KAPPA DELTA RHO JANUARY, I843 ·- THE QUILL AND SCROLL OFFIC IAL PU BLICATION OF KAPPA DELTA RHO FRATERNI TY Volume XXXIII January, 1943 Number 2 CONTENTS COVER: T he cover in this issue is in tribute to all our brothers in the armed f orces of our counf1"J' and the other Allied Nations. T he small white stars d,o· not represent any particular mtmber of our brothers in the service, but all of the1n. T he large gold star represents all of those who have lost their lives, either directly 01' indi1'ectly for our cause. This will be the cover used for the dura·tion by THE QuiLL AND ScROLL, and on the back you will fi nd listed an accumulative list of those whoo have d1:ed for us. REPORT OF THE THIRTY-FIRST ANNUAL CONVENTION _______________________________ 7 THE SPECIAL CONVENTION----------------- ______ ____ _____ __ ------------------------------------------------- ______ 9 REPORT OF DIRECTORS MEETINGS ____ _ ------ - --- -- ----- ------------------------------------ 10 DR. FRANK CARMAN EWART, COLGATE EDUCATOR, DIES ______ ______ ____ ______ ____ 13 By Willia m Everts, D elta, '23 KDRs UNDER THE FLAG _________ _____ ___ ______________________ ----------- -------------------------------------- ____ ____ 14 ALU MNI DUES TO BE LEVIED ____ ____ ... ________________________ -------------------------------------- ____ ____ _15 N .I.C. DEBATES WARTIME FRATERNITY PROBLEMS ---------------------------------------------- 16 MYERS, BETA, ' 14, APPOINTED TO FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD ------- ---------_____ _ 20 ELWOOD BECOMES YOUNGEST JUDGE ---------------------- ----------------------------------- __ ----- 23 BYERS, THETA HONORARY, JOINS GETTYSBURG FACULTY ____________________________ 26 ALUMNI NEWS ------ -- --- ------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------22 CHAPTERS -·- --------- ----·- -- ---- ·---- ------ --------------------------------------------------------------- ________ 26 Entered as second class matter at tht Shelbyville, Indiana, post office under the act of March 3, 1879. The Qu ill a nd Scroll of Kappa Delta Rho is published at 12 E . F ranklin Street, Shelbyville, Indiana , in J anuary, April, June and November. Only life subscr ipt ions a re available at ten doll ars each in the United States and Canada. 0\ ....., ~ 1:"1 lO c-:..... r DELEGATES AND GUESTS ATTENDING THE THIRTY -FIRST ANNUAL CONVENTION r First row, left to right : Wm . Meikle, A; Wm . Morslond, r; Bob Lewis, E; Kurt Klein , A; Bob Klein , A; Jack Mu solf, K; Wolter Boyd, K; > Gordon Eldridg e, K; and Donald Wright, Z. z Second Row : Tom Terpinos, N; Herbert Farrell, N; Exec.-Sec. Maloney, N; Dir. J. L. Blakeley , H; Pres. John 0 . Boyd, P; Treas. Orrin G. ~ Judd, fl.; Dir. Wm. Sandlas, IT; John Kelly , Z; Roy Herrman, B; end Lyl e Appuhn, H. (fl (') Th ird Row : AI Jefts, A; James Goodrich, E; Tom Tilbrook, K; Dick Merideth, fl.; Wm . Ev erts, fl.; Dick Tw itmier, M; R. K. Jolls, 8; Cletus ::.l .;;> Tepa s, ®; Wm. Colvert, Z; Georg e Hum es, Z; Norve Johnson , Z; and Prof. H, K. Kirkpatrick, T. r r KAPPA DELTA RHO 7 Report of the Thirty-First Annual Convention For the first time in history Kappa The report of the treasurer was giv­ Delta Rho held a one day convention en by Bro. Judd which showed that at a hotel. Due to the war conditions receipts were about $1,100 over bud­ and the pressing need of economy, the get expectations for the year. Brother Board of Directors decided to hold a Judd also reported on the QuiLL AND one day convention at the William ScROLL Trust Fund which amounts to Penn Hotel in Pittsburgh, Penn., on $29,675.00 with a yield of $918.00 May 30. It was felt that there were during the past year, or a return of too many issues during these very try­ 3.347o. ing times which should be discussed, The report of the Executive Secre­ to completely pass a convention as tary was then given by Bro. Maloney. some other fraternities were doing. He pointed out in his report that as a The meeting was called to order at whole the chapters were better this 9:00A.M. by Vice-President Boyd who year than last. There are some weak presided due to the absence of Presi­ chapters, but he thought that most of dent Leo T. Wofford. The following them would weather the war in pretty undergraduate delegates were present : fair shape. Alpha, Robert M. Kline; Beta, Roy Bro. Judd then presented the bud­ Herrmann; Gamma, William Mars­ get for 1942-'43 as worked out by the land; Delta, Richard Meredith; Epsi­ budget committee. The proposed bud­ lon, Robert Lewis; Zeta, William Cal­ get called for an income of $6,675.00 vert; Eta, Lyle Appuhn; Theta, Cletus and expenses of $7,225.00 .. Bro. Blake­ Tepas; Kappa, Jack Musolf; Mu, ley moved its adoption and Bro. Sand­ Richard Twitmyer ; N u, Herbert Far­ las seconded. rell ; and Xi, Richard Goodridge. Chap­ The convention then heard "l brief ter not represented were Iota, Lambda, report from each of the chapter dele- · Pi, Rho, Sigma, and Upsilon. gates present. They stated their vari­ Graduate delegates present were: ous accomplishments during the past Delta alumni, William Everts; Zeta two years, and any new ideas which alumni, Donald Wright; Eta alumni, their chapter had put into practice. John L. Blakeley; Theta alumni, R. Brother Boyd then adjourned the K. J olls; Kappa alumni, Thomas Til­ meeting until 2 :00 P.M. brook; Pi alumni, William Sandlas; At the afternoon session which con­ and Rho alumni, John 0. Boyd. Direc­ vened at 2 :00 P.M. the first topic of tors John 0. Boyd, Orrin G. Judd, discussion of raising the initiation fee William Sandlas, and John L. Blake­ $5 .00 to permit the giving of an un­ ley were also present. jeweled badge with each initiation. After the opening ritual and a short The idea was to be sure that everv opening speech for presiding officer init.iate had a badge at the time o.f Boyd the meeting got underway. Bro. initiation. The matter was referred to Boyd appointed the following commit­ the Executive Committee for further tees which were to make their report consideration. later: Resolutions committee-Tepas, During the discussion of giving a Herrman, and Judd; and the Nominat­ badge with initiation, it was brought ing-Sandlas, Klein, and Marsland. out that some jewelers, other than the 8 THE Q u iLL A v ScROLL official jeweler, Burr, Patterson and during the war. He suggested that a uld of Detroit, have been soliciting uniform accounting system be adopted the sale of pin in our chapter houses. by the fraternity. Consi derably dis­ It was also mentioned that th quality cussion was held on this subject. Bro. of pins varied with the jewelers. It was Lewis moved that the fraternity have moved by Bro. Everts that the quality printed some very simple accounting and price of our pins sold by the vari­ forms for a balance sheet and profit ous jewelers be referred to the Board and loss statement, with the idea that of Directors for investigation, and that eventually a complete set of books be in the meantime all jewelers except set up for each chapter by the na­ our official representative , Burr, Pat­ tional, and that each chapter treasurer terson and Auld, be requested to re­ be required to send in a monthly bal­ frain from selling our pins. The reso­ ance sheet and profit and loss tate- - lution committee drew up a formal ment to the national office. Motion was resolution to that effect to send to all seconded by Musolf and carried. manufacturers of fraternity jewelry. Bro. Judd brought up the matter of The report of the nominating com­ merging with another fraternity under mittee was then heard. Due to the ex­ an entirely new name and ritual. The piration of the term of office on the idea being that merger with one or Board of Directors of President W ol­ more other fraternities seems to be the ford, Bro. Harold F. Lemoine, and only method of expansion at the pres­ Bro. Orrin G. Judd, the following men ent time. He reported that Kappa Del­ were nominated to fill these vacancies. ta Rho had been approached through Bro. Edwin R. VanKleeck, Gamma, him by two other groups in the past '27; Bro. Edward T. Kitchen, Zeta, year. o definite action was taken, but '33, and Bro. Orrin G. Judd, Delta, a roll call was called for in order that - '26, was nominated to succeed himself. the directors might have an idea as to There being no nominations from the the consensus of opinion of the dele­ floor, Chairman Sandlas moved the gates. All delegates were in favor of election of the slate, and was s<>condeJ considering merger with one or more by Bro. Boyd. These are very frater­ other fraternities under a new name nity minded men, and should prove and ritual with the idea of adding very beneficial on our Board of Direc­ chapters in institutions where Kappa tors. Bro. VanKleeck is the Assistant Delta Rho is not represented, except Director of Education of the State of Alpha. New York and was Consul of Gamma The matter of national dues was chapter during his senior year in col­ brought up for discussion. Due to the lege. Bro. Kitchen has acted as \lumni accelerated program which most uni­ Treasurer of Zeta ever since his grad­ versities have adopted for the duration uation in 1933 and ha done a marvel­ it looked as thoug-h the dues would ous job in assisting Zeta. Bro. Judd have t? be adju ted accordingly. Upon already has made his record in national a motion by Sandia- the ExecutiYe fraternity affairs having served on the Committee was empowered to adjust Board for the past six years, during dues by terms or semes ter equitably which time he has been a very able among the chapter for the duration.
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