Ask Marburger Probe lied Bank Suspension SEE STORY BELOW Sunny, Cold THEDAILY FINAL Sunny, breezy and cold to- day. Clear and cold tonight Red Bank, Freehold KSujiny, cold again tomorrow. Long Branch J EDITION (See Details, Pa^e 2) Monmouth County's itome Newspaper tor 90 Years VOL. 91, NO. 179 RED BANK, N.J., MONDAY, MARCH 10, 1969 20 PAGES 10 CENTS Howard Gives Support to Tonli HOLMDEL - "I am- de- "I told Mr. Tonti that I Making his announcement, lene, while she was ill." Mr. Howard also said that recent appointment to the lighted," said D. Louis Tonti. would support his quest for Mr. Howard said some of the Referring to his support of •he has "talked in depth to New Jersey Democratic "This makes a very sub- the nomination if he decided factors included "a number Mr. Tonti, Mr. Howard said: Mr. Tonti about the prob- Party's Reform Committee stantial improvement in my to run." of projects" he wants to se- "I told Mr. Tonti I would lems "of New Jersey and am as another reason which prospects for winning the gub- Seen Last Month cure for his Congressional support his quest because I pleased that he shares with made him decide not to seek ernatorial nomination," add- On Feb. 25 The Daily Reg- District, particularly a Sandy feel the/ Democratic Party me the deep concern — and the gubernatorial nomination. ed the executive director of ister was the first Monmouth Hook National Seashore, and should join together and se- commitment — to continue "I felt," he said, "that if the New Jersey Garden State County newspaper to report the illness of- his wife. lect a candidate who has ap- to move New Jersey ahead, I seek the nomination, I Parkway. that the two Democrats, gave "I seriously considered peal for the young people as particularly in the fields of would be obliged to resign He referred to the state- signs they would not run seeking the nomination," Mr. well as the old, a man who education, air and water pol- from the committee, and I ment by Rep. James J. How- against each' other in a pri- Howard said, "because of en- can attract and win indepen- lution control, equal oppor- very earnestly want to par- ard, (D-N.J.) that he will not mary. A few days later, this couragement I have been giv- dent as well as Republican tunity, more and better ticipate as fully as possible seek the Democratic Party's newspaper also reported that en by various groups support in the general elec- transportation facilities and a in our program to further 1969 gubernatorial nomina- Mr. Tonti had.told support- throughout New Jersey. But tion and a man who will de-_ concerted fight against urban broaden the base of- the Dem- tion. ers the announcement that my candidacy vtould have re- mand that New Jersey con- blight." ocratic Party in New Jersey." After giving his reasons for Mr. Howard would support his quired much time away from tinue to move ahead as it Another Reason Mr. Tonti told The Daily not entering the contest, Mr. gubernatorial bid would come my home and I felt that would has under the leadership of The 41-year-old, third term Register that he will "not Rep. James J. Howard Howard said: "shortly." be unfair to my wife, Mar- Gov. Richard J. Hughes.'.V congressman also cited his (See TONTI, Pg 3, Col. 5) D. Louis Tonti 3 Astronauts Taking It Easy Apollo Trip Nears End SPACE CENTER, Houston navigation checks and rest- swered. "We don't have any occurred in the first five uled today, was postponed 24 '(AP) — Drifting to conserve ing. complaints." days. hours because of poor fitting fuel,- and dreaming of home, Mission control permitted ,The major flight plan event They are remaining aloft to cover that protects the craft the Apollo.9 astronauts sped the crew to sleep until 7:15 was a firing of the main prove the reliability, of the during launch — viewed as a today into the final stages of a.m., more than two hours spaceship engine to jockey Apollo command ship for 10 minor problem. their space mission, -later than scheduled. the craft into a more favor- days, the longest period pres- Apollo 10, commanded by (Related stories, photo,. able path for scheduled ently planned for man-to-the- Air Force Col. Thomas P. "The alarm clock went splashdown Thursday. moon missions. * Pages 2,18.) off," said mission control. Stafford, is scheduled to orbit The astronauts had com- As Apollo 9 circled over- the moon with a lunar mod- Air Force Cols. James A. "Hello, alarm clock," Mc- pleted 97 per cent of their head, there was a slight de- Divitt replied. ule in May—paving the way ,McDivitt and David R. Scott flight objectives. The crucial lay in preparations for the for a landing by two mem- and civilian Russell L. "We let you sleep a little lunar module-LEM-checkout,, next step. Movement of the bers of the Apollo 11 crew in Schweickart of Wall Town- bit extra," said the ground Schweikart's space walk Saturn 5 rocket and space- July. ship, N. J., had another light controller. and the rendezvous of the ship for Apollo 10 to a Cape CONCERNED — Pictured is part of the crowd which assembled in the Celestial schedule of picture taking, "We'll take it," Scott an- LEM and command module Kennedy launch pad, sched- McDivitt, Scott and Schwei- ckart were told by mission Masonic lodge yesterday tO-Jiear appeal for funds for tha Community Center on control not to do any unnec- W. Bergen Place, Red Bank.^*\ (Register Staff Photo) essary maneuvering with their control jets because they were slightly low on fuel. Laird Says Cong Attempts "We're budgeting them at 30 pounds a day," reported Community Center flight director Eugene Kranz. "We're running a little behind because of two areas. We used about SO pounds more A 'Calculated Escalation' than anticipated on the orig- inal transposition and docking Fund Drive Starts SAIGON '(AP) - U.S. De- tary spokesmen reported rying back to President Nix- timetable. with the LEM. ,In addition we fense Secretary Melvin R. hard fighting at three points on, except to say that he Laird said the question of RED BANK - More than Community Center was said, and "it is hoped that Laird said today that the cur- near the Cambodian border, would request additional the' mutual withdrawal of used significantly more on the 400 persons turned out yes-founded last year. "This cen- other communities will coop- rent Viet Cong offensive is a two other classes north and funds to strengthen the South American and North Vietna- command module during the terday afternoon at the Com- ter," he said, "was the brain erate with our effort." "calculated escalation of the south of Saigon and,shelling Vietnamese armed services. mese troops is one of the rendezvous than we antici- munity Center, W. Bergen child of the youth of this During the program, Dr. war." But it "has not been of more than 35 towns and At Da -Nang yesterday, he subjects under consideration pated. Place, to kick off a fund-rais- community who felt we Parker introduced officials in successful." allied bases last night and had indicated the amount in Paris, and consequently he "So we're starting to watch ing drive to support the year- adults had let them down , ., the audience including Red Laird spoke at an airport early today. The dead includ- would be about $70 million. did not feel it proper to com- the redline danger line on the old center — termed "The and justifiably so." Bank • Mayor Daniel. •, J. news conference at the end ed 31 Americans, 14 South The secretary said some ment further in Saigon. But propellants." brain child of the youth of In his remarks, Dr. Parker O'Hern, Little Silver Mayor of a four-day visit to Viet- Vietnamese and at least 94 American troops would be re- he did say that on the basis Gordon N. Litwin and New Viet Cong and North Vietna- Kranz said he wanted to be this community." said, "I want to dispel the nam, his first inspection of placed in due course by South of his trip, he could not fore- sure Apollo 9 had enough jet The rally program featured rumor once and for all that Shrewsbury Mayor Francis mese. Vietnamese as the latters' s the war zone as defense sec- see any circumstance which power to perform a backup open house at the four room the Community Center is only L, Cooper. He also introduced retary. Laird would not reveal the armed forces grew stronger. would require more Ameri- Police Lt. Benjamin Glover, But he would not give any can forces in Vietnam. maneuver in case the main center, a concert by the Red for children of Red Bank. From the battlefronts, mili- recommendations he is car- spacecraft engine failed when Bank High School Band, a That is not so. Our young- president of Concerned Citi- it is time to come home. slide presentation of activi- sters have friends in sur- zens of the Red Bank Area, The astronauts looked ties at the center and a brief rounding towns. We don't .the organization sponsoring ahead to the retro ortraking talk by Dr. James W. Park- have a Berlin wall around the fund-raising effort. Discipline fire in an exchange yesterday er Jr., campaign chairman. Red Bank, separating us The slide presentation, giv- Egypt's Army Chief with mission control.
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