Etn1959 Vol05 19

Etn1959 Vol05 19

' ' \ . ,,- r J ' J ; RACKNEWSLETTE ~ ', ,:? also KV1ownas tR~tlfN'1ts1l'.nER, \ , /\ . - (OFF\C\M,. l'\)9L\C,t,..TIONOF "TRK't< NUi'S OFii-IE ~OR\.0;~~1~c:) . 1•1 ;· / Vol. 5, No. 19, ·May 13, 1959 Semi-Monthly ' $6 per year byfirst class m_ail ~ ~- I' ..>• NEWS 'S.C.1.A.c., LosAngeles, May'1:( --F9r Occident~: Smith 9.8, 21.-6; C~rveny 1:52; \ -Bennett 9:10.7; Treat 14.3; Lawrence 14.4, 23.A; Servis 1:4~; Lewis 55'1!"; jolu).son 55''; : W_ard, R_edland~, 4: 16. 3, _9:24. 4;-Jai:ie'wicz, R,~14'; Verdon~R, 55'3¾'.';.- ""- MEETS oF MAv a ,.~ _ ,, , , Arizona 77, Arizona State -04 at Tucs6n: For Arizop.a: Yo_ung 4:16. 3, 9:,.?9.0; Hiscock 1 11 1 1 56 1 ; Burke 53'6", 167 4"; Cbn1ett 1:53.2; For ASU; Robertson 6 6¼; Mal Spence 47.t; , , _ .Y Montoya 2-2-7'3..-; (Alex Henderson had blisters; later caught flu, missedjyiay 9 meet). ' Fort Lee 37, Cam LeJeune 20,- BOC 19½ at Quantico 98½: Fo~ Ft. Lee,Seaman, f r 4: 10. 5; Simmons 48. 0; For uantico: Kopil 4: 16.-8; Cante o 246' 3; Fillman 9. 5; ,20. ~; BrEickenridge 9:14. 5; Gutowski 1416; Schwarz, Uelse s 14'; for BOG, ~cComas 53''4'"; - Still_w~er, Old~. For Oklahoma State: Dooley1 15'3!"; Graham 15'1¾". ' , Vancouver , Relays,B.C. Dell~ger 4:10.5, 14:16.6 (3 mil~s); ,fromm 236:~"; etens- lund, Ore St Frosh, 228'2"; Bur."lanan, Yakima JC, 53'5½!'. M;0ss, OSC, ·6'4".- : . 1 , _ Oregon at Wash.St., 74-57 Arlt, WSC, 14.3w, 23.lw; Rubenser, WSG, 227'10"; ,Est~s, 0, 160'2½'';~Anderson, 0, 24'5½". Burg, O, 14'3". _ , .,. -- / ' Y~le 96, at Princeton 44: Wade, Y, 4:15. 2; Edmunds, P, 47. 7; Carroll, Y, 1:54. 8; \ . Morrison -, Y, 9:26.0; Markle, Y, 55'4½". · - : ,, ~ ._ -_· - G.C.A.A,;, Fresno _,Cal: Wiley, LA St, 25'3½"; Messer,Fr:esno, 23.5;Hall,CP,2t.4. Penn 58½ and Comell 28 _at Harvard 86½: Benjamin,H, 4:14.8, 9:13.o; · Shine,~,5~'9½ ; Orange Invitational, Gal: Connolly 218'5½"; O'Brien 179'9}"; ~ r - , , · _ - Metropolitan Intercqllegiates, N. Y. NYU 74½, Manhattan ,71. Close, SJ, 4: 13. 8; Levin, NYU, 9:16; Brown, ,Seton Hall; 21. 4; Herman, NYU, 24'½"; Marcliiony,Man, 53i7¾. 1 , Boston: La'Ylor 204!,9½, c~llepliate record; Donohu~, Holy Cro~s, 4:1~5• 5, 9:25. 7_., 1 , Notre Dame 80½ at Army 592 Gregory, ND, -~1:11.3;~9:17.2; Bagdonas,A, r1190'3½' HT._ Moran<!9, ND, 220'8¾". Fitzpatric_,k, ND, ~. 7; _, ·1 > ' Dallas Invitational Woodhouse 9.4w, 20.4w; Texas 40. 7, Southern 46.9; Parker, Tex, 1 0 1 246'9¼"; Lindsay, 57 2½ ; Hodgson 4:10. 8; Ahlberg, S:tvru~9: 13. 2; Stewart 6 9½;'; Peterson, ACC, 9. 6wn;-21.1 wn;, Clanton; ACC, A7. 9n; Cooley, ACC, 14. 3_w;23. ~w; __ ., , J Nebraska 60 at Colorado 76 ~eake, Colo, 1:51. 2;' Carlson, 48. 6; ';Dove, C, .14. 7,,'24; 2, " Te~as :A&M62½ and Baxlo.i; 47lat Rice 57 Jones,R; , 9.~w,. 2~.4w;' flill, A&M, }60~4!', ,- Ohio State ,13 at Penn State 98 for PS: Moran 4: 07. 5; Engelbrmk 4: 12. O;, Brown 9. 6; . 1 ,. _,,Davies 1: 54. 1; Brown 20. 9; Engelbfink 9:~6. 6~ Musser 218'7½"; -3:,15. 1. OS,Schalenbergerl~5~ . ! '- East Texas St~te 64,_ Northeast La.St. 63 foX'.ET: Garton, 9. 3, 19.,6, wi,nd estima- · ted at 6 to 12mph; Relay, 40. 7; Baird 24'9"; for NELS: Don Styron 14. 2w, 22.4w; ) l - , In'termountain AAU, Salt Lake .City: ,Morrow ~.'6, 21.2 (sloppy track); Babka 178'1¾''. ' \. _ Miscellaneous May 2-marks: .Ford, MSU 'frosh, 21.,_o;,,Lake, ,MSU,- 4:12. 1; As~ore, _ WM, 4:14;2; Bowers, Ill, 4:11.1; -spence, Willamaette, 9i7, 20.9; Stanger~- Mich,--:-14. 5; ,\ Cephas, Mich, 22. 8; Haisley, Jll, 6 16¾"; Hilder, Navy-& Tait, · Md., 6'6". - _ Quadtangular , Abilene, Tex.; May 5: for ACC, 79½: Mcllhaney 52'6½"; ~440R fn 40,_3; Clanton 47. 4; McKennon 48. 2n; Woodhouse 9. 3~ 20. 7t (Wind 2 mph & 3 mph); Peterson 9. 5n, ,_,21. ofu; E?wa+d~_1:52.2; Cooley 23._6tw; Cooley 14. lw; for East T~as, · 33: o,rton .9. 5n; r 20.9n; Baird 2_4:6~'.,, fo;r Howard Payne 35: -Pulhg 1:51.t. s(:)1:1thwestTexas . 23½. ' J ' _ Utah State O~mgiacJ , LQgan,May ,8: Long 62'8}", Nieder 62'4¼~'; Davis Ji7~7¾'!; Held 252'1"; A!iey 2 316 •·; .~ ' -.,__ I' . l j -: ' I I • , ' ' • ' , .. ' / '. • " . 1 . - ·, ? , ; \. f ~/,'. ,. • ,. , · • , ' . ·'\, \ ,• ) ' • .I )'1- I , , .; , - ,J- I , t , -,,, ~ , ·_ ft- ~ _,.-..... , ' \ 1./ I , :,:\} J ;-· , ._,, · I ( ,· --;; ~- , I • '- - i \ - # '. ,i.,'f.'~, ·' ~: . \West Coast-Relays) Fresn1, cal., M?,Y9f . 100- h,e~s, No:rtoh9. 3 eased up; 1Grlffin/ , , t 9.5 ,n;_Haziey 9.611; 2ndH-Poynte:iv,Sap.1Jose, · 9.5; 1White,Cal, 97; ~rdH-Morrow 0.'4; Munn,SC ..1 I •• ·~ \. frosh 9.5; Mall,CalPoly 9.7; fin;a1 1Nortoii9.4 ., Morrow 9.4; 1Poyntdr 9,;5; Hazley 9~5; Hall .. ( . \ . 9. 6~ 5000m- Truex!i4:17. 0;-~oth,,~,J4:41 : 1; Ei.§,cn~~• · OkS, , 14~50. 6; 120HH heats, ·Robin- 'BOn,, CCAC,14.0; Cobb, ;'OQ, .1,1:.o;·'Fin¥c: ·Cobb 113.,9. Robinson 14:1; Yang, UC,LA, 14.2; ·· r Wells~ 1UCLA, '1,1.1; ·Thomps .on, °'CLAt . 14.~4. 1,l:O0rt1HH9"1.ard, N~, , 50. 8; !:!J.D~a:s 7'; tie, Wyatt,SCVYV; Williams, SJ, Avant~SC, 6'~ PY Dooley,OSU, 15'¼'.!~tic, Mattos, YV; Gr .aham, 1,~ .J.: , '·OSU; Brewer,SC, Brodt,OC; Hi~h,tower,"\OC,~,1'6"i ' BJ- Wiley, L~SC,, 2s;1,4½;Kelley,S, 24'7¾; , Russ 1ca1, 24'7½; Knaub, USN, 24'6; 1 Fresher 2t1'3";HSJ-daSilva,ijrazil, 52'4"; /American / record; Stokes, Striders, 49'10f'; Andrews,S, 49'0;Kelly,S, 48'2¾. Shot ' Long 62'5¼; Niecler , 62'3"; Butt,.,S, 58'8j_"; HumphrcYis, S, 56'9:; Johnson, Oxy, 55'10½; B~c~, YV, \55'10; Winters, ·'' , Sta11f9rd,, @'3½; D1sc1,.1sBabka, oq, , 17,4'1½;. Bell, Stan fr, .1-62'•1:¾;Millcman ~UCLA,, 161 '11 "; \ ~ ~· Egan,OC, _160'4½: J! Hel<l,261'3¾; .Yoiles,S, 23'1';,Kitching, YV, 23~'6; .Quist,NM, 230'10"; t/ , Rold~, DC, 226'1~; ~ Occidental 40. Si San Jose 41; 2; 880RSan Jose1:24. 8; Okla State , 1: ~5~ 5; USCr _l: ,2t¼ 5; OJcyd1sq .1 Mile R USC 3: 13.l..3; Okla St 3: 13. 5; Oxy 3: ~4. 8~ Stanford 7 · ,1., ,3:16-. 7; 2-milc R Stanford 7:25.4; USC 17:28.8; Oxy 7:,12.. 5; ,~Striders S:49.4; California 9:55. 6; Youth Villagc-,9:-58.T;. UCLA 10.:01. 3; USC 10:03. 2. ., ;,) " .' ' ·1r AAtJ Ml:l,y 1 --i, Ro,c15YMo',llltain Boulder,Colo, 9: Carlson 1qolo, ,,l6.6; Nieland, Lowry ·- , ~ i '.AFB~211'; McCoy,, GSU,. -9.. 6, _21.1; Peake,Colo, 1:~.l.O; Toomey,'Golo, 24'8-i.,; .. , -< . Miscellruieous, undated , recent marks: Casey,}}owling: Greell, 9.-aw, 14 ...lw, 23. Ow; r{.__ ,.__~ W\lg'gazer, WM, 1:54.;l; Malzahn, .BG, 21.2; , Carney, Ohi~, 9.6, 21.,.2; Brow11,W-?stminster, ---- ,; _) f ~~,9. 5w; Booke:r, Baldwin-W~lace, 9. 5nw; Jones, Eastern Michigan, 9. 6, 14,;6, ~ 24.~, _5'11"; / ( • W Mi . 53'9 3 " I ( ' ( ' \ ' 1 "r •arne, am1,. 4 ; \ · I · ) - I' , ,:• '-. ' 1 ·' ~ • < • - 1 . V \ . Meets of May 9 __ • J , ' • - . , · Mich_igan ~tate 39 1/3 at PelU'/.State " 101,2/3: Mox:911,1,J' ~'t ~:-02. 1~ ~ake, MS, 4: 04. 9; King, PS, l:_49; 8; Schwab, PS, 1: lf9. 7_;Jo~~, PS, '.1:'5~. §; Brown, PS, "21,.3i 'ijngelbrink, PS, 8:58~9; Kennedy~ MS, -9:06.3; Szeyller, PS; ,?3.3; J:upar, ,.PS, 162'4"; Penn State 3:13.5. 7 Border Coivererice, Tucson, A.r .iz:_for Arizq:na (84½}, Yoprtg 4: l:4. 3; Hiscock 56'1}"; Burk, el... 1&9 11_0, .5318"; for 1Ariz ' State · O>S½)Robe:r;tson 6'6½; ~1alJStx:hce 4T.-4; Montoya 224'6½; ~- r,._ ~ 1 1 ~1 1 McDon_ald ?16'; Jeisy ~4'7 4 ; Rose l~'l ,I" ~ : ':" - · · Missouri Vallqy Gonf. ,Dent9n, ;Tcx.: W~ise, ,Houston, 1 168'8"; Cotten, NT, 47. 6; 1 ,..J . / •• - q,£nr,H, 9.'•?~ 20".8_;~~:i;issorn, _ NT, 14. 6; ~crriam, 'Wic.hita, l:~2. 3'; Macy., lj, 9:29 .• 5, 4:~.7. \..... Southwest Confcrcn~e, College Station, Tex: ParJcer, !, \ 226a½"; Ery ,, Baylor, 161 s½; r -· Beard,T, 14. 6; Southern 47. 0; Relay, TeX?S, 3:13. 9; Alspaugh, T, 9. 6w, 20. 5w. Texas 87½, 11 ,. SMU 42½~ frps~ Cunningham, T, 14. 2w~ 22. 5w. ~ ' . / \" ir. - • ., , ~j~cellaneo.µsm1<.µ·ks: . .Griffetb,BYU, 9:2_0.<:i;C~~ta, 1BY:U, 6'8¾; Eversole, WestMich, \9:17-. 8; Osbor ,ne, 'i-Syracuse,, 4:14. 7; Bagdonas, Arply,1 186'5½" HT; McGorty, Manh, 210J9½; ·Edrrlunds, Princeton, .21.5; -M~ay,Cbmell, H'½"JHill, - Cornell, 4:15.4; 'Carn~y, Yale, ,22.9; SJowilc, Yale, _4:15.1; c -arroll, Yale, ,D:52.0; ijain,\. Yale, 21.0; lnce;Tut:ts, 47.4, 20.. 4w; Burlesdn, O:i;-egonFrosh, 1:51. 7; Grellc, Ore, "4:11. 2; Davis, Ore, 48.

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