DISTRICT LA BREA 101 So. La Brea Avenue ■ Los Angeles, CA CREATIVE OFFICE SPACE AVAILABLE FOR LEASE Located within the center of Los Angeles, La Brea represents a 90,000 square-foot adaptive re-use development project situated between 1st and 2nd Streets along La Brea Avenue. The property was designed to compliment an eclectic mix of emerging regional and local re- tail, dining and creative companies that would capitalize off of nearby successful models such as Robertson Boulevard, 3rd Street and Melrose Avenue. Over the past two years, the project has undergone signifi cant improvements, highlighting each building’s unique characteristics, including wood truss ceilings, exposed brick and steel beams. Today, La Brea home to a host a complementary mix of creative offi ce users, retail and dining. Brandton K. Leitze Madison Marquette 323.602.5316 Offi ce [email protected] CRE License # 01909390 SPACE A1c BLDG A OFFICE No. of Floors 1; Ground Floor 3,905 S.F. G.L.A. Sq. Ft. 3,905 51’-6” Approx. Ht. 15’ - 2” 99’-8” No. of Floors 1; Ground Floor Sq. Ft. 2,160 Approx. Ht. 26’ 2 Lease Plan Office Space Retail/Restaurant Space Space Legend Space Tenant Sq Ft Space Tenant Sq Ft Space Tenant Sq Ft Restaurant A1c Available 3,905 A1 Sugar Fish 1,498 E2 Leased 3,423 Office B1a Available 2,771 A1a Bonobos 500 F1 What Goes Around Comes Around 3,300 Troika 24,919 A1b GANT 2,600 B2 Retail B3 F2 Shelter Half 4,188 Renewable B1a Undefeated 1,478 B3 Parking Resources Group 5,171 F3a Garrett Leight 1,233 C1 Leased 7,439 D2 Available 2,150 In Lease Negotiations/ G1&2 A+R 2,219 D1 Steven Alan 1,491 Discussions F3b Standard Time 2,130 G3 Kelly Cole 660 Available D2 Odys & Penelope 4,156 G4 Available 597 E1 Sycamore Kitchen 1,800 B2 Not a Part Not a Part G4G3 G2 G1F3b F3a F2 F1 E2E1 D2 D1 C1 B1aB1a A1b A1a A1c A1 Curbside Valet Parking Attendant La Brea Avenue 3 Tenant Summaries SPACED1 SPACEE1 SPACEF1 Steven Alan Sycamore Kitchen What Goes Around Comes Around > The launch of Steven Alan’s fi rst collec on in > Quinn and Karen Ha ield, the owners behind > What Goes Around Comes Around is a NYC-based 1999, including his now-signature Reverse Seam Ha ield’s on Melrose Avenue, opened Sycamore vintage lifestyle brand. A modern take on a vin- Shirt, created a loyal following for Steven’s unique Kitchen, a bakery café, in the summer of 2012 tage lifestyle – with a rock ‘n roll edge. brand of casual, smart, self-assured essen als for > The restaurant emphasizes an in-house bakery > WGACA’s crea ve hubs house one of the most both men and women. and serves breakfast, lunch and dinner as well as extensive vintage clothing and tex le libraries in > Steven now sells his collec ons at six eponymous to-go dishes the world. New York stores, and in 2008 introduced three lo- > Menu items pastries such as chocolate babka > Vintage afi cionados from across the globe, edi- ca ons in Southern California. muffi ns, salted caramel pecan rolls, brown but- tors, stylists and the industry’s top designers > The Steven Alan Collec on also reaches a glob- ter and sour cherry scones, lemon polenta cake, frequent WGACA to delve into its world-famous al audience, and is now sold in over 300 stores brioche fri ers, oatmeal stout gingerbread loaf, collec on. worldwide. whole grain quinoa muffi ns, fresh fruit crostatas > Crea ng a mini-fashion world grounded in classic and gale es, cookies and bars. American roots—fashioned with a twist” 4 Tenant Summaries SPACEF3a SPACEG1 SPACEG3 Garrett Leight A+R Kelly Cole > Garre Leight California Op cal was created in > A+R is Bri sh ex-pat Andy Griffi th, a former fi lm > The Kelly Cole brand is a lifestyle brand in mo on: 2010 and is fueled by a group of young, passion- editor and self-avowed design junkie, and Rose an improvisa on of crea vity and commerce, ate purveyors of eyewear, dedicated to crea ng Apodaca, a pop culture and style journalist striving to bring forward a constantly evolving classic design by combining perfect cra sman- > In late 2005, they opened a ny shop in the heart product line of apparel, art, furniture, and ac- ship with meless aesthe cs. of the Los Angeles crea ve enclave known as Sil- cessories. O en using truly recycled vintage ele- > Garre opened his fi rst retail store in Venice ver Lake, keen on sharing their excitement for ments, all products are made in the USA in the Beach in 2009. Off ering a unique assortment of great new design with anyone who would listen. great tradi on of classic American brands. hand selected goods from all over the world in- > They followed up a year later with their online > The Flagship, Kelly Cole Extraordinarium, is locat- cluding vintage and contemporary eyeglasses, store. And in fall 2007, they moved their store to ed at 7934 West 3rd St. in Los Angeles and carries footwear, apparel, books & music - this store was Abbot Kinney in Venice, CA the Kelly Cole line, as well as a huge inventory of the fi rst of its kind, combining the knowledge and hand-picked vintage items: perfectly distressed service of licensed op cians with the assortment > They love talking about the designers they fi nd lo- blank t-shirts, music tour shirts, boots, jewelry, and style sense of a fashion bou que. cally and from afar, because it only goes to show denim, leather jackets, and more. that this brilliant and bold community is not so > Garret Leight is commi ed to sourcing the best much dis nguished by geographic or cultural > As a DJ, Venue Creator, Designer, and Actor, Kelly materials in the world including hinges, plaques, boundaries but bound by the pursuit of aesthet- Cole is a lifelong veteran of the Entertainment, acetates, CR-30 lenses, glass lenses, polarized ics and innova ve ideas. Fashion, and Art worlds, and a pioneer in the lenses and an -refl ec ve coa ngs. event industry. 5 Tenant Summaries SPACEA1a SPACEA1b SPACEA1c SUGARFISH Bonobos GANT > SUGARFISH embodies the philosophy of celebrat- > Bonobos is an e-commerce-driven apparel com- > GANT is a Swedish luxury clothing brand of Amer- ed sushi chef Kazunori Nozawa, wellknown for his pany headquartered in New York City that designs ican heritage launched in New Haven in 1949 Trust Me-style sushi—a take-off from the tradi- and sells men’s clothing. Bonobos off ers a full line > GANT’s products are available from retailers and onal Japanese omakase. of pants, suits, denim, shirts, shorts, swim and at signature GANT stores throughout the world, outerwear. > Nozawa concentrates on the purity of basic in- off ering clothing for men, women, boys, girls and gredients—nurturing rela onships with the fi nest > In 2012, Bonobos’ business model extended of- babies. Home, Time, Fragrance, Footwear, Under- fi sh purveyors across the globe, cu ng his fi sh fl ine with the launch of their e-commerce stores wear and Eyewear licenses are also incorporated with an ar san’s painstaking care, and even mak- called “Guideshops” as well as a partnership with under the GANT brand name ing his own fresh soy and ponzu sauces. Nordstrom. > In addi on to opening at District La Brea, GANT’s > Serving legendary food with quality and effi cien- > Bonobos was named “One of America’s Ho est other notable loca ons include: Abbo Kinney, cy, SUGARFISH defi es the conven onal wisdom of Brands” by Adver sing Age, “Best Men’s Pants” San Francisco, Chicago, Boston, South Florida and tradi onal sushi places featuring only the highest by New York Magazine, one of Inc. Magazine’s mul ple loca ons in New York, including one on quality items on a simplifi ed scale. “20 Awesome Facebook Pages”, and was awarded 5th Avenue. Crain’s New York Business “Best Places to Work in New York City”. 6 Tenant Summaries SPACEB1a SPACEB2 SPACEB3 Undefeated Troika Renewable Resource Group > A California based store with a loca ons in Los > Troika is an award-winning brand consultancy and > Renewable Resources Group Holding Company, Angeles, Silver Lake, Santa Monica, San Francisco, crea ve agency specializing in entertainment me- Inc. provides environmental advisory services. Las Vegas and Tokyo and Shizuoka, Japan. “Un- dia. > It off ers project development and strategic advi- d d” which is short for Undefeated, also have a > Some of their high profi le clients include ESPN, sory services rela ng to various aspects of sus- very popular clothing line. Food Network, NBC Sports, Discovery Channel, tainable and renewable power and water; and al- > Undefeated is well known in the sneaker shoe Time Warner Cable Sports and Ford. terna ve fuel transporta on, including fi nancing, world for their exclusives done with Nike and Adi- > They are currently located in Hollywood and permi ng, and regulatory and poli cal issues. das. would be moving their corporate headquarters to > Renewable Resources Group Holding Company, La Brea in fall of 2013. Inc. was founded in 2003 and is based in Los An- > More informa on about the tenant can be found geles, California. at www.troika.tv. 7.
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