T liE GEOrtOFA S T A T E WOM AJV8 C O L L E G E , V A L D O S T A , G A , SATLTTtTFAY, A E E F L J5, t94S Home Ec. Club G . S . W . C . Holds Memorial Ma.h ScieMeOub Bentley To Be ^ Tr r i TA Program ]^ext President of Hears Authorities Services for F ranRIrn It. Hear Nation News Home Ec. Club Ou Ec. As Vocation At their regular monthly meet­ ing on Thursday, April 12, 1945, RooseveltFridayMorninig members of the Math-Science At a call meeting last week, a nominating committee presented The Home Economics Ciub met Club expected a program of enter­ tainment, to be given by the the club nominations for offi^rs jointiy Thursday evening at the for the Home Economics Club for House in the Wocwls with the Chemistry Division of the Club. Instead, all attention was turned the next school year. American Association of Univer­ Ethel Bentley was elected pres­ sity Women in order to sponsor to the direction of the national news, the death of the President. ident of the club to succeed Ra­ the Vocational Guidance Program chel Cunningham. Ethel, a Home The club listened as comments on Home Economics. Miss Drew, Economics major, is a SGA mon­ on the greatness of Mr. Roose- sponsor of the Home Economics itor, former member of YWCA Ciub, was chairman of this Vo­ vel t as a man and as a leader were made by Attorney-General Cabinet, and a member of the cational Program. International Relations Club. There were six spcaJ^ers on the Biddle, Thomas E. Dewey, and Major La Guardia of New York, The members elected Margie program. Tiiese speakers gave Alassey vice-president. Margie is important points on the Home on news broadcasts occurring at this tim e. an active member of tbe Fine Economist in Home Demonstra­ Arts Club, having recently been tion Work, Research, Retailing elected as President of the Fine and bu^dng. Institutional Manage­ A rts Club. ment, Nutritionist in Public Wel­ Seniors Honored Mary Tharpe was elected Sec­ fare and Teaching and Business. retary, Joyce Hill, Treasurer, and Afrs. R ogers. L ow ndes C ounty By Dance Festival Libby Rose, Historian. Home Demonstration Agent, ex­ The oid officers other than the plained how interesting and varied one mentioned are Kathleen Hall, the work in this phase of the In Drexel Park Vice-President; Virginia Sumner, field of home economics is. She Secretary; Catherine Green, exclaimed that no two days in Treasurer; and ATary Crum, His­ a year of work as a home dem­ A dance festival, given in honor torian. onstration agent were ever the of the graduating classes, will be Tbe new officers will be in­ same. Miss Willie Mae High­ given in the amphitheatre in stalled at the next reguiaa^^bib] tower, buyer for Varnedoe, told Drexel Park, June 2 at 5 o'clock. of the compensations other than Using the theme "Dance Periods meeting at which ti money that one gets out of a job' On Friday morning, April 13, has, himself, become a war cas­ of Our Nation" the program will Seniors of the Club wr as buyer or retailer. Airs. Jones at 11 o'clock, members of the u a lty ." open with a dance of the Rev­ ored. spoke of the wide field open to faculty and^ student body of the At the end of his comment tl-e olutionary Period. Dances of 1360 Home Economist with a talent college, paused, in their various vesper choir chanted the Lord's and the "Gay Nineties^' will be and liking of research. She em­ activities, to pay tribute to the Prayer, and a moment of silent featured, and the festival will ^ phasized how necessary it was for only man beloved and trusted prayer, in which the entire stu­ close with a suite of dances rep- ' one to be greatly interested in enough to becpme President of the dent, body and faculty took part, resenting the United Nations. research to succeed with it as a United States four times in suc­ gave the occasion a solemnity The various dance classes and vocation. Lt. Hughes, Wac officer cession, only to die in the third never so strongly felt before. the Dance Club all under the di­ in charge of Cadet Mess at Moody month of his fourth term, Frank­ In a verbal prayer, Mr. Clifton rection of Miss Lucy Lampkin Field, threw some light on In­ lin Delano Roosevelt. This tribr J. White, Art and Music pi-o- will participate in these dances. stitutional Management and the ute was in thQ form of a brief fessor and an instrumental figure Through the combined efforts of O n W edne Home Economist in the Armed memorial service in the school in the influence of the Y.W.C.A., the glee club under the direction 8:00, in tha Forces. "Nutritionist are much auditorium. on campus, expressed the mspo- of Mr. Raimonde Aubrey; the tha Socias Cc needed in Public Welfare" %vas Dr. Frank R. Reade, president ken sentiments of all present Choral Reading Group tmder the is giving an infbrinc stressed by Miss Gregor^ new of the college, opened the service when he said, ^TBless and send direction of Miss Louise Sawyer, an open bouse, to which Director of the Lowndes County with these words, "Yesterday, at down gifts from Heaven, upon the and the Physical Education De­ tire stu d en t b o d y is in\ itedT-'r Department of Public Welfare. Warm ISprings our President died. President and all persons in partment headed by Miss Leonora The occasion is an open, infer" Last on program was Miss Drew, In the spring of his and our vic­ au th ority. Ivey, a colorful program has been mal discussion on the simple rules who gave to the club and those tory, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, The service was closed with a planned. of etiquette for everyday livi: . interested in home economics as President of the United States, benediction. " Miss Lampkin has designed sev­ The students will take part in ^ s a vocation, a few comments on eral of tlie costumes to be worn discussion and present their al ^ this vocation as a teacher and a in the festival and the authentic and views, and Miss Louise . business woman. E.C.A. to Sponsor N orm au Becom es period costume will be worn in yer. Head of the Speecii 13t rt- The group enjoyed refreshments ^ # all the dances. ment here will be there to near after the discussion on vocations President of This is the first time that a up any questions on the ubjecr. was held. Peggy Ford was chair- Student Service program of this type has been The Social Cknnmittee, for sev­ man of the committee that was English Clnb presented since the cessation of eral weeks, has been working on in charge of the refreshments. the annual May Day Festivals in the project of new upholstery and Fund On Campus 1942. drapes for the House in the On Tuesday, April 10, at a call More complete details for the Woods, and they hope these new additions will be up in time for The World Student Service meeting in Senior Hall Parlor, th festival will be disclosed at a _________________ Fund, which is sponsored in this English Club elected, by unani­ later date. th e tea. DANCE school by the E. C. A., wnll soon mous vote, Ann Norman as Pres­ begin it's campaign for money. ident. Miss Norman, a transfer - This pyojcct, active in the last from Norman Junior College at W ith the World War, is to aid young peo­ Norman Park, came to G.S.W.C. ple of all nations in completing at the beginning of her Junior ^ ^ ^ w their education, even though they SENIOR CLASS have become impoverished by a c S je jPoinfS BMtlcr war. During the last war, stu­ House Council Member, and mem- dents of G. S. W. C. responded ber of the Vesper Choir. A major By DOROTHY BUTLER S&tnrday Nite generously to this effort, and it in English, Miss Norman has par­ lucky guy! When I went into a is hoped that when the campaign ticipated in Club activities during Now I understand why the G. room in Ashley and asked what begins the student body will be her entire stay at G. S. W. C. S. W. C. girls are so very broad­ 8:30 squarely behind it. Details of the She will assume her duties at minded (if you please). They was her hobby she vaguely re­ W. S. S. F. campaign will be pub- the May meeting of the Club when have hobbies that make them tliat plied. "breaking rules right now." iishcd in a later issue. new members wll also be ex­ way. There are so many various Now you guess who! I hope she tended a welcome. one I couldn't possibly name them. chooses another hobby soon. The graduation of Catherine I have about one hundred differ­ ANICE CASEY collects dolls Garbutt has made the election of ent ones which came from only of all kinds! She has one from C. & IT. C. A H R a new president imperative. Miss a few of the girls. France and some from Poland. Garbutt has served as President Have you ever heard of col­ She also has quite a collection of By JEAN WrLLTS for one year. lecting perfume bottles for a hob- caps which she took a\s*ay from If you suddenly discover.............
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