14266 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS June 23, 1994 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS DEFENSE CONVERSION AND THE tense conversion programs was reinforced by State's third largest industry. But Maine has RESPONSIBILITY OF THE FED­ a recent General Accounting Office report. In lost approximately 10,000 defense-related jobs ERAL GOVERNMENT that report, the GAO cited an evaluation of the since 1989, and there is a deep concern that Defense Department's defense conversion thousands of more jobs are threatened by HON. OLYMPIA J. SNOWE programs done by the Pentagon's own Inspec­ continued reductions in defense spending. De­ OF MAINE tor General. The IG had evaluated one of the fense-related jobs in Maine reach into every IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Department's defense conversion programs county in the State, and include workers at de­ and concluded that "ineffective planning and fense industries and bases both large and Thursday, .Tune 23, 1994 oversight had resulted in implementation prob­ small. Thousands more work for businesses Ms. SNOWE. Mr. Speaker, the challenges lems." that serve both military and civilian markets. of defense conversion are enormous. But In the fall of 1992, I, and other Members of Defense conversion is absolutely critical for today, I am introducing legislation that will help Congress who have a strong interest in this the long-term health of Maine's economy. the Federal Government face those chal­ important issue and whose districts and States I believe that the Federal Government has lenges and continue to live up to its duty to have a big stake in the success of defense the responsibility to provide the economic poli­ assist industries, communities, and individuals conversion, testified before the Defense Con­ cies, tools, and incentives that are needed to adversely impacted by base closures and version Commission. In its final report, "Ad­ stimulate both the economy and defense con­ drastic cuts in defense spending. justing to the Drawdown," the Commission version initiatives. Legislation that I have of­ Over 2 years ago, I introduced comprehen­ made an even stronger case for decreasing fered in the past and that I offer today will help sive legislation to assist the people of commu­ the influence of the Pentagon in defense con­ the Federal Government live up to those re­ nities faced with the severe economic hard­ version. The Commission noted that . sponsibilities. As I said on the floor of the ships caused by the closure of a major military While the Department of Defense has a House in 1991, our responsibilities are not installation. A year later, I was pleased to note large role to play, overall direction for de­ ending with the base closure process, they are that some of the ideas and provisions of my fense conversion and transition actions must only beginning. base closure recovery bill were later incor­ come from the Executive Office of the Presi­ porated into the President's own base closure dent. revitalization plan. I was also successful in I could not agree more with that statement. getting two other provisions from my bill in the The purpose of my legislation is to do what THE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF fiscal year 1994 Defense Authorization Act. should have been done long ago-consolidate PATERSON'S 170TH ANNIVERSARY One provision would provide preference to this country's defense conversion efforts within qualified local and small businesses compet­ the Executive Office of the President. One in­ HON. HERB KLEIN ing for contracts in connection with work at dividual directly under the President should be OF NEW JERSEY closing bases, particularly environmental responsible for the effective coordination and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES cleanup work. The other provision would con­ implementation of this Nation's defense con­ Thursday, June 23, 1994 vey free-of-charge to the Loring Development version strategy. This legislation would be a Authority all title to Loring Air Force after it is significant step in that direction. Mr. KLEIN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to closed. This last provision would ensure that The Economic Development Administration honor the First Baptist Church of Paterson, NJ the local communities will retain control of the [EDA] of the Department of Commerce is ac­ on the distinguished occasion of its 170th an­ redevelopment effort at Loring. tively involved in defense conversion efforts niversary celebration. A celebration mass, led The dominant government agency involved throughout the country. One of the bills I am by Dr. Paul Sandon, will be held on June 26, in defense conversion has always been the introducing today slightly amends the Fiscal 1994. Department of Defense. But virtually every Year 1991 Defense Authorization Act which The First Baptist Church was officially es­ one of its defense conversion programs were has provided the guidance for the EDA's de­ tablished on January 1, 1824 by a group of 17 imposed upon it by either the Congress or the fense conversion responsibilities dealing with people. The early meetings of the group were President. funds authorized under defense bills. held in the homes of members and the tem­ Today I am introducing legislation that con­ Under this act, the EDA does not give any porary "Yellow House," a former tavern. The solidates almost all of the Federal Govern­ special preference to defense conversion church's first official home was erected at the ment's defense conversion activities within the projects. This legislation specifically directs corner of Main Street and Broadway in Executive Office of the President. In effect, EDA to "ensure that funds are reserved for Paterson in 1825. this legislation creates a defense conversion communities identified as the most substan­ Despite difficult times brought on by the czar who is directly responsible to the Presi­ tially and seriously affected by the closure or Civil War, the church continued to surge in dent for the coordination and implementation realignment of a military installation or the cur­ membership. In 1860, the second church of this crucial national effort. tailment, completion, elimination, or realign­ building was created at Washington and Van The point is that of all the agencies in the ment of a major defense contract or sub­ Houten Streets, which seated over 800 peo­ Federal Government, the Defense Department contract." ple. Although the church was devastated by is the one most institutionally unsuited to over­ I have long believed that tax credits should the Great Fire of 1902, the spirits of the con­ see such an important government effort. The be provided to help employers who hire dis­ gregation were not destroyed as they contin­ fundamental purpose of the Defense Depart­ placed defense workers, and my comprehen­ ued to meet at temporary locations. On Feb­ ment is to provide the military forces needed sive base closure legislation provides such tax ruary 12, 1905, the current church building on to ensure the security of the nation, to deter credits for employers who hire workers laid off Washington Street was completed. war, and to fight and win wars if deterrence due to the closing of a military base. The leg­ The First Baptist Church has been a leader fails. The institutional goals of the Defense islation I am introducing today improves upon for many community projects. The church Department run counter to the basic philoso­ that measure by including those employees members recognized the need beyond the lim­ phy of defense conversion-and that is to help who have lost their jobs as a result of reduc­ its of their building, and helped to organize people, communities and industries become tions-in-force at military installations. new churches in the area. The Park Avenue less dependent on defense spending. Mr. Speaker, the State of Maine is the Baptist Church and the Union Avenue Baptist The Pentagon's fundamental unsuitability to fourth highest recipient of defense spending Church are just two of the many successful be responsible for the bulk of this Nation's de- per capita in the Nation, and defense is the products of these efforts. Through the years, e This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. June 23, 1994 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 14267 the church has placed an emphasis on edu­ I have no doubt that American firms can the end of the world for USX. They have lots cation, preparing several members for the compete in the global marketplace. The resur­ of talent, but it sure came as a cold shock," said one steel executive. ministry. gence of the domestic steel industry is strong It surely was. While several of the execu­ The First Baptist Church has prospered evidence that the spirit of teamwork and inno­ tives who left were known to be unhappy, through a diverse 170 year history. This per­ vation which has let America through the and had shopped resumes privately, their severance is a testament to the determination twentieth century, continues to thrive today. mass departure was totally unexpected, and and selflessness of the congregation. It is with With the likely liberalization of the world could give USX ammunition for a lawsuit if great pleasure that I ask my colleagues to join trading system later this year, international it decides to pursue one. me in paying tribute to the First Baptist trade is entering a new phase of heightened What kind of case USX might be able to Church. mount is unclear. But mass recruitments competition. If a fail to step forward now to have in some cases been enjoined by the prevent incipient commercial espionage, we court.
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