ISSUE 462 - APRIL 2016 @shfCAMRA /sheffieldcamra FREE ERSITY ST ENTRY IV UD ALL WEEKEND N E U N D NON-STUDENTS WELCOME T L S E ’ I U F N F I O E N H S 2016 PLUS FRIDAY OVER 100 GERMAN 29TH APRIL VARIETIES STEIN BAR, TO OF REAL ALE, CRAFT BEER BAR AND SUNDAY FRUIT BEERS POP UP 1ST MAY AND CIDER GIN BAR 2PM - 12AM* LIVE MUSIC AND GREAT FOOD ALL WEEKEND! FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY ‘EIN BIER, BITTE’ ‘CRAFT BEER, ‘PIG AND CIDER DAY’ Steins, Bratwurst and Lederhosen Hog Roast Provided by (Traditional Ales Still Available) BOURBON AND BBQ’ (Traditional Ales Still Available) Roney's of Sheffield * WHILE STOCKS LAST THE FREE MAGAZINE OF CAMRA SHEFFIELD & DISTRICT ISSUE 462 - APRIL 2016 NEWS 4 Committee roles up for grabs Birthday thanks Dronfield quiz win Pubs, beer and culture Young Members Report 3,500 MONTHLY Dronfield & District now full CIRCULATION CAMRA branch EDITOR Andrew Cullen 07554 005 225 BREWERIES 10 [email protected] Abbeydale Fuggle Bunny Articles, letters and suggestions Steel City are most welcome so please Little Critters send them in* Regather Sheffield Brewery Co. True North ADVERTISING Alan Gibbons [email protected] Quarter Page £40+VAT PUBS 20 Half Page £60+VAT Heritage pub interiors Full Page £90+VAT More than a pub Inside Cover £100+VAT MP nominates Closed Shop chef Back Cover £110+VAT Inn Brief Discounts for regular placements Pub jobs PDFs or high-res (300 dpi) bitmaps only please Design from £30 Updates from £10 AWARDS 26 NEXT COPY DEADLINE Pub of the Months Friday 8th April Dronfield Pub of the Year Opinions expressed are those of the author and may not represent those of CAMRA, the local branch or editor. Beer Matters is FESTIVALS 28 © CAMRA Ltd. *For legal reasons a full name and address DIARY 32 must be provided with all contributions. COMMITTEE 34 Press Officer Spreads the word and ensures coverage of our events and campaign- ing themes, makes sure our viewpoint is reported when issues of our interest are topical, participates in media interviews, builds and maintains relation- ships with local journal- ists and influential opinion formers. Also assists with the branch social media output. Young Members Contact Acts as a local contact for the wider network of young members (aged 18- 30), takes the initiative to get more of our younger members actively involved Committee roles up for grabs at AGM! in the branch and attend- ing socials - organising Our branch AGM takes that need to happen are festival, presents the ac- specific young members place at Shakespeares happening, keeps up counts to the AGM and socials if neccessary - on Tuesday 5th April and to date with campaign- regularly files them with and maintains liaison with one of the functions this ing policy and acts as the regional director. the University of Sheffield fulfills is to assemble the a public figure head for Real Ale Society. committee that runs the CAMRA in our area pre- Membership Secretary branch for the year ahead. senting awards etc. Regularly contacts our Pubs Officer If there are multiple can- members to keep them Undertakes the adminis- didates for a role then an Secretary informed and encourage tration work to Keep the election will be held at the Takes minutes at meet- them to join in branch Pubzilla database of pubs AGM, however a number ings, prepares paper- activities, acts as a point in our area up to date en- of long standing members work, shares information of contact for local mem- suring information on the are wanting to scale down and acts as the contact bership issues, maintains WhatPub.com website is their involvement and help point for the branch both a stock of membership correct, organises survey new faces get involved in for CAMRA HQ and the leaflets and holders for work to gather fresh data order to give the branch public. pubs, organises a recruit- if neccessary, keeps an a bit of new energy and ment stand at our beer eye on pub campaigning enthusiasm. Treasurer festival. issues and any planning Fancy a voluntary role Ensures branch account- applications impacting on on the committee? Here ancy is kept properly and Social Secretary pubs in our area. are the jobs we have: up to date, manages the Organises and hosts a pro- bank account, issues in- gramme of social events Pub Preservation Officer Chair voices for adverts in Beer for members throughout Champions the cause of Chairs the branch and Matters and collects in the year including guid- pub heritage in our area, committee meetings, payments, pays expenses ed pub crawls, brewery maintains details of pubs guides the direction of the and bills, organises the tours, beer tastings and with historic features, branch, ensures things finances for our beer more. works with the regional ISSUE 462 4 NEWS APRIL 2016 CAMRA organisation on their heritage inventory, Birthday leads on applications for pubs to become listed Many thanks to all at Blue Bee as assets of community and the Three Tuns for assist- value, picks up on any rel- ing with recent birthday cele- evant issues passed on brations. Josh allowed myself by the Pubs Officer. and a number of friends to assist (interfere?) on a brew Beer Matters and Web day and the resulting one-off, Editor pale and hoppy concoction Responsible for the subsequently took pride of content of our branch place at my birthday party. magazine and website Thanks to the Three Tuns (a and building a working well-deserved contender for relationship with local the Sheffield 2016 PoTY) for breweries and publicans hosting the party - hope you that supply news and all enjoyed Hey Ho Six Oh!, adverts. a 4.3% four-hop epic which was available nationwide. Cider Representative For the technically minded: Champions the cause of the 10 bbl. brew included 10 real cider and perry, pro- bags of Fawcett malted barley motes the availability in and 5 kg of wheat. Hops were Pubs, beer and culture our area, organises the Azzaca, Chinock, Columbus Cider Pub of the Year and Summit. When we talk about cam- creative arts that Shef- competition and special paigns to save pubs and field nurtures at grass cider events. Dave Pickersgill promote local breweries, a roots level with special lot is spoken of their con- interest group meetings, Beer Festival Organiser tribution to our cultural life music gigs, poetry recit- Chairs the organising quiz win and British traditions but als and more taking place committee of our Steel there hasn’t been docu- regularly in pub function City Beer & Cider Fes- Dronfield and District CAMRA mented proof you can rooms and local artists tival. submitted a team to take part hand to the council and displaying their works in the Dronfield Town Twin- say ‘here you are’. on pub walls. Many tra- Other smaller roles ning Federation Quiz Night This is being addressed ditional local pubs also includes managing the at the Civic Hall, and won by the University of Shef- host sports and games advertising in our Beer the quiz! Congratulations to field, who have sponsored teams. Matters magazine, co- Dronfield CAMRA! some research and writ- As an effect of pubs ordinating our Pub of For those that didn’t know, ing on the subject of often being at the heart the Month and Pub of Dronfield has been twinned Sheffield’s culture, with of such culture and local the Year competitions, with Sindelfingen in Germany well regarded writer Pete talent creating local pride, managing the selection since 1981. The quiz night is Brown commissioned to it is no surprise that lo- of pubs for the Good Beer a regular and popular event pick up the beer and pubs cally brewed beers also Guide, chairing the local organised by the twinning strand. At the time of writ- feature too! beer tasting panel, run- committee and also involves ing, lots of interviews and This looks like a poten- ning the LocAle scheme a pie & pea supper and home surveys were being car- tially interesting and use- in our area, building and made desserts. ried out among the people ful piece of work, if you maintaining relationships Branch members after the of Sheffield! are asked to take part in with local councillors and quiz night were reported head- Often it is forgotten how the research please do MPs. ing towards nearby real ale pubs and beer are inter- and we will look forward pubs to celebrate their win! twined with the various to the final publication! ISSUE 462 APRIL 2016 NEWS Big banners outside ad- watching fisherman waiting vertised the twice weekly for that elusive catch, lis- quiz: it’s a couple years tening to a range of cheery since I last took part but it birdsong and laughing at was one that stood out as dogs leaping in to the being very enjoyable, fast water to reach their new paced and inclusive of all favourite stick. The Ab- individuals and teams ir- bey Inn (Community Pub respective of ability at of the Year complete with Young Members REPORT traditional pub quizzes. large banner celebrating (AKA CAMRA 18-30) Do you fancy a quiz night this achievement) greeted social here? us and Martin, the land- Did you know there are produce them must be Just down the road is lord, was his usual jovial around 1000 Young Mem- confident of their quality Kirkstall Bridge Inn (Pub self. An interesting choice bers (YM) in Yorkshire? I and parity of flavour com- of the Year for the second of 6 ales that included a bet that surprised you.
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