THE: DAT~ BUS Philadtlphia Arta Computtr Socitty VOLUME 7 NUMBER 12 JUNE 1983 EDITOR I S SECTOR JUNE 18 MEETING SCHEDULE _ LOUISE SCHULTZ The DATA BUS is getting a new look beginning with the first issue of Volume 8 (July). The over- 9:15a IBM Main lEEiting a II size wi I I go from 8 1/2 by 11 to 7 by 8 1/2. 10:00a App Ie As~b I y Language. Mar i As~b I y The type size has stabilized at that used in this Language. Pascal. Tl , TRS-80 Color CoIR- and tt:le past two issues and the genera I sty Ie will pu1er. VIC-20 conti nue as in th i s issue. The impact will be on 11:OOa Apple Hard&SOf.•.• A"'ari. CBMIPET. DB Manage- new advertisers in terms of ad size and space menT, IBM SIGs. TRS-80 prices. (Any ads already contracted for in issues 12noon Apple Main .aeting. CP/M. OSI after this one continue at the previous rates.) l:00p CompuTers In EducaTion With the growth in number of members, the costs of 2:00p Main Meeting (see below) preparing the DATA BUS have risen, obviously. We assume that the membersh i p fee covers the news JUf£ 18. 1983 Main Meeting portion of the costs and that printing and mai ling Topic: Implementation of a Micro-based Low-Cost costs arising from space occupied by ads should be High-Res Graphics Controller borne by the adverti sera Thus, if a page costs $50 Speaker: Bob Kondner, Applied Data Systems, to print and send to 750 members, when the number of I nc.; Laure I, MD copies rises 25%, as it has since November, we must raise the price to advertisers accordingly. Bob wi II describe the design requirements, Therefore, with the July 1983 issue, ad rates problems involved and hardware/software implementa- go to $62.50 per page, each new page being 151/2 tion of A.D.S.' high-resolution (512 x 480 x 16 column inches, or $4. per column inch (minimum color) color graphics controller. The VectorScan charge). Discounts for multiple insertions continue 512 attaches to any computer's serial port, and uses at 10%. an 8085 uProc to draw circles, lines, points or text Also, PLEASE note, the copy deadline for the in 16 colors or intensities. It also has printer - -DATA-BllS ·s-lhe 25th day of the preceding month. screen dump software bui It-in, and can act as a Anything that invoves proauB'Ton-ot~lTafl-t~rng~R-i:er spooler with 128K RAM when not in graphics (that is, artwork, photos, e+c.) shou I d be subm i tted mode. ----=------- ~e I I i n ad~ance.of the dead ~i ne to ensure i nserti <;,n Bob w l l l a I so descr i be the prob Iems encountered I n the des I red I ssue, I wI II we leome and cred It when start i ng a sma II "h i gh-tech" company. contributioins from al I sources and of any kind. We wou Id all enjoy more photos, perhaps cartoons (not copied from something copyrighted, please), and COMPUTER OF THE YEAR think pieces as well as what we are proudly offering in terms of technical material. VANCOUVER--Aninternational competition run by If you are sending straight copy and want to seven personal computer magazines has recently voted transmit it directly, you can call me at 587-4931 the Commodore V IC-20 "Home Computer of the Year." during the day, as wel I as Ron Stoloff at 671-9037 Judging was held in London, England. after about 3 pm. The magaz i nes sponsori ng the competition were As has been mentioned in a couple of the user 'DaTabus' (Hol l and), 'M i crosystems' (France), 'B i t' group columns, we are thinking of setting up a (Italy), 'Practical Computing' (England), 'Chip' schedule of theme issues. Ed Richhezza has agreed (Spain), 'Personal Computing' (U.S.A.) and 'Chip' (Germany). to help with the reporting aspects, by interviewing the members of the var i ous groups to have feature Computers had to meet basic criterla--they had material about the use and users of micros. Just to be fully developed machines, not pre-production about everybody buys from some dea i'er and we need prototypes, and avai I ab Ie to the market p I ace with the names and addresses of these. Not the store software and service back-up. Second and third name--the owner or manager's name for a persona I places went to the Sinclair ZX81 and Spectrum, with contact to stimulate interest in PACS and in the At-ari 400 and Tandy Color Compu1"er coming in as advertising in the DATA BUS. runners-up. (From The Torpe+, Apr i I 83) And, finally, anyone who would like to help on the DATA BUS should contact me. We could use EDITOR'S NOTE: A DATA BUS is a Dat-abus. someone to coordinate advertising and just contribute some ideas. <This is lonely work fellows. ) FOR SALE: 2 new OS, 5 1/4-inch 320kb Tandon drives suitable for IBM pc. $275. each; 2 used but well- mainTained SS, 5 1/4-inch l60kb IBIMIITandon drives. REQUESTFOR COMPUTERDONATIONSTO PACS any reasonable offer. Fred Orkin, 215-667-7003 So you have a micro that works fine but doesn't evenings. have the I atest des i gn and you can't get anyth i ng for it on the market. Donate it for use by PACS! FOR SALE: 64kb Bas i s 108 mi crOCOIIpu-ter; runs IIIOS'" If you donate directly to PACS, therei s no tax Apple OOS 3.3. Pascal, and CP/M programs. Expandable deduction, but if you donate it to LaSalle College t-o 12Bkb on-board. Full detachable keyboard wi-th Phys i cs Department there is a tax deduct i on. We funCTion keys, numeric pad, and cursor con1"rol pad. could even have a story about your generosity in the $1~75. Corrtec+ Eric Hafler, 215-843-9784 between 11 DATA BUS. Contact STeve Longo now. am and 11 pm. OUT OF TIME AND SPACE )ft-IAT'S AN "ECONOMICALLY STRATEGIC TECHNOLOGY-? ' Bi I Is introduced in both the U.S. House and the by ED RICCHEZZA Senate propose assistance for "economically strate- Dear Steve: gic technologies" that offer potential economic Last fa I I I suggested to you the terr if i c benefit but whose development is endangered by the impact upon the City of Phi ladelphia a truly active targeted R&D efforts of U.S. competitors, with the "Hand i capped User Group" wou I d have. The hand i cap- National Academy of Sciences, the National Academy ped would cover as many phases as possible: the of Engineering, and the Institute of Medicine to blind, the epi leptics, the cerebral palsies, the responsible for identifying the economically strate- autistics, the dyslexics, etc. gic technologies. Technology development programs You were enthusiastic at the suggestion and would then identify the industry, university, and i nd i cated you wou I d discuss it at the subsequent Government resources to maxi mi ze the potenti a I for Board Meet i ng. Later you informed me that it had successful development of the technology. been discussed and pre Ii mi nary plans had been re- viewed. During the latter conversation I said to you that I would offer whatever assistance I could. i" •• ,. tP [~ l~ f'" !~ t•••• Whi Ie I have had no experience whatever in working .J\"" ., ., ~••• {-.. ~•• ., :.., •• with the handicapped there is always leg work invol- -, ved in endeavors of this kind. And I would assist POINT YOUR TOES AT in this leg work. Again you were enthusiastic. But it is regret- table that nothing of a concrete nature has been THE PHILADELPHIA AREA COMPUTER SOCIETY'S accomplished. I must admit to being remiss in not following up before this time. This was occasioned by the many interests and activities which normally HAM AND CHIPS FLEA MARKET occupy one's time. 1 am sure that a simi lar situation exists with you. Considering the demands on your time imposed by SATURDAY AUGUST 20, 1983 t ..... the nature of your academic duties plus being pres- 10 am to 4 pm •• sured by the Pres i dency of PACS, it is easy to LA SALLE COLLEGE PARKING LOT understand that other priorities would take prece- .,.Y dence. However, I must repeat my former statement - which I cannot emphasize to strongly -- that PACS is missing an excellent opportunity. ~l~ •• "'i~ ~, Best wishes Ed ..; •••••• "'i..a Every so often I resort to my Source correspon- of the above wou I d be a cand i date for a Doctora I dents in search i ng for ass i stance or ans wers to a degree - or at I east a Master's. Right? Wrong. The spec i-f i c ques+ i on or--J3r=-09-I-e-m~l-n-t.A-i-s--l7aF-t-i-el:J+aF--alffhor is-fourteen year 0 I d Rachel Ka.;-ch 12-ECho - instance I w~nte~ to test a certa in theory a~d Ct., Wayne, NJ 07470. _:.... _ posted a notice In one of the Source Bulletin It could-be -f-ur+her- supposed that Rachel is a Boards. I received eight replies, most of which were veteran at short short story writing.
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