Notes and References 1 Years of Exile and Uncertainty 1. It is said to have been Jose Marfa Oriol who decided that he be called Juan Carlos once he arrived in Spain, so as to differentiate him from his own father and ingratiate him with the Carlists (see note 6) Perez Mateos, Juan Carlos. La infancia desconocida de un Rey, p. 35. His father, however, has attributed the decision to Franco himself. Sainz Rodriguez, Un reinado en la sombra, p. 276. 2. Some of the king's supporters would later claim that the absence of a suitable heir undermined his ability to defend the monarchy and stand up to his opponents in 1931. If this was the case, it remains unclear why Alfonso XIII did not attempt to make Don Juan his heir in the late 1920s. 3. Don Alfonso divorced his first wife in 1937, and later married another Cuban, whom he also divorced. He died without issue in 1938 in Miami, Florida, as a result of the injuries incurred in an automobile accident. In 1934 Alfonso XIII's fourth son, Don Gonzalo, died in Austria in similar circumstances. 4. In 1935 Don Jaime married the Italian aristocrat Emmanuela Dampierre, with whom he had two sons: Alfonso, born in 1936, and Gonzalo, born in 1941. 5. Borb6n, Mi vida marinera, p. 11. 6. Carlism, which first emerged in the 1820s as the extreme clerical party, took its name from Don Carlos, brother of King Ferdinand VII, who in 1833 refused to recognise his niece Isabel II as queen. In claiming the right to succeed his brother, Don Carlos denied the validity of Charles Ill's prag­ matic sanction (1776), and appealed instead to the Salic Law introduced into Spain by Philip V (1713). In the nineteenth century the Carlist programme was an amalgam of absolutism and the rural localism enshrined in the fueros (laws) of Navarre, inland Catalonia and the Basque provinces. The political climate of the Second Republic fostered the reunification of the movement into a single Traditionalist Communion (1932), under the octogenarian Don Alfonso Carlos. 7. Vegas Latapie, Memorias po/(ticas, pp. 155-6, 237-9, 242-8. 8. Sainz Rodriguez, Un reinado, p. 347. This volume contains most of Fran­ co's correspondence with Don Juan between 1936 and 1974. 9. In April 1937 Franco forcibly merged the Falange and the Traditionalist Communion (Carlists) into a single political organisation, Falange Espanola Tradicionalista y de las Juntas de Ofens iva Nacional Sindicialistas (FET y de las JONS). As his regime shed its more totalitarian trappings, this amal­ gam gradually came to be known as the Movimiento Nacional (National Movement). 10. Sainz Rodriguez, Un reinado, p. 48. 11. Instead of adhering to the strict law of succession and recognising Alfonso XIII as his heir, in 1936 the Carlist pretender Don Alfonso Carlos named 215 216 Notes and References as regent and, implicitly, heir, his nephew Francisco Javier Borb6n-Parma (henceforth, Don Javier). 12. Spain has never had a King Juan, but four Juans have ruled in the land, two each in the kingdoms of Castile and Aragon. The most famous were Juan . II of Aragon, father of King Ferdinand, and King Juan II of Castile, father of Queen Isabella. 13. Sainz Rodriguez, Un reinado, pp. 349-51. 14. Sainz Rodriguez, Un reinado, pp. 351-3. 15. Sainz Rodriguez, Un reinado, pp. 354-8. 16. Sainz Rodriguez, Un reinado, pp. 358-9, 258. 17. Sainz Rodriguez, Un reinado, pp. 359-64. 18. Sainz Rodriguez, Un reinado, pp. 34-7. 19. L6pez Rod6, La larga marcha hacia la Monarqu{a, p. 55. 20. According to Article 6, 'at any time the head of state may propose to the Cortes the person he considers should succeed him, either as king or as regent ... ' In order to be eligible, 'it shall be necessary to be a Spanish male, to have reached the age of thirty, to profess the Catholic religion, to have the qualities needed to undertake such a high mission and to swear allegiance to the Fundamental Laws and to the Principles of the National Movement'. 21. Anson, Don Juan, pp. 260-3. 22. Vilallonga, The king, p. 34; Noel, Spain's English Queen, p. 267; Perez Mateos, Juan Carlos, pp. 92-3. 23. Perez Mateos, Juan Carlos, pp. 84, 172; L6pez Rod6, Memorias, I, p. 195; Vilallonga, The king, pp. 54-5. 24. Perez Mateos, Juan Carlos, p. 134. 25. Vilallonga, The king, p. 35. 26. For the preparation of the meeting, see Perez Mateos, El Rey que vino del exilio, pp. 21-30. 27. Gil Robles, La Monarqu{a por la que yo lucht, pp. 265-73; Sainz Rodriguez, Un reinado, pp. 220-22; Creach, Le Coeur et ['epee, pp. 234-5. 28. Sainz Rodriguez, Un reinado, p. 368; Perez Mateos, Juan Carlos, pp. 195-9. 29. Vilallonga, The king, pp. 20-6, 30; Gil Robles, La monarqufa, p. 284. 30. Perez Mateos, El Rey, pp. 30-58. 31. Juan Carlos appears to have been very taken by the Spanish Foreign Legion as a child. When Vegas went to visit him in 1951, the prince asked him to sing famous legionnaires' songs. 32. Perez Mateos, El Rey, pp. 93-5; Vilallonga, The king, pp. 30-1. 33. Gil Robles, La Monarqufa, p. 287. 34. Gil Robles, La Monarqu{a, pp. 294, 301-5, 308-10; Sainz Rodriguez, Un reinado, p. 369. 35. For Juan Carlos's life at Miramar, see Perez Mateos, El Rey, p. 133 ff. 36. Sainz Rodriguez, Un reinado, pp. 370-8. 37. Vilallonga, The king, p. 86. 38. Sainz Rodriguez, Un reinado, pp. 378-82; Anson, Don Juan, pp. 297-8. 39. Sainz Rodriguez, Un reinado, pp. 383-4; Franco Salgado-Araujo, Mis conversaciones privadas con Franco, p. 53. 40. Sainz Rodriguez, Un reinado, pp. 222-36; Franco Salgado-Araujo, Mis conversaciones, pp. 59-66. Notes and References 217 41. On Martinez Campos and the Montellano period, see Armada, Al servicio de la Corona, p. 79 ff. 42. Juan Carlos has admitted that 'ever since I was a small child I'd heard our economic problems discussed at home. Money was a constant worry to us'. Vilallonga, The king, p. 62. 43. ABC, 15 April 1955; Franco Salgado-Araujo, Mis conversaciones, pp. 72- 4, 83-4, 102, 110, 115. 44. Franco Salgado-Araujo, Mis conversaciones, pp. 92-4. 45. Much to the irritation of the Duke of La Torre, who was obsessed with protocol, most of his cadet friends called him Juan, or Carlos, or simply Sar, after the acronym for Su Alteza Real (His Royal Highness). Vilallonga, The king, pp. 33, 104. 46. Daily Telegraph, 11 April 1956. Amazingly, the Ministry of Education subsequently authorised a secondary school textbook entitled Catholic Morality which made use of this tragic accident to explore the limits of personal responsibility. Toquero, Franco y Don Juan, p. 384. 47. Anson, Don Juan, pp. 313-14. 48. Areilza, Memorias exteriores, 1947-1964, pp. 120-2. 49. Tusell, Carrero Blanco, pp. 252-3. 50. Franco Salgado-Araujo, Mis conversaciones, pp. 264-5; Toquero, Franco y Don Juan, p. 279. 51. On the Salamanca espisode, see Armada, Al servicio, pp. 95-101; Anson, Don Juan, pp. 324-5; Sainz Rodriguez, Un reinado, p. 393 ff. 52. Sainz Rodriguez, Un reinado, pp. 236-9; Franco Salgado-Araujo, Mis conversaciones, pp. 280-2. 53. The palace derives its name from the bramble bush (zarza). In the seven­ teenth century it was often the venue for popular light operas, hence the musical genre zarzuela. Badly damaged during the civil war, some of its outer walls still bear bullet holes. 54. During these years Fernandez-Miranda was director general of secondary education (1955-56), of university education (1956-62), and of social promotion (1962-66). He was also the author of EI hombre y la sociedad (Madrid, 1960), widely used by the regime as a politics textbook. Mondejar's version is in Fernandez-Miranda Lozana, 'La Reforma Politica', unpub­ lished PhD thesis, Complutense University, Madrid 1994, p. 82. 55. Armada, Al servicio, p. 138. Juan Carlos readily admits that Fernandez­ Miranda 'contributed a great deal to my training to be king ... he taught me patience and serenity, and above all he taught me to see things as they are, without illusions and without trusting appearances too much'; Vilallonga, The king, pp. 67-8. 56. L6pez Rod6, La larga marcha, pp. 178-9. 57. Toquero, Franco y Don Juan, pp. 284-6; Anson, Don Juan, pp. 330-1; author's interview with Otero Novas. 58. Vilar, Historia del antifranquismo 1939-1975, pp. 298-9. 59. Some of his love letters, many of them written in French, were published in Interviu, 27 January 1988. 60. Frederica, A Measure of Understanding, p. 230. 61. Suarez Fernandez, Francisco Franco y su tiempo, VI, p. 306 ff; Sainz Rodriguez, Un reinado, p. 405 ff; Peman, Mis encuentros con Franco, p. 218. 218 Notes and References 62. The British ambassador to Spain informed London that 'I had imagined, as you will appreciate, that the engagement of Don Juan Carlos to Princess Sofia might result in the Royal Question being brought out into the open. In fact, up to the present, nothing of the sort has occurred'. G. Labouchere to E.E. Tomkins, 28 November 1961, FO 3711160786. L6pez Rod6, La larga marcha, p. 193. 63. Frederica, A measure, p. 231; Sainz Rodriguez, Un reinado, p. 407 ff. 64. L6pez Rod6, La larga marcha, p. 202; Franco Salgado-Araujo, Mis conversaciones, pp. 333-4. 65. Labouchere to Tomkins, 28 November 1961, FO 3711160786.
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