AMEGHINIANA (Rev. Asoc. Paleontol. Argent.) - 40 (3): 257-275. Buenos Aires, 30-09-2003 ISSN0002-7014 Ontogeny of the Early Ordovician olenid trilobite Jujuyaspis keideliKobayashi from northwestern Argentina M. Franco TORTELLO1and Euan N. K. CLARKSON2 Abstract.The Early Ordovician olenid trilobite Jujuyaspiskeideli Kobayashi is well-preserved in black shale facies of the Santa Rosita Fomation at Purmamarca, northwestern Argentina. Although protaspides are not represented in the collections, isolated tagmata and articulated specimens from the early meraspid stages onwards are available for ontogenetic study. Meraspid Group 1 is characterized by having an hexagonal cephalic outline, three distinct glabellar furrows, and seven marginal spines. In meraspid Group 2 the cephalon has become reniform in outline, the glabellar furrows are less developed, and the fixigenae exhibit a pair of ocular ridges. Meraspid Group 3 is characterized by an adult-like cephalon lacking both ocular ridges and paired marginal spines. At this stage the thorax has very long pleural spines which, contrasting greatly with those of the adult, are laterally splayed out. In meraspid Group 4 the cephalon bears a well- developed occipital spine or a conspicuous occipital node, the glabella possesses two pairs of lateral fur- rows, and the thorax exhibits axial nodes on the anterior segments and shorter, more posteriorly directed lateral spines. Early holaspides retain some of the later meraspid morphological features. The hypostome of the species is documented for the first time. Information on the intraspecific variability of J. keidelien- ables us to discuss its systematic affinities in a new context. A monospecific, age-sorted clustered assem- blage assignable to holaspid Group 1 could represent specimens that aggregated together for synchronized exuviation. Early meraspides of Jujuyaspisare assumed to be pelagic, a fact that must have facilitated the worldwide distribution of the genus, whereas holaspides may have had a nekto-benthic mode of life. Resumen.ONTOGENIADELTRILOBITEOLÉNIDOJUJUYASPISKEIDELIKOBAYASHI(ORDOVÍCICOTEMPRANO) DEL NOROESTEARGENTINO. El trilobite olénido Jujuyaspis keideliKobayashi se encuentra bien preservado en la fa- cies de lutitas negras de la Formación Santa Rosita (Ordovícico Temprano) en Purmamarca, noroeste de Argentina. Aunque la fase protaspis no está representada en las colecciones, éstas contienen tagma aislados y ejemplares completos asignables a estadios meráspidos tempranos y siguientes. El grupo meráspido 1 es- tá caracterizado por su contorno cefálico hexagonal, tres pares de surcos glabelares conspicuos y siete es- pinas marginales. En el grupo meráspido 2 el céfalo adquiere un contorno reniforme, los surcos glabelares están menos desarrollados, y las mejillas fijas exhiben un par de aristas oculares. El grupo meráspido 3 es- tá caracterizado por un céfalo de aspecto similar al del adulto, desprovisto de aristas oculares y espinas marginales pares. En este estadio el tórax presenta espinas pleurales muy largas que, contrastando en gran medida con las del adulto, están expandidas lateralmente. En el grupo meráspido 4 el céfalo posee una es- pina occipital bien desarrollada o un nodo occipital conspicuo, la glabela presenta dos pares de surcos glabelares someros, y el tórax exhibe nodos axiales sobre los primeros segmentos y espinas laterales más cortas que las de estadios anteriores, dirigidas más posteriormente. Los ejemplares holáspidos tempranos retienen estos últimos caracteres. Se documenta por primera vez el hipostoma de la especie. Información sobre la variabilidad intraespecífica de J. keidelipermite discutir sus afinidades sistemáticas en un nuevo contexto. Una asociación mono-específica compuesta por numerosos ejemplares asignables al grupo holáspido 1 podría representar individuos reunidos para mudar en forma sincronizada. Los meráspidos tempranos de Jujuyaspisson considerados formas pelágicas, hábito que debe haber facilitado la amplia dis- tribución del género, mientras que los holáspidos podrían haber tenido un modo de vida necto-bentónico. Key words.Jujuyaspis. Trilobita. Olenidae. Early Ordovician. Argentina. Ontogeny. Ecdysis. Paleoecology. Palabras clave.Jujuyaspis. Trilobita. Olenidae. Ordovícico Temprano. Argentina. Ontogenia. Ecdisis. Paleoecología. Introduction Cambrian and earliest Ordovician age are widely distributed in the Eastern Cordillera of Argentina The Santa Rosita Formation (lower part), and southern Bolivia (e.g. Harrington inHarrington Iscayachi Formation and equivalents of latest and Leanza, 1957; Turner, 1960; Branisa, 1965; Aceño- 1Departamento Científico Paleontología Invertebrados, Museo de laza, 1968; Suárez Soruco, 1976). Lithologically, they Ciencias Naturales, Paseo del Bosque s/nº, 1900 La Plata, Argentina. are characterized by greenish and black shales and [email protected] sandstones, with rare interspersed marl and lime- 2Department of Geology and Geophysics, University of Edinburgh, West Mains Road, Edinburgh EH9 3JW, United Kingdom. stone layers, representing both shallow marine set- [email protected] tings affected by storms and waves and outer shelf ©Asociación Paleontológica Argentina AMGHB2-0002-7014/03$00.00+.50 258 M.F. Tortello and E.N.K. Clarkson environments below storm-wave base. These units together with the olenids Parabolinella argentinensis lie on Cambrian quartzites of the Meson and Kobayashi, Angelina hyeronimi(Kayser), Bienvilliasp. Tucumilla groups in Argentina and Bolivia respec- and Plicatolinasp., and the agnostoids Micragnostus tively (Turner, 1960; Schlatter and Nederloff, 1966). In sp., Anglagnostussp. and Gymnagnostussp. (Koba- addition, the Upper Cambrian-lowest Ordovician is yashi, 1936; Harrington, 1938; Harrington and locally represented in the Famatina Range (La Rioja Leanza, 1943, 1952, 1957; Aceñolaza and Aceñolaza, Province, Argentina), where the lower member of the 1992; Aceñolaza, 1996; Mángano et al., 1996; Tortello Volcancito Formation is mainly composed of outer and Aceñolaza, 1999; Aceñolaza et al., 2001). The de- shelf marls and shales and inner shelf sandstones positional environment of the Purmamarca Shales, and mudstones, resting unconformably upon the dominated by quiet, low-oxygen-water bottom con- metamorphosed Cambrian rocks of the Negro ditions, resulted in the accumulation of many articu- Peinado Formation (Harrington inHarrington and lated specimens with a good state of preservation. Leanza, 1957; Esteban, 1999). Although the genus Jujuyaspishas been described Fossils are abundant in these formations. from different lithology in numerous localities in the Trilobites and brachiopods are especially rich, as well world, references to material assignable to early on- as graptolites, conodonts, gastropods and echino- togenetic stages are scarce. Dense clusters of well- derms. As is usual in other parts of the world, olenid preserved individuals of J. keideli, and numerous and agnostoid trilobites are better represented in specimens assignable to early meraspid stages on- dark and black shale facies, often occurring in a good wards have been recently found in the Alta Creek state of preservation. After early studies by Kayser (Purmamarca area) (figure 1). In order to emend the (1876, 1897), Kobayashi (1936, 1937) and Harrington original description of J. keideliand to discuss its (1938), Harrington and Leanza (1957) described in affinities and possible mode of life, the ontogeny, in- great detail numerous species of trilobites and pro- traspecific variability, and moulting of the species are vided a biostratigraphic scheme which, with slight herein described. New morphological and biostrati- modification, is still standing. The Parabolina(Neopa- graphic data enable us to debate the ecological role of rabolina) frequensargentinaZone, originally wholly as- this taxon in the olenid communities of the lowest signed to the lower Tremadoc, provides a unique op- Ordovician of Argentina. portunity to evaluate the Cambrian-Ordovician tran- sition in South America. A varied agnostoid fauna, The genus Jujuyaspis: occurrence which occurs along with some olenid species, char- and importance acterizes the lower part of this biozone, indicating a latest Cambrian age (Tortello and Esteban, 1999, JujuyaspisKobayashi, 1936, is a cosmopolitan 2003; Tortello, 2003). On the other hand, the upper olenid that has been recorded in both shales and part of the unit is dominated by the lower Tremadoc limestones close to the Cambro-Ordovician bound- olenid Jujuyaspis keideliKobayashi. ary. In the absence of graptolites and conodonts, the Jujuyaspis keideliis one of the most abundant taxa genus has proved to have great biostratigraphic va- in northwestern Argentina (Harrington and Leanza, lue as an international guide for the lowermost 1957). It has been described from both thick strati- Tremadoc (see Aceñolaza and Aceñolaza, 1992; graphic sections, in which the sequences are well rep- Cooper et al., 2001). resented (Tortello and Esteban, 1999; Tortello et al., In North China and Korea, the species Jujuyaspis 1999), and smaller, isolated exposures. The type area sinensisZhou was documented from the Yosimuraspis ofJujuyaspis keidelibelongs to the later category. It is Zone (Early Ordovician) (e.g. Chen et al., 1980; Zhou at Purmamarca, in the Quebrada de Humahuaca and Zhang, 1985; Kim and Choi, 2000), and J. kelleri (Jujuy Province) (Kobayashi, 1936), where a series of (Balashova) was described from similar stratigraphic west
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