lit ' 1 'i''!' fiuiiiiiikiiiU |i ! ,IP iiiii I"!' Hi iPln'riili CORNELL UNIVERSITY LIBRARY Cornell University Library BR 1710.B25 1898 V.3 Lives of the saints. 3 1924 026 082 556 BR Cornell University V/l Ml Library The original of tliis book is in the Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. http://www.archive.org/details/cu31924026082556 >i< ::...:..,„.:--,-,,„- ^ THE lLi\)ts of t|)e faints REV. S. BARING-GOULD SIXTEEN VOLUMES VOLUME THE THIRD ^ ,J, «? I'^ "4^ ^ ft /*i^ - . *' THE ANNUNCIATION. of S. John Lateran, Eome ¥ranoia, in the Ch^oh After [Maroli.—Pront. -^ THE Hibes; of tfte g>amt6 BY THE REV. S. BARING-GOULD, M.A. New Edition in i6 Volumes Revised with Introduction and Additional Lives of English Martyrs, Cornish and Welsh Saints, and a full Index to the Entire Work ILLUSTRATED BY OVER 400 ENGRAVINGS VOLUME THE THIRD Printed by BALLANTYNE, HANSON & CO. At the Ballantyne Press *- -^ CONTENTS A * *- -* VI Contents PAGE SS. Bathus, Verca, and S. Drausinus . 74 . 209 children . 468 „ Droctoveus • S. Benedict . 388 „ Dula . 457 164 „ Benjamin . .515 J „ Duthac . „ Bilfrid 94 „ Boniface Quiritine . 279 „ Bosa 175 E „ jorauuo 4U0 * *- -* Contents vu H PAGE S. Lubin 257 S. Heribert . 2ai „ Lucius 55 „ Hesychius. I „ Ludger . ... 469 SS. Hilary and comp. 271 „ Lupicinus . • • 37i S. Hildelitha . 446 „ Lydia 482 B. Hugo .... 502 S. Humbert 458 M „ Hymelin . 210 S. Macarius .... 208 „ Mark of Arethusa . I 492 SS. Marinus and Aste- S. Irenasus 4S7 rius 42 „ Martyrs under Alex- J ander .... 21 „ Martyrs under the S. Joachim . 336 Lombards ... 23 „ Joavan 22 ,, Martyrs under Nero 256 „ John of Civita-di- Martyrs of Sebaste . Penne .... 329 „ 256 „ Martyrs in the Sera- „ John Climacus . 506 pion ..... 284 „ John of Egypt 484 S. Mathilda . 260 „ John of God . 165 „ Matrona .... 268 John-Joseph . 87 „ MatthewofBeauvais SS. Jonas and Bara- „ 488 „ Maxima of Nico- chisius . .491 media 222 S. Joseph, husband of .... „ Maxima of Sermium 467 B. V. Mary . 327 Memorial of the Cruci- „ Joseph ofArimathea 283 fixion .... 454 „ Julian of Anazarbus 273 S. Methodius. 176 K „ Mochoemog . 245 „ Monan 18 S. Katharine of Sweden 421 SS. Montanus and Maxima . Kennocha . 25s 467 S. Muran . , . „ Kessog. 208 238 „ Kieran . 66 „ Kunegund. 52 N SS. Kyneburga and S. Narcissus . 313 comp. 93 „ Nicander . 267 S. Kyneswitha . 93 „ Nicephorus . 249 B. Nicholas von der Flue . 421 S. Lactean . .331 „ Landoald .... 333 O „ Leo, Archb. Rouen ig „ Longinus .... 266 S. Owen 57 ^- -* * *- — VUl Contents PAGE S. Serapion . -371 ....". 9° S. Pacian . ... 172 „ Sezin Trent . •\. ., . of 447 „ Pancharius . 328 „ Simon „ Papas ... .273 „ Simplicius. '22 „ Patrick .... 285 „ Sixtus 489 ' Sophronius . 215 „ Paul of Cyprus . .311 ,, . „ Paul of Leon 223 sp^"- • ^^^ " . ;. the elder . 16 „ Paul of Narbonne . 406 „ Swibert „ Paul the Simple . 114 Penitent Thief, the . 456 SS. Perpetua and comp. 102 S. Tatian .271 „ Peter and comp. of ... „ Tetricus .... 322 Carthage , . 256 Aquinas .116 „ Peter and comp. of „ Thomas B. Thomas ofLancaster 414 Nicomedia . 222 S. Tibba B. Peter of Castelnau . 74 93 SS. Timolaus and c6mp. S. Peter the Spaniard . 221 444 SS. Philemon and Apol- „ Twenty Monks 'at S. Sabas lonius . .156 .... 365 „ Philetus and comp . 482 S. Phocas 63 V „ Piala . 437 S. Verca and children 468 „ Piran or Kieran . 66 „ Victorian .... „ Proculus .... 435 439 „ Vincent . 213 ,, Vindician .... 215 „ Virgilius .... 72 S. Quirinus of Rome . 456 „ Quirinus the Tribune 504 W R S. William of Norwich 461 „ Winwaloe .... 49 S. Regulus .... 504 „ Withburga . 309 „ Renovatus. 515 „ Wulfram . 361 SS. Ruderick and Salo- mon 254 X S.. Rudesind . 19 S. Xystus, Pope . 489 S. Salomon . 254 „ Secundus .... 503 S. Zacharias .... 268 „ Senan of Iniscatthy 1 59 „ Zosimus of Syracuse 508 *- -* * - $< — LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS The Annunciation Frontispiece Afler Francia, in the Church of S. John Lateran, Rome. S. David to face p. lo S. RUDESIND „ i8 After Cahier. Lichfield Cathedral (see ^. 23) . on p. 20 S. Chad to face p. 24 S. KuNEGUND, Empress of Germany . „ 52 Forms of Mitee . onp.t,\ S. Casimir, Prince of Poland . toface p. to After Cahier. Group of Angels on p. 62 Marriage of the Virgin ,,89 After a Bas-Reliefhy Orcagna. S. Thomas Aquinas tofacep. 128 After Cahier. S, John of God „ 168 After Cahier. ix Zt * . -* ^ , : X Ltsi of Illustrations Jesus Christ, in the Character of a Pilgrim, accepting the Hospitality OF TWO Dominicans on p. it \ From a Fresco by Fra Angelico at Florence. S. Gregory of Nyssa tofacep. 172 After a Picture ty Dominichino at Rome. S. Gregory OF Nyssa (WITH SQUARE Nimbus) „ 174 After Cahiee. Cathedral—Modena ,,182 Froin Stoughton's " Italian Reformers." Hatred and Malice on p. 202 Sym-bolic Carving at the Abbey of S. Denis. Deceitfulness and Vanity . „ 211 Symbolic Carving at the Abbey of S. Denis. S. Gregory the Great .... tofacep. zii> After Cahier. Mass of S. Gregory . „ 238 . Pusillanimity . on p. 2\o Symbolic Carving at the Abbey of S. Denis. Slothfulness and Gluttony . „ 265 Symbolic Carving at the Abbey of S. Denis, SS. Joseph and Nicodemus anointing the Body of Christ . ... tofacep. 282 From, an old Painting. S. Patrick 288 After Cahiee. S. Gertrude of Nivelles 306 After Cahier. *- -* ^- -* List of Illustrations xi Portion of a Monstrance oni>. 3" Murder of S. Edward .... tofacep. 324 S. Joseph, Husband of the Blessed Virgin Mary 326 From- the Vienna Missal. Death of S. Joseph 328 S. Cuthbert reasoning with the Monks 342 Death of S. Cuthbert .... 342 S. Cuthbert in his Hermit's Cell . 344 S. Benedict .... 388 After Cahier. S. Benedict exorcising an Evil Spirit which had interrupted the Work- men employed in building a Chapel 392 From a Fresco^ by SPINELLI d'Arezzo, in the Church of San Miniato^ near Florence. S. Benedict reproving Totila, and pre- dicting HIS Death „ 400 From a Fresco, painted by SpiNELLi d'Arezzo, in the Church of San Miniato, near Florence. The Two Thieves {see p. 456) : S. Dimas Penitent, with Angel bearing his happy Soul to Paradise; the Impe- nitent, with Demon dragging forth his unwilling Soul . ' . on p. 443 The Heavenly Messenger .... to face p. 45° ' ' The Angel Gabriel was sent from God unto a city of Galilee, named Nazareth, to a virgin espoused to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David ; and the virgin's name was Mary." -* -* Xll List of Illustrations The Annunciation toface^. 452 Museum at After Israel van Mecken, in the Munich. The Annunciation 454 Madrid After a Picture in the Museum at (?) 456 Memorial of the Crucifixion . Weyden, After a Picture iy ROGER VAN DER in the Museum at Madrid. "Fortitude" . on p. 481 "Hope" » 490 to face p. 512 S. Amadeus of Savoy After Cahier. *- -* -* Lives of the Saints March 1. S. Hesychius, B.M. at Cartej'a, in S^ain, -Lsi cent. S. EuDOCiA, M. at IJeliopoUs, in Pkmnicia, znd cent. S. Antonina, M. itt Nicma, ^th cent. S. DoMNiNA, V.H, in Syria., circ. a.d. 460. S. SiMPLicius, Abp. o/Bourges^ circ. a.d. 480. S. David, Ahp. ofMenema^ in Wales, a.d. 544. S. Heeculanius, B.M. at Perugia^ a.d. 547. S. Albinus, B. ofAngers^ circ. a.d. 549. S, Marnon, B. in Scotland. S. SiWARD, Ah. ofS. Calais, in France, a.d. 6S7. S. SwiBEET, B. Ap. ofthe Frisians, a.d. 713. S. MoNAN, Archd. ofS. Andrews, in Scotlaiid, circ. a.d. 874. S. Leo, M. Ahp. ofRouen and Ap. ofBayonne, circ. a.d. goo. S. Leo Luke, Ah. ofMuletta., in Calabria, circ. a.d. goo, S. Rudesind, B. of Dumimn, in Portugal, a.d, g77. B. Roger, Abp. ofBourges, a.d. 1368. B. Bonavita, C Blacksmith ofLugo, in Italy, a.d. 1375. S. HESYCHIUS, B.M. (iST CENT.) [Spanish Martyrplogies. Not in the Roman.] lESYCHIUS is traditionally said to have been one of seven apostles sent by S. Peter into Spain. He is supposed to have preached in the neighbourhood of Gibraltar, and to have made Carteja, or Carcesia, the modern Algeziras, his head- quarters. Nothing authentic is known of this mission, or of his labours and martyrdom. VOL. III. 1 ^ * ; ^ ->» 2 Lives of the Saints. [March i. S. EUDOCIA, M. (2ND' CENT.) [Greek Menasa, and Roman Martyrology. This saint does not occur in any of the ancient Latin Martyrologies. Her name was inserted in the Roman Martyrology by Baronius. She is called Eudoxia or Eudooia. Authority : —An ancient Greek Life which, however, from its using the word homo-ousios, and calling the Praetor, Count, proves to be later than the times of Constantine. The story has a foundation of fact, no doubt but a large amount of addition to it has been made of fabulous matter, to convert it into a religious romance.] There was a Samaritan woman named Eudocia, of great beauty, who lived as a harlot, in the city of Heliopolis, in Phoenicia. She had amassed much wealth by her shameful mode of life, and she thought only of how she might gratify the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eye, apd the pride of life. But the word of God is like a hammer that breaketh the rocks in pieces. There was a monk, named Germanus, passing through the city, and he lodged with an acquaintance next door to the house of Eudocia. And in the middle of the night he arose, as was his wont, and sang his Psalms, and, opening a book began, by the light of his lamp, to read a spiritual lecture with a loud voice. And this happened to be its subject, —the coming of Jesus Christ on the clouds of heaven to judge all men according to their works, when they that have done well shall enter into life, and they that have evil done shall be cast into eternal fire.
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