1882. ANNUAL R,EPORT OF THE CITY TREASURER OF THE RECElPTS AND EXPENDlTURKS OF THE +❖ CITY OF TORONTO+-+ FOR THE YEAR ENDING 31st DECEMBER, 1882, TOGETHER WITH STATEMENTS OF SUNDRY SPECIAL ACCOUNTS, AND THE CITY AUDITORS' REPORT, CERTIFICATES, ETC. ioronto: E. F. CLARKE, CORPORATION PRINTER, 33 AND 35 ADELAIDE STREET WEST. 1883. MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE Corporation of the City of Toronto FOR THE YEAR ISS2. W. BARCLAY McMURRICH, EsQ., M.A., MAYOR. St. Lawrence Ward : St. David's Ward: St. Thomas' Ward: THOMAS DAVIES. WILLIAM ADAMSON. WILLIAl\I CARLYLE. JOHN HALLAM. GEORGE BOOTH. v'VILLIA:i\I SHEPP ARD. JOHN TAYLOR. JOHN BLEVINS. SAMUEL TREES. St. James' Ward: St. George's Ward: St. Andrew's Ward: JA::.\IES B. BOUSTEAD. A. R. BOSWELL. H. B. CLARJ(E. NEIL C. LOVE. JOHN MAUGHAN. D. :i\I. DEFOE. WILLIAM B. SCARTH. PETER RYAN. W. W. FARLEY. St. John's Ward: St. Patrick's Ward: St. Stephen's Ward: THOl\IAS DOvVNEY. GEO. M. EVANS. WILLIA:i\I BELL. JOHN IRWIN. JOHN LOW. GEORGE EVAN"S. JOHN KENT. JOHN TURNER. JOHN WOODS. ~ Executive ❖ (DoIQmittee~ ALDER:\L-\__"N' BOSWELL, Cu.mm.\". " BLEYI~S. " CLARKE. " EVANS, GEO. :\I. '' HALLAM. " IRWIN. " LOYE. " TREES. " WOODS. R. T. COADY, (ASSISTANT TREASURER) SECRETARY. CIVIC DEPARTMENTS AND PRINCIPAL OFFICERS 1882_ TREASURY DEPARTMENT. SAMUEL B. HARMAN, Ex-MAYOR, TREASURER. RICHARD T. COADY, AssrsTANT TREASURER AND AcoouNTANT. JOHN p ATTERSON, CASHIER. W. R. HUGHES, t A WM. AND"ERSUN, ~ UDITORS. CLERK'S DEPARTMENT. SOLICITOR'S DEPARTMENT. ROBERT RODDY, CLERK. W. G. Mc WILLIAMS, SOLICITOR. H. J. HILL, ASSISTANT CLERK. WATER WORKS DEPARTMENT. ENGINEER'S DEPARTMENT. REDMOND J. BROUGH, REDMOND J. BROUGH, ENGINEER. ENGINEER AND MANAGER. J. H. VENABLES, FIRE DEPARTMENT. MECHANICAL ENGINEER JAMES ASHFIELD, CHIEF ENGINEER FIRE DEPARTMENT. HEALTH DEPARTMENT. EMERSON COATSWORTH, RICHARD ARDAGH, COMMISSIONER. CHIEF ENGINEER FIRE BRIGADE. TH0¥AS' GRAHAM, ASSESSMENT DEPARTMENT. ASSISTANT ENGINEER FIRE BRIGADE. NICHOLAS MAUGHAN, COMMISSIONER. POLICE DEPARTMENT. Hrs WORSHIP THE MAYOR, CHAIRMAN. His HoNoR THE COUNTY ,JUDGE, } COMMISSIONERS, His W oRsHIP THE POLICE MAGISTRATE, LIEUT.-COL. GEO. T. DENISON, POLICE MAGISTRATE. MAJOR F. C. DRAPER, JOHN MACPHERSON, CHIEF CONSTABLE. DEPUTY OHIEF CONSTABLE. J. T. NUDEL, JOHN GREEN. PoLIOE CouRT CLERK. GOVERNOR CITY ,JAIL. CITY TREASURER'S OFFICE, TORONTO, 31st March, 1883. TO HIS WORSHIP THE MAYOR. Srn,-I have the honor to hand in herewith the Annual Rc>port of the Civic Receipts and Expenditures for the year 1882, with the usual Supplementary State. ments relative to the City Debt, the Sinking Fund, and other Special Accounts. The same has been duly examined, and is accompanied by the Report of the City Auditors. It is pleasing that a surplus is again exhibited in closing the present Accounts, and it is hoped that the same result will attend the wind up of future Statements. I hope the Re-port, with its several supplementary Statements, which, 1ear by year, it is the earnest desire and endeavour of this Department to ren, ler more full and explanatory, will commend itself to the approval of the Council. This remark has special reference to the City Debt noyv exhibited under dis­ tinctive headings of " General," and '' Local Improvement" Issues, and which are severally and minutely analyzed as to the issues being in currency or sterling, the purpose of the same, the numbers of the Debentures, the rates of interest, and the dates of maturity. thus enabling every Debenture holder at once to locate his Debenture, and trace the same from its date of inception to that of its maturity. I have the honor to be, Sir, your obedient servant, SAMUEL B. HARMAN, City Treasurer. AUDITORS' REPORT. To His Worship the Mayor and Council of the Corporation of the City of Toronto : The undersigned beg respectfully to report the completion of the Audit of the Accounts of the City of Toronto for the year ending 31st December, 1882; also, to submit the accompanying Statements, 1st, in Abstract, and 2nd, in Detail, of the Receipts and Expenditures of the Municipality for the same period. The undersigned likewise beg to submit the following synopsis : 1st. Floating Assets and Liabilities of the City for the year 1882, as per accom­ panying account, page 127: Total Assets...................... .. .. .... .. ... .. ...... .. ... $350,720 25 Total Liabilities.................................................. 327,388 52 Leaving a Surplus Balance of.................. $23,331 73 2nd. The Debenture Debt of the City: General Debenture Debt...................................... $6,040:387 46 Local Improvement Debt..................................... 855,251 48 $6,895,638 94 From which must be deducted amount at credit of various Sinking Fund Accounts...................... , 462,088 42 Leaving the net Debenture Debt ............... $6,433,550 52 The Books and Acc:rnnts of the Corporation have been kept with the usual neatness and accuracy, and the business of the Treasury Department conducted in such a manner as to merit the highest commendation. We have the honour to be, Gentlemen, Your obedient servants, WM. R. HUGHES: ~ CITY AUDITORS. WM. ANDERSON, 5 . CITY AUDITORS' OFFICE, Toronto, March 30th, 1883. 10 RECEIPTS. ABSTRACT OF THE RECEIPTS AND EX FOR FINA.NOIA.IA YEAR ENDING RECEIPTS. 'PAGE $ c. $ .c i CA.SH ON HA.ND and in Banks, lstJanuary, 1882 ... 21i ................. 299,675 74 Administration of Justice: Received from Govern't of Ontario for Witness Fees to 30th Sept., 1882................... .. .. .. 21 215 26 Major Draper, Refund of amount advanced re removal of prisoners.................................. 21 86 30/ 301 56 Advertising: SpE'cial. ..................................................... 21 .................. i 357 33 I I City Registrar's Account: I I I On account of Fees received under R.S.O., cap. 111, sections 98 to 104 ............................. .. 21 ................ .. 4,375 77 Clergy Reserve Fund: Received from Government of Ontario....... .... 22 .................. , 1,008 60 Contractors' Deposits: Received..................................................... 22 ................ .. 73,651 23 Debentures (Sold) : General ...................................................... 22 239,527 59 Local Improvement ..................................... 23i 262,029 15 501,556 74 Division Court Jury Fund: I I ! Fees received under 43 Vic., cap. 8, sections I I I 45 to 47 .................................................. .. 1 24 •••••••••••••••••• 175 26 I I Exchange ......................................................... ' ~4· .. • . .. ..... 498 89 Exhibition Fund: Newman Silverthorne, Esq., Part of proceeds of ~ale of Mortgage from John Abell to City ..... 24 .................. i 5,828 00 I I Exhibition Park Rental Fees .............................. •)4i I ~ i .................. l 225 00 Fire Department: Sale of Old Material .. .. .. .. .................... 24 ................. 8 00 Carried forward.......... .................... · 1 · ................ · 1887,662 12 EXPENDITURES. 11 PENDITURES OF THE CITY OF TORONTO. THE 31st DECEMBER, 1882, EXPENDITURES. IPAGE $ c. $ c. Administration of Justice.................................... 55 ................. 13,856 84 Advertising...... .. .. .. ... .. .. .. ... .. 55 1,808 47 " Special......... 56 411 60 2,220 07 Assessments: Refund of Rates paid in error... .. .. ... 56 ................ .. 3 40 Assessment Department: Sundry Expenses . .. .. 56 ................. 2,375 90. Charitable and other Grants : City Charities, as per Detailed Statement......... 56 15,100 001 Toronto General Hospital.............................. 58 9,280 50 Horticultural Rocietv .................. , . 58 2,000 00 J. G. Howard, Annuity for 1882. ...... ......... ...... 58 1,200 00 Toronto Observatory..................................... 58 300 00 27:880 50 Commission : On Payment of Debentures and Interest in 2,094 15 England and Canada, &c ........................... 1 58 ................ .. I t:ontractors' Deposits : Refunded.................................................... 58 Debentures (Redeemed): 67,575 84 General......... ........ .... .. .... .. ... .. .... ......... 58 101,406 66 Local Improvement,..................................... 59 28,070 oo, 129,476 66 Discount on Debentures Sold............................... 59 ................. 19,336 39 Debentures Sales Expenses................................. 60 ................. 2,157 88 Division Court Jury Fund : Jurors' Fees . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 60 ................. 85 00 Election Expenses : Municipal Elections, &c. .... ... ... .... .. .. ... .. ... 60 ... .... .. .. ..... .. 1,491 65 'carried forward .............................. \-·····.................. 268,554 28 12 RECEIPTS~ PAGE $ c. Brought forward....................... ...... ......... ......... 887,662 12 Gas Supply: Consumers' Gas Company, Rebate......... .. .. ... 24 ................. 258 00 Health Department: Received for Sale of Cattle, Redemption o1 I Dogs, &c ..................................... • ••· • • •.. •• •· 2i ................. 184 09 Inquests: 9- Government of Ontario1 Coroners' Fees, &c ..... -0, ................. I 173 00 Interest: I As per Detailed Statement... ... ... ... ....... 25 ................. 3,007 19 ,Jail and Industrial Farm : Government of Ontario, towards Expenses of Jail ....... _................................................ 967 42 County of York, towards Expenses of Jail. ..... 1,863 38 i ______ l 2,830 80 ,Jarvis Street Sodding and Planting: I I Sale of Iron Chain ......................................
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