TheThe Ministry Ministry of of Education Education presents presents brief brief highlights highlights of of the the reforms reforms and and measures measures taken taken in in 2015-2016 2015-2016 academicacademic year year in orderin order to applyto apply modern modern governance governance model model in education,in education, increase increase quality quality of education,of education, improveimprove staffstaff skillsskills andand competence,competence, ensureensure transparencytransparency andand fulfillfulfill otherother tasks.tasks. • Under• Under President President Ilham Ilham Aliyev`s Aliyev`s Order Order “To “Togrant grant presidential presidential stipends stipends to students to students who who entered entered higher higher educationeducation institutions institutions in the in Republicthe Republic of Azerbaijan of Azerbaijan in 2015-2016 in 2015-2016 academic academic year”, year”, students students who whogave gave the bestthe best performance at entrance exams were awarded presidential stipends. • •Under Under President President Ilham Ilham Aliyev`s Aliyev`s Order, Order, a agroup group of of education education workers workers were were awarded awarded “Merited “Merited Teacher” Teacher” title title on the eve of October 5 – International Teachers` Day. •• InIn accordanceaccordance withwith thethe President`sPresident`s Order,Order, aa groupgroup ofof educationeducation workersworkers werewere awardedawarded “Taraggi”“Taraggi” medalsmedals onon thethe eveeve ofof OctoberOctober 55 –– InternationalInternational Teachers`Teachers` Day.Day. • Under• Under the order the order of the of President the President of the of Republic the Republic of Azerbaijan, of Azerbaijan, Azerbaijan Azerbaijan Teachers` Teachers` Institute Institute was was incorporatedincorporated intointo AzerbaijanAzerbaijan StateState PedagogicalPedagogical University.University. •• UnderUnder PresidentPresident IlhamIlham Aliyev`sAliyev`s orders,orders, 5050 secondarysecondary schools,schools, whichwhich succeededsucceeded inin “Best“Best secondarysecondary school”school” competition,competition, received received 10,000 10,000 manats manats each, each, and and 100 100 teachers, teachers, who who won won “Best “Best teacher” teacher” competition, competition, received received 5,000 5,000 manats each. • Under• Under President President Ilham Ilham Aliyev`s Aliyev`s order, order, monthly monthly average average wage wage (tariff) (tariff) of workersof workers at stateat state budget-funded budget-funded education institutions (except for higher education institutions) was increased 10 per cent from February 1, 2016. •• PresidentPresident ofof thethe RepublicRepublic ofof AzerbaijanAzerbaijan orderedordered toto increaseincrease –– byby 1010 perper centcent –– stipendsstipends ofof doctoraldoctoral studentsstudents and students and pupils of higher, secondary and vocational education institutions from February 1, 2016. •• UnderUnder PresidentPresident IlhamIlham Aliyev`sAliyev`s order,order, onon thethe occasionoccasion ofof thethe InternationalInternational Women`sWomen`s DayDay aa groupgroup ofof womenwomen were decorated with honorary titles for their outstanding role in the country`s education, healthcare and culture. •• PresidentPresident IlhamIlham AliyevAliyev signedsigned aa decreedecree approvingapproving aa newnew compositioncomposition ofof thethe StateState CommitteeCommittee forfor thethe AwardAward inin thethe fieldsfields ofof science,science, technology,technology, architecture,architecture, cultureculture andand literature.literature. • Under• Under the the President`s President`s order, order, monthly monthly wages wages of of teachers teachers at at state state secondary secondary education education institutions, institutions, whose whose knowledge and skills were evaluated, will be increased 10 per cent on average from April 1, 2016. • Under• Under the the presidential presidential decree, decree, State State Vocational Vocational Education Education Agency Agency was was established established under under the the Ministry Ministry of of EducationEducation with with the theaim aim of increasingof increasing effectiveness effectiveness of professionalof professional training training and and preparing preparing competitive competitive and and skilled skilled specialists in the field of primary vocational education. • •On On Knowledge Knowledge Day, Day, President President Ilham Ilham Aliyev Aliyev inspected inspected repair repair and and reconstruction reconstruction work work at at secondary secondary school school No. 148 in Sabunchu, Baku. • President• President Ilham Ilham Aliyev Aliyev attended attended the the opening opening of of Atakishili Atakishili village village school school named named after after Mohubbat Mohubbat Azimov Azimov in in Kurdamir district. • President Ilham Aliyev inaugurated Gokhmukh village secondary school in Shaki district. • Baku• Baku branch branch of I.of M. I. M.Sechenov Sechenov First First Moscow Moscow State State Medical Medical University University opened. opened. Azerbaijan`s Azerbaijan`s first first lady, lady, president of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation Mehriban Aliyeva attended the solemn opening ceremony. • •Republican Republican Special Special Boarding Boarding School School No. No. 4 4opened opened in in Shuvalan, Shuvalan, Khazar Khazar district district after after reconstruction reconstruction under under “Development“Development ofof orphanagesorphanages andand boardingboarding schools”schools” programprogram ofof thethe HeydarHeydar AliyevAliyev Foundation.Foundation. Azerbaijan`sAzerbaijan`s firstfirst lady,lady, 1 / 6 president of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation Mehriban Aliyeva attended the opening ceremony. •• Azerbaijan`sAzerbaijan`s firstfirst lady,lady, presidentpresident ofof thethe HeydarHeydar AliyevAliyev FoundationFoundation MehribanMehriban AliyevaAliyeva attendedattended thethe openingopening ofof thethe newly-reconstructednewly-reconstructed specialspecial boardingboarding schoolschool forfor childrenchildren withwith physicalphysical disabilitiesdisabilities inin Shuvalan,Shuvalan, KhazarKhazar district.district. • 52• 52 more more “healthy “healthy classes” classes” were were created created in in2015-2016 2015-2016 academic academic year year under under “Healthy “Healthy education education – –healthy healthy nation”nation” program. program. There There are are currently currently 67 67 “healthy “healthy classes” classes” in in 34 34 educational educational institutions, institutions, of of them them 33 33 in in Baku Baku and and 1 1in in Sumgayit. Fifteen such classes were created in the previous academic year. • 4,095,370,141• 4,095,370,141 copies copies of oftextbooks textbooks for for 4th, 4th, 6th 6th and and 8th 8th grades grades and and methodology methodology handbooks handbooks for for teachers teachers werewere publishedpublished inin 2015-20162015-2016 academicacademic year.year. 7070 textbookstextbooks forfor 8th8th grades,grades, wherewhere curriculumcurriculum waswas introducedintroduced forfor thethe firstfirst time,time, andand methodologymethodology handbookshandbooks forfor teachersteachers werewere publishedpublished andand circulatedcirculated toto schools.schools. • Minister• Minister of of Education Education Mikayil Mikayil Jabbarov Jabbarov attended attended the the High-Level High-Level Meeting Meeting of of Education Education Ministers Ministers as as part part of of the 38th session of the UNESCO General Conference. "A child uneducated is a child lost. To lose a child is to lose the future,”future,” quotequote mademade byby MikayilMikayil JabbarovJabbarov duringduring hishis speechspeech atat thethe eventevent waswas tweetedtweeted byby UNESCOUNESCO asas aa keykey challengechallenge facingfacing modernmodern education.education. • •Financial Financial Laboratory Laboratory was was launched launched at at Azerbaijan Azerbaijan State State Economic Economic University University under under a a memorandum memorandum signed signed by the education institution and the State Securities Committee under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan. • Environmental• Environmental Education Education and and Training Training Center Center of theof theMinistry Ministry of Educationof Education organized organized the thefirst first summer summer environmentalenvironmental schoolschool –– educationeducation campcamp inin GubaGuba district.district. HeldHeld atat education,education, sportsport andand recreationrecreation complexcomplex ofof AzerbaijanAzerbaijan StateState EconomicEconomic University,University, thethe summersummer schoolschool involvedinvolved 3030 mostmost activeactive schoolchildrenschoolchildren agedaged 8-148-14 representingrepresenting naturenature conservation organizations and young naturalists clubs. •• FirstFirst 300300 students,students, whowho scoredscored 500500 andand aboveabove pointspoints atat examsexams toto higherhigher educationeducation pedagogicalpedagogical institutionsinstitutions andand who who prioritized prioritized teaching teaching in in their their profession profession choice choice during during the the exams, exams, received received “Teacher “Teacher of of future” future” stipend stipend in in the the amountamount ofof 100100 manats.manats. TheThe numbernumber ofof studentsstudents receivingreceiving “Teacher“Teacher ofof future”future” stipendstipend reachedreached 600.600. TheThe averageaverage pointpoint scoredscored by bythose, those, who who prefer prefer teaching teaching
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