ISSN 2148-3841 MASCULINITIES a journal of identity and culture Issue 9-10 February-August 2018 MASCULINITIES a journal of identity and culture Issue 9-10, February - August 2018 ISSN 2148-3841 CONTACT e-mail [email protected] Duygu Altınoluk Sociology Dept. Faculty of Arts, Ege University İzmir, Turkey Masculinities, A Journal of Identity and Culture, is a peer international academic journal published biannually by Initiative for Critical Studies of Masculinity. The journal is published online and can be accessed via http://masculinitiesjournal.org. The whole content of the journal is free for public use and the authors possess the rights of their articles and they are responsible for the content. The texts in this journal can’t be reproduced, stored, transmitted or quoted in any form or by any means without the prior permission of its author(s). To submit articles and reviews for future issues, please see the guidelines at the end of the journal. For further information and enquiries, please contact the editor(s). Typesetting : Şenol Topçu Cover Design : Murat Göç EDITORIAL BOARD Chief Editor Selin Akyüz (Bilkent University) Editorial Board Murat Göç Ozlem Duva Kaya (Pamukkale University) (Dokuz Eylül University) Nurseli Yeşim Sünbüloğlu Çimen Günay-Erkol (University of Sussex) (Özyegin University) Gülden Sayılan (ODTÜ) Review Editors Beril Türkoğlu (ODTÜ) Assistant Editors Senol Topcu Naz Hıdır (Independent Researcher) (Ankara University) Atilla Barutçu Duygu Altınoluk (Bülent Ecevit University) (Ege University) Hasan Kürşat Akcan (Ankara University) *** Masculinities, tarandığı dizinler Masculinities is indexed and abstracted by SOBİAD (Sosyal Bilimler Atıf Dizin ) Advisory Board Adam Walton Cüneyt Çakırlar UCL Institute of Education Nottingham Trent University- Bilgi University Aksu Bora Daphna Hacker Hacettepe University Tel Aviv University Alev Özkazanç Dilek Cindoğlu Professor Emerita Abdullah Gül University Alp Biricik Ebru Kılıç Bebek Independent Researcher Özyegin University Arda Arikan Eda Acara Akdeniz University Queens University Aslıhan Doğan Topcu Emel BastürkAkca Mersin University Kocaeli University Arsev Ayşen Arslanoğlu Esma Durugönül Artvin Çoruh University Akdeniz University Ayse Erbora Fatma Umut Beşpınar Okan University METU Ayse L. Kirtunc Feryal Cubukcu Professor Emerita Dokuz Eylul University Berrin Koyuncu Lorasdağı Figen Uzar Özdemir Hacettepe University Bülent Ecevit University Burcu Alkan Funda Şenol Cantek Bahçeşehir University Independent Researcher Chris Haywood Gamze Toksoy Newcastle University Mimar Sinan Univerty Cirus Rinaldi Güncel Önkal University of Palermo Maltepe Univerty Hande Eslen-Ziya Nilgün Toker Glasgow Caledonian University Independent Researcher Hilal Onur-Ince Orkun Kocabiyik Hacettepe Univerty Mugla University Jonathan Allan Papatya Genca-Alkan Brandon University Celal Bayar University Jeff Hearn Raewyn Connell University of Hanken University of Sydney Joseph Vandello Sandra Slater University of South Florida College of Charleston Maria Rashid Selcuk Candansayar SOAS Gazi University Melek Goregenli Selim Sırı Kuru Independent Researcher University of Washington Mine Özyurt Kılıç Serpil Sancar Doğuş University Ankara University Murat İri Simten Coşar Istanbul University Hacettepe University Nejat Ulusay Şahinde Yavuz Ankara University Karadeniz Technical University Nevzat Kaya Seref Uluocak Dokuz Eylül University Onsekiz Mart University Nil Mutluer Züleyha Çetiner Öktem Humboldt University zu Berlin Ege University Content 1-4 Introduction Articles/Makaleler 6-29 In Defense of Democracy? Masculinist Reasoning, Homophobia, and the Impossibility of Gender Democracy in Thomas Mann’s Mario and the Magician - Demokrasiyi Savunurken? Erkeklikçi Düşünce, Homofobi ve Thomas Mann’ın Mario and the Magician Eserinde Toplumsal Cinsiyet Demokrasisinin İmkansızlığı Marion Löffler 30-64 Acts of caring in the shadow of violence: Reconstruction of moral masculinities among Greek leftist volunteers - Şiddetin Gölgesinde Yardımsever Eylemler: Atina’daki Radikal Solcular Arasında Erkeklerin Toplumsal Cinsiyet İnşası Árdís K. Ingvars and Ingólfur V. Gíslason 65-96 Grandfathers For Rent – If Aging Men Care - Kiralık büyükbabalar - Yaşlanan erkekler bakıcı olursa Luigi Wenzl and Birgit Blättel-Mink 97-128 Performing Masculinity during Mandate Lebanon in Marie al-Khazen’s photographs - Marie al-Khazen’in Fotoğraflarını Bozan Erkeklik Yasmine Nachabe Taan 129-167 “Kavanozu Açan” Erkeklerle “Kafasını Kullanabilen” Kadınlar: Erkek Üniversite Öğrencilerinin Erkeklik Müzakereleri - “Jar Oppening” Men and Women Who “Can Use Their Brains”: Male University Stutents Masculinity Negotiations Meral Gezici Yalçın ve Veysi Tanriverdi 168-195 ‘In a Queer Time and Place’: Queerolization in Giovanni’s Room and Black-Label - Kuir Bir Zamanda ve Mekanda: Giovanni’nin Odası nda ve Kara Etiket te Kuirleşme Kathleen Gyssels Research-in-Progress/Süreçteki Araştırma 198-225 Muscles, Moustaches and Machismo: Narratives of Masculinity by Egyptian English-Language Media Professionals and Media Audiences - Kaslar, Bıyıklar ve Maçizm: Mısır’lı İngilizce Konuşan Medya Profesyonellerinin ve Medya İzleyicilerinin Erkeklik Anlatıları Joel W. Abdelmoez 226-259 Siyasal Alanda Erkekliğin İnşası: Kürt Siyasi Hareketinde Cinsiyetin Yeniden Konumlanması - Construction Of Masculinity In The Political Sphere: Re- Positioning Of Gender In Kurdish Political Movement Bahar Mermertaş Reviews/Kitap İncelemeleri 261-265 Animacies: Biopolitics, Racial Mattering, and Queer Effect Deniz Gündoğan-İbrişim 266-270 Masculinities under Neoliberalism Haktan Ural 271-276 Guidelines INTRODUCTION he contested yet liberating process of studying men and masculinities is akin to publishing a journal. It is challenging. T There are (in)visible barriers that make you either fall into the traps of taken-for-grantedness or lost in the avenues of questions and/or problems. A long process with the awaited “success” which has never been fully ended, as always being dependent on other factors, defines the overall emotional/ professional/ academic journey. However, seeing the “output” throws all of the pain into a sharper relief with new questions in mind. Today, with our double issue, we are looking back in disquiet, but we are proud to be still dedicated to continue supporting our colleagues to voice their critical evaluations that have the potential to open new avenues of discussions to reveal the intricate ways in which hegemonic power relations are hidden. The double issue (9th and 10th) of Masculinites: A Journal of Identity and Culture covering masculinities in relation to different topics as varied as media professionals’ narratives of masculinities, masculinist reasoning in defending democracy, representations of masculinity in photography, performances of black masculinity, gendered identity construction among radical leftist, aging men, masculine identity negotiation and re-positioning of masculinity in Kurdish political movement welcomes readers. The articles, six in English and two in Turkish, cover different representations and constructions of masculinities and offer critical analyses focusing on different geographies including Turkey, Germany, Egypt, France and Greece. -Masculinities- A Journal of Identity and Culture, Feb.,-Aug., 2018/8-9, 1-4 Masculinities Journal In the current issue, Joel W. Abdelmoez’s article opens a discussion on how ideas of masculinities are perceived by English- language media professionals and media audiences in Egypt. The author analyzes the ways in which men are exclusively seen as possessors of power as the head of household and the head of the state both being portrayed as iconized leaders. Yasmine Taan, in her article entitled “Disrupting Masculinity in Marie al-Khazen’s Photographs” analyzes how gender is represented socially and culturally in a number photographs by an influential artist through complex conventions and significations with a specific focus on representations of masculinity and patriarchy. Taan’s analysis is important to reflect different meanings of masculinities as heroic. Árdís Kristín Ingvarsdóttir‘s piece, which is based on an ethnographic fieldwork carried out in Greece, shifts the focus towards a multi-dimensional analysis on political movements. The author analyzes Greek radical leftist men who are engaging in a grassroots movement in a precarious environment. The article, entitled “Acts of caring in the shadow of violence: Men’s gender construction among radical leftist in Athens”, provides a detailed discussion on how different practices and discourses shape the male identity and the other. Marion Loeffler in her article, “In Defense of Democracy?” analyzes masculinist reasoning, homophobia, and the impossibility of gender democracy in Thomas Mann’s Mario and the Magician. In her discussion, the author provides the interpretation of the novella from a political science perspective by elaborating on ‘masculinist reasoning’ advocated by Hans Blüher, who supported pre-fascist male associations in the Weimar Republic. The analysis of Mario and the Magician reveals how the alleged defense of democracy promotes a hegemonic project of masculinity. Kathleen Gyssels in her valuable contribution to this issue compares James Baldwin and Leon Damas on their lens on defining the other. The article touches upon important issues at the intersection of 2 Masculinities Journal black diaspora, sexual ambiguity and African-American post-Restoration novel. In their work, Luigi Wenzl and Birgit
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