t h e w e a t h e r .©kHufe-passiMy, showers today; ’ T ry - THE ITTT.TjntX TIMES For Tour Next Order Of — P R I N T I N G ^ -^QL. XIII, No. 656 Teacher Pa y $390mmOOO Held Inadequate WARNS VIOLATORS D o n ’ t Mention About190 In WITHOUT INSURANCE Confer On For High School Building RecordeFEmil A, Herrigel, in. impos­ It Schedule Is ing $57.50 in fines on more than -a: Senior Class half .dozen vlolatofs o f motet* vehicle Personnel • The possibility that if Hillside ob­ Ose »f a whfelld similar to a. po]$oe- of Hillside's application. It, is under­ laws yesterday in Police Dourt, warned nian's cost a Ne".'ark man, night watoji- tains a grant from the fw a for -a stood that. the resolution -asks Presi­ lleld Unfair $390,00b new high school building, -a of higher fines if he continues to find ^ ' i t George WashtogtoA School dent Roosevelt to, cqpslder this ‘and To Graduate so many drivers operating oars with­ larger expenditure" than that total other projects1 termed “emergency1; da-, O f Boards «hile repair work la being carried would out accident insurance. i Police i t yesterday i foieh. $10 •Several Teachm F^fel They worthwhile * Job was,. voiced Monday induct. After visiting July 1.. Curtis said1 he had “quite un­ Commencement On Monday Membership of Industrial hv tavei'ni 'bexb^^^ td ^lOW the Whistle Have’ Been Slighted and bight at a special, meeting of the Board official" information that Hillside's of Education. A-survey of-available, Evening; Eighth Grade eurW 2 £ exHptance, attracting at-" Seek a Conference grant would be. allowed on or about Awards Made Board and Assessor Is tendril tohis cihffition... • -eites' was authorized, to,get definite June 23. A" special meeting will be Exercises Wednesday Practically Decided NOT ENOUGH MONEY Prices and to learn whether property held as soon as Gurtis is ready' to re­ owners want -to hold their lands under ■ About; 190 students, the largest senior A ' spectator Tuesday, at the cham­ port on the question of sites, • ' To Studedts FIRE LIEUTENANTS pionship game of the Greater Newark FOR ALL, SAYS KING option to await the final outcome, Hur- class Hillside High School has had1,; will lmericiiolasUc baseball tournament got low H. Curtis, chairman of the sites be jjraatmtea Monday night at the four^ WILL BE SELECTED Discussion of , the revised salary and new buildings committee, said his teenth annual oommenoenieht exercises Awards and prizes to/studehts not1 wrought up.. 'te' he saw Hillside High' schedule adopted by the Board of Edu­ included to the program of -toe recent •Reverting to'an age-old ogtfora, the pitcfier, Pat McEatee, get into a tight committee haS been investigating prop­ ‘Mosts’ Picked ih the school auditorium and' gym­ cation last week will be sought by the erties. nasium. ; ^ v “H igljScbool. Nigtor were presented Township Committee spent two hours. Busy ■ toQiit.ihg. “Take him out I’' salary- committee of the Hillside Teach. Board members agreearthatrprtcesrof: this mSfntnm-ak-toe final high arhnnl Wednesday night to closed conference and arguing with another spectator, Devotional exercises Will be leh- by- era’ Association with board members, the class secretary, Janet E. Perrine ; assembly When the" annual Moving Up' over appointments, tax questions and he "forgot about-the game. He was materials aa . well as labor.-costs-Txave- By H .,S. Seniors 'to answer a feeling o f some that dis­ gone Up since the application was filed Exeroises were hridT- """ various routine matters. Reporters siiil demanding a new pitcher as Mc- talks win be given , by two members of crimination was shown. with the FWA for "a grant of 45 per the class, William Arnold Bobertz and The High .School Parent-Teacher were informed at 10:55 p. m. that they sutee struck out a inan' and retired. “Senior Superlatives,” a part of the .H ils was announced by Mrs.'Beatrice cent of the $390,000 total, The original Lois Jane MacMahon; presentation of Association good citizenship awards to, could attend an meeting to open then. ' tti6~jnbre in a hurry and Bloomfield year book of the high ' school senior J, - - Jennings, president, -following application two years ago was for $493,- the class gift to the school will'be by senions. not members of toe National The meeting was over at 11 o’oloqk. class; Shows, what members of .the class took the field. • . closed meeting' 6f the association Mon- 000, but had -toybe revised downward to Louis Tlsch, president of the. class, and Honor Society went to Olga ZaStenchik ‘To get It on the record,” the names " think of manylol them in. various day in Hurden-Looker School. __ comply with a-state law limiting school patriotic - exercises at the close .wiEUbe and Ernest Sliawcross; for home eco­ of seven meh to became Hillside's In- It- can be recalled -that more than respects. stated that “although several of ijie endebtedn^, since changed. conducted by George * T. Steuerwaid, nomics, Dorothy Woolsey and Myra" dustrlal "Planning Board were annoitno- one township committeeman has. cam-, Most popular a re' Janice Howlett, teachers in the low® salary brackets Arthu£-/6. Woodfigld, district clerk president of the Students’ General As­ ODonnell; for manual arts, John Our-" They are Louis J. Rees, ideal real palgned for .office With a cry for “open Yvonne Summer, Louis Tlsch oad'Wal- feel they ‘ httve ..been discriminated mJ^Supervising pSlnclpal, said, the sociation. rie, who made a walnut chest; Howell: estate operator; ' Township Attorney meetings,” but closed conferences over ter, Warlcziok; did most'fbr the class,. against in the salary revision, th e __ $390,000 total would not be adequate to Arthur G. Woodfield, supervising" -Hamilton, a Governor Wtathrop desk, Sigurd A. Emerson, committeeman subjects apparently not too delicate to Gladys Hill, Adelaide Heath, Tisoh and jorlty of them are satisfied with the the needs of the township, nimti A. principal of schools, will introduce the and Frank FisSher, an—office desk. Harry Sottakbel,. Bhner Petersen, Bris­ George Steuerwaid; best looking, Jeanne be known by the public- or on, which plan as1 announced by'the board. Herrigel, the board’s attorney, was di­ members ~of the National Honor Spa, Gold “H”s, Jn recognition of unusual; tol-Myers- Corporation plant manager; "reporters might appropriately" obtain McKinney, Miss Summer, Lorta Dore "The teachers. ititH-- feel- they haW rected'to find out what bearing the ciety; ' Wilbur H. Oox, principal, will Service during four years to high school, Leslie Rl; Tiohenor "Jr.1 plumbing eon- * Alard Hanover; most geatleinsniy, some "background" for future stories, been slighted naturally want to know Sohweaenbaoh resolution which has present, the class to the Board of Edu­ were presented to’ Gladys Hill/George tractor; j . Raymond Oarrtager, Stand­ continue as of old. -Edward Wisstag and Steuerwaid; "most why. That is the reason Tor the meet­ passed the Senate has on the status cation, and'the diplomas will be pre­ Steuerwaid, Thomas Greengrove'.and ard Oil Oompany- official, and Harry ladylike, Janet Perrine and Louise ing of our committee and the Board sented by Hugo S. Gensel, president of. Louis Tisch, by Arthur G; Woodfleld," Grassmann. Bowne; cutest, Miss Sommer, Pauline of Education,” the board. supervising principal. Press Club and explained that'the members' Wolf,* Thomas Greengrove and Han­ Republicans Rap -- Some Very Critical " Music Program Debate Olub keys were presented to' (will be called upon to draw up rules Senior Class over; most -sophisticated, Meryl Cook, Some teachers were very critical of Opening musio will be^ played by the leading members. and regulations for their operation, to Eileen Norton, Wisstag'" and Herbert the difference, in the amounts of-in* school...orchestra, -directed- by .yictor. Athletic Awards be submitted' to the Township Commit­ Committee Laxity Weber; best dancers, 'Basi"e~Stewart, creases allowed some, teachers and taj Bryant. The selection will *Be “dripple Walter "Wa1lbaoErE0iIlside's”four "let- tee for ratification. This, it was de- Gets Year Book Violet Deuell, Joseph . KOrbanlch and the choice of .teachers with even, Creek,” by Stringfield, after which the ter athlete, reoeived a special award of dared, Is to avoid limiting the board Uoyd Sohorr, • The Republican Citizens' 'Jieague of than a year’s experience for increases, processional of the class will start the a trophy from toe Students' Oener-al- by rules that might hamper its activ­ Class shleks, Wisstag and Albert MsS; Hillside" met Wednesday night at the over a- "number of ‘senior and junior ■ The year, book of the Glass of 1987, ceremonies. After the addresses, the Associatlon. -The nineteen gold signet ities. Terms of members are to be class, shebas, Estelle Mdlea and Doris chapel of the Presbyterian Church, Ooe high school instructors who have been ’’Ooe-inoldents,7’ was issued to high orchestra wall, play ^Bouree,” in p- rings,'with the school seal and mention* suggested by the seven. Brengel; most likely -to succeed, Miss and Salem avenues,, A detailed dis­ teaching for four or five years. One school students Tuesday, including Minor, by. Bach. After 'the patriotic of the oha&pipfiship, were formally To Draw Up Plans Heath, Shirley linger, Leonard Peck cussion was entered into by the-'various1 was reported to have declared the pro*] much material for reviving memories exercises, the class will sing the school presented to members of the high While the Township Committee • and Steuerwaid; "best. mixers, Nelda members regarding the political situa­ oedure leaves i£e way-open for" teach­ ih years to coihe. The book includes Alma Mater and bring the program to school baseball nine, coaches, managers avoided giving any background as to tion of the town ago county, iMe ers to- resign if the Board of Education 84_pages, Haley, Florence McClure, Tfech and a dose with Its recessional.
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