Property of the Watertown Historical Society watertownhistoricalsociety.orgEiOS Vmriett.OrigimUtg, "The totem need* ihepmper man I Brnitf/, Uiefnlmem, than the puper V NEW81 the to" DEVOTED TO TEE WHOLE. COMMUNITY—NOTHING SL8E OM LM88 you xiv. No. WATERTOWN, CONN, AUGUST 12, 1«7. TWO DOLLAR* PER Y1AR. MANY ATTEND FAREWELL SAD ACCIDENT I COURT NEW8 DOLL SHOW GREAT ATTRAC- PARTY TION The first drowning of the year in I John Paszinski of Oakville, found A large number of friends of Miss Watertown occurred on Tuesday aft- .guilty oil a charge of reckless driv- Each feature day at the Commun- Mary Farrell, who it to enter the ernoon at Echo Lake when Victor WHO'S WHO THIS WEEK ing, was fined $25 and costs by Jus- ity playground seems to attract a order of the 8istera of Notre Dame Hubert, 9 year old son of Mr. and tice of the Peace William C. Hunger- still larger crowd. The doll show August IS,- were entertained at a Mrs. Zlm Hubert' of Oakville, fell lord at the weekly session of the on Wednesday afternoon broke all party in her honor Tuesday evening {nto the deep waters of the lake and court held Monday evening in tbe records for attendance with 239 , Albert Schwenterly has recently Wlllard 9. Heminway is a guest of at the home of Mr. and Mar. Timothy pas drowned before assistance could •town hall but $15 of the fine was re- children and SO visitors present. returned from a trip to Buffalo. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Smith of Mont- Ahearn, and Mr. and Mrs. Kaleel be found. The youngster, along with mitted. It was evident that every little pU\v, N. J., at Saranac Inn. George. his younger brother and several Mrs. Bessie Zalser has returned Paszinski was arrested Sunday girl had a doll worth presenting for Since the Ahearn home was form- playmates, left their home to enjoy to her Home in Hartford after a visit Mr. and Mrs. Edward Butterfield fitter lii- car had sidieswiped a mach- j2 dolls of many Mz*-s and descrip- erly owned and occupied for many a swim at the customary hole at the with Mrs. Mary Flynn at her home oi Prospect street have been enjoy- ine driven by Robert Fairchlld. The tions were lined up for the judges years by the Farrell family it was ,lake. On previous day little Victor, on Highland avenue. ing a motor trip to Canada. accidem occurred near Davis street to choose the prize winners. After most appropriate that the friends of who was unable to. swim, brought John Shields of Woodruff avenue Mrs. R. J. Ashworth and Mr. and when I'u-zlnskl was backing his car much dellbaflon awards were made Miss Farrell should gather there for along an inflated automobile tire and motored to New London Wednesday Mrs. Harold C. Ashworth and son out of Melruse street. as follows: Prettiest, Marian Ryan; a farewell party to her. Miss Far- with this assistance he has been where he Joined Mrs. Shields and .an- spending a month at Wi-ekapaug, , The case of Michael Canfleltl and smallest. Billy Hronson, a tiny wood- rell has recently resigned her posi- able to paddle around. Yesterday (heir two children, Helen and Thom- R. I. .two out of town parties who were in *-n doll in a shelf which came from he forgot this tube and on trying tion in the local post office which as, who arc spending a month's va- Mrs. William McConway of Pitts- a collision on the Watertown-Thoni- Switzerland; bigge.it, M<ma Iiuilge; to pry loose a diving board to use she held for a number of years and cation at Ocean Beach.. ! bin KII. Pa., Is visiting her daughter, aston road near Nova St.o'ia school- cutest, Jean Hlckcnx, whose doll's for a float, he lost his balance and where her cheerful manner and 'Mrs. s. McLean Buckingham of the house Sunday afternoon was settled costume, that of Red Riding Hood, (ell into the water. The cries of the Miss Esther Ericson is Visiting pleasing personality had won for her j sii-.-n. put of court. was carried out In detail even to other youngsters were unanswered friends in Bridgeport. a host of friends. the tiny basket on her arm contain- as no one was in the vicinity of the Joseph Harming, manager of the J IT. C. W. Jackson is confined to During the course of the evening FIGHTING FRUIT PESTS ing tiny cookies covered with a nap- lake at the time so, they ran to their A- S. Thomas company, Merlden, is t his home on De Forest street by 111- wJiich was pleasantly passed with ,kin; funniest, Doris O'Dell, for her home in Oakville to notify their par- spending a two weeks' vacation at ne.-s. As rtcorded recently In The Uncle Moses doll; most original, music and games, the guest of honor ents of the happening. About an bis home on Highland avenue. Clarence Lake is enjoying a vaca- Register, many fruit trees in Tor- Ituth Maxwell, whose doll wore a was presented with a purse, the gift hour later the news of the drown- . Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kneupfer of tion of one week. rington and vicinity are being dam- gypsy costume and to Janet Olson of all her friends present. The pre- jng spread about town and within a Highland avenue have been enter- aged by insects which threaten to for her two dolls dressed one as an < sentation was made by Rev. William I A number from Watertown attend- fhort time a large crowd had gath- taining Mrs. Kneupfer's niece and seriously affect the fruit crops, par- old fashioned girl, the' other.as a Judge who expressed the sentiment ed the American Legion county ered at the spot where the youngster her husband. , ticularly apples. Entomologists flapper. Honorable mention was of the guests in commending Miss ,me.ting held in Litchfleld on Wed- had gone down. Several young men nesday evening. claim that the infestation this season given to Jean Mitchell whose doll's Farrell for her splendid qualities and started diving in an effort to locate , Miss Edith King, who has been visiting at the home of Mr. and'Mrs. is due 'o the cold spring which did age was 60 and Charlotte Bates' •wishing her success in her new Hfe. the body and after about 20 minutes' , Frank Ryan of Derby was a week- whose doll boasted lO'i years. E. H. Black of Birch farm for sev- end visitor in town. not allow the Insect parasites of the Music during the evening was fur- work it was brought to the surface. aphis, such as lady beetles and nished by Ton Thomas, violinist, ot Dr. E. G. Reade, who had been noti- eral weeks, has returned to her home Mr. and Mrs. .Charles Crowell of in Whittier, Calif. syrphus files to develop rapidly a* iWaterbury; Miss Nahza George, ced of the drowning was at the lake Pitt afield, Mass., are visiting their they require a temperature of 10 to REPORT OF PLAYGROUND iMIss Mary Loughlln, Miss Semone when the body was recovered and . Leo Hanning and James Hannlng son, Harvey Crowell of Sunset ave- 12 decr.es higher than the aphis 8EA8ON Marcoux at the piano and Miss Ce- with the assistance of R. S. Pasho motored to Hartford Wednesday. nes. needs to breed. The Connecticut A recent report of the work of die Marcoux, banjo. worked over the lifeless body in an Agricultural college has .sent out spe- Late in the evening a delicious effort to establish respiration but the Mr,' and Mrs. Harry Hughes and Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Harty and fam- the work oi the summer playground. ily of North street are spending a supper of cold meats, salads, cake hoy had been in the water for too Mr. and Mrs. James Hanning mo- cial letters to fruit growers inform- j issued by Ralph I'asho, director or two weeks' vacation at Narragansett ice cream, coffee and soft drinks was great a time. jtored over the Mohawk Trail Sun- ing them of the way that the pests civic Union activities, mentions day. Pier, R. I. served. may be fought with beneficial re- many Interesting facts. Among the guests, who numbered sults. Total attendance (L'p to-and In- PARTY FOR MI8S FARRELL This formula as sent out by W. H. cluding August 6)— 5,2.". J)2, were the following: Rev. Fr. BIRTHDAY PARTY BLISTER RU8T WORK Darrow, extension fruit specialist, Average weekly attendance—S4S. jVVllliam Judge, Miss Mary Farrell, Miss Margaret Kerwin. was hostess Little Joan Seaver entertained Frank Tompkins, Blister Rust warns the apple growers of the aphis Average daily attendance—169. Miss Margaret Fp.rrell, Miss Helen to Miss Mary Farrell, at her home some of her neighbors at a party foreman, started Monday morning on menace. It appears that aphis both Five hikes, average 34; total 170. .FarrelU Miss Madeline Fiynn, Miss on Westbury Park on Wednesday Tuesday afternoon when she cele- tbe eradication ot currant and green and rosy have appeared in Number taking part in feature nna Erwln, Miss Helen Canfleld, evening and a very enjoyable eve- brated her third birthday. The lit- gooseberry bushes on the pine plan- alarming numbers during the past, days—299. Miss Margaret Canfleld, Miss Rachel ping was spent by the guests. MJss tle guests were each presented with tations on Mohawk. His crew con- few weeks. The rosy species has Number of feature day—S.
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