Episcopal The OCT. 1987 ROYAL CROSS VOL. LVII NO. 12 THE OFFICIAL MAGAZINE OF THE ORDER OF THE DAUGHTERS OF THE KING 5^e -me ft if 5^ o /^ojD 2a?o/^ *p^y01> THE ORDER OF THE DAUGHTERS OF THE KING A Religious Order for Laywomen Founded in 1885 — Incorporated in 1917 OBJECT OF THE ORDER — The extension of Christ's Kingdom, especially among women and girls, and the strengthening of the Church's spiritual life. HONORARY MEMBERS Mrs. George L. Thorpe, Mrs. Edward D. Smith, Miss Hattie K. Bunting, Mrs. Ivan Merrick, Mrs. Cari A. Johnson, Mrs. John C. Herren NATIONAL COUNCIL President: Mrs. Henry B. H.(Ethel) Ripley, Jr., 3706 Palm Blvd., Isle of Palms, SC 29451, 803-886-8113 First Vice President: Mrs. J. Hunter (Whitty) Isaacs, 1328 Paragon Parkway, Birmingham, AL 35235, 205-856-2257 Second Vice President: Mrs. George(Carla) Van Meter, 811 New Boonesboro Rd., Winchester, KY 40391, 606-744-1597 Secretary: Treasurer: Mrs. James (Charlotte) Howting, 5307 Wiimeguah Rd., Monona, WI 53716, (608) 221-4495 Mrs. Christopher(Nancy) Allaire, 4305 Foxhall Drive, Olympia, WA 98506, 206-456-8103 Mrs. D.F. (Diane Bringgold) Brown, 1427 Beaver Rd., Ambridge, PA 15003,(412) 266-1722 Miss Kay Douglas, 525 Greer St., San Antonio, TX 78210, 512-533-0858 Mrs. Victoria S. Gary-Johnson, 1900 Upshur St., N.E., Washington, DC 20018, 202-832-6673 Mrs. James (Betty) Hart, 15117 Keswick St.. Van Nuys, CA 91405 Mrs. John H.(Kay) Hoyt,345 University Circle, Athens, GA 30605, 404-549-3122 Miss Mary Lou Johnson, 711 W. Creekside, Houston, TX 77024, 713-342-5364 or 2811 Mrs. Milton E.(Susan) Kirkpatrick, P.O. Box 1641, Panama City, FL, 32402, 904-784-0588 Mrs. Louise Moyer, 737 E. Erie St., Painesville, OH 44077, 216-357-6838 Miss Sue Such, 45 W, High St., ,309C, Painesville, OH 44077, 216-354-2969 Spiritual Director & National Chaplain:T\ie Rt. Rev. C.Shannon Mallory, P.O. Box 1903, Monterey, CA 93940, 408-394-4465 Order's Missionaries: Miss Elizabeth Daniel and the Rev. Patricia Powers SHIGS 704, El. K, c. 03, Brasilia, DF, Brasil 70331 PROVINCIAL REPRESENTATIVES Province I: Province H: Mrs. Andrew M. (Betty) Gregg, 88 White Springs Lane, Geneva, NY 14456, 315-789-7405 Province HI: Mrs. Henry M. (Evalyn) Suski, 2206 Rosecroft Blvd., Ft. Washington, MD 20744, 301-567-0481 Province IV: Mrs. Donald (Noreen) Burroughs, P.O. Box 218, Sautee Valley, GA .30571, 404-754-5041 Province V: Mrs L. G. (Nancy) Watkins, 428 Carrie Dr., Flushing, MI 48433, 313-659-8996 Province VI: Mrs. Robert (JoAnn) Smith, 841 Oriole Lane, Chaska, MN 55318, 612-448-3069 Province VII: Mrs. George (Bertha) Milbank, 16.33 Womer Drive, Wichita, KS 67203, 316-943-6191 Province VIII: Mrs. Daniel (Virginia) Twitchell, 841 E. Cambridge, Pheonix, AZ 85006, 602-277-9564 COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN Devotions Nancy Allaire Endowment Fund . Victoria Gary-Johnson INDEX Evangelism: East, Prov. 1,2,3,4 West. Prov. 5.6,7,8 Diane Bringgold Brown Triennial '88 5 Finance Charlotte Howting Junior Division Kay Douglas Chaplain's Message 6 Literature Mary Lou Johnson Elizabeth and Pat 7 Master's Fund Kay Hoyt Members-at-Large Betty Hart Book of Remembrance 8 Public Relations & Promotion Susan Kirkpatrick Royal Cross — Editor & Business Manager Sue Such Our Life of Prayer 10 Self-Denial Fund Charlotte Howting Junior Messenger 11 Special Fund for Missionary Needs Louise Moyer Triennial Program Carla Van Meter Council for Women's Ministries 13 Chapter, Diocesan News ... 14,18 EDITORIAL OFFICE: Bylaws Revisions 15—18 Sue Such, Editor 45 W. High St.,309C Painesville, OH 44077 (216)354-2969 ON THE COVER NATIONAL OFFICE; Illustration by Virginia (Ginnie) Mrs. Tracy Southard, Office Administrator Huckabee of Aiken, S.C. Mrs. Jane Girardeau, Assistant to the Office Administrator 435 Peachtree Street., N.E., Atlanta, GA 30365 (404) 873-.)12.3 THE ROYAL CROSS NATIONAL PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE Dear Sisters in Christ, There are many times when I wish it were possible to just stuff you all in my pockets and take all 10,000 of you along. Since that is impossible, I want to attempt to share with you some of my experiences of the past few months. On May 13th Laraine Dennstaedt and I attended the Diocese of Connec- ^ ticut Assembly at St. Mark's in New Britain, CT. Laraine gave an infor- IgjB mative and enthusiastic program/workshop. The next day we were guests for W their ECW Convention with 700 in attendance. While in New York, my husband and I visited The Church of The Resurrec- k tion on 74th Street near Park Avenue where our Order began in 1885. It was the secretary's day off, but she graciously met us and gave us a tour and history of the Church. As we left the church Henry looked up and saw Buckley School, which he attended as a youngster, across the street. At the end of May I attended a three day meeting of the Council for Women's Ministries(CWM) at St. Columba Conference Center in Memphis, TN. Prior to the meeting. Daughters in the Memphis area met me at the air- port, gave a lovely luncheon at a local club, allowed me to tell my story, and delivered me to St. Columba's. I truly believe that hospitality is a gift as well as a service — Romans 12:13. What an honor to have been invited to the Presiding Bishop's Vision Conference in New Jersey. It was an interesting gathering of approximately fifty, representing many groups in the Episcopal Church. Since Bishop Browning's election, he has been listening to the Church. He shared what he has heard and his concerns. The group studied the eight "mission imperatives" that have been proposed by the Ex ecutive Council of the Episcopal Church and staff. This may be a first in our 102 year history that we were included in such a meeting. I know you share with me in expressing gratitude to Bishop Browning for including the Daughters of the King. I have just returned from the North American Congress on the Holy Spirit and World Evangelization held in New Orleans, LA., in July. There were over 40,000 in attendance. The Roman Catholics had the largest number, 14,000, and the Episcopalians were next with 2,500. The Episcopalians began each day with the Holy Eucharist followed by several excellent speakers. We attended two workshops each after noon, and in the evenings all forty plus denominations gathered in the Super Dome for an ecumenical worship service. The message of this conference was unmistakeably clear - Our Lord Jesus wants us to repent — to be empowered by His Holy Spirit so that we might do the work He has called us to do,"For His Sake" — Lord, what will you have me do? I love you all, "For His Sake" ~e^e/ The following was submitted by invitation for a booklet: THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH AND THE 1990'S, EXPECTATION FOR A NEW DECADE published by Episcopal Renewal Ministries for the North American Congress on the Holy Spirit and World Evangelization held in New Orleans, LA. July 22-26, 1987. GOD IS CALLING US by Ethel Boyle Ripley I believe that God is calling us to the cen- the world, and through Him we can be lights trality of Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and the in the world and we can be the salt of the authority of Scripture. The Church must earth. If we are immersed in the Holy Scrip work as the hands and feet of Christ, His peo ture, do His work in the power of the Holy ple, trusting Him as Lord. We must renew Spirit and keep Jesus central to our faith, we our baptismal vows every day and live a life will be able to fulfill His command to "make of prayer and service. Jesus is the Light of disciples of all nations ..." THE ROYAL CROSS Page 3 "CRUMBS UNDER THY TABLE" TO FEED THE ENDOWMENT FUND ^'Embarking on an unknown sea each one a chapter in the life of our Lord Lord Jesus, Savior, pilot me. Jesus. Acrostic poems are an ancient verse For chart and compass there is no need, form where the title must be spelled out by When simply to Thy voice I heed.^^ the first letters of each Une, reading down the This quatrain entitled length of the poem. "Prayer for George" is "I got my inspiration one of the poems in from God. He helped me "Crumbs Under Thy with those acrostics, I'm Table," a book of poetry sure," Mrs. Summer said. by Linda Miller Summer. "When I wrote those, I The title comes from the had just had cataract beautiful Prayer of Hum surgery and could't see, ble Access, the final not even to read my giant prayer said in unison in print Bible. I had to de the Holy Communion Ser pend on memory." vice just before the com "Prayer for George," municants go to kneel at the quatrain quoted at the the altar rail to make beginning, was written their communion. while she was in the Mrs. Summer, who was hospital and George was 94 on September 11, two doors down. He was became a Daughter of the afraid of the neurosurgery King in 1945 at All Saints he was to have the next Church, Atlanta, Since day."I lay in my hospital 1960 she has made her bed and thought it up, home in Florence, South then called him and Carolina, with one of her recited it to him.
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