List of educational resources The lists of free websites are formed by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. To add / edit the name / address, contact the Ministry. Websites for schools, educational portals and other 1 AIS Bilimal https://bilimal.kz 2 Online school of English and Kazakh languages https://school.qlang.kz/ https://kundelik.kz 3 AIS KUNDELIK.KZ https://portal.kundelik.kz www.bk-astana.kz platon.aatk.kz:8080 Platonus.kaz-tek.kz 4 Platonus внешний внутренний https://platonus.kz http://online-kstc.kz/ https://tkst.platonus.kz/ http://tatk.platonus.kz https://zhamk.platonus.kz/ https://tkam.platonus.kz http://tkpint.platonus.kz https://egek.platonus.kz/ http://mcoll-tald.kz/ http://turmed.kz http://aktobeagk.c-platonus.kz http://tkpk.platonus.kz 5 Platonus College http://bstk.platonus.kz http://kptk.platonus.kz/ http://Zhvgtk.Platonus.Kz http://aek.platonus.kz http://Platoncs.kgu.kz http://aksib-edu.kz/ https://ukvh.platonus.kz/ https://kkk.platonus.kz/ http://acce.c-platonus.kz http://hmc-astana.kz http://ashk.c-platonus.kz 1 https://bilimland.kz https://onlinemektep.org 6 OnlineMektep https://itest.kz https://imektep.kz https://twig-bilim.kz 7 SmartNation https://college.snation.kz/ 8 UNT preparation platform with adaptive learning https://joo.kz 9 VICON http://vicon.kz 10 Distance learning and testing system http://college.sdot.kz 11 MSE on the REM Pavlodar Technological College http://gpptk.kz 12 https://mektep.edu.kz https://mektep.edu.kz 13 https://bilimland.kz/kk https://bilimland.kz/kk 14 https://itest.kz/ru https://itest.kz/ru 15 https://twig-bilim.kz/ru https://twig-bilim.kz/ru 16 https://imektep.kz/kz https://imektep.kz/kz 17 https://snation.kz https://snation.kz 18 https://daryn.online https://daryn.online 19 College of Service and Tourism http://collegeetspp.kz 20 Bilge Mektebi Distance Learning Project https://bilgen.academy 21 Zerek College MPI Specialized boarding school-College of the 22 Olympic Reserve MSE on the REM Higher Pedagogical College 23 http://platonus.ped-kollege.kz/ named after B. Akhmetov MPI Specialized boarding school-College of the 24 Olympic Reserve 2 25 Univer 2.0 Information and Software Package https://univer.kaznu.kz/user/login?ReturnUrl=%2f 26 Paragraph BILIM http://Blm.kz 27 EDUS E-school https://mektep.edu.kz 28 Opiq.kz https://opiq.kz/ College of Kazakh University of Technology and 29 http://qutb.kz Business JSC https://fnn.kz/main/index 30 El Umiti online development platform https://elumiti.fnn.kz/main/index 31 national e-service portal Mail.KZ Higher and postgraduate education Academy of Public Administration under the 32 http://platonus.apa.kz/ President of the Republic of Kazakhstan 33 Civil Aviation Academy http://do.agakaz.kz/ 34 Akmeshit Humanitarian and Technical Institute 35 Zhezkazgan University named after О.А.Baikonurov Kazakh National Academy of Arts named after T. 36 http://platonus.kaznai.kz/ Zhurgenov 37 Kazakh National Agrarian University http://es.kaznau.kz/ 38 Kazakhstan Innovation University 39 Kazakhstan Maritime University 40 Kazakh-American Free University http://platon.kafu.kz/ 41 State Medical University of Karaganda http://platon.kgmu.kz/ 42 State Pedagogical University of Kostanay http://acse.kspi.kz/ 43 Regional Social and Innovative University http://www.platonus.rsiu.kz/ 44 State Pedagogical University of Taraz 45 Taraz State University named after M.Kh. Dulati 46 Innovative Humanitarian University of Taraz 47 Astana IT University LLP University of Foreign Languages and Business 48 http://platonus.ydu.kz/ Career 49 Central Asian University http://platonus.cau.kz/ 50 Central Kazakhstan Academy 51 South Kazakhstan State Pedagogical University 3 52 Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz http://keu.kz 53 South Kazakhstan Pedagogical University http://univer.okmpu.kz www.satbayev.university Kazakh National Research Technical University 54 named after K.I.Satpayev http://polytechonline.kz http://dis.kaznmu.kz Kazakh National Medical University named after 55 S.D. Asfendiyarov http://do.kaznmu.kz http://sirius.kaznmu.kz Kazakh National Pedagogical University named 56 https://kaznpu.kz/kz/ after Abai http://conservatoire.kz Kazakh National Conservatory named after 57 Kurmangazy 58 Caspian Public University https://caspidot.kz/ 59 Eurasian Humanities Institute http://student.zhgu.edu.kz:8057/login http://prepod.zhgu.edu.kz:8056/login http://student.zhgu.edu.kz:8060 60 Zhetysu University named after I. Zhansugurov http://student.zhgu.edu.kz:8065 http://dot.zhgu.edu.kz http://library.zhgu.edu.kz/lib https://zhgu.edu.kz,http://zhgu.edu.kz 61 Astana International University 62 Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University https://univer.kazmkpu.kz/user/login?ReturnUrl=%2f 63 Kazakh National University named after al-Farabi https://univer.kaznu.kz/user/login?ReturnUrl=%2f http://www.online-testing.kz 64 Kazakhstan Innovation Academy 65 Pavlodar University named after S.Toraigyrov https://dot.psu.kz/ http://do.pspu.kz 66 Pedagogical University of Pavlodar http://platon.pspu.kz 67 Innovative Eurasian University https://cdo.ineu.kz/ Ekibastuz Engineering and Technical Institute 68 http://e.eiti.kz named after K.I.Satpayev 4 moodle.nkzu.kz bigbluebutton.nkzu.kz North Kazakhstan University named after M. 69 proctor.nkzu.kz Kozybaev nkzu.kz do.nkzu.kz http://univer.yu.edu.kz Caspian University of Technology and Engineering 70 named after Sh.Yesenov http://canvas.yu.edu.kz International Kazakh-Turkish University named after 71 https://ayu.edu.kz Kh.A. Yassawi 72 Syrdariya University http://platon.sirdariya.kz/ East Kazakhstan University named after Sarsen 73 http://vkgu.kz Amanzholov http://asu.ukgu.kz http://portal.ukgu.kz South Kazakhstan University named after M. 74 http://sde.sksu.kz Auezov http://sdo.ukgu.kz http://sksu.kz 75 South Kazakhstan Medical Academy http://platonus.ukma.kz https://univer.kstu.kz 76 Technical University of Karaganda http://edu.kstu.kz/ http://test-bbb.ksu.kz http://ksu.kz http://idl.ksu.kz http://sed.ksu.kz Karaganda University named after academician E.A. 77 Buketov http://bb.ksu.kz http://meet.ksu.kz http://web-testing.ksu.kz http://mail.ksu.kz https://keyps.semeymedicaluniversity.kz/ 78 Medical University of Semey https://platonus.semeymedicaluniversity.kz/ http://www.qmu.kz/ru http://platon.kgmu.kz/ 79 Medical University of Karaganda http://moodle.kgmu.kz/moodle/login/index.php http://session.kgmu.kz/ http://sp.kgmu.kz 80 Kyzylorda University named after Korkyt Ata http://platonus.korkyt.kz/ 5 Kokshetau State University named after Sh. 81 http://platonus.kgu.kz/ Ualikhanov http://ims.ablaikhan.kz http://portal.ablaikhan.kz Kazakh University of International Relations and 82 World Languages named after Ablai Khan http://bbb.ablaikhan.kz http://ablaikhan.kz 83 Egyptian University of Islamic Culture Nur-Mubarak http://nmu.kz https://msi-edu.kz/ 84 Mardan Saparbayev Institute https://platonus.msi-edu.kz/ 85 Bolashaq Academy http://kubolashak.kz 86 University named after S. Demirel https://moodle.sdu.edu.kz 87 International Humanitarian and Technical University 88 Baishev University vuzbaishev.kz http://edo.ksph.kz:9090/ 89 Kazakhstan Medical University "VSHOZ" https://newmoodle.ksph.kz 90 Kazakh University of Railway Engineering https://kuwc.kz/ru/main/ http://tamos.kuam.kz/ Kokshetau University named after Abay 91 Myrzakhmetov http://do.kuam.kz/ http://ais.semuniver.kz 92 Kazakh Humanitarian Law Innovative University http://edu.semuniver.kz https://Moodle.uib.kz http://quiz.uib.kz 93 University of International Business https://bitrix24.uib.kz https://uib.kz http://portal.kipudn.kz:8080 Peoples' Friendship University named after 94 academician A. Kuatbekov http://isudo.kipudn.kz 95 Eurasian Technological University http://etu.edu.kz 96 Silkway International University http://swiu.kz Kazakhstan Engineering and Technological 97 https://kazetu.kz/ University 6 98 Kazakh University of Technology and Business https://dl.iitu.kz 99 International University of Information Technology https://www.iitu.kz https://campus.iitu.kz http://el2019.kimep.kz 100 KIMEP University http://my.kimep.kz 101 Kazakh Medical University of Continuing Education http://www.kazmuno.kz 102 Kainar Academy http://kainar-kazuniver.kz 103 Kazakh-Russian Medical University http://moodle.medkrmu.kz http://canvas.turan-edu.kz http://connect.turan-edu.kz http://online.turan-edu.kz http://platonus.turan-edu.kz http://mooc.turan-edu.kz 104 Turan University http://proctor.turan-edu.kz http://lib.turan-edu.kz http://e-lib.turan-edu.kz http://asu.turan-edu.kz http://portal.turan-edu.kz 105 International Education Corporation http://elearning.kazgasa.kz http://platonus.kazatk.kz http://do.kazatk.kz Kazakh Academy of Transport and Communications 106 http://kabis.kazatk.kz named after M. Tynyshpayev http://www.kazatk.kz http://www.qazatk.kz http://sis-pprd- xess2.narxoz.kz:8080/StudentSSB/ssb/studentProfile 107 Narxoz University https://narxoz.online/ 108 Kazakh Academy of Sports and Tourism 109 Almaty University of Energy and Communications http://edu2.aues.kz 7 110 Almaty Technological University https://univer.atu.kz/ Kostanay Engineering and Economic University 111 http://kineu.kz named after M.
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