The Cameron Parish 35¢ Election is Saturday Pilot Cameron Parish voters in District 47, of which October 2, 2003 Vol. 47--No. 40 Cameron, La. 70631 will be faced with a lengthy Cameron Parish is apart, are ballot when they go to the Mickey Firth, incumbent, and polls Saturday. Rebecca Shirley. The ballot will contain 6 (Cameron Parish was for- statewide races, a state repre- merly in the district presently sentative race, the Cameron served by Rep. Dan Flavin.) Parish sheriff’s race and The only parishwide race races for police jury in six dis- on the ballot is for sheriff. tricts. James “Sono” Savoie, who has A sample ballot will be been sheriff for many years, is Roy E. Bailey found elsewhere in this issue retiring at the end of his pre- of the News. It is suggested sent term next July. that voters check off their Seven candidates are run- Roy Bailey choices on a sample ballot ning to be the new sheriff and before entering the voting take office next July. booth as they have only three Incumbents in six of the dies Sat. at minutes to cast their votes. seven police jury districts Statewide races include have opposition. The candi- governor, lieutenant gover- dates are listed on the sample age of 80 nor, secretary of state, attor- ballot in this issue. ney general, commissioner of In addition there are 15 ROY E. BAILEY agriculture and forestry and constitutional amendments Funeral services for Ray commissioner of insurance. on Saturday’s ballot. A brief E. Bailey, 80, were held Parish voters will be vot- summary of each amendment Tuesday, Sept. 30 in Sacred Gay Gomez ing in a new state representa- and a sample ballot can be heart Catholic Church in tive district as the result of found elsewhere in this issue. Creole. The Rev. Joseph reapportionment. Candidates McGrath officiated. Burial Gomez to be was in Highland Memory Gardens Cemetery under the speaker at direction of Hixson Funeral Alligator Festival set Home of Creole. Mr. Bailey died Saturday, Lib. dinner Sept. 27, 2003, in a Lake for Sunday in G. C. Charles hospital. The Cameron Parish He was a native of Library will host its third The 18th annual Alligator sold or allowed on the Ottumwa, Iowa, and had annual author’s dinner at Festival, sponsored by St. grounds during the festival. lived in the Creole area since 5:30 p.m. on October 13 at the Eugene Catholic Church, will 1957. He was an Army veter- Creole Fire station. The guest be held Sunday, Oct. 5 at the SCHEDULE OF EVENTS an. He was owner of Roy speaker and author will be PASSAGE OF Constitutional Amendment 8 would per- Grand Chenier State Park on 10 a.m. - Crowning of Bailey Construction Gay Gomez who lived in mit offshore drilling rigs, such as the one above, to be the Mermentau River. Senior Citizen Queen. Company since 1957. He was Cameron Parish while work- brought into Cameron for repairs without the rigs being The festival begins at 10 10:15 - Little Mr. & Miss a member of Sacred Heart a.m. with the crowning of pageant. ing on the book, A Wetland subject to property taxes. Presently Texas and Catholic Church in Creole. Biography. Abe’s Cajun Senior Citizen Queen and the 11 a.m. - Lunch begins. He was also a member of the Mississippi, who do not tax such rigs, are getting most Little Mr. and Miss Alligator 11:15 a.m. - Presentation Market and KayLynn Poole of of the business and Cameron is getting very little. Parish American Legion, Grand Grand Lake will cater the Festival Pageant. of Joseph Sturlese Family Chenier Post 364, and the officials have urged voters to vote in favor of Food to be sold during the Memorial Plaque for largest dinner, which will be your Amendment 8 Saturday. Woodman of the World. choice of stuffed chicken day includes barbecue, ham- alligator award. Survivors include his wife, breast or grilled catfish burgers, fried alligator, boiled 1 p.m. - Auction. Band: Marie Doucet Bailey, of topped with crawfish etouf- crabs and cakes. other activi- Little Chenier Playboyz. Creole; two sons, Troy E. fee. You must RSVP to one of Officials ask support ties include cakewalks, T- 1:30 p.m. - Alligator Bailey, Creole and Paul the library’s branches or main shirt and cap sales, country Skinning Demonstration Traeger, Sumner, Iowa; one branch by October 10 at 3 pm. store, auction, silent auction, 2 p.m.- Silent auction brother, John D. Bailey, Please call 775-5421 with any of offshore rig amend. raffle, space walk, children’s deadline. Many; two sisters, Alice questions. games and live music from 1 4 p.m. - Raffle drawing & Grade, Ottumwa, Iowa and The authors dinner will p.m. Company, Cake Walk & Barbara Simmons, Moline, Four Cameron Parish pub- Mississippi for major renova- No admission will be Childrens Games. include a short book talk and lic officials this week urged tions and repairs, where they ill.; four grandchildren and slide show on her first works, charged and no alcohol will be three great-grandchildren. parish voters to vote for have been tax exempt.” A Wetland Biography: Amendment 8 on the ballot The four officials said if Seasons on Louisiana’s this Saturday. Amendment 8 passes in Chenier Plain. The book was The support was told by Cameron parish, it will help New sheriff will be able a 1995 dissertation presented Charles Precht III, police jury parish economic develop- Police Jury to the faculty of the graduate president; Tina Horn, parish ment, be a benefit to local school of the University of administrator; Bobby Conner, businesses and help to pro- to take salary increase to meet Mon. Texas at Austin that was pub- parish assessor; and Sammy vide jobs for local people. lished in 1998. The book is Faulk, parish economic devel- Administrator Horn has The Louisiana Legislature The new salary allowed by based on the people, wildlife oper. The four issued the fol- also urged parish voters to recently passed a bill that will the legislation can be up to The Cameron Parish and their lives in the marshy lowing statement: support three other amend- permit the salaries of some $109,558.52 which includes a Police Jury will hold its parish of Cameron. “This amendment will be ments on the ballot that will Louisiana sheriffs to be ten percent expense monthly meeting Monday, Louisiana’s Chenier Plain especially rewarding for directly benefit Cameron increased next July when new allowance. Oct. 6 with the agenda meet- is a 2,200-square-mile region Cameron Parish as it will Parish. sheriff terms begin. The Cameron Parish’s ing at 3 p.m. and the regular of marshes and oak-covered exempt the drilling platforms Amendment 1 would pro- The salary increase will Sheriff’s salary has been meeting at 5 p.m. ridges (cheniers) that stretch- used in offshore waters from vide more funds for coastal not affect Cameron Parish $84,700 for the past few Topics that will be dis- es property taxes. restoration. Sheriff James “Sono” Savoie years. cussed at the agenda meeting Cont. on pg. 2 “This exemption will not Amendment 2 would dedi- who is retiring next July. include A. B. Dock Services, take away from Cameron cate some of the tobacco set- However, the law will Cameron Fire Dept. paid Parish revenues as few of tlement to coastal restora- effect the new sheriff who will Outreach tells positions, morbid obesity No new TB these platforms have tion. be elected either Saturday or exclusion on employees med- remained in the parish long Amendment 3 would limit in the runoff election in benefit gumbo ical coverage, and historical enough to be taxed, using our the state’s liability for dam- November. markers. area for quick repairs and ages caused to private proper- The new sheriff will have In observance of Domestic At the regular meeting, cases are going to Texas and ty due to coastal restoration. the option of taking part or all Violence Awareness Month, the jury will hold a hearing on of the increase depending on the Cameron Outreach intention to create the his budget. Agency will sponsor a gumbo Sweetlake-Grand Lake found here and silent auction on Cemetery Board. Jurors also Thursday, Oct. 16 at 6:30 p.m. are expected to appoint Record turnout told No new cases of tuberculo- at the Sweetlake Methodist Shirley Chesson, Scott Poole, sis have been found in Church. Jim Paul Dupont, Ricky Poole Cameron and the one case By CYNDI SELLERS ble voters. Absentee votes Registration Narketa Gautreaux with and Gary Wicke to the board. identified several weeks ago were cast by 392 or 5.5% of the Prevent Child Abuse pro- An amendment to the is doing well, according to Dr. Cameron Parish may be on those eligible. gram will be the speaker. Alcoholic Beverage ordinance Bertrand Foch, Regional track for a record voter This year's high early set for Nov. Anyone wishing to donate will be considered. Director of the Office of Public turnout Saturday if early turnout is being attributed to Registration for the Nov. an item for the auction can Health. trends hold true. According to the large number of local can- 15 election will end Oct. 15, leave it at the District He said that 304 persons Registrar of Voters Ruby didates and their strong effort according to Suzanne Attorney’s office for William had been identified as having Kelley a record 614 absentee to get out the vote. Blood drive Sturlese, deputy registrar Daigle or call Angela Jouett possible contact with this ballots were recorded last with the Cameron Registrar at 598-5716.
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