WorkingWorking meetingmeeting forfor thethe establishmentestablishment ofof thethe BalkanBalkan ForestForest ForumForum Forestry inin thethe Republic of MacedoniaMacedonia Prof. Ivan Blinkov1, DSc – Dejan Mandzukovski2, MSc, Pance NikolovNikolov2, BSc– 1Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, Faculty of Forestry, 2PE Makedonski Shumi 18th18th -- 19th19th FebruaryFebruary 2015,2015, Sofia,Sofia, Bulgaria.Bulgaria. Topics Brief introduction to the Republic of Macedonia Historical backgrounds of forestry (Medieval Period - ….) Current situation (area, coverage, tree species distribution, ownership, growing stock, annual increment, annual harvesting, etc.); National forest sector development - forest policy and legislation, institutional development and present set up, forest management, control and protection, protected and protective territories, climate changes and forestry, hunting and game management, forest fires, pests and diseases, etc.; Possibilities for development of the cooperation on regional and international level, with focus on possible thematic working groups within the Forum l . §Brief introduction to RM Basic Facts AreaArea –– 2525 713713 kmkm22 Inhabitants:Inhabitants: 22 100100 000000 Density:Density: 8181 inh./inh./ kmkm22 ParticipationParticipation ofof forestryforestry inin GDPGDP –– 0.30.3 -- 0.5%,0.5%, (non-market(non-market forestforest valuesvaluesvalues areareare notnotnot estimatedestimated ininin thisthisthis valuevaluevalue)) ParticipationParticipation ofof forestforest industryindustry (primary(primary andand secondarysecondary woodwood processing,processing, furniture,furniture, paperpaper andand celluloses...)celluloses...) ininin GDPGDPGDP isisis --- 3%3% Natural conditions - Relief § Altitude : § 40 – 2764 m asl § Cca 80% of the territory – hilly- and hilly- mountain zone § 14 peaks over 2000 masl - Hydrography 3 BASINS : -Black Sea basin (44 km2 or 0.17 %) ; Rivers - 35 - Adriatic Sea basin Natural lakes - 3 (3359 km2 or 13.07 %) Reservoirs) -- > 125 -Aegean Sea basin (22310 km2 or 86.76%) C L I M A T E §2 zonal climates: § mediterranean; § temperate-eastern continental § 1 local climate : mountain - Precipitations: godi{na suma - annual - 733 mm vo leto- summer period – 127.84 mm § - Temperature: mean annual - 10,52 oC ; abs.max: + 45,9 oC ; abs.min.: -31,5 oC Drought index (by De Marton) : 34.45 § a sub-Mediterranean climate (50 - 500 m); § a moderate-continental-sub-Mediterranean climate (to 600 m); § a hot continental climate (600 - 900 m); § a cold continental climate (900 – 1,100 m); § a sub-forest-continental-mountainous climate (1,100 -1,300 m); § a forest-continental mountainous climate (1,300 – 1,650 m); § a sub-alpine mountainous climate (1,650 – 2,250 m); § an alpine mountainous climate (hs >2,250 m). SM MCSM HC CC SOIL-CLIMATE- SFCM FCM SAM VEGETATION ZONES AM NationalNational systemsystem ofof protectedprotected areasareas Total area IUCNIUCN categorycategory Number ha Total (9.0% оf RM) 86 230 083 Ia. Strict protected area 2 7 787 Ib: Wilderness area - - II: National Park 3 114 870 III: Monument of nature 67 78 967 IV: Nature park 12 3 045 V: Protected landscape 1 108 VI:Multipurpose area 1 25 305 RepresentativeRepresentative mapmap ofof naturenature protectionprotection (protected(protected –– green,green, proposedproposed –– blue,blue, significant-red)significant-red) ProtectedProtected areasareas withwith internationalinternational significancesignificance Properties on the UNESCO World Heritage List - Natural and cultural heritage of Ohrid region (mixed natural and cultural - criteria – mixed - i, iii, iv, vii) UNESCO Tentative World Heritage List – Natural heritage Markovi Kuli – Criteria - Natural (vii, viii, ix) Cave Slatinski Izvor – Criteria - Natural (vii, viii, ix) RamsarRamsar sitessites PrespaPrespa lakelake (1995)(1995) DojranDojran lakelake (2007)(2007) .. 44 wetlands-19 reservoirs, 8 marshes, 6 glacial lakes, 3 fish ponds, 3 lakes, 1 temporary water, 2 rivers, 1 aquatic bed and 1 spring. Total area that is covered by wetlands is 57.422 ha Important Plant Area (IPA) Important Bird Area (IBA) Prime Butterfly Areas (PBA) Phytogeographically - Illyrian province of the Circumboreal region within the Boreal Kingdom. According to the WWF and Digital Map of European Ecological Regions by the EEA, the territory of the RM can be subdivided into 4 eco-regions: the Pindus Mountain Mixed forests, Balkan mixed forests, Rhodopes mixed forests, and Aegean sclerophyllous and mixed forests. Diversity of flora- 210 fam., 920 gen., and 3700 spp. Macedonian dendroflorae comprise 319 tree and shrub species, with more than 80 sub-species and varieties, divided into 119 genera and 54 families. Due to the recent investigations, the above mentioned plants comprise 81 forest associations. It is very important to note that there are 49 endemic and sub-endemic species. Lower plants are represented by 1,580 species of Algae, at least 1,250 species of Fungi and some 340 species of Lichens.. The diversity of fauna in the Republic of Macedonia is represented by 9,339 species and 228 subspecies, or a total of 9,567 taxa. Of these, 602 species and 72 subspecies, or a total of 674 taxa, are Macedonian endemics representing 7 % of the entire fauna. - Medieval Period - Period of Ottoman Empire - XX century up the II World War - Period after the II World War Medieval Period – XIV century King Dusan Kingdom XIII-XIV AC - Arriving of German miners – - SASI and Shlesi They cut forests, used woodwood forfor fuel and for mining construction and devastated forests in that region (this regionregion is still the most erosive region in the RM) First written documents related to “forests”, on the territory of Macedonia is the “King Dusan Law” from the year 1349, (Лета 6857, индикта 2, на праздник Вознесения Господня, месяца мая, в 21 день) §123.123. ВВ связисвязи сс торгами:торгами: гдегде быбы сасысасы леслес нини вырубиливырубили допреждопреж соборасобора этого,этого, пустьпусть тойтой землейземлей ии владеют.владеют. КолиКоли уу владетелявладетеля какогокакого землюземлю отнялиотняли бесправно,бесправно, пустьпусть судятсясудятся сс ниминими владетеливладетели попо законузакону СвятогоСвятого короля.короля. АА впредьвпредь сс соборасобора нынешнегонынешнего пустьпусть сассас лесалеса нене рубит,рубит, аа чточто ырубит,ырубит, пустьпусть нене возделываетвозделывает дада людьмилюдьми нене заселяет,заселяет, пускайпускай тактак ии будетбудет пусто,пусто, чтобчтоб леслес рос.рос. ИИ никтоникто пустьпусть сасусасу леслес рубитьрубить нене запрещает;запрещает; сколькосколько длядля торговторгов надобно,надобно, столькостолько пустьпусть ии рубит.рубит. § The article 123 (for Sasi) is a response of destruction of the forests made by the miners Sasi. § “Territory where Sasi cut the forest till this date, let it belong to them; If they illegally occupy land that belongs to any ruler, let they be punished according to the king’s Law.; § from now to the future, Sasi must not cut the forest, if Sas cut the forest, let leave the land, not to plough, not to settle, but let it empty, to allow forest growing…. ” OTTOMAN EMPIRE According to Evliâ ÇelebiÇelebi chronicles (famous Turkey traveller from the XVI centuries) these area was fully covered with forests. The Ottoman Empire proclaim “res nullius” (no ownership)ownership) for the forest, thatthat meansmeans everybodyeverybody can cut thethe forestforest forfor free.free. Desertified region in the central part of Macedonia (along river Vardar, Bregalnica and Crna reka) RESULT of forest cut during the Ottoman Empire along the Vardar river in central Macedonia Latest period of the Ottoman Empire § 1858 - “ Ramadan Law “ for nature, forest and water § 1869 - “Chevalier Law“ , § 1894 – new law . § Regulated ownership rights (village forests, vak’f forests n (church/monastery, mosque) - § A document called tapia, which proved their right to possess the land. § Regulated – which forest can be cut, where cut is prohibited, where grazing is forbidden (young forest) § Planed to be implemented up to 1905 XX century up to the II WW Balkan wars , the I World War - - again devastation of forests During the Kingdom of SHS (Serbian, Croats and Slovenian) adopt: § 1928 - Law on Forests § - administrative dividing of the kingdom (banovina, okrug, srez) decentralization and shifting – downscaling of rights and obligation for forest management § Naroden odbor (People’s council) adopt various regulation and decree § With the Law from 1928, officially was established forestry as economic branch. § The First Forest Cadastre was launched, § Regulated – which forest can be cut, where cut is prohibited, where grazing is forbidden (young forest) § 1931 - established Tax for Goats (with aim to protect forests) Period after the II WW – (DFJ, FNRJ, SFRJ) § 1946-7 Law on Forest § “Narodni Odbori” – responsible for forests § Established forest economies 1971 – Established Fund for afforestation of barelands (existed up to 1990) § 1975 – Adopt Rulebook for Forest Management planning § Secretariat for Agriculture, Forestry and water economy – administrative political body - 30 forest economies – operative institutions for management of economic forests § Non-economic forests were managed by: National Parks, Water economies, Municipality administration §1998 – Law on Forests § - Established Public Enterprise “Macedonian Forests” § beside management of economic forest, management of all protective forests (in past managed by water economies and municipalities) was shifted to PE MF
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