TheThe PioneerPioneer YearbookYearbook 19971997 “Natural Law administers the life of the individual and the universe. Student life is the time to gain mastery in the science and art of engaging the creative potential of Natural Law to fulfill every desire so that daily life can be lived in fulfillment.” —Maharishi Mahesh Yogi 1 © 1999 by Maharishi School of the Age of Enlightenment. All rights reserved. ® Transcendental Meditation, TM, TM-Sidhi, Science of Creative Intelligence, Maharishi Gandharva Veda, Consciousness- Based, Maharishi Vedic University, Maharishi Word of Wisdom, Word of Wisdom, Veda Lila, Maharishi School of the Age of Enlightenment, MSAE, Yogic Flying, and Maharishi University of Management are registered or common law trademarks licensed to Maharishi Vedic Education Development Corporation and used under sublicense. 2 TTaabbllee ooff CCoonntteennttss Global Administrators .............................................................................. 5 Faculty in Action ....................................................................................... 7 Senior Class .............................................................................................. 8 Ten Days of Bliss ...................................................................................... 18 Junior Class .............................................................................................. 21 Sophomore Class ..................................................................................... 25 Student Government ................................................................................ 30 AHSME ....................................................................................................... 31 Science Fair ............................................................................................... 31 Academic Decathlon ................................................................................ 32 History Fair and Quiz Bowl ...................................................................... 32 Photography .............................................................................................. 33 Silver Jubilee Carnival ............................................................................. 35 Bike Fest .................................................................................................... 36 Halloween Dance ...................................................................................... 37 Sundown Ski Trip ..................................................................................... 38 Winter Formal ............................................................................................ 39 Winter Holiday Party ................................................................................. 40 Valentine’s Dance ..................................................................................... 41 Desktop Publishing .................................................................................. 42 Gandharva Flute ....................................................................................... 43 Art .............................................................................................................. 44 Speech Competition ................................................................................. 45 Yogic Flying ............................................................................................... 47 Cross Country ........................................................................................... 48 Volleyball .................................................................................................. 49 Soccer ........................................................................................................ 50 Pioneer Basketball .................................................................................... 51 Girls’ Hoops ............................................................................................... 53 Cheerleading ............................................................................................. 54 Boys’ Tennis .............................................................................................. 55 Girls’ Tennis .............................................................................................. 56 Track .......................................................................................................... 57 Golf Squad ................................................................................................. 58 Bela da Luna ............................................................................................. 59 Awards Ceremony .................................................................................... 60 Graduation ................................................................................................. 61 The Class of 1997 ..................................................................................... 62 Ads ............................................................................................................. 63 3 GGlloobbaall AAddmmiinniissttrraattoorrss At Maharishi School we are enlivening the home of all knowledge in each student. This means that the faculty are awakening the knowledge and intelligence which are already latent in each student. It is our experience that this knowledge abides in the fullness of the consciousness of the student. This is in contrast to other educational philosophies which operate under the assumption that students are empty containers waiting to be filled. All students deserve to be respected for their essential fullness of knowledge even as they are being educated. Fullness is all that there is. It is our Alan Colby Principal great joy to be in the presence of these students. Photography — Mr. Colby Michael Adams Bonnie Allen Joan Bliekenstaff Harley Carter Soc. Studies, Astronomy Calligraphy Physical Education Co-Athletic Director Computer Science Librarian Girls’ Basketball Boys’ Basketball Debbie Cleveland Caree Connet Ellen Craig Laurie Eyre Physical Education English Academic Counselor Math, S.C.I. Desktop Publishing SAT Prep Girls’ Tennis 4 Lawrence Eyre Rodney Franz Deanna Freeberg Mr. Joshi Social Studies, SCI, Drama Physical Education Tabla, Flute Boys’ Tennis Mrs. Joshi Laurie Kavanaugh George Kelley Lynwood King Sanskrit Office Manager Math, ASME Science, Science Fair Michael Mescon John Ong Tom Richmond Steve Riley English Math English Science Math Rene Sluser Kent Sugg Greg Thatcher Mary Lee Wood Music Dean of Students, Art SCI SCI Academic Decathlon, SCI Sanskrit 5 FFaaccuullttyy iinn AAccttiioonn Clockwise from top left: Mr. Colby congratulates Mrs. Kavanaugh for her Distinguished Service Award. Mrs. Kavanaugh on the phone. Mr. Thatcher’s grin. Mrs. Allen in the library. Mr. Franz and crew. Mrs. Kavanaugh and Mr. Adams at the Silver Jubilee Carnival. Mrs. Connet wears a bonnet for her new husband, Mr. Connet. Smiley Mr. Riley. The Eyres Bike Festing. Mr. Schutt on the bus. Mr. King rules. 6 SSeenniioorr BBooyyss Theo Bowen Theo Carpenter Tyler Cleveland Dain Daller Photography Basketball Manager, Basketball, Tennis, Art Competition Golf, Yearbook Baseball John Fralick Brian Guthrie Sean Haworth Alex Jacobson Academic Decathlon, Tennis, Art, Drama, Student Gov’t., Track, Yearbook Photography Soccer, Sculpture Photography, Art Patrick Kennedy Ben Meade Ed Murphy Galen Saturley Cross Country, Track, Soccer, Track, Art, Photography, Tennis, Checking, Photography Drama Video Project Basketball, Art Noah Schechtman James Smith-Hill Noel Smyth Nima Zahedbegi Golf, Class President, Tennis, Cross Country, Track, Art, Academic Decathlon, Checking, Photography Art, Film 7 Basketball, Student Gov’t. Soccer, Baseball SSeenniioorr GGiirrllss Heather Allen Sarah Brooks Melissa DeLong Leela Freeman Tennis, Cheerleading, Tennis, Calligraphy, Tennis, Volleyball, Drama, AHSME Photography Photography Photography, President Laura Goris Leana Guerin Jessica Hawthorne Sirena Kangas Drama, Volleyball, Class Gov.’t, Cross Country, Student Gov’t., Track, Cheerleading, Class Secretary Photography, Yearbook Photography, Cheerleading Photography, Calligraphy Mikaila Maidment Heather Miller Anna Mullenneaux Heather Pittman Soccer, Drama, Cross Country, Basketball, Track, Art Art Photography Cheerleading, Softball, Student Gov’t. Lucia Rich Jenna Riegel Elizabeth Scranton Sarah Vigmostad Drama, Drama, Choir, Sanskrit, Basketball, Cheerleading, Dance Dance 8 Tap Dancing Tennis Softball, AHSME, Judith Walker Laura Young Art, Cheerleading Cheerleading, Golf Student Government Choir Clockwise from top right: Heather P. and Jenna. Laura G., Lucia, Leela, Sirena, Sarah B., Mrs. Joshi, Leana, Laura Y., and Melissa in saris. Jenna, Heather A., Heather M., Laura G., and Lucia in caps and gowns. Laura G. and Mikaila share a cup of kaffe in Munchau. Leela in a studious mood. 9 SSeenniioorr CCaannddiiddss Clockwise from top left: A dreamy Dain, Raggedy Ann and Andy, Pirate Ben, Halloween, the senior drama group, Sean and Laura looking cosmopolitan, and a wild Jenna. 10 SSeenniioorrss WWaayy BBaacckk WWhheenn How many can you guess? 11 12 13 14 15 How many did you get right? Theo Tyler Melissa C. Sarah John Sirena V. Alex Laura Galen Anna Noel G. Heather Jenna M. Elizabeth Ed Judith Brian Lucia Jessica Heather A. Mikaila Ben Laura Y. Heather James P. Leela Noah Sarah Sean Leana Dain Theo B. B. 16 TTeenn DDaayyss ooff BBlliissss After a year of fundraising some $45,000, we took our long-awaited
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