UP ANDO THE EDITORIAL BOARD \ L to R : Sudhir Thomas Varakash, Chen Xian Wen , Conrad Chang Shuh Ho, (Seated) Samuel Tham, James Choy, Kelvin Yeo. 2nd Row Lim Heok Boon, Gerald Goh, John Solomon, Tay Wei Sheng, Benjamin Tai Chih Urn, Tang Jin Peng, Dennis Low. Editor Conrad Chang Sub-editors Tay Wei Sheng Samuel Tham Benjamin Tai James Choy Dennis Low John Solomon Artists Tang Jin Peng Lim Heok Boon Photographers Kelvin Yeo Gerald Goh Sudhir Thomas Chen Xianwen Teacher Advisors Mrs Dawn Tan Ms Kwan Sow Han 2 BOARD OF GOVERNORS L to R : Mr Lawrence Teo, Mdm Jacqueline Oehlers, Mr Yee Teck Peng, Bishop Moses Tay, Mr Harry Tan , Mr Tan Soo Kiang , Mr Wong Yew Meng (Seated) L to R : Prof. Tan Chee Hong, Mr Wee Tiong Howe, Mr James Lee, Dr. Chan Shaw Yan , Revd Soon Soo Kee , Mr Victor Cheung Not in Picture : Canon (Dr) James Wong, Mr Gerald Lim, Revd Tan Piah ST. ANDREW'S OLD BOYS' ASSOCIATION L. R : Major Ramjanam Misra, Mr Tang Kwok Wah, Mr Wilson Lim , Mr Tan Boon Thye, Mr Tan Soo Kiang, Mr Yee Teck Peng, Mr Harry Tan, Mr Prem Anand, Mr Jamshid Medora, Mr Lawrence Teo. Not in Picture Mr Gerald Lim, Mr Richard Koh, Mr Chan Kok Pun. The president and members of the SAOBA 1992/1993 Management Committee welcome those members who took time off to attend the 59th AGM held on Saturday, 8 May 1993 at 2.30 p.m. at the Loke Wan Tho Lecture, St. Andrew's Secondary School. The following members were elected to the Management Committee 1993/1994 President Mr. Yee Teck Peng (re-elected) Vice-President Mr. Tan Soo Kiang (re-elected) Vice-President Mr. Gerald Lim Honorary Secretary Mr. Tang Kwok Wah Asst. Honorary Secretary Mr. Richard Koh Honorary Treasurer Mr. Jamshid K Medora (re-elected) Asst. Honorary Treasurer Mr. Tan Boon Thye Committee Members Mr. Wilson T H Lim (re-elected) Maj Ramjanam Misra (re -elected) Mr. Chan Kok Pun (re-elected) Mr. Lawrence Teo Mr. Prem Anand OBA representatives on the Board of Governors of St. Andrew's School :­ Mr. Gerald Lim Mr. Wee Tiong Howe 5 SAOBA DINNER (22 May 1993) ST. ANDREW'S JUNIOR SCHD11L GRDUNDBREAKit.r; DINNER The St. Andrew's Junior School Groundbreaking Dinner with the Military Band of the Secondary School in attendance. Mr Eugene Yap, Deputy Speaker of Parliament and MP for Mountbatten, officiated at the Ground Breaking Ceremony. Mdm Jacqueline Oehlers welcomes the Rt Rev Dr. Moses Tay and Mrs Tay. The ceremony holds a very special meaning for all Old Boys, parents and well-wishers. 7 ST ANDREW'S PARENT.-TEACHER ASSOCIATION Lto R Mr Leslie Ouong, Mdm Jacqueline Oehlers, Mr John Yap, Mr Victor (Seated) Cheung, Mr Harry Tan, Dr Rebecca Lian-Loh , Mr Robert Ng . Lio R Mr Heng Kiang Poh, Dr V. N. Chelvam Sabapathy, Mrs Elizabeth (Standing) Fonseka, MrsRosalind Tan, Mrs Leow Chor Heah, Mrs Maggie Vong, Mr Loke Ho Yong, Mr Freddie Chia. Not in Picture Mrs Alice Navaratnarajah, Mrs Elsie Chan, Mr Andrew Koh Keng Er, Mr Wilson Chua. Time passes very quickly and between the beginning Chairman Mr Victor Cheung of 1994 and in 1995,· ~e will see the completion of Vice Chairman Mr John Yap extension to our Secondary School and completion of Hon Secretary Dr Rebecca Lian-Loh the new Junior School building . Asst Hon Secretary Mrs Elizabeth Fonseka For parents who have sons in either schools, who Hon Treasurer Mr Leslie Quong stand to benefit from these new facilities, we are al l Asst Hon Treasurer Mr Robert Ng very excited about the opportunities that lie ahead for Committee Members Mr Heng Kiang Poh our boys. SAPTA has been an excellent source of financial support to our schools in various projects Mrs Alice Navaratnaraja and 1993 was no exception. However over and above Mr Freddie Chia that ws want to help to bring our Schools to the next Mrs Leow Chor Heah lap, as top class, all rounded schools. Mr Andrew Koh We need the support of every parent, valuing your Mr Loke Ho Yong feedback, your continued financial and time/effort Mr Wilson Chua support. More importantly in supporting our Schools Dr V.N . Shelvam Sabapathy by paying close attention to your children's school work and maintaining contact with the School. The School representatives comprise the following: SAPTA has set up a feedback sub-committee to gather your inputs and channel these to our Principal (Secondary School} Mr Harry Tan Schools. SAPTA would like to invite you to come Principal (Junior School} Mdm Jacqueline forward to give us your inputs. Oehlers Thank you . Teacher Representatives Mrs Maggie Vong Mrs Rosalind Tan Dr Rebecca Lian-Loh Mrs Elsie Chan Hon Secretary SAPTA 9 PTA DINNER (28 AUGUST 1993) Mr Victor Cheung, Chairman of the St. Andrew's Parent-Teacher Association. Mr Yee Teck Peng leading in the singing of the School Song. An enjoyable evening for all who attended the Mr Cheung congratulates Mrs Mary Yee on dinner. her retirement after 37 years of service to the school. ... and the winner of the next lucky number is... " ... last chance for you to win prizes for the draw. " 10 A fitting sign put up by the present boarders as an expression of their love for Matron! Three cheers for matron as she receives a memento from an old boy. Hip, Hip Hooray! Matron surrounded by one big happy family. 17 on This oay ··· -The NeWS _. as in The Straits Times. A Jook back at what w 100 YEARS AGO . o{ the Childret; s he comnnttee: the n.nanc1al A. MEETlN~el0 ~ Ju\Y 24 to 1d\r.:;~o receive a~\ Home was ome which has a d to consider w a state o{ thpoe; {rom the pub\\°; ~~e di{!icu\ty. h me quate sup taken to mee ·ve up the o Smile you're on Candid Camera!. ste~h!h~~~~t: i:r~r~e: s~b;i~~~f~\~fe:;'%~_ altogether and ay as the St_ Nie d needy chi\ work in another w tion o{ destitute an assisting the educa . in the home to th; dren. nd over the girls to St Andrew 5 They will ha \ and the boys ·1dren can be Rattles Girl~' ~~;i~ns wt1:er~.th~dc~~ey will try to House, twdo f~~ and wen tram ppl~cants in the sa;~ well ~are istance to new a f a house, they prov1de ass d t taking care o way. Instea o d to be wholly' or administer a 1u,n hnctren who have ·ttee appeals to There are. c tor and the c~mm\o the home to in part, pro;ie:'1hith~rto subscrt~ is mainly that those ~h~he acharitable wor_k .;ally established. suppor_ h home was ong1 tor which t e Use Listerine and bring back the smiles! Hey, get your filthy hands off my cake! Yawn! It's been 2 hours since your last move! 18 ST ANDREW'S JUNIOR SCHOOL STAFF 1993 I\) 0 L to R Seated Mrs Lim Wee Leng , Mr S Silan, Mrs Pang Chye Leng, Mr Abdul Aziz bin Talib, Mr Wong Shin Chee (HOD Languages), Mrs Emily Teo (HOD Maths), Ms J Oehlers (Principal), Mr Teo Chew Theng (HOD Science), Mr Koh Kim Teng (HOD PE/ECA), Mrs Teo Wan Woon, Mr Chia Cheng Hiang, Mr Stanley Wong, Mrs Aw Kum Jin. 1st Row Mr Tng Hock Soon, Mr Teo Seng Huat, Mr Aman Bin Adam, Mrs Gan Teck Beng, Mdm Ng Ah Huang, Mrs Aw Hai Siam, Mrs Rosalind Tan, Miss Angeline Sim, Standing Miss Angeline Ling, Mr D P Rajamoney, Miss Tan Poh Ling, Miss Elizabeth Jacobs, Mrs Sarjit Singh, Mrs Esther Morales, Mrs Vong Bee Neo, Mr Yeo Eng Lam, Mr Kong Tuck Seng, 2nd Row Mrs Susan Thomas, Miss Rosalind Loh, Ms Serene Pek, Mrs Sim Chor Siang, Mrs Lim Chee Jew, Miss Eng Cheng Noi , Miss Gwendoline Chow, Miss Mary Mah, Standing Mdm Chng Bee Kiam, Mdm Lee Geok Leng , Mrs Angela Chow, Mrs Helen Tan , Mrs June Lim, Mdm Chua Kim Shan. 3rd Row Mr Mohamed Bin Ahmad , Mr Kong Khiang Fook, Mr K Thulasy, Mr Loh Chong Siang, Mr Gan Chin Poh , Mr Phua Kia Meng, Mr Wong Geok Seam (ReliefTeacher), Standing Mr Dennis Tan (School Counsellor), Mr Ten Che Von, Mr Wong Chee Keng (Associate Teacher), Mr Seel Pee Ann, Mr Mohd Ismail Bin Isa, Mr Tan Lian Peng, Mr Kwok Pin Lien. ST ANDREW'S JUNIOR KEY PERSONNEL L-R Mr Wong Shin Chee (HOD 2nd. Language, Media),Mr Koh Kim Teng (HOD PE, ECA), Ms J. Oehlers (Principal), Mrs Emily Teo (HOD Mathematics, Art and Music) and Mr. Teo Chew Theng (HOD Science, Health Education) SCHOOL DENTAL NURSES (R) Dental Therapist : Mdm Janet Sng (L) Dental Staff Nurse : Mdm Seet Boon tlia NON-TEACHING STAFF (L·R) Mdm. Saroja w/o Visvanatha, Mr. Alim Bin othman, Mr. Nairn Bin Sawon, Mdm. Alimah Bee Bte Maideen 22 MY PLACE IN ST. ANDREW'S JUNIOR SCHOOL Working in Saint Andrew's Junior School has definitely been a challenging and rewarding experience for me. This mission school has always been a special part of my life. The reason is because I did my primary school education in this very school. My teachers had enriched my childhood life through their dedicated effort in their roles as teachers and role models. Thus, joining the school as a support staff is special; it is like returning home to a big family. Hospitality is one of the hallmarks of Saint Andrew's Junior School and it is most heartening to discover that it is still very much alive and prevailing.
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