www.thewestwordonline.com Volume 44, Number 5 / March 2017 The Westword Student voice of the Westhill community “The test of good journalism is the measure of its public service.” Principal Figluizzi’s ÀQDOIDUHZHOO Pages 25-28 WESTHILL’S JUNIOR EL NUEVO A REVIEW ARTIST OF CLASS RECEIVES PLAN ON ACADEMY THE MONTH AN OPPORTUNITY SUSTITUTOO AWARD- MICHAEL CLARK TO SEE HAMILTON DEL WINNING DISPLAYS HIS 4 ON BROADWAY 13 OBAMACARE 29 FILMS 35 PHOTOGRAPHS 2 TheWestword March 2017 2016-2017 Staff Note from the Editors Editor-in-Chief Limelight Editors Dong Zhi Guo Sasha Ostrovsky, Dear Readers, Woman,’ as well as outstanding writ- tine Baseball players experience to Print Executive Editor Gabriel Yaghoubian ers at Westhill. get ready for the upcoming season, Maddy Cohen Express Editors :HOFRPH WR WKH ¿IWK SULQW HGL- In Viewpoint, take a look at the and a piece on the girls Soccer team Online Executive Editor Yaneira Torres, tion of The Westword. We are incredi- pros and cons regarding the gradua- playing in the state playoffs. Josh Eimbinder Dani McNamara, ably proud of this issue and hope you tion requirements. On Online, read about new Managing Editors Sports Editors can see the hard work we put into this Following Viewpoint, our Las planets discovered by NASA, Caroline Boccuzzi, Tamar Bellete, Joseph DiSalvo, month. We would also like to announce Noticias section covers the ‘Day Finland’s universal income sys- Maeve Ronan, Ryan Hart, Caroline Ross that The Westword is a proud recepient Without Immigrants’ protest. tem, and the crisis South Sudan Nicholas Zarrilli Copy Manager of the Silver Crown Award from the Within Supplement, we discuss currently faces. Ombudsman Sahithi Kollipara Columbia Scholastic Press Association pets! We divulge into the Agriscience We encourage any readers with Noah Klein Copy Editors for the 2015/16 school year! 3URJUDPDQGWKHEHQH¿WVRISHWVHV- comments, questions, or concerns Photo Manager Christian Perez, Meghan To start off, the Editorial this SHFLDOO\GXULQJ¿QDOVVHDVRQ to contact us by either dropping a Emily Savitt Prabhu, Rishabh Sahu, Jessica issue discusses the search for a new On the Feature pages, we letter into Dong Zhi Guo’s mailbox Media Manager Wallen, Tejas Juware principal, and what the interview highlight the esteemed career of in room 224 or emailing us at west- Ryan Murace Pollsters process would consist of. Students Principal Figluizzi. Read about her [email protected]. Business Managers Zainab Jafri, Lauren Lazo, KDYH LGHQWL¿HG FKDUDFWHULVWLFV WKH\ career, experiences, and the search Nick Smeriglio, Charlie Teeters Alyssa Goldberg would like to see in the new head of for a new principal. Sincerely, Social Media Managers Reporters the school, who would oversee over In Scatterbrain, we feature Dong Zhi Guo, Maddy Cohen, Erica Abela, Paige Savitt Alexia Boccuzzi, 2,000 students. fun things students can do during & Josh Eimbinder Distribution Mangers Bridgette Calderon, In News, you can learn about spring break. Editor-in-chief, Print Executive Editor, Matt Masi, Marc DeLuca Molly Cannon, Alyssa Goldberg, the general strike ‘A Day Without a In Sports, we examine the rou- & Online Executive Editor Head Illustrator Nabilla Harahap, James Hicks Charlotte Kriftcher, Micayla Editorial Policy Creative Directors Roth, Zach Rubin, Nathan Salm, The Westword will be guided in the publica- Sakshi Patel, Patrik Sokowloski Marley Sklover, Andrea Vega, tion of material by a concern for truth, human News Editors Max Zussman, Hannah Nekritz, decency, and human benefit. It is published Melanie Gorski, Nova Nahiyan, Guilmar Valle What’s inside during the school year by the late night staff, Mercedes Sabel Illustrators along with the Journalism and Communica- Viewpoint Editors Matthew Alswanger, tions classes. Letters to the Editor, advertising Sarah Goldberg, Tamar Frydman, Frantz Gabriel, Editorial A look at what The Westword requests, comments, criticism, or suggestions Addison Magrath Alexis Marchetti, 3 is looking for in our new principal are always welcome. The views expressed in Las Noticias Editors Jonathan Russo Viewpoint and the Op-Ed page do not neces- Yaciana Taveras, Videographer News $QQRXQFLQJ WKH QHZHVW ÀHOG WULS sarily represent the opinions of The Westword. Michael Hernandez Kiley Watson 4 for the Junior class Special Editors Photographers The Editorial Board consists of Catherine Gaia, Daniel Greco, Sabrina Boyd, Valeria Carias, Viewpoint The pros and cons that come Dong Zhi Guo, Maddy Cohen, Josh Ei- Rachel Plotzky Sara Gatz, Katie Hollenberg, 8 along with graduation requirements mbinder, Noah Klein, Caroline Boccuzzi, Feature Editors Sydnie Lesser, Maeve Ronan, Nicholas Zarrilli, Michael Amelia Daube, William Evans Devon Ostheimer, Las Noticias Un dia sin immigrantes Hernandez, Liz Yamron, Janet Manina, Jen- Arushi Mathur Photo Editors 12 ny Gorski, Melanie Gorski, Yacianca Tav- Supplement Editors Rebecca Alper, Ewa Misiak eras, Sarah Goldberg, William Evans, Mr. Jenny Gorski, Janet Manina, Co-Advisers Special Report The history and von Wahlde, and Mr. Wooley. The Editorial Dan Skigen, Liz Yamron Mr. von Wahlde, 14 milestones of our solar system can be found on page 3. Scatterbrain Editors Mr. Wooley Yael Roll, Elizabeth Ruffels Las Noticias Adviser Supplement Admiring the furry friends Announcements Alexandra Watkinson Ms. Mendez 17 of the Westhill community Congratulations to Mr. Wooley and Mrs. Khetan on their nomination to Teacher of Feature A tribute to our principal Mrs. the Year. 27 Figluizzi as she enters retirement Corrections The Westword The Westword would like to address that 2016 Westhill High School Limelight A student review of the academy on the February front cover should have been 29 award winning movies of 2017 2017. On page 7, we put the incorrect sym- 125 Roxbury Road bol for freedom of religion. Lastly, on page 4 Scatterbrain Highlighting ways for Stamford, CT 06902 of news, Ms. Figluizzi has been at Westhill 31 students to spend their spring break for 19 years, not 17 years. (203) 977 - 4894 [email protected] Express Artist of the month: If you have an announcement or 34 Michael Clark an advertisement you would like thewestwordonline.com published in the next issue, Visit ourschoolnewspaper.com/westword Sports An interview with the hockey please e-mail us at to view our print archives. 36 players and their funny nicknames [email protected]. Front cover photo by Emily Savitt / Photo Manager. Back cover photos by Ryan Murace, Emma Jelliffe, & Josh Appel / Media Manager & contributes. EDITORIAL 3 Filling Figluizzi’s shoes Principal Figluizzi announced her upcoming retirement for the end of the 2016-2017 school year. She has worked at Westhill for 19 years and the search for a competent replacement is underway. Students and faculty are voicing their opinions about what they are looking for in a new principal. At a recent staff meeting, it mittee makes a recommendation be represented by whomever is understanding their needs. With parent, approachable and open to was announced that Ms. Figlu- to the current Deputy Superin- either elected or applies to be discipline being a major issue at new ideas. izzi will be retiring at the end of tendent, Dr. Fernandes, and he part of either committee. all schools, it is necessary that In a school as large and di- the 2016-17 school year. Though can choose to listen to or ignore With no student slots avail- the new principal is also fair and verse as Westhill, we believe that it has been a pleasure to see the that recommendation. The appli- able on the committee it is im- assertive when enforcing school it is essential that we have a prin- SRVLWLYH LQÀXHQFH 0V )LJOXL]]L FDQWV ZKR EHFRPH ¿QDOLVWV DUH portant that we as a community policies. The principal must es- cipal who is accepting of all eth- has had on the Westhill commu- interviewed by another commit- do voice our opinion. March 31 tablish a basis for conduct and nicities, as well as compassionate nity, students and faculty are pre- WHHPDGHXSRI¿YHWHDFKHUPHP- in the Purple PACT room (913A) consequences, as they are cru- and supportive towards the back- paring for the adjustments that bers and an undisclosed number any student who chooses to will cial to learning and order in our grounds of all the students. It is come with a new principal. The of community members. They be able to voice their opinion school. “He/She needs to be re- also imperative that we have a new principal has not been deter- sponsible and take care of things principal who is open to change. mined yet, but Westhill will have The bottom line: in a good amount of time,” said During Ms. Figluzzi’s time as high expectations after Ms. Figlu- Principal Figluizzi has done a great job and has Zach Blomberg (‘19). principal, Westhill faced many izzi’s impactful time as principal. Teachers have also been progressive changes, such as the set the school up for a great future, it is up to The road to becoming prin- making suggestions, a recently creation of an All-Gender bath- cipal is a long one. According to the board of education to select the appropriate the Westhill staff (teachers, para- room, a new attendance policy, the Board of Education (BOE), applicant to take our school to the next level. educators, security guards, custo- and a new open-campus policy. WKHUH DUH QXPHURXV TXDOL¿FD- dians and many more) composed Anneliese Ottinger (‘19) said, tions needed to apply. The three too make a recommendation, but about what traits the new prin- a letter informing the BOE and “We need a young principal be- most important are: a current ultimately it is up to the Deputy cipal should have to Dr. Falcone Deputy Superintendent what it is cause there are so many issues &RQQHFWLFXW &HUWL¿FDWLRQ IRU DQ Superintendent to choose who is and Dean Pereira. This is a great that they expect and would like now that there weren’t previous- $GPLQLVWUDWRUDWOHDVW¿YH\HDUV presented.
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