT A GREAT IDEA FOR A CHRISTMAS GIFT FOR YOU FAR FLUNG FRIENDS AND RELATIVES governme nt’ s Ener gy Consents contrib ution tow ards achie ving mun ity rel ation shi ps as we work Lan gholm Primary Scho ol, Th ey cur re ntl y ta ke al l the ir Unit will cons ider the propos- the net zero carbon econom y to del iver these projec ts.” - !! has bi g green amb itions. pla stic and cardb oard to als. which is so cruc ial for us all .” John Galloway , chairm an of Luca and hi s mum, Lon gtown. Scopin g Jason Morin, pro ject mana ger , La ng hol m, Ewe s and Wes te rk ir k Gemma , have been fo llow- Gemma said: “Lu ck ily , we ad ded: “Muirha ll Ener gy has com muni ty coun cil, sai d: “Th is Muirhall has begun scop ing formed a positive relat ionship ing the Wild Eskdale know someon e who works on the two Section 36 applic a- was advised, I believe , in NO CO MP ETITI VE rugby wee kly packs and taking with Stuart’ s wife so this with many reside nts and or gan- Fe bru ary that Muir ha ll in te nde d tions to vary the planni ng con- isatio ns in Annandale and wi ll be pla ye d by cl ub s or part in the John Muir letter has been hand- sents for the windfa rms whi ch to alter this deve lopment when Eskdale afte r the construct ion Jason Morin attende d our sc ho ol s fo r the re st of th e awa rd.
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