Wofford College Digital Commons @ Wofford South Carolina Conference 1785 Journal Methodist Conference Journals 2-11-1821 Minutes taken at the Annual Conferences 1821 Methodist Episcopal Church. South Carolina Conference Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.wofford.edu/sc1785 Part of the Christian Denominations and Sects Commons, and the History of Christianity Commons Recommended Citation Methodist Episcopal Church. South Carolina Conference, "Minutes taken at the Annual Conferences 1821" (1821). South Carolina Conference 1785 Journal. 8. https://digitalcommons.wofford.edu/sc1785/8 This Conference Proceeding is brought to you for free and open access by the Methodist Conference Journals at Digital Commons @ Wofford. It has been accepted for inclusion in South Carolina Conference 1785 Journal by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Wofford. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Minutes of the Annual Conferences [containing information on the annual South Carolina Conferences] of the Methodist Episcopal Church for the year 182 l. Sandor Teszler Library Wofford College Spartanburg, South Carolina □ 7 7 _n □ 77 7_r1_n_r 7_n_ - - 2 Minutes for 18 21. 353 MINUTES TAKEN AT THE SEVERAL ANNUAL CONFERENCES OF THE METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH, FOR THE. YEAR 1821, Quest. 1. Who are admitted on trial J John Denham, Joseph B. Wyms, Joseph OHIO CONFERENCE. 'Williams, Elias Tidwell, Henry Gregg, Alfred Brunson, Wm. Crofford, Charles \V. P. Kendrick, James Cumming, Thos. Thorn, J as. Collord, .Tames Jones, Daniel Payne, John Paulsaul, vVyley B. Peek, Limrick, Chas. Truscott, Nathan \Valker, Benj. M. Drake, Aquilla Sampson, Alson William I. Kent, Wm. Simmons, Henry J. Waters, A. I. Crawford, B. P. SeawelJ, Knapp, Zarah Costin, J as. Havins-13. \Vm. B. Carpenter, Jacob Sullivan, Sam'l Hyneman, Isaac Reynol<ls-31. MISSOURI CONFERE~CE. \Vm. L. Ha1.v!ey, fi:lias Stone, Samuel MISSISSIPPI CONFERENCE. Bassett, Francis Moore, William Cravens, Henry P. Cook, Nicholas T. Snead-2. John M'Cord, W. \V. Rodman, H. Vre- SOUTH CAROLINA CONFERENCE. denburgh, David Chamberlain, Georcre V. David Riley, Henry Seagrest, Archi- Hesters, James Simms, Isaac Brool~field, bald Purify, Thomas Thweat, Joshua N. Levin Green, Henry Stevenson, Gilbert Glenn, John Robertson, Daniel G. M'Da- Clark-15. niel, Elias Sinclair, Rob't T. Ward, Elijah TENNESSEE CONFERENCE. Sinclair, John I. Triggs, Noah Laney, Milton Jameson, \Ym. Young, Edward Bond English, M. M'Pherson, John Rey­ Stevenson, John Evans, \Yilliam Martin, nolds, Livy Stancell-16. David Gray, Esau Simmons, Allen H. VIRGINIA CONFERENCE. Dillard, vV. M. M'Rev~nolds, J. \V. M'Rey- Samuel Harrell, John vV. M. Kirby, nolds, Blatchley C. Wood, Luke C. Allen, Thomas Crowder, Wm. Leigh, Archibald 23 354 Minutes for 1821. khnutes for IS2 J. Brownley, Mann Dutton, Henry Peytori, SOUTH CAROLINA CONFERE~CE. 355 TE~XE;SSF,E COSFF.Rr.-'""C'E T. B. H·umphries, Swain Swift-9. Thomas Samford, Barnett Smith, Ro­ J B . r ... , - J- S~o•~'m1b, T. Tenant, elect Orr 1 bert Adams, Nathaniel Rhodes, Aquilla . Jutcher, Jr., Jolin Bro•)]·", .. , •-~a mue I w· BALTIMORE CONFERENCE. Har 11 G \\. )IedforJ elect J \\· 11' . l ' e cct, Norman, Thomas Gardner. Benjamin L. we • eorr.re Ilrow11 J 0111} K- . ' , · a ace, e ect-10 Samuel Clark, Samuel Bryson, Charles A 1·1 R' "' ' e~ter'-on Hoskins, John H. Tradcwell, 'fhomas B nc , ~cha1:dson, Hobert Payne, JI.~ H.' TEX.\"1':SSEE CO~FF.RE~CE . A. Davis, Samuel Ellis, Charles Young, ro\\ n, Stadmcr C. Brow11 G' L Mabry, George Hill, John Mullinix-I 1. D . I - e, ' eorrre rwk J. Butcher eleet J 0 l 1' · k ·· French S. Evans, N orval \Vilson, vVil­ c.• 1 [ , ' , ' 111 Jroo ·s eleet ~n( Adan1s, Elisha Simrnon-· ~! . 1 _-: : ,:,. anre, 1 elf' ·t G }' ' - ' l1am H. Chapman, Thomas M. Hudson, YJRGI.\"fA COSFEREI'\CE. Still L · S , --, .1. >r,1n,11n - ' .c ' . ,rown P-lect T Jos ' ew1s • .; "' 1arshall, Thomas Madden, 1\.esterso11, Pleet :\ D. ' ,. , • • George Harper, Shadrach Chaney, Jacob Moses Brock, Thorn:1s R. Brame, John J }J, . · - , - · n1chardson, elee~ J _:Ph P·. Farrow, Hezekiah Holland l\. ,I\ ne, e 1Pct JI lf 13 , R. Shepp'.ml-12. Thompson, George;\. Bane, John F. An­ C u · · - ' · · rown elect S ,_os1ah W Jutakcr, Zechariah Connell 01 ~ · .1Jl'cM\'ll, • Georgi~ Loek cle'ct -J).' _'. · dre\\', Robert \\'ilkinson-6. arnh Freeman-20. ' ;a \d,,, I 'b -- · ·, ,n 1d PHILADELPHIA CONFERENCE. ,. us, e ect, .-i. rnha1n Still e!t'c I ., BA LTI:\IORE CO~FERENCE. Samuel S. Kennard, Daniel Parrish, •. I\fISSISSIPPI COXFEREXCE. 1Iarskdl, elect T i"I d J ' · -t, -'· S. 1, ' · n a < en elect J D Eliphalc>t Reed, John Davis, Solomon Charles B. Tippett, Mordecai Barry, Wiley Ledbetter, John Booth-2. ' ,urn'\" ' ' e 1•·ct, 1-f · II Plland elct"t' J ' \\~I. · · · a lit• Higgins, John Bayne-6. Charles Cook, "William C. Pool, Dennis k-er , ci,,r-•_', -•· z.... ('....,onnc II f: Iect ' O- 'v . B. Dorsey, David Steel, "\Yilliam Hanek, SOUTH CAIWLlXA (;OXFEHE.\"CE. r-lect. Ja,,·p- \\-·t ,J- , · r rccman, NEW-YORK COI'IFERE~CE. ,.; ... (' • l --~ , I, ton , c-se:, (';i-reen, .·r ohn John Haile, \Vm. Brandeberry, Barton I)a • ,:;, ..,-eorrre 1 a\·' \\' "I Cyrus Prindle, Samuel CoYel, vVilliam thcJ:1:,s. panelly, Barnabas Piiikin, ~fat­ " '. wr, m. c1 artin-2.1 Deforest, George \Vells-11. a1tord, John B (;J1•1ppel ,,1 .. S. Pease, John Nixon, Eli Denison, Lu­ G H'!l1 J · _,._' , v 1nstian .. :1rISS!:,.½f PPI COXFEREXCE. PHILADELPHIA CONFERENCE. • • ohn Howard Thorn a~ (-. · cius Bal<h•>in, Geo. Smith, John Luckey, Jesse Sinclair-8. ' :, .,raven, 1 '\\t lier LeJuetter, elect, John Booth Friend \V. Smith, Roswdl Kelly, Julius None. e,ec -;,,. , Field, John B. Tyler-12. NEW-YORK CON.FERENCE. VIIWI.\'L-\. COXFEREl\CE NE\V-E~GLAND COKF'ERE:\'CK Robert Seney, John Moriarty, John Francis A. \Vard, "\Yilliams .Harri~ Summerfield,* J no.Clark, N athanRice--5. ~noch Johnson, Henry Allev, Miles Xa-=h· Heman Perry, Benj. Brown, \Vallace 1 homas Howard, Georae C.. ''h ---I ,_, Lark, IL Nickerson, Gorham Greely, NEW-ENGLA~D COJ.\FERENCE. o . v c~ ev-,. Frederick Upham, Benjamin R. Lewis, Jotham Horton, James P. Harvey, IlALTDfORE CO:\""F'ER E~CE .. Stephen Love], Aaron Fuller-9. \Villiam M'Coy, Phinehas Crandel, Chas. J EdwardD ,, . Oram,). Dennis H. Dattee, Tlws. GE:\ESEE CONFERE~CE. Baker, David Culver, Ella Dunham, Jo­ . _ors..,y, 1\.!chard .Armstrono- J· . i Larkin J· ,. ~, ,1coi1 seph Kellam, Ezra Kellogg, Ezra S. - ' ctmes ,:,ansom John T\IilJ D Jos. ·Williams, Sam'l Behins, Denison uet Dowler-8. ' .. er, en- Smith, Asa Abel, Benjamin Dighton, Ezra Goodwin, Gilman Moodv, Samuel Plum­ Healy, Orin Foot, John Sayre, Gaylord mer, Abr'm Holway, True Page, Samuel PHIL.H)E LPHL\ COXFEJ)£Ynr, Baker-15. JI •L.,.,,-r, Judd, James Hodge, Benj. Landon, Asa St enry G. King, John Tallv Fd\~·ard Orcott, John Ryerson, George F':ur-14. GE~ESEE CONFERENCE. jin:v~,.s1·101~' Jo,slelph Cary, BcnJ;rni~ Col- ., ~-IRGI.\"IA COXFERE~CE. Ira Browhson, Josiah Kies, Hiram ' 1am :1.. en-6. Francis ,\ \Yard . } Quest. 2. 1Yho remain on trial J Moore, Caleb Kendall,jr., David C. Spoor, ~ v:--111 NE\Y-YORK COXFERE;\'CE. Enoch J h. ~ ; ' v .i:i.ms Tarris,* OHIO CO~FERENCE. K. M'K. Smith, Manly Tooker, Richard r - " * , .o n:,on, Henry Allev,* Miles John Banas, Georcre Coles O . p· _.\ a.Ji, I J10rnas Howard * Ge< . C f'f Isaac C. Hunter, Abner Goff, James ..Wright, \V.H. \Villiams, Philander Smith, -\' t, ' , rm 1er S 1 D 1 !Pr "' CJ , I .. I , ' , '· • _,. 1es- Gilrath, Thos. H. Ruckle, Josiah Foster, Jasper Bennett., Robert Parker, Philetus amue • 'erguson-4. ' ' .- . iar c.-., -'· Cooley, Peter Dou! Parkns, Jolin B. Gilbert, Thomas Demo­ l lwmpson Garrard ('p · :\I \ d J, Peter "\Varner, Jas. Murray, John Kinny, ~--EW-E:\GLAXD CO~FERE:\'CE }It-zPkiah (' - • ' T .'.>-. · · ' n erson, Andrew C:anecr, Abdiel Coleman, Benj. rest, Franklin Metcalf-16. Edward T T· ·l _ . F: - (,'h T, LCI!!h, \\ illiam Eastwood , .. -, · ,lj or, Laac Stoddard ... xum , ar,m:rn, fr,, I)r,rl·rr G \V' Cronch, Moses Hinkle, Thomas S. Hitt, E 1 C'f • - - ,. ~ l - , eoro-e Quest. 3. vV!w are admitted into full llJa 1 ~pear James L 13' 1-- c• ' ., 1arleton, J oakirn I ane (' · . ~, · \Villiam H. Raper, Robert Delap, Isaac N orris-5. ' · isuop, ,xunue1 . C , .J, ,, jurt1s 11ooks connection ? ~ \. nws . Tread wa_r-,-.. H). · ' Collord, Horace Brown, David Dyke, John R. Keach, John P. Durbin, Francis OHIO CO~FERE:\"CE. GENESEE CONFEREXCE. IHLTDfOUE c;oxn.:REXCE. Horace Arrard Jlenrjr p k J °"rilson, Nathaniel Harris, W. M. P. Samuel Adams, James Smith, Samuel B · Cl "" -~ , ec , ames T F,J\\'a,d Oram,*_ D_ennis II. Battee* ro\, n, iester 1,. Adtratc E11·J·a11 B d Quinn-23. Brockunier, Edward Tavlor, Dennis God- m P "' · ' -' oar - homas J. Dorsev.* Richard Arm t '* • an, ... ,noch B:.i.rnes J oh11 De.,., ·I - Jae i.. I 1 • • s rona MISSOURI CONFERENCE. dard, Charles Elliott, Thomas l\i'Clarv, l I .ra1 y-1 "'' -, r,;; ,;; ..,:tr,;:rn ' • Jame,::, ,-,ansorn,'-' *· John"'' 1111 1 Zechariah Connel, G. R. Jones, Leroy l · • er. Bennett Dowler* r '" p QueSL 4. W7w are the dl::ons J , 1' , · i. eyton Isaac N. Piggott, James Scott-2. Swormstedt, Arthur \V. Elliott, Andrew ·T e:-,:-;e ~-. 1_,ee~ onn a11d1ill '\\" 1-I• - ' OHIO CONFERENCE. p 1 ·, v· • , 111. am1 1ton TENNESSEE CONFERENCE. M'Lean, Burwell Spurlock, Hezekiah ,ooert :,_ i Inton J·1rncs M S ' Those marked thus (*) were or<laine<l this yeur. 1 William Peter, Elijah Kirkman, John Holland, James T. \Vells-15. Cushen, P. G 'B ' .· oore, amuel Ira Eddy, Peter Stephens, Phili Green .}l'G-ce-1 j.
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