Resource GuideGuide 20212021 FACT BOOK FOR GOGEBIC & IRON COUNTIES Heere’sre’s ttoo a hhealthierealthier ffuture.uture. Toogether.gether. Asspiruspirus HHealthealth heelpslps kkeepeep yyouou aatt yyourour bbest.est. Find an Aspirus provider. call: 800.847.4707 visit: aspirus.org 2 Resource Guide Gogebic and Iron County 2021 Table of contents Resource Guide 2021 FACT BOOK FOR GOGEBIC & I RON COUNTIES Table of contents Area chambers and tourism offices 3 •City of Hurley fees 19 •Census 24, 25 Business directory 4 •Human Services Department 20-21 •County Health Department 22 Gogebic County •UW-Extension 26 •Census 5, 7 •Government directory 26-27 •City of Ironwood fees 6 •City of Wakefield fees 7 Parks and recreation 28-32 •City of Bessemer fees 8 •Domestic Violence Escape 8 Resource guide 33-39 •Economic scene 8 •Zip Codes and phone prefixes 34 •Community Mental Health 9 •Veterans organizations 35 •MSU-Extension 10 •Cemeteries 36 •Western U.P. Health Department 11 •Libraries 38 •Gogebic-Ontonagon Comm. Action Agency 12 •Golf courses 39 •Government directory 13-14 Churches 40 Federal, state elected officials 16-17 Education 41-43 Iron County Chippewa tribes 44-46 •Economic scene 18 Area Chambers of Commerce and Tourism Offices Hurley Area Chamber of Commerce Travel Ironwood wakefieldmi.org 316 Silver St. City of Ironwood Hurley WI 54534 213 S. Marquette St. Watersmeet Chamber of Commerce 715-561-4334 Ironwood MI 49938 P.O. Box 593 hurleywi.com 906-932-5050, ext. 131 Watersmeet MI 49969 travelironwood.com 906-358-9961 Iron County Development Zone Council watersmeet.org 100 Cary Rd. Mercer Area Chamber of Commerce Hurley WI 54534 5150 N. U.S. 51 Western Upper Peninsula Convention & 715-561-2922 Mercer WI 54547 Visitors Bureau ironcountywi.com 715-476-2389 P.O. Box 706 mercercc.com Ironwood MI 49938 Ironwood Area Chamber of Commerce 906-932-4850 150 N. Lowell St. Wakefield Chamber of Commerce explorewesternup.com Ironwood MI 49938 P.O. Box 93 906-932-1122 Wakefield MI 49968 ironwoodchamber.org 906-224-2222 Gogebic and Iron County 2021 Resource Guide 3 Business directory Arbor Vitae Homes 16 General Insurance Agency 9 N o r t h w ood Technical College 25 Aspirus Health 2 G i o v a n oni’s True Value 42 Odonata 35 Avanti Home Health Services 48 G o g e b i c Community College 27 The Office-Loraine Mussatti 19 Backstreet Cycle 13 Gogebic County Federal Credit Union 17 Ofstad Sales and Service 39 Bessemer Area Historical Society 27 G o g e b i c-Ontonagon Range Suicide Prevention Council 11 Bessemer Area Schools 23 I n t e r m e diate School District 39 Redman Galinas Eye Care 20 Bessemer Plywood 19 Gogebic Range Bank 5 Regional Hospice 21 Bessemer Township 33 Hill’s Hearing Service 34 Remax Action North Realty 18 Big Valley Ford/Chrysler 21 Hitt’s Fine Furniture 22 Rigoni’s Inn 31 Binz Bros. Well Drilling 15 H.O.P.E. Animal Shelter 43 R i t c h i e Oil 36 Bluff View Christian School 5 H u r l e y School District 7 S t . V i n c ent De Paul 14 Brogan and Yonkers 45 Iron County Community Credit Union 44 State Farm Insurance-John O’berto 35 Budget Host Inn 6 Iron County Extension 46 S t e i g e r ’s Ace Hardware 16 Burton Electronics Manufacturing 22 Iron County Health Department 18 Sturgul and Long, S.C. 10 City of Hurley 28 Ironwood Area Schools 43 Sunday Lake Supermarket 9 Copper Peak 37 Ironwood Area Chamber Superior Family Vision 6 Domestic Violence Escape 33 o f C o m m e r c e 24 W a kefield Chamber of Commerce 31 Downtown Art Place 25 Lac Vieux Desert Health Center 47 Wakefield-Marenisco School 12 Earth & Sky Day Spa 34 L u l i c h Implement 15 W a k e f i e ld Township 13 Erwin Township 6 M i c h i g a n State Police Post 86 25 White Cross Pharmacy 15 Eyeglass Shop 30 M i ke’s Restaurant 17 White River Country Store 42 First Weber Realtors 37 Northlakes Community Clinic 46 Zak’s Realty 36 Forslund Building Supply 28 Northland Basement 30 Zifko Tires/Tomlinson’s Towing 18 Historical resources Ironwood Area Historical Society Museum, Ironwood Area Historical Society, Meets The Old Depot, 150 N. Lowell St.; 906-932-0287. second Tuesday, 6 p.m., at museum. 906-932- Marenisco Township Historical Society 0287. and Museum, Center Street, Marenisco, MI Bessemer Area Historical Society Heritage Bessemer Area Historical Society, Meets 49947 Center, 403 S. Sophie St. (no phone listing). third Thursday, 2 p.m., at museum. P.O. Box 148, Bessemer MI 49911. Wakefield Historical Society, P.O. Box 114, Wakefield Historical Society Museum, 306 Wakefield MI 49968. Sunday Lake St.; 906-224-1045. Erwin Township Historical Society, P.O. Box 412, Ironwood, MI 49938 rESourCE guIdE 2021 WrITIng PuBlISHEr Megan Hughes Sue Mizell A publication of the Tom Laventure ExECuTIvE ASSISTAnT Zachary Marano Jenna Kallas Charity Smith AdvErTISIng dIrECTor DAILY GLOBE Heidi Ofstad PHoToS Daily Globe staff CIrCulATIon Marissa Casari Daily Globe Inc. MAnAgIng EdITor 118 E. McLeod Avenue Larry Holcombe Ironwood, Michigan 49938 on THE CovEr: Agate Falls, located east of Bruce Crossing, is yourdailyglobe.com 906-932-2211 seen in a drone photo by the Daily Globe’s Jacob Vallejo. 4 Resource Guide Gogebic and Iron County 2021 Gogebic County Facts and figures about Gogebic County Gogebic County is the westernmost county About the land and its uses Characteristics by percent (2019) in the state of Michigan in the Upper Peninsula, Total area in county: Approximately 944,864 Males 50.7 and serves as Michigan’s “western gateway.” The acres (1,476.35 square miles.) Females 49.3 county borders along Lake Superior and the Forested land: Over 50,000 acres of forested northeastern edge of Wisconsin. land (not including land managed by Ottawa Na - Age The county also borders Ontonagon and Iron tional Forest, Keweenaw Forest Products and under 5 years 4.4 counties in Michigan and Iron and Vilas coun - other businesses.) under 18 years 16.8 ties in Wisconsin. The county is predominately Water: Approximately 25 percent of the total 65 years and over 28.6 rural, and is home to Lake Gogebic, the largest area is surface water (374.5 square miles). The county has 201 lakes and more than 30 Caucasian 93.6 lake in the U.P., as well as the Ottawa National miles of shoreline along Lake Superior. American Indian Forest and Lake Gogebic State Park. or Alaska Native 3.4 Major U.S. highways that run through the Places Hispanic 1.8 county include U.S. 2 and U.S. 45. Other state Largest city: Ironwood, 4,936 (2018 estimate) African American 0.6 highways include M-28 and M-64. County seat: Bessemer Asian 0.5 Number of cities: 3 (Bessemer, Ironwood and Two or more races 1.9 Distance between Gogebic County’s seat Wakefield) Bessemer and: Number of townships: 6 (Bessemer, Erwin, Households Chicago 398 Ironwood, Marenisco, Wakefield and Wa - Average household size: 2.11 people Duluth, Minn. 114 tersmeet) Total number of households (2019): 6,619 Milwaukee 310 Family households by size (2011): Minneapolis 226 Population 2 persons 2,416 Lansing 542 2020 Census 14,380 3 persons 832 Marquette 139 People per square mile 9.74 4 persons 580 St. Ignace 306 2010 Census 16,427 5 persons 235 Detroit 602 2000 Census 17,370 6 persons 66 Green Bay 214 7 or more persons 42 “Celebrating 15 years of faith-based learning” Call or text to schedule a tour! GOGEBIC ANGE ANK Bluff View R B Christian School A Seventh-day Adventist School Committed to providing quality education in a Christ-filled environment Your Hometown Community Bank Teacher/Principal: ENOUGH TO COMPETE.... -Merrie Beth Hellman BIG SMALL ENOUGH TO CARE 507 E Cinnebar St. Bessemer, MI Bessemer 906.663.4520 Ewen 906.988.2821 906-663-6959 Ironwood 906.932.7646 Bergland 906.575.1083 906-285-2192 Bluffviewchristianschool.com www.gogebicrangebank.com Gogebic and Iron County 2021 Resource Guide 5 Gogebic County City of Ironwood fees (A partial listing) Moving permits Building permits —A building which is under 10 feet wide and does not New home construction for homes contain more than 2,500 cubic feet $ 15 up to 1,800 square feet of living area $475 —A building which is more than 2,500 cubic feet $ 30 Prefab Home Construction (includes foundation) $250 Demolition permit for a building having up to 500 sq. ft. $ 40 Residential garage construction up to 576 sq. ft. $ 85 Demolition permit for a building from 501 to 10,000 sq. ft. $ 60 Residential garage construction more than 576 sq. ft. $100 Demolition permit for a building having more than 10,000 sq. ft. $ 75 Room additions up to 200 sq. ft. $ 70 Sidewalk construction or repair permit fee $ 50 Room additions up to 300 sq. ft. $ 80 Cemetery Charges Room additions more than 300 sq. ft. $ 90 Resident Non-Resident Indegent Sundry repairs, remodeling and alterations Opening and closing adult grave $900 $1,200 $150 (limited to replacement of windows, doors, roof, siding) 7 a.m.-3 p.m., Monday-Friday under $1,000 cost (materials and labor) $ 60 Overtime charges $1,300 $1,575 $1,000- $20,000 $ 60 Opening and closing infant grave $400 $ 600 $20,001- $50,000 $ 75 7 a.m.-3 p.m., Monday-Friday $50,001-$100,000 $125 Opening grave (ashes) each $575 $775 $100 More than $100,000 $175 7 a.m.-3 p.m., Monday-Friday Room addition more than 500 sq.
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