CABINET AGENDA Date: Tuesday, 8th December, 2015 Time: 7.00 pm Venue: Guildhall 1 CABINET Members of the Committee:- Chairman: Councillor Simon Geraghty (C) Vice-Chairman: Councillor Marc Bayliss (C) Councillor Lucy Hodgson (C) Councillor Chris Mitchell (C) Councillor Mike Johnson (C) Councillor Andy Roberts (C) C = Conservative Information for Members of the Public Access to the Guildhall is via the front entrance in the High Street. The nearest car park is Copenhagen Street (pay and display). If you are a wheelchair user or have restricted mobility, access to the Guildhall can be gained either through the door on the right side of the forecourt as you face the Guildhall, or through the sliding doors at the rear of the Guildhall. There is dedicated disabled parking space at the rear (access via Copenhagen Street). Most meetings are held on the ground floor, which can be reached by using a lift. If you are a wheelchair user or have restricted mobility and you wish to attend a meeting, please telephone or email the officer mentioned below in advance and we will make any necessary arrangements to assist your visit. Part I of the Agenda includes items for discussion in public. You have the right to inspect copies of minutes and reports on this part of the Agenda as well as background documents used in the preparation of these reports. Details of the background papers appear at the foot of each report. Part II of the Agenda (if applicable) deals with items of 'Exempt or Confidential Information' for which the public are excluded from the meeting and neither reports nor background papers are open to public inspection. At the start of the meeting under the item 'Public Participation' up to fifteen minutes in total is allowed for members of the public to present a petition, ask a question or comment on any matter on the Agenda. Participants need to indicate that they wish to speak by 4.30 p.m. on the last working day before the meeting by writing, faxing, telephoning or E-Mailing the officer mentioned below. If you have any general enquires or queries about this Agenda or require any details of background papers, further documents or information, or to discuss arrangements for the taking of photographs, film, video or sound recording please contact the Lead Officer, Claire Chaplin, Democratic and Electoral Services Manager, Democratic Services, Guildhall, Worcester WR1 2EY. Telephone: 01905 722005 (direct line); TypeTalk 18001 01905 722233. E- Mail Address: [email protected]. This agenda can be made available in large print, braille, on PC disk, tape or in a number of ethnic minority languages. Please contact the above named officer for further information. Agendas and minutes relating to all City Council Committees, Cabinet and Council Meetings are also available electronically, click on the option “Committee Minutes and Documents”, Website Address: worcester.gov.uk Details of any representations received as to why the meeting should be open to the public Response to any such representation made by the Decision Making Body 2 CABINET RESPONSIBILITIES Councillor Role Key Corporate Service Responsibilities Priority Responsibility Simon Geraghty Leader Overall strategic direction Oversees work of the Managing of the Council, Director. Communications; Corporate Community and Emergency Plans (including flooding), External Partnerships/Agencies, liaison with County Council and Government Marc Bayliss Deputy Leader Economic Prosperity, City Oversees the work of Centre and Riverside Development Management and Enforcement, Parking, Economic Development and Planning Policy. Oversight of City Centre and Riverside Improvement Projects, Parking Services and Service Managers for Development Management, and ED&PP. Cabinet link to Building Control Shared Services, South Worcestershire Joint Advisory Panel, and member of Joint Museums Service Committee. Lucy Hodgson Cabinet Member History and Heritage Oversees the work of Democratic Services, Guildhall, Strategic Housing, Safeguarding, Museums, Community Activities, and Heritage/Archaeology and Service Manager for Strategic Housing and Community Activity. Mike Johnson Cabinet Member Sport, Leisure and Retail Oversees the work of Sport and Leisure and the Swimming Pool project, Licensing and Environmental Health, Health and Wellbeing, Tourism and Worcester BID. Cabinet link to Regulatory Shared Services and member of South Worcestershire Shared Services Joint Committee, and Worcestershire Joint Committee (Regulatory Services). 3 Chris Mitchell Cabinet Member Resources Oversees the work of Revenues and Benefits (Council Tax, Business Rates and Housing Benefit), Finance, Strategy and Transformation, Internal Audit, ICT, Worcestershire Hub, HR, Legal and Property and Service Managers for Finance, S&T and HR. Cabinet link to Revenue and Benefits, Internal Audit and Property Shared Services. Member of South Worcestershire Shared Services Joint Committee. Andy Roberts Cabinet Member Cleaner, Greener and Safer Oversees the work of Refuse City and Recycling, Street Cleansing, Parks and Open Spaces, Play Areas, Cemeteries and Crematorium, CCTV and Community Safety and Service Manager for Cleaner and Greener City. Member of Museums Joint Committee and Worcestershire Joint Committee (Regulatory Services). 4 Cabinet Tuesday, 8 December 2015 AGENDA Part 1 (ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION AND DECISION IN PUBLIC) 1. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST To receive any declarations of interest. 2. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION Up to a total of fifteen minutes can be allowed, with each speaker being allocated a maximum of five minutes, for members of the public to present a petition, ask a question or comment on any matter on the Agenda or within the remit of the Committee. 3. MINUTES Of the meeting held on 27th October 2015 Page(s): 1 - 4 to be agreed and signed by the Chairman. 4. DRAFT MEDIUM TERM FINANCIAL THE CABINET MEMBER FOR PLAN 2016-2021 AND DRAFT RESOURCES, COUNCILLOR CHRIS BUDGET & COUNCIL TAX 2016/17 MITCHELL, RECOMMENDS: Page(s): 5 - 70 Ward(s): All Wards 1. Cabinet endorse the Draft Medium Contact Officer: Lesley Meagher, Term Financial Plan 2016-2021, Corporate Director - Resources and the proposed Draft Budget & Tel: 01905 722595 Council Tax for 2016/17, including the financial management priorities and key assumptions for the short term and medium term planning horizon; 2. Cabinet approve, in accordance with the Local Authorities (Calculation of Tax Base) Regulations 1992, the Local Authorities (Calculation of Council Tax Base) (Amendment) (England) Regulations 2003 and the Local Authorities (Calculation of Council Tax Base) Regulations 2012, that the Council Tax Base calculation for the year 2016/17 will be 30,643 for Worcester City Council, including 3,920 for Warndon Parish Council and 2,167 for St Peter’s Parish Council (as detailed in Appendix 5); and 5 3. Cabinet note that the proposals will be updated for any agreed changes following budget consultation and consideration by Performance Management and Budget Scrutiny Committee, and for any significant changes following the publication of the Local Government Finance Settlement. Formal adoption of the MTFP and the Budget & Council Tax 2016/17, will be recommended to Full Council for approval in February 2016. 5. SOUTH WORCESTERSHIRE THE CABINET MEMBER FOR SPORT PLAYING PITCH STRATEGY 2015 - LEISURE & RETAIL, COUNCILLOR MIKE 2030 - KEY DECISION JOHNSON, RECOMMENDS: Page(s): 71 - 338 Ward(s): All Wards That Cabinet endorse the South Contact Officer: David Sutton, Worcestershire Playing Pitch Strategy. Cleaner and Greener Service Manager Tel: 01905 722302 6. SWAN THEATRE - PROPOSED THE CABINET MEMBER FOR GRANT OF A LONG LEASE TO THE RESOURCES, COUNCILLOR CHRIS BRANSFORD TRUST, WITH MITCHELL, RECOMMENDS: SUBLEASE TO WORCESTER LIVE - KEY DECISION That Cabinet approve the proposals set Page(s): 339 - 342 out in this report for the grant of a long Ward(s): All Wards lease of the Swan Theatre to the Contact Officer: Andrew Harding, Bransford Trust and a sublease from Team Leader the Bransford Trust to Worcester Live Estates, Place Ltd. Partnership Ltd. Tel: 07710067250 7. QUARTER 2 FINANCIAL THE CABINET MEMBER FOR MONITORING REPORT - 2015/16 RESOURCES, COUNCILLOR CHRIS Page(s): 343 - 364 MITCHELL, RECOMMENDS: Ward(s): All Wards Contact Officer: Mark Baldwin, 1. That Cabinet consider any feedback Finance Service from PMBS and note the financial Manager monitoring report and variances Tel: 01905 722007 highlighted for the second quarter ended 30th September 2015, and make any recommendations of action they wish to take as a result of that information; and 2. That Cabinet approve the write-offs noted in paragraph 4. 6 8. QUARTER 2 PERFORMANCE THE CABINET MEMBER FOR REPORT FOR 2015/16 RESOURCES, COUNCILLOR CHRIS Page(s): 365 - 402 MITCHELL, RECOMMENDS: Ward(s): All Wards Contact Officer: Joanna Payne, That the Cabinet note the Council’s Transformation and Quarter 2 performance for 2015/16 Performance against this suite of performance Officer measures and projects. Tel: 01905 722407 9. QUARTER 2 2015/16 CORPORATE THE CABINET MEMBER FOR RISK MANAGEMENT REPORT RESOURCES, COUNCILLOR CHRIS Page(s): 403 - 414 MITCHELL, RECOMMENDS: Ward(s): All Wards Contact Officer: William Wade, 1. That the Cabinet notes the contents Transformation and of the Corporate Risk Report; Performance Officer 2. That the Cabinet agree the Tel: 01905 722500 amendment to the improved score for corporate risk CR27; and 3. That the Cabinet agree the amendments to Corporate Risks CR04, CR09,
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