Somalia Weekly Update Week-41 Ending 14 Oct 2018 cVDPV2 and cVDPV3 Highlights • One new cVDPV3 case was reported this week from Middle Shabelle, Runingod District, with the date of onset on 7 September 2018. The case is a 5-month old boy with no history of oral polio vaccination • No new cVDPV2 cases reported this week. The date of onset of the most recent cVDPV2 was 2 September 2018 • No new cVDPV2 positive environmental sample was reported this week. As of week 41 of 2018, cVDPV2 have been isolated from 13 sewage samples and the date of specimen collection of the most recent positive sample was 6 September 2018 • No new cVDPV3 positive environmental cases reported this week. As of week 41 of 2018, cVDPV3 have been isolated from 10 sewage samples in Mogadishu and date of specimen collection of the most recent sample was 23 August 2018 There are 12 cVDPV cases; five cVDPV2 cases, six cVDPV3 cases and one case with cVDPV2 and cVDPV3 co-infection cVDPV2 and cVDPV3 isolated from AFP cases 2017-2018 5 cVDPV2 4 1 cVDPV2 Daynile 1 1 cVDPV2/3 (n=1) 3 cVDPV3 2 2 1 cVDPV2 J. West cVDPV2 and cVDPV3 3 1 2 1 1 1 0 Oct-17 Nov-17 Dec-17 Jan-18 Feb-18 Mar-18 Apr-18 May-18 Jun-18 Jul-18 Aug-18 Sep-18 Oct-18 New cVDPV3 Case Summary • A new cVDPV3 was isolated from an AFP case (SOM/MSH/RNG/18/002). The case is a 5-months old boy with no history of vaccination, from inaccessible nomadic village of MASAJID, Middle Shaballe Region of RUNINGOD District. The area is completely inaccessible since 2010 with no SIA activity. • The isolate has 21nucleotide differences (nt diff) from Sabin3 and is genetically linked to the cVDPV3 sequence for SOM-MSH-WRS-18- 001-C3 (Warsheik District) • The date of illness was on 6th September with onset of paralysis on 7th September. A village polio volunteer notified the case and made the initial investigation and first stool sample collection on 8th September 2018 • According to the recent Settlement survey data, the village has a population of 206 people living in 41 households. Approximately 41 of 206 are children aged under 5 years Samples with PV-2 sent for sequencing • PV-2 isolated from 3 samples collected from 3 contacts were sent for sequencing • These samples were collected from HARA DHERE District in Mudug Region, Puntland, bordering two inaccessible Districts of Central Zone List of cVDPV Cases in Somalia Date of Onset of EPID # Region Province District City/Village Gender Age (months) OPV Doses Results Paralysis IPV OPV Date of last OPV JAMECO SOM/HRN/BBT/18/002 Central HIRAN BULO BURTI MUBARAK Female 72 11/05/2018 0 0 - cVDPV3 & cVDPV3 SOM/MSH/WRS/18/001 Central MIDDLE SHABELLE WARSHEIKH MUNGAB Male 30 16/05/2018 0 6 06/05/2018 cVDPV3 SOM/MSH/WRS/18/003 Central MIDDLE SHABELLE WARSHEIKH BOHI Male 39 23/05/2018 0 0 - cVDPV3 SOM/GDO/DLO/18/002 South Gedo DOLO KABASA IDP Male 24 26/05/2018 0 6 08/05/2018 cVDPV2 SOM/LJB/KSM/18/005 South LOWER JUBA KISMAYO GULWADE Male 24 24/06/2018 0 4 05/05/2018 cVDPV3 SOM/MSH/MDY/18/002 Central MIDDLE SHABELLE MAHADAY SHAAN Male 42 29/06/2018 0 9 05/05/2018 cVDPV3 TABELHA- SH SOM/BAN/DYN/18/003 Cntral BANADIR DANYILE IBRAHIM Male 36 10/07/2018 0 1 05/05/2018 cVDPV2 SOM/LJB/KSM/18/006 South LOWER JUBA KISMAYO ALANLEY Male 156 27/07/2018 0 6 - cVDPV3 SOM/LJB/KSM/18/008 South LOWER JUBA KISMAYO FANOLE DP Female 24 29/07/2018 0 4 10/07/2018 cVDPV2 SOM/LJB/KSM/18/007 South LOWER JUBA KISMAYO FANOLE IDP Male 96 30/07/2018 0 10 - cVDPV2 LOWER JUBA SOM/LJB/JMW/18/002 South JAMAME WEST MAZAGIRO Female 32 02/09/2018 0 0 - cVDPV2 RUNINGOD SOM/MSH/RNG/18/002 South MIDDLE SHABELLE MASAJID Male 05 07/09/2018 0 0 - cVDPV3 Summary Environmental Samples and Lab Classification Epidemiological Week-2017 Epidemiological Week-2018 Name of Date of District 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 Site Establishment 5 6 Waberi 21-Oct 19 Sept. 2017 4 VDPV2 cVDPV2 cVDPV2 cVDPV3 cVDPV2 cVDPV3 cVDPV2 cVDPV3 cVDPV3 cVDPV2 5 5 3 3 3 3 3 3 Shangani Urobo 1 20 Sept. 2017 3 Shangani Urobo2 17 Aug. 2018 Hamerew 3 5 5 3 5 5 5 14 Kawma 21 Sept. 2017 14 cVDPV2 cVDPV3 cVDPV3 cVDPV3 cVDPV3 cVDPV3 cVDPV2 cVDPV2 cVDPV2 cVDPV2 cVDPV2 cVDPV2 oini cVDPV2 Egyt. Hodan 23 Nov. 2017 3 5 3 5 5 3 Hosp cVDPV2 • Two samples from 21Oct (Waberi) and three Legend 9 cVDPV3 from Kawma (Hamerewoini) (i.e. four PV-2, 1 Not scheduled 5 NPENT 10 Sent for sequencing one PV2/PV3 discordant were sent for 2 Pending 6 Sabin 11 Scheduled but not collected sequencing 3 Negative 7 NPENT + Sabin 12 Sabin 2 4 NEV 8 cVDPV2 13 Sabin + NPEV + NEV SIA Activity Calendar Apr – Dec. 2018 Activity Target area Date Status NID 1 bOPV Somaliland and Puntland 30 Apr- 03 May 2018 Campaign completed NID 1 bOPV South and Central Except Banadir, Lower and Middle Shabelle 5-8 May 2018 Campaign completed Third response round mOPV2 Campaign Banadir, Lowe Shabelle and Middle Shabelle 5-8 May 2018 Campaign completed Synchronized mOPV2 Campaign (with South and Central regions without Banadir, Lower and Middle Shablle regions 9 - 12 Jul 2018 Campaign completed Kenya and Ethiopia), Round 1 synchronized with Kenya response campaign Small scale bOPV Response Banadir, Lower and Middle Shablle regions 23-Jul 2018 Campaign completed Synchronized mOPV2 Campaign (with South and Central regions with out Banadir, Lower and Middle Shabelle regions 4-8 Aug. 2018 Campaign completed Kenya and Ethiopia), Round 2 synchronized with Kenya response campaign mOPV2 Daynile district 19-22 Sept. 2018 Campaign completed NID 2 bOPV synchronized with Kenya All 19 regions in Somalia (Target: 2,499,010 Children) 1-7 October 2018 Campaign completed and Ethiopia Upcoming Campaigns NID 3 bOPV synchronized with Kenya All 19 regions in Somalia (Target: 2,499,010 Children) 29 Oct-1 Nov 2018 Preparation is ongoing and Ethiopia In 9 regions of South and Central zones sNID mOPV2 19-22 November 2018 Planned, dates likely to change (Outbreak areas). To be synchronized with border regions of Kenya and Ethiopia NID-2 • Round: NID-2 • Date of Campaign: 1-7 October 2018 • Vaccine type: bOPV • Targeted: 2.6 million Under 5 children • Area: 18 regions (all regions except M. Jubba) • Number of districts targeted:101 Number of U-5 Vaccinated: 2,628,693 (98% ) Adjusted coverage from total U5 pop in Somalia: 86% Intra-campaign IM Coverage: 97% Post IM coverage: 98% LQAS: Of the total109 lots in 97 districts, 90 lots have passed, 11 are satisfactory, 6 are incomplete and not classified, and 2 lot failed. Administrative coverage Vs Adjusted coverage by region- NID-2 Oct 2018 100.0% 98% 98% 98% 98% 98% 98% 98% 98% 98% 98% 98% 98% 98% 97% 96% 96% 96% 96% 96% 95% 95% 97.4% 95% 95% 97.3% 97.3% 95% 95% 90.0% 95% 96.8% 92% 92% 90% 80.0% 86% 84% 80% 79% 70.0% 75% 60.0% 67% 50.0% 48% 40.0% No Region SIA thein 30.0% 20.0% 10.0% 0.0% 0% 0.0% L. Jubba Bay Bakool Gedo M. Jubba Hiran M. L. shabelle Galgaduud Banadir Nugal Mudug Bari Karkar Sanag Sool Ayn Awdal Sahil Sanaq Sool Galbeed Togdher Shabelle South Central Puntland Somaliland Total % of Admin Coverage % Adjusted admin Coverage • Of the total 3 million children in Somalia, 2,692,202 under 5 years living in the accessible settlements were targeted for this round. A total of 2,628,693 (98% ) of the targeted children were vaccinated in this round. • Of those vaccinated 32,258 were vaccinated for the first time and half of whom were from Somaliland. • The adjusted coverage calculated from total under 5 children is 86%. Summary of intra-campaign IM Summary by Region # % HHs # Children % Children # Children % Children % total U-5 # # # of HHs # Children # Children # Missed Missed_H # Missed_ Aware independent monitoring Region 0-11 0-11 12-59 12-59 Children Missed_no Missed_Re visited 0-11 Seen 12-59 Seen children H not unknown about Vaccinated Vaccinated Vaccinated Vaccinated Vaccinated t_available fusals data Visited Campaign Proportion of Missed Children by Lifestyle AWL 6806 5886 5187 88% 14336 13330 93% 92% 1705 1010 573 92 30 91% BAN 29548 22792 22413 98% 50605 49349 98% 98% 1635 793 22 556 264 90% 14 388 462 BAY 5510 5240 5210 99% 9771 9653 99% 99% 148 96 5 34 13 98% BKL 2799 2066 2038 99% 5035 4915 98% 98% 148 55 1 48 44 98% BRI 9991 7033 6997 99% 19389 19304 100% 100% 121 32 11 73 5 97% GDD 3847 2728 2537 93% 7675 7367 96% 95% 499 269 127 71 32 97% GDO 3165 2857 2851 100% 6767 6736 100% 100% 37 25 0 12 0 95% 3538 HRN 4017 3378 3375 100% 8256 8150 99% 99% 109 94 1 11 3 100% 6533 LJB 3412 2969 2940 99% 7060 7025 100% 99% 64 43 5 11 5 94% LSH 18546 8081 7543 93% 37365 35392 95% 94% 2511 2077 85 339 10 98% MSH 11289 2787 2756 99% 25940 25839 100% 100% 132 36 1 8 87 95% MUD 8601 6993 6838 98% 16781 16045 96% 96% 891 605 18 223 45 89% 5177 4456 4434 11940 11887 75 38 1 33 3 idp_refugees nomadic rural urban Not Known NUG 100% 100% 100% 93% SAH 4107 3024 2907 96% 7906 7712 98% 97% 311 219 2 44 46 91% SNG 5353 3499 3193 91% 10889 10467 96% 95% 728 493 17 185 33 90% Proportion of Refusals by Life style SOL 5365 3963 3890 98% 11908 11713 98% 98% 268 195 10 57 6 94% TOG 6421 4531 4433 98% 12009 11687 97% 97% 420 275 22 108 15 80% WGB 14089 10627 10347 97% 28202 27349 97% 97% 1133 465 210 416 42 89% 4 Grand 148043 102910 99889 97% 291834 283920 97% 97% 10935 6820 1111 2321 683 93% 69 71 IM Coverage Summary by Settlement Type # # Children # # % Children # Children % Children % total U-5 # # # % HHs 640 Type of # of HHs Children 0-11 Children # Missed Missed_ 0-11 12-59 12-59 Children Missed_not Missed_ Misseed_ Aware about visited 0-11 Vaccinate 12-59 children
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