Morristown Street Tree Resource Booklet June 2020 I. Large Shade Trees for Areas Larger than 4’ x 6’ 3 Black Tupelo (Nyssa sylcatica) 4 Dawn Redwood (Metasequoia glyptostroboides) 5 Elm (Ulmus spp.) 6 Gingko (Gingko biloba) 7 Hardy Rubber Tree (Eucommia ulmoides) 8 Honey Locust (Gleditsia triacanthos inermis) 9 Katsura Tree (Cercidphyllum japonicum) 10 Kentucky Coffee Tree (Gymnocladus dioicus) 11 Linden (Tilia spp) 12 Little Leaf Linden (Tilia cordata) 13 Silver Linden (Tilia tomentosa) 14 Crimean Linden (Tilia x euchlora) 15 London Plane Tree (Platanus x acerfolia) 16 Maple, Red (Acer rubrum) 17 Maple, Sugar ( Acer saccharum) 18 Oak, Pin (Quercus palustris) 19 Oak, Red (Quercus rubra) 20 Oak, Shingle (Quercus imbricaria) 21 Oak, White (Quercus alba) 22 Oak, Willow (Quercus phellos) 23 Pagoda Tree (Styphnolobium japanicum) 24 Sweetgum (Liquidambur styraciflua) 25 Japanese Zelkova (Zelkova serrata) 26 II. Understory Small and Medium Trees for Areas Larger than 2’ x 6’ 27 American Yellowwood (Cladrastis kentukea) 28 Amur Maackia (Maackia amurensis) 29 Cherry (Prunus spp) 30 Crabapple (Malus spp) 31 Dogwood (Cornus spp) 32 Eastern Rudbud (Cercis canadensis) 33 Golden Raintree (Koelreuteria paniculata) 34 Hackberry (Celtis occidentalis) 35 Hawthorne (Crataegus spp) 36 Hop Hornbeam (Ostrya virginiana) 37 Japanese Snowball (Styrax japonicas) 38 Maple Amur (Acer ginnala ‘Flame’) 39 Maple, Hedge (Acer campestre) 40 Purpleleaf Plum (Prunus cerasifera) 41 Callery Pear (Pyrus calleryanan’) 42 I. Large Shade Trees for Areas Larger than 4’ x 6’ Black Tupelo (Nyssa sylcatica) Form: Pyramidal in youth with horizontal branches forming, and rounded or irregular crown. Mature Height: 30’ to 50’ Mature Spread: 20’ to 30’ Use: Acceptable street tree. Works well as specimen tree. Notable Slow to medium grower, outstanding Characteristics: habit and fall foliage. Lustrous dark green leaves change to fluorescent yellow, orange, and scarlet in fall Limitations: Numerous disease and insect problems. ‘Red Range’ possibly best solution for disease resistance. Where can I find this tree in 21 Kenmuir Avenue image source: Dave’s Garden Morristown? image source: Cornell University Plants database Irregular short segments ridge bark. image source: Cornell University Plants database image source: Cornell University Plants database Fall foliage ranges from yellow to scarlet red. Alternate, simple lustrous dark green leaves. Morristown Street Tree Resource Book Page 4 Dawn Redwood (Metasequoia glyptostroboides) Form: Pyramidal, conical, with single straight trunk in early age. Mature Height: 70’ to 100’ Mature Spread: 25’ Use: Interesting specimen street tree. Deciduous conifer Notable Fast grower, Reddish brown bark, fine Characteristics: leaf, orange-brown fall foliage Limitations: Prefers full sun. Sometimes damaged by early frosts. Where can I find Burnham Park this tree in Morristown? image source: Local Ecology image source: Deviant Art image source: South Coast Gardens Reddish-brown bark and brilliant fall foliage. Dawn Redwood Cones. image source: Wikimedia Commons image source: Garden Professors image source: Garden Professors Deciduous conifer with stunning winter form. Signature conical shape. Simple, linear opposite/sub opposite fine leaf. Morristown Street Tree Resource Book Page 5 Elm (Ulmus spp.) Form: Vase-shaped with majestic arching limbs; sometimes takes on an oak-like form. Mature Height: 60’ to 80’ Mature Spread: 30’ to 40’ Use: Dutch Elm disease resistant varieties make excellent street trees for wide avenues and streets with planting strips greater than 4 feet wide. Notable Medium grower, vase-shaped canopy, Characteristics: orange-yellow fall foliage Limitations: Disease resistant varieties like ‘Patriot’, ‘Princeton’, ‘Valley Forge’, ‘New Harmony’ & ‘Independence’ should only be planted. Where can I find this tree in 41 Elm Street Morristown? image source: Trees at Brown, “Liberty Elm” image source: Central Park Conservancy The Mall and Literary walk of Central Park with its majestic Elms. Patriot Elm fall foliage. Morristown Street Tree Resource Book Page 6 Gingko (Gingko biloba) Form: Pyramidal when young, broad in old age with massive, picturesque branches Mature Height: 50’ to 80’ Mature Spread: 30’ to 40’ Use: Excellent urban street tree in public areas. May be planted in tightly spaced groups for greater visual impact. Notable Slow grower, bright green fan-shaped Characteristics: leaf, yellow fall foliage Limitations: Flesh of female fruit is messy and malodorous. Only male trees should be planted. Where can I find this tree in Morristown? 24 Elm Street image source: Chicago Botanical Garden Brilliant yellow fall foliage. Branching habit emerging as fall leaves drop. Pyramidal branching habit. image source: Wikimedia commons Female Fruit - Malodorous and Messy. Bright green fan-shaped leaves Gray-brown ridge and furrow bark. Morristown Street Tree Resource Book Page 7 Hardy Rubber Tree (Eucommia ulmoides) Form: Rounded to broad spreading form. Mature Height: 40’ to 60’ Mature Spread: 40’ to 60’ Use: Excellent shade tree, works well as street tree. Notable Medium growth rate, six inch long Characteristics: lustrous dark green leaves, No fall foliage color Limitations: None serious Where can I find this tree in None at the current time Morristown? image source: University of Southern Maine image source: Cornell University Plants database Capsule-like fruit with compressed wings. image source: Oregon State University Plant database image source: Oregon State University Plant database Lustrous dark green simple alternate leaves, when torn exhibits rubbery substance. Thornless varieties most commonly planted. Morristown Street Tree Resource Book Page 8 Honey Locust (Gleditsia triacanthos inermis) Form: Pyramidal when young. broad in old age with massive, picturesque branches Mature Height: 30’ to 70’ Mature Spread: 30’ to 70’ Use: Excellent city tree offering diffused shade through fine-textured leaves and leaflets. Good in front of businesses. Notable Fast grower, compound leaflets, light Characteristics: texture, yellow fall foliage Limitations: G. triacanthos inermis is a thorn- less variety that is most often planted in street settings. Where can I find this tree in 1 N. Park Place Morristown? image source: University of Missouri image source: Evolutionary Anachronism image source: Science Web Fruit consists of pea-like pods. Pure yellow to yellow-green fall foliage. image source: Virginia Tech image source: Red Bubble image source: Springfield Plateau Pinnately compound leaves with 20-30 leaflets Grayish-brown, long & narrow scaly ridges. Thorn-less varieties most commonly planted. Morristown Street Tree Resource Book Page 9 Katsura Tree (Cercidphyllum japonpicum) Form: Pyramidal in youth, wide spreading pyramidal with age. Mature Height: 40’to60’ Mature Spread: 30’to40’ Use: Good street tree Notable Medium to fast grower, Leaves emerge Characteristics: reddish purple, Change to bluish green with Yellow apricot fall foliage Limitations: None serious; sun scald and bark splitting may occur. Where can I find this tree None at this time in Morristown image source: University of Missouri image source: Cornell University Plants database image source: Cornell University Plants database Heart shaped purplish leaves. Yellow to apricot fall foliage. image source: Oregon State University Plant database image source: Oregon State University Plant database image source: Oregon State University Plant database Summer foliage Lightly shaggy bark like Hickory. Male flowers. Morristown Street Tree Resource Book Page 10 Kentucky Coffee Tree (Gymnocladus dioicus) Form: Vertical ascending branches form a narrow egg shaped crown. Mature Height: 60’to75’ Mature Spread: 40’to50’ Use: Good tree for large areas. Notable Slow to medium grower, bold winter Characteristics: habit and unique bark pattern. Leaves emerged with pinkish purple tinge changing to dark green, inconsistent yellow fall foliage in summer Limitations: None serious. Where can I find this tree in None at this time Morristown? image source: Oregon State University Plants database image source: Cornell University Plants database Dry fruit pods in fall and winter season. image source: Oregon State University Plants database image source: Wikimedia Commons image source: Oregon State University Plant database Inconsistent Yellow to green fall foliage. Bipinnately compound dark green leaves. Rough, hard and scaly ridges bark. Morristown Street Tree Resource Book Page 11 Linden (Tilia spp) Form: Tall, with numerous low hung branches becomes ovate or oblong in shape. Mature Height: 60’to80’ Mature Spread: 30’to40’ Use: Formal large tree provides deep shade for wide streets, boulevard, and park tree in open landscape areas. Notable Dense foliage, formal form, yellow or Characteristics: yellow-brown fall foliage Limitations: American Linden (Basswood) does best in forests. European varieties like ‘Greenspire’, ‘Prestige’ perform better as street trees. Not suitable for street tree planting. Bees are sometimes an issue. Where can I find image source: City of Fargo this tree in Foote’s Pond Wood Morristown? image source: Wikimedia Commons image source: Jungle Key Dark green leaf with a silvery-white underside can create a shimmering effect. Yellow or Yellow-brown fall folia Morristown Street Tree Resource Book Page 12 Little Leaf Linden (Tilia cordata) Form: Pyramidal in youth, Upright oval with age Mature Height: 60’ to 70’ Mature Spread: 30’ to 40’ Use: Good street tree provides deep shade
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