ANNUAL REPORT, 1906-7. REPORT OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE UNIVERSITY FROM 31 ST JULY, 1906, TO 31ST JULY, 1907. To His KxcKLLBNcy SIR .JOHN MAHUBS, I:.CM.It., LIKUTKNAST-GOVERNOR OK VICTORIA. SIR — I have the honour, in accordance with Section 27 ot the University Act 1890, to submit to your Excellency the following report of the proceedings of the University during the past year :— 1.—INCREASE OF NUMBERS. The increase ot thc number of students in the last five years.is shown in the following Table, in which the figures for 1907 are made up to the end of the First Term only, and students of the Conservatorium of Music arc not included : Takinir Full Ttikini' Y ,r Total " - °o"' Si„s.c Subjects. ' 1903 ... -4-12 ... 83 ... 525 1904 ... 459 ... 84 543 1905 ... 531 ... 210 ... 747 . 190L1 ... 583 ... 202 ... 785 1907 ... 020 ... 233 . ... 853 'The large increase at the beginning of the present year has rendered it necessary to subdivide classes, and to appoint additional demonstrators, and has seriously taxed the accommodation ot the Science Laboratories. 2.—STUDENTS ATTENDING LECTURES. The following table shows the number ot students attending lectures at the University during the year 1900' (including Evening Lectures):— 512 ANNUAL HEPOKT, 1900-1907. Schools. "rt is .5:3 "o H Arts - r,2 32 25 — — ss 194 Education - 33 oo - - - - SS Science 18 10 (j - - - 34 Law 18 11 8 6 - - 43 Articled Clerks • - -- - - - 31 31 Medicine 78 50 i»7 40 47 13 285 Dentistry 2 2 - - 73 77 Engineering 28 •20 11 G - OS Agriculture 1 1 Total - 22S 147 10!) 52 47 202 785 The number attending Evening Lectures was 85, of whom 39 were Free Students. Tho number of women students was 128. 3.—CONSERVATORIUM OF MUSIC. The following table shows the number of students attend­ ing the Conservatorium of Music during the year 1900 :— •V Con rse. rt £S u 'li O £i" we* H> H Degree of Mus. Bac. ,> 0 2 4 Diploma in Music - 10 0 12 34 Other Students — - - 54 Total 18 0 14 92 Of these 9 were men, 83 women students. ANNUAL KKPOKT, 111110-1907. 513 4.—ANNUAL EXAMINATIONS. 'The number of candidates for degrees of Bachelor aud for Diplomas who preseiiti'd tliemsefves and who passed their respective Annual Examinations in the past Academic Year is shown in the following table :— E i-st Stil-omi Year. Yi'iir. Totals. •6 "a School s. V Ul •r. 3. QJ Arts - 47 31 30 2!l Education - 25 21 24 21 Science 17 11) 10 9 Law 1G S 11 10 Dentistry • - - 2 2 Engineering oo 11 17 10 Music - 18 13 li 4 The following are the corresponding figures of the Divi­ sional Examinations in the Medical Course;— MEDICAL EXAMINATIONS. DIVISION I. DlVIHKiX 11. DIVISION JII. Subdivision Subdivision SuMi virion Subdivision A. B. A. H. "^ 1 ^ _. »-; _• c h— — . O- •" 0s. "~ "^ ~ £ 1 75 | 53 71 50 57 50 40 43 50 40 290 230 514 ANNUAL KliPOKT, 19U0-1907. The following is the number of those who passed the examinations tor Higher Degrees :— M.D.—By Extiuiination, 5; Bv 'Thesis, 3; Total, 8. M.C.E.—By Examination, 1. M.M.E.—By Thesis, 1. 5.—UEOREES CONFERRED. 'The number of degrees conferred aud diplomas granted during the year l!)uii-7, including admissions ad eundem gradum, is given below :— Bachelor ot A rts - 49 Bachelor of Science - - - 9 Bachelor of Laws - - - - 14 Bachelor of Medicine - - - 53 Bachelor of Surgery - - - 08 Bachelor of Civil Engineering - 10 Bachelor of Mining Engineering - 5 Bachelor of Music - - - - 1 Bachelor ot Dental Surgery - - 3 Master ot Arts ... - xr, Master of Science - - - - li Master of Laws 5 Master of Civil Engineering - - 2 Master ot Mining Engineering - 2 Doctor ot Science - - - - 3 Doctor of Medicine - - - - 19 Diploma in Music - - - - 16 Diploma of Education 8 0.—PUBLIC EXAMINATIONS. The following return shows the number of candidates who presented themselves tor and who passed the Primary, Matriculation, Junior and Senior Public and Junior Com­ mercial Examinations during 1906, aud the percentage of passes iu each case : ANNUAL REPOIM', p.illll-JOlli. 515 ,_; o .i C -6 L'^ 3J » i; a ^,. C •2.•ji 12 rt Examination. ^•*; .i rt j^ vc t 3 z^»- *3 a ^ <u y p s u — '/-. i. s. * Primary (June) 4'."»7 430 157 35.76 Matriculation (May) 7tJ4 502 224 44.6'.) Matriculation & Junior Public (Dec.) .. LI71» «m 344 38.65 Junior Commercial (Dec.) H:J 93 25 26.88 Senior Public. (Dec) l',M 00 ' 33 50.0 ".—LOCAL EXAMINATIONS IN MUSIC. The following table shows the number of candidates who entered for and passed the Extiminations in Music conducted by the Consorvatorium Examination Board during the year 1906-7 :— Entered. Passed. September, 1906 - 1199 - 779 May, 1907 - - 295 - 197 Total - 1494 976 8.—THE COUNCIL. The Chancellor, Sir John Madden, returned to Victoria in March of this year, after an absence of twelve months. Tn addition to the title of G.C.M.G-., and the degree of D.C.L. of Oxford, he lias received the degree of LL.D. from the Univei'sity of Aberdeen, at whose Quater-centenary he represented the University of Melbourne. He has been re-elected Chancellor for tho year 1907. Sir Uenry Wrixon has been re-elected Vice-Chancellor for the vear 1907. 51f5 ANNUAL REPORT, 1900-1907. The following have been re-elected members ot the Council for a period of five years each :—The Reverend Alexander Marshall, D.D.; Mr. Justice a'Beckett; Mr. Justice Cussen, M.A., LL.B.; Dr. John Williams, M.D.; Mr. Justice Higgins, M.A., LL.B.; and Dr. T. F. Bride. LL.D. Leave of absence for nine months from the beginning of April has been granted to Dr. MacFarland and Mr. F. 'Tate, to enable them to visit Europe. 'The former acted as representative of the University at the Federal Conference on Education held in London in May last. Leave of absence was granted during 1906 to Mr. McLeod and to Mr. Sachso for three months and for one month respectively. 9.—THE FACULTIES. The following additional members of Faculties have been appointed by the Council for three vears' under Section 3 ot Statute IV.:— Arts- Prank Tate, M.A., I.S.O., Director of Education. Alexander Leeper, M.A,, LL.D., Warden of Trinity CoUege. G. H. Crowther, EL.D., President ot the Second­ ary Teachers' Association of Victoria. Miss S. Williams, M.A. Science— P. Baracchi, Government Astronomer. W. S Littlejohn, M.A., Headmaster of the Scotch College, Melbourne. D. Avery, M.Sc, Lecturer on Chemistry at the Working Men's College. ' Engineering— C. E. Norman, M.C.E,, Chief Engineer of Way and Works, Victorian Railways. W. Stone, Chief Electrician, Victorian Railways. Donald Clark. M.C.E., .M.M.E., Director of Bendigo School ot Mines. 10.—LECTURERS AND DEMONSTRATORS. Mr. W. Kerry, M.A., formerly Scholar of St. John's College, Cambridge, litis been appointed Lecturer in ANNUAL REPORT, 19001907. 517 Classics in place ot Mr. H. W. Allen, who has accepted the position of Senior Tutor at Ormond College. Mr. Kerry- arrived in March of this year and entered iinmediatoly on his duties. Tho following new appointments of Lecturers and Demonstrators have been made during the year :— Ancient History—Evening Lecturer— E. 0. G. Shann, B.A. Classics—Evening Lecturer— Edward W. Cornwall, B.A. Method—Assistant Lecturer— M. S. Sharman, B.Sc. Biology—Junior Demonstrators— Georgina Sweet, D.Sc. Freda Bage, M.Sc. Physics—Demonstrators— Kerr Grant, M.Sc. .1. A. Gray, B.Sc. (Junior). A. L. Rossiter (Junior). Anatomy—Demonstrators— J. T. Murphy, M.D., B.S. A.W. D. Robertson, M.B., B.S. Bacteriology—Assistant Demonstrators— J. W. Shields, M.B., B.S. (1906). Muriel Davies, M.B., B.S. (1907). Pathologv—Demonstrators— S. V. Sewell, M.B., B.S. Clive Shields, M.A., M.B'., B.S. Surgery—Honorary Demonstrator— Julian Smith, M.D., B.S. Metallurgy—Demonstrator— F. Mousley, A.R.S.M., F.I.C. 11.—EXAMINERS. The following additional examiners have been appointed during the year :— 1. For Medical Course. Medicine— Dr. Maudsley. 518 ANNUAL REPORT, 1900-1907. Surgery— Mr. G. A. Syme, F.R.C.S. Materia Medica— Dr. Bennie. Therapeutics— Dr. C. Bage. Obstetrics— Dr. Felix Meyer. Anatomy— Mr. G. C. Rennie, F.R.C.S. Forensic Medicine— Mr. John Brett, M.R.C.S. 2. For the M.D. Degree- Medical Ophthalmology. Dr. J. W. Barrett. Diseases of Children— Dr. P. B. Bennie and Dr. Cole. Diseases of the Nervous System— Dr. Mandsley. Insanity— Mr. W. Beattie Smith, F.R.C.S. Air. W. Ernest Jones, M.R.C.S. 3. For Engineering Courses (Honorary Co-Examiners)— Surveying, Part L— Mr. J. T. Lupson. Surveying, Parts II. and III. Professor Kernot. Hydraulic Engineering— Mr. C. E. "Oliver, M.C.E. Civil Engineering, fart I.— Mr. W. R, Rennick, M.C.E. Civil Engineering, Part II.— Mr. J. Monash, M.C.E. Mining— Mr. Donald Clark. M.C.E., M M.E. ANNUAL REPORT, 1000-1907. 519 Metallurgy— Mr. F. Mousley, F.l.C. Mr. D. Clark, M.C.E., M.M.E, 4. For Mus. Bac. Degree and Diploma in Music— Mr. W. G. Price, Mus. Doc. Mr. W. A. Laver. Mr. H. A. Thomson. Mr. Ernest Wood. o. For the Diploma of Education (Practice of 'Tetiching)— Mr. W. Hamilton, B.A., and Mr. W. S. Little­ john, M.A. 6. For the Grimwade Research Prize— Professor Masson, Dr. Green, and Mr.
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