Sftfp H ftlU n trn -^lm rt H ills U t e COMPLETE COVEK^pE OF MUX BURN TOWNSHIP INCLUDING WYOMING v:OL.. XLVIII NO. 36 Millburn, New Jersey, Friday, September 4, 1936 PRICE FIVE CENTS esidents Differ On Zoning, SILVERSTEIN - Township Schools Open Wednes­ LANDON-KNOX QUITS RACE day; Faculty Changes Announced Street Signs and Postoffice LEAD HERE IS AS CANDIDATE Superintendent Dyke Confident New Members Will Continue Past Academic Progress— V 0 V E R 9 T 0 1 Democratic Committee Miss Malloy Returns Item Reporter Finds Sentiment 36 HIGH SCHOOL Item Straw Vote Result Nominee Asks Hill- Next Wednesday morning at nine a like position In Cooper Union Schmidt Support o’clock, all Millburn schools will Miss Adelaide J. Van Vliet, New Shows Republican Varies As To Their Desirability GRADUATES WILL open for the new school year, 1936- Jersey College for Women, will be Strength / 1937. Arrangdtnertts have been the new manrfger of the high This week Htrry Silversteln made for beginning the regular school cafeteria. Sidewalks Costly, Signs Unsightly, Post Office Democratic nominee for member The Straw vote now being con­ program of work, new pupils hav­ ENTER COLLEGE of the Township committee, an­ Office assistants in the Board of ducted by The Item among Its Necessity—All Would Maintain Town­ ing registered in advance and for­ Education office at the high school nounced his withdrawal from the readers, which is a part of a na­ mer pupils already advised as to include Jane Loder, Adelaide Pratt, ship’s Recognized Individuality race. He asked that all voters sup­ tional poll being taken among their status. and Florence Ebblie. Many Members of June port the candidacy of Clarence A. thousands of readers of weekly Announcement was made Tues­ The new South Mountain school A series of short interviews with no reason for it to cease to be. It Is Hill and Frank M. Schmidt newspapers In the smaller com­ Inhabitants of Short Hills early a park and not a city. Class Continue day by Superintendent Charles B. will open September 9 with the munities, tends to show more and There have been unconfirmed Gardner Gillespie, A, 1917—Con­ Dyke, of changes In and additions following staff of teachers: Eugene this week, showed the residents to rumors for some time that Mr Sll- more conclusively that people are be almost unanimously in accord cerning the new zoning ordinance, \ Studies to the teaching staffs of Millburn G Wilkins, principal, In conjunc­ turning to Governor Landon as the versteln would not make the race I have no 'ftght to express an opin­ schools for the coming year Mr. tion with the same position at the preference In the November elec­ with, the Idea of a new post office £ut rather, would withdraw in ion regarding the restrictions In Thirty members of the June Dyke when submitting a list of the Washington school, will act as su­ tion. building. favor of the two Republican nom­ graduating class of Millburn High new teachers, pointed out their ex­ pervisor of elementary Instruction. Nationally the poll has shown a Sentiment was divided concern­ any section other than that in inees His action now Is In con­ (Continued on Page Eight) School will shortly take up studies cellent records both In academic Miss Virginia McCauley, Miss Rosa distant Republican trend with ing the efficacy of the proposed formity with these reports. noning ordinance as well as to the In Institutions of higher learning and practical fields, and expressed lind T. Walsh, and Miss Gladys M.1 Landon and Knox In the lead by a located In various parts of the He was the only opposition can­ confidence they would substantial­ Williams, all newcomers, will teach I nominal margin H-is In the local rhrnnic problem of strpet signs, didate listed on the Spring pri­ sidewalks and direct house mail country, according to Mr John R ly add to the splendid work already the sixth, second grades and the I vote however that the greatest in- Bretnall. principal mary ballot but enough voters accomplished In the local schools delivery. kindergarten, respectively. The re-Merest centers to date, as here the NO PETITIONS The list Includes: wrote In the name of William Cros­ The high school will have five mainder of the South Mountain | normal Republican majority has The Interviews took In a cross by so that he too, was nominated section of the community and con­ John Bermlngham, Newark Col­ new teachers Miss Marjorie E staff which has been transferred ' risen to nearly double that shown lege of Engineering: Caroline Bos- for one of the two vacancies There Mueller. A B, Barnard and A M. from the Wyoming school, In-;in the average election year trary to current belief, there ap­ REACH CLERK have been statements he also might pears to be no marked difference sevain, Barnard College: Richard Columbia, will teach German and elude MadeleineA. Nutter, fourth Item readers have cast their Brumberger, North Carolina State withdraw, which If true, would English It is noted that first year grade, Ethel M Me Intyre, third ballots freely and from all present between the feelings of residents r leave Messrs Hill and Schmidt vic­ who have lived In Short Hills for College; Cople Burblrd, Cornell: German will be introduced foi gnide, Eleanor M Albee, first Indications the Republican candl- Last Day For Filing But Phylls Clark, College of William tors by default unless the local many years and those who have those who desire this language for grade dates will receive a tar higher per- and Mary; Agnes Gould, Newark Democratic committee designated recently taken the town for their None Make Ap­ rollege entrance in. preference to The Wyoming school has added ccntagc of votes than in any recent Normal School: Frances Haines. new candidates. others Miss Doris A Cooper as assistant presidential year home. pearance A statement by Mi Silversteln Skidmore College; Frank Halstead, John Urban, A B, State Uni- In the kindergarten and the Wash Republicans here arc conceded In the statements that follow Drew University follows: jverslty, Kent. Ohio, and B S Co- ington school will have Miss Jean- Yesterday, Thursday, was the to outnumber Democrats by a th,. letter after the name indicates Robert Huson, University of I have always felt that there ex­ llumbla, will be instructor In gen- cite E R Malloy as teacher of the last day for filing petitions look­ heavy margin but many of the whether the speaker lives in the Pennsylvania: Virginia Johnson, isted In Millburn Township, a spirit eral science, biology and health B fourth grade Miss Malloy, who was { , , rp£rlstprpd or ing to changing the form of Town­ • action designated under the pro- Moravian College. Donald Mac- of cooperation and civic minded- Ford Sheppard. B 8, State Teach- granted a two year leave of ab- “ t many c a l . I n y Z s T t Z ship government, but up to the pn od zoning ordinance as "one Phall. Panzer College, Elizabeth ness that made for the finer type ers College. Newark, will have sene- by t he Board of Education. ' these resldents arP now arou.sed ls time of going to press, no copies t,,mily residents A" or "B". The fig- Mlessner, University of Rochester: of community. To farther this after charge of the department of fine spent that time as teacher in the evldent ln that thp ballots to datP of the petition had been received , following the name represents Barbara Neuroth. Pratt Institute: a careful study of the affairs of arts E M Hayes. A B . A M La- American College at Beirut, Syria have run morc predominantly Re- vcar of moving into Short Hills, j at the office of Miss Mabel E Goff. James Nlrol, Brown University; the Township, taking into consid­ fayette. ls the new teacher In the Her return to Millburn schools pubhcan lhan nt -any tlmP in the Stewart Hartshorn, A, 1870 - I Township Clerk Florence O'Mara. Panzer College; eration the best Interests of the social sciences after so unique and unusual an hutory of thc Townshlp believe definitely In the zoning1 Thursday morning the petitions Lois Pritchard, Rockford College, taxpayers and residents, I became Eric Rickard. Cornell and Co- experience, i.s regarded with much On the basis of the ballots so far principle, without which the ten- | were In active circulation as the Townshend Ricketts, University of a candidate for t.ic Township him bln will succeed Maurice T satisfaction John Lucas has been fMl the Landun prpfprpiu.p ,, llln. il.mrv is to overcrowd the houses! time of filing drew to a close Michigan. , Committee ] Ayers who has just resigned a.s in- engaged as Instructor ol manual nlng in excess of nine to one and consequently spoil the locations ] Rumors that the whole movement Martha Romalne, Lassell Junior "Since the nomination by the Re­ jstructor In mathematics to accept . arts in the elementary schools which may be contrasted with a ini cramp the architecture The , had emanated from the so-called College, Jean Rose, Middlebury publican party of Clarence A Hill claims of a normal ratio of five to zoning act put forth by the Town- Barker faction of the Township College: Fred Rosseland, Drew and Frank M Schmidt, and after a one In this latter If ls probable a hip Committee seems satisfactory j government, were denied Mason University: Jo Ann Sawyer. Col­ study of their qualifications and four to one average would be more mi the face of It, although If the j Young Jr. was one of those active- lege of William and Mary Oeorge lability, 1 have come to the conclus­ Program To Mark Opening Of nearly correct, which however zones are all built up under the ly circulating a petition, and stated Srhuetz, Michigan State ion that the best Interests of our makes the present straw vote only minimum requirement, It seems to he was advised some 250 names had Dorothy Schwarz, Lassell Junior community would be served by j the more Impressive m- the town will be overcrowded.
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