■i- > « ■ f VOLUME 24, NUMBER 50 •i s CORRECTION In Friday’s edition we erroneous­ 33-Year-0ld Man Was Shot ly identified Felton J. Earls, recent­ ly transferred postal official from j - s New Orleans here, as regional trans Last Saturday While At Work portation maniager of the Memphis Region. Post Office Department. SUMNER, Miss. - (INS) - The dusty little city of Sumner, Miss., ' ’ : ■- --- sES Mr Earls is distribution and rout­ ing otficer In the office of the reg­ scene of the famed Emmett louis Till murder trial, was saved from THIRD-TIME CHAMPION GETS RIDE - Sugar Ray Robinson is hoist­ ional transportation manager. the spotlight again Saturday, temporarily, at least, when a hearing The Memphis World regrets the was postponed in the death of another Negro citizen. ed on shoulders of jubilant handlers after he kayoed Carl Bobo error, but again points out that tlie Olson in two minutes and 51 seconds of the second round at'the office held bv Mr. Earls is one of Th? ehearing had been scheduled ton Melton. 33-year-nld Negro ser­ Chicago Stqdium. It was the third time that Robinson won the the highest held by a Negro In the for Monday in the same courthouse vice station attendant. world middleweight crown. (International Soundphofo) postal system In the South. where tile highly publicized Till trial WHITE MAN CHARGED was held.' Elmer Kmibell. 35-year-old white The victim in this case was Clln- man, Is charged with Ills murder. Tile case Is filled with mysterious elements that remain unsolved. Slieiiil H C. Strlder ol Tallahat­ chie County said the Monday hear­ |n ing w is put oil because lie wants to investigate further and because attorneys for the accused num want more time in which to decide whe­ ther or not to waive preliminary :A hearing. Urges Continued Registration The complete text of Rev. Love’s 1 was greatly disappointed that Melton was shot last Saturday tit Drive; Hints That He May Kun note ; some of the city school teachers ‘.lie serevlc'e station where he wink­ Again for Post. made the statement that they did Œ ed. Lee McGarhh. manager of the TO THE TUBLIC IN GENERAL: not want a Negro minister repre­ I take this method to thank each >*■! station, said the Negro was shot af­ By RAYMOND F. TISBY senting them, particularly Roy of you for the very splendid sup­ ter an argument with Klmbell. The Rev. Roy love, unsuccessful Love. -*i4l ■I J port given me in my attempt to be He said Kimbell drove up to the candidate for a post on the Mem­ However. I am praying that the placed on the Board of Education Bl : station In an automobile owned by phis Board of Education in the past Heavenly Father will not charge ÿ ■ * election, in a note “to the public in on November 10. ■ J. W. Milam one'of the acquitted it to them, for they did not un­ defendents in tlie Till case, and or­ general,” expressed Iris thanks "to 1 think we did a good job, but derstand. not quite good enough . ...I was dered some gas Klmbell and Mel­ MEMPHIANS MAKE WHO'S WHO - A group of Mitche!|( Memphis. Bock-Wolter Caldwell, PUlaL each of you" for the “very splen­ A Negro can represent Negroes >»I|I.I|VU| -----• _ , *.>A la*. % did support” given him in his bld very sorry that some of the min­ ton. Mi-Ganii said, got into an ar­ the thirty Tennessee State University students heller than any white person. We o gument over how much gas had ki; Ernest D. McNeil, Memphis; Barbara Bass,-tee isters would not give us their sup- for the education board post, but are bone of each others hone and elected to 'who's who'1 include 5 Memphiatli) (I. port. Some would not even men­ been ordered and the amount that, bapon; and Reuben Davis, Memphis. (Clanton also expressed disappointment over flesh of each others flesh. Hence, lor.) front-Ezekiel Bell, Memphis; Earline Brown, the lack of support from some min­ tion it to their congregations, had been pill into the tank. we can understand each other bet­ FATHER OF FOUR Rockwood; Henry W. Young, Memphis; Fannie M. ister an dteachers. some did not even vote themselves. ter than anyone else. McG'inh said Kimb>’ll left the The Rev. Mr. .Love, pastor of Mt. If we had given votes to our can­ Nebo Baptist Church and who, tho' station, then returned a while later didate (the Negro candidate) that and shot Melton, who was the fa­ defeated, finished a strong fifth we gave the white candidates for ther of four children. Thirty Tennessee among 13 candidates for the four- the Board of Education, we would But Klmbell said that when he . man education board. have been second or third instead returned to the station, someone Rev. Love who garnered the sup­ of fifth place. ss took three shots at him. one of Students In Who's Who” port of numerous white voters, felt I'm asking all leaders of groups them wounded him slightly tn the News Briefs “we did a good Job. but not quite PROMOTED TO 4-H POST 111 ‘ . ttr (’• —ministers and teachers'to come shoulder. He ducked and fired back . NASHVILLE—Thirty Tennessee and Richard W. Johnson of Nash­ good' enough" arid urged that “all together very soon for reinforce­ Mississippi recently to assist with —he said: in self defense. ville; Clifton R. Jeffers Roxboro: leaders of groups, ministers arid the girls' program is Mrs.. Esther W. State University ■ students have DELAYS DECISION ON. ment, to get the rest of our peo­ Klniiiell said he could not see who been elected to apjiear in the 1955- I< C. Miss Lols M. Miller. Yazoo L.F.LROWN PARK POOL teachers,, come together . to get ple registered and teach them the Reed who has been in Extension fired tlie shots. McGarrh said Mel­ City, Miss.'; and George Altman, the. rest of our people registered and 56 edition of "Who's Who Among A decision, pn building the 14L'; value of the ballot. Service home demonstration work ton did not have a gun. when he.was Students , in American Colleges and Goldsboro,. N. O. teach them the value of the ballot." fop 11 years. She is a..’graduate of Brutvn'Park siwAimlng"' pool was’1 For. if .1 am still around when shot Fher.lfl' Stridor, said he was Universities.” ■ „, ..■_? . .......... "J was yeiy'wSPITy that ,some-of Mississippi Industrial Cohere, and The remaining twenty-four, ap­ postponed by the Park Commiss­ time comes again, I’ll .be in there unable to find n.gun on tlie premfs- ■The announcement was made last ion until the first Thursday In Jan­ tlie ministers would not give us their trying to win again. has done further work.at Tuskegee »s of the station. Strlder said he pearing for tlie first time, are Miss week toy Dr. Virginia S. Nyabongo uary. Bids already have been opt- support. Some would.not even men­ Thanks again, Institute, Prairie View, Teexas, A, also was unable to determine how Barbara Bass, Lebanon; Ezekiel tion it (his candidacy) to their con-, and M. College, and the University the university's student .personnel Bell, Reuben Davis, Ernest W. Mc­ ioned on the project with McNeea? - —Roy Love. Kimbell got the “flesh wound.” Construction Co., apparently .■ ¡W gregations, some did not even vote of Maryland.—(USDA Photo.) D. O. Rogers, Town Marshall of and guidance director. ”’ . Neil, Miss Fannie Mitchell, and ■ themselves,” contended Rev. Love, Henry W. Young of Memphis; Miss at $88.151. Total cost is estimated Glendora. The town where the There were some 90 students no­ at $94,663. The Commission defac­ who also felt “greatly disappointed Earlinc Brown, Rockwood; Miss Bar shooting occurred, said he question­ minated through their areas of ed action until after Jam 1 In order ■that some of the city school teachers ed Kimbell at the home of Milam bara J. Bush. Ft. Pierce. Fla.; specialization on the basis of their to allow the incoming City Com­ made'the statement that they did Assistant State 4-H Agent shortly after the shooting. Walter Caldwell, Pulaski; Wilbur records at tlie university in scho­ mission to pass judgement on the not want a Negro minister repre- ■ JUST FRIENDS Davis New York N. Y. Eddie Ed­ stinting them, particularly . Roy larship leadership, educational and expenditures. He and other officials added, how­ extra-curricular activities' general wards, Toledo. Ohio; Emory H. Love.” Appointed In Mississippi ever, that Milam had nothing to do Holmes, Florence, Ala.; Eugene Believing that “they, did not un­ citizenship and service to the in­ LONG SOUGHT MURDER with the scooting, that the two men stitution. and who show promise of' Jones Oxmore. Alabama; Miss Do- derstand." Rev. Love asserted that, Appointment of the first assistant Miss Alberta Dishmon. state 4-H were just friends. SUSPECT SURRENDERS 1 ' future, suuccess in their life's work; rotha J. Johnson, Murray, Ky.; “I am praying that our Heavenly state 4-H club agent in Mississippi' club agent for Negro gills. Strtder said today that the Mon­ Miss Dolores A. McIver, Greenboro. A four-year police hunt for a Wi­ Father will not charge it to them." EXPRESSES DISAPPOINTMENT to work with rural colored girls was Mrs. Reed has been in extension Six of the selectees are appear­ lier siuspect came to an end test day hearing, If rescheduled, will not ing in Who’s Who for the second N. C. and Ft.
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