ACCENTS 4 GROUND COVERS 20 YUCCA 12 OTHER ORNAMENTALS 16 PERENNIALS 24 SHRUBS 30 TREES 48 VINES 66 DESCRIPTIONS + CARE GUIDE 70 The City of Palm Desert would like to thank the following individuals and organizations for their assistance in the development of the Desert Flora Landscape Maintenance Series. Ron Gregory and Associates, Landscape Architects Ray Lopez, Landscape Architect Phil Furnari, California Desert Nursery Chuck Hendrix, California Nursery Al Hollinger, Steven Burt & Associates Mt. States Wholesale Nursery city of palm desert landscape maintenance guide 3 desert flora PALETTE : ACCENTS NOTES 1. Agave americana 2. Agave bovicornuta 3. Agave deserti 4. Agave desmettiana 5. Agave geminiflora 6. Agave parryi 7. Agave victoriae-reginae 8. Agave vilmoriniana 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 4 city of palm desert landscape maintenance guide 5 desert flora PALETTE : ACCENTS NOTES 1. Aloe barbadensis 2. Aloe variegata 3. Carnegiea gigantea 4. Cereus peruvianus 5. Echinocactus grusonii 2 1 3 4 5 6 city of palm desert landscape maintenance guide 7 desert flora PALETTE : ACCENTS NOTES 1. Cereus hildmannianus 2. Ferocactus acanthodes 3. Ferocactus wislizenii 4. Opuntia basilaris 5. Opuntia bigelovii 6. Opuntia engelmanii 7. Opuntia ficus-indica 2 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 city of palm desert landscape maintenance guide 9 desert flora PALETTE : ACCENTS NOTES 1. Opuntia microdasys 2. Opuntia violea “Santa-Rita” 3. Fouquieria splendens 1 2 3 10 city of palm desert landscape maintenance guide 11 desert flora PALETTE : YUCCA NOTES 1. Hesperaloe parviflora 2. Yucca baccata 3. Yucca elata 4. Yucca gloriosa 5. Yucca recurvifolia 6 Yucca rigida 1 2 3 4 5 6 12 city of palm desert landscape maintenance guide 13 desert flora PALETTE : YUCCA NOTES 1. Yucca whipplei 1 14 city of palm desert landscape maintenance guide 15 desert flora PALETTE : OTHER ORNAMENTALS NOTES 1. Asclepias subulata 2. Beaucarnia recurvata 3. Cycas revoluta 4. Dasylirion longissima 5. Dasylirion wheeleri 6. Euphorbia milli 1 2 3 4 5 6 16 city of palm desert landscape maintenance guide 17 desert flora PALETTE : OTHER ORNAMENTALS NOTES 1. Nolina bigelovii 2. Nolina microcarpa 3. Portulacaria afra 4. Stipa tenuissima 1 2 3 4 18 city of palm desert landscape maintenance guide 19 desert flora PALETTE : GROUND COVERS NOTES 1. Acacia redolens-’Desert Carpet’™ 2. Chrysactinia mexicana 3. Convolvulus cneorum 4. Dalea capitata Sierra Gold™ 5. Dalea greggii 6. Lantana montevidensis 7. Lantana camara vars. ‘New Gold’ 1 2 3 4 6 5 7 20 city of palm desert landscape maintenance guide 21 desert flora PALETTE : GROUND COVERS NOTES 1. Liriope spp. 2. Ruellia brittoniana ‘Katie’ 3. Salvia chamaedryoides 4. Verbena spp. 5. Wedelia trilobata 1 2 3 4 5 22 city of palm desert landscape maintenance guide 23 desert flora PALETTE : PERENNIALS NOTES 1. Abronia villosa 2. Baileya multiradiata 3. Berlandiera lyrata 4. Calylophus hartwegii 5. Coreopsis lanceolata 6. Eriogonum fasciculatum v. poliofolium 1 2 3 4 5 6 24 city of palm desert landscape maintenance guide 25 desert flora PALETTE : PERENNIALS NOTES 1. Dyssodia pentachaeta 2. Eschscholzia californica 3. Hymenoxys acaulis 4. Lavandula angustifolia 5. Melampodium leucanthum 6. Oenothera berlandieri 7. Oenothera caespitosa 1 2 3 4 6 5 7 26 city of palm desert landscape maintenance guide 27 desert flora PALETTE : PERENNIALS NOTES 1. Penstemon eatonii 2. Penstemon superbus 3. Psilotrophe cooperi 4. Sphaeralcea ambigua 5. Tagetes lemonii 6. Zephyranthes grandiflora 7. Zinnia grandiflora 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 28 city of palm desert landscape maintenance guide 29 desert flora PALETTE : SHRUBS NOTES 1. Ambrosia deltoidea 2. Ambrosia dumosa 3. Atriplex canescens 4. Atriplex lentiformis 5. Baccharis x ‘Thompson’™ 6. Bougainvillea spp. 7. Buddleia marrubifolia 1 2 4 3 5 6 7 30 city of palm desert landscape maintenance guide 31 desert flora PALETTE : SHRUBS NOTES 1. Caelsalpinia gilliesii 2. Caesalpina pulcherrima 3. Calliandra californica 4. Calliandra eriophylla 5. Callistemon viminalis ‘Little John’ 6. Chrysothamnus nauseosus 7. Cistus purpurea 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 32 city of palm desert landscape maintenance guide 33 desert flora PALETTE : SHRUBS NOTES 1. Cocculus laurifolius 2. Cordia boissieri 3. Cordia parviflora 4. Cuphea llavea 5. Dalea bicolor 6. Dalea frutescens ‘Sierra Negra’ 7. Dalea pulchra 2 1 3 4 5 6 7 34 city of palm desert landscape maintenance guide 35 desert flora PALETTE : SHRUBS NOTES 1. Dodonaea viscosa 2. Encelia farinosa 3. Eremophilla maculata ‘Valentine’ 4. Ericarmeria laricifolia 5. Fallugia paradoxa 2 1 3 4 5 36 city of palm desert landscape maintenance guide 37 desert flora PALETTE : SHRUBS NOTES 1. Gardenia jasminoides ‘Mystery’ 2. Gossypium harknessii 3. Hyptis emoryii 4. Ixora coccinea 5. Justicia californica 6. Justicia spicigera 2 1 3 4 5 6 38 city of palm desert landscape maintenance guide 39 desert flora PALETTE : SHRUBS NOTES 1. Larrea tridentata 2. Leucophyllum candidum ‘Thundercloud’™ 3. Leucophyllum frutescens 4. Leucophyllum langmaniae-Rio Bravo™ 5. Leucophyllum laevigatum 6. Leucophyllum pruinosum-’Sierra Bouquet’ 7. Leucophyllum zygophyllum ‘Cimarron’™ 1 2 3 4 5 7 6 40 city of palm desert landscape maintenance guide 41 desert flora PALETTE : SHRUBS NOTES 1. Malpighia glabra 2. Maytenus phyllanthoides 3. Myrtus communis ‘Compacta’ 4. Perovskia atriplicifolia 5. Rhus ovata 6. Rosmarinus officinalis 7. Ruellia peninsularis 8. Salvia clevelandii 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 42 city of palm desert landscape maintenance guide 43 desert flora PALETTE : SHRUBS NOTES 1. Russelia equisetiformis 2. Salvia greggii Sierra Linda™ 3. Salvia leucantha 4. Senna artemisioides 5. Senna nemophila 6. Simmondsia chinensis 2 1 3 4 6 5 44 city of palm desert landscape maintenance guide 45 desert flora PALETTE : SHRUBS NOTES 1. Tecoma stans 2. Tecoma x ‘Orange Jubilee’™ 3. Tecoma x ‘Sunrise’ 4. Thevetia peruviana 5. Vitex angus-castus 6. Xylosma congestum 1 2 3 4 5 6 46 city of palm desert landscape maintenance guide 47 desert flora PALETTE : TREES NOTES 1. Acacia anuera 2. Acacia craspedocarpa 3. Acacia salicina 4. Acacia saligna 5. Acacia smallii 1 2 4 3 5 48 city of palm desert landscape maintenance guide 49 desert flora PALETTE : TREES NOTES 1. Acacia stenophylla 2. Acacia willardiana 3. Albizia julibrissin 4. Bauhinia purpurea 5. Brahea armata 6. Butia capitata 2 1 3 5 4 6 50 city of palm desert landscape maintenance guide 51 desert flora PALETTE : TREES NOTES 1. Caesalpinea cacalaco 2. Callistemon viminalis 3. Cercidium floridum 4. Cercidium hybrid-Desert Museum 5. Cercidium praecox 6. Chamerops humillis 7. Chilopsis linearis 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 52 city of palm desert landscape maintenance guide 53 desert flora PALETTE : TREES NOTES 1. Chitalpa tashkentensis 2. Chorizia speciosa 3. Citrus spp. 4. Dalbergia sissoo 5. Dalea spinosa 1 2 3 4 5 54 city of palm desert landscape maintenance guide 55 desert flora PALETTE : TREES NOTES 1. Eysenhardtia texana 2. Fraxinus uhdei 3. Fraxinus velutina 4. Koelreuteria bipinnata 5. Lagerstroemia indica 6. Lysiloma microphylla 1 2 4 3 5 6 56 city of palm desert landscape maintenance guide 57 desert flora PALETTE : TREES NOTES 1. Melaleuca quinquenervia 2. Olea europaea-Swan Hill 3. Olneya tesota 4. Phoenix dactylifera 5. Pinus canariensis 2 1 3 4 5 58 city of palm desert landscape maintenance guide 59 desert flora PALETTE : TREES NOTES 1. Pinus eldarica 2. Pinus pinea 3. Pistacia chinensis 4. Pithecellobium flexicaule 5. Pithecellobium mexicanum 2 1 3 4 5 60 city of palm desert landscape maintenance guide 61 desert flora PALETTE : TREES NOTES 1. Prosopis glandulosa 2. Quercus agrifolia 3. Quercus ilex 4. Quercus virginiana 5. Sophora secundiflora 1 2 3 4 5 62 city of palm desert landscape maintenance guide 63 desert flora PALETTE : TREES NOTES 1. Tipuana tipu 2. Ulmus parvifolia ‘Drake’ 3. Washingtonia filifera 4. Washingtonia robusta 1 2 3 4 64 city of palm desert landscape maintenance guide 65 desert flora PALETTE : VINES NOTES 1. Antigonon leptopus 2. Bignonia capreolata 3. Bougainvillea spp. 4. Campsis radicans 5. Distictis x ‘Rivers’ 6. Gelsemium sempervirens 7. Grewia occidentalis 8. Lonicera japonica 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 66 city of palm desert landscape maintenance guide 67 desert flora PALETTE : VINES NOTES 1. Macfadyena unguis-cati 2. Merremia aurea 3. Podranea ricasoliana 4. Pyrostegia venusta 5. Rosa banksiae 6. Tecomaria capensis 7. Trachelospermum jasminoides 8. Vigna caracalla 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 68 city of palm desert landscape maintenance guide 69 NAME COMMON NAME GROWTH RATE HEIGHT WIDTH SPACING FROST TOLERANCE WATER NEEDS COMMENTS OR REMARKS desert flora PALETTE ACCENTS AGAVE Page 4 Photo 1 Agave americana Century Plant Rapid 5’ - 6’ 5’ - 6’ — 30 F Low Good as background or accent plant. This agave is a familiar plant in desert landscapes. It has very stiff grey/green leaves that are wide with recurved teeth along the margins. It is a rapid growing plant. It prefers soil with good drainage. It is susceptible to the agave weevil which will devour the roots, and base of this plant. Water needs are low. Do not overwater!!! Page 4 Photo 2 Agave bovicornuta Cowshorn Agave Rapid 3’ - 4’ 3’ - 4’ — 35 F Low As mentioned by various sources, this agave is one of the most ornamental and decorative of the agaves. It has dark green stiff leaves with brown teeth along the margins. It does well in pots as well as in soil. It produces a flower stalk towards the end of its life with offsets to take over when the main plant dies. It can be damaged by frost. Page 4 Photo 3 Agave deserti Desert Agave Moderate 18” - 24” 18” - 24” — 15 F Low This agave is found growing in groups on dry, gravel slopes, and near washes. It has stiff blue grey leaves with toothed margins. It sends up a flower stalk after several years producing a yelllow flower at the end of this stalk.
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