© Jan Allinder Jackson, MS 39211-6374 1505 Eastover Drive Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Parks Clark Creek Natural Area Bird Watching Possibilities Acadian Flycatcher European Starling Red-headed- Wood- American Crow Fish Crow pecker American Goldfinch Gray-cheeked Thrush Red-winged Blackbird American Restart Great-crested- Fly- Ruby-crowned Kinglet Barn Swallow catcher Ruby-throated-Hum- Black Vulture Hairy Woodpecker mingbird Black-throated Green- Hermit Thrush Scarlet Tanager Warbler Hooded Warbler Summer Tanager Blue Jay House Sparrow Swainson’s Thrush Blue-gray Gnatcatcher Indigo Bunting Tennessee Warbler Brown Thrasher Louisiana Waterthrush Tufted Titmouse Brown-headed Cowbird Magnolia Warbler Turkey Vulture Carolina Chickadee Mississippi Kite White-eyed Vireo Carolina Wren Mourning Dove White-throated Sparrow Cattle Egret Northern Cardinal Wood Thrush Chimney Swift Northern Mockingbird Worm-eating Warbler Common Yellowthroat Northern Parula Yellow-Bellied-Sap- Downy Woodpecker Orchard Oriole sucker Eastern Bluebird Pileated Woodpecker Yellow-billed Cuckoo Eastern Kingbird Pine Warbler Yellow-throated Vireo Eastern Meadowlark Purple Martin Yellow-throated Warbler Eastern Towhee Red-bellied Woodpecker Eastern Wood-Pewee Red-eyed Vireo Yellow-bellied Sapsucker © Michael A. Kelly - www.wildexposures.net - Kelly A. Michael © © Jan Allinder © Jan The Natchez Trace Corridor Birding Trail fea- Trace State Park is located west of Tupelo tures six state parks and one natural area which and has cabins; an RV campground; disc golf; a offer great opportunities for bird viewing. The large, scenic fishing lake; and extensive trails Natchez Trace Parkway is one of the most beautiful, (equestrian, mountain bike, nature/hiking, Natchez Trace Corridor scenic roads in the southeastern United States ATV/dirt bike). Tombigbee State Park is lo- IRDING RAIL which connects Natchez, MS, with Nashville, TN. cated east of Tupelo and features a visitor/activ- 1. J.P. ColemanB State Park • Iuka,T MS • 662.423.6515 Numerous historic sites and picnic areas are located ity building, group camp, cabins, RV 2. Tishomingo State Park • Tishomingo, MS • 662.438.6914 on the parkway. campground, nature trail, disc golf and fishing 3. Trace State Park • Belden, MS • 662.489.2958 Beginning in the Northeast corner of Mississippi, lake. Tombigbee is one of the ten original CCC 4. Tombigbee State Park • Tupelo, MS • 662.842.7669 J.P. Coleman State Park is located on a high bluff parks in MS. Nearby, Tupelo is the birthplace 5. LeFleur’s Bluff State Park • Jackson, MS • 601.987.3923 overlooking Pickwick Lake on home of Elvis Presley. 6. Natchez State Park • Natchez, MS • 601.442.2658 the Tennessee River. This state As the Natchez Trace Parkway approaches 7. Clark Creek Natural Area • Woodville, MS • 601.888.6040 park has dramatic views of Jackson, MS, scenic views are provided at the Pickwick Lake from all the de- Ross Barnett Reservoir. LeFleur’s Bluff State veloped park areas including Park is located in the north center of Jackson the lodge, convention center, with direct access from Interstate 55 at Lakeland cabins, swimming pool, minia- Pine Warbler Drive. This 300 acre state park includes an RV ture golf, marina, RV campground, and tent camp- campground, tent camping, fishing lake, disc ground. The shoreline has extensive rock golf, 9-hole golf course with driving range and formations and the lake provides excellent deep golf villas. The park is home to the MS Museum water fishing and boating. T i s h o m i n g o of Natural Science, a state-of-the-art, destina- State Park is approximately 30 miles south and can tion facility with fish aquariums, natural science be accessed directly off the Natchez Trace Parkway exhibits and nature trails. or Hwy. 25. This park is located near the base of Traveling south, Natchez State Park is lo- the Appalachian Mountains foothills and has large cated north of historic Natchez with an exit off rock outcroppings. The deep forest includes many the Natchez Trace Parkway. This park features a rare plants and an abundance of hardwood trees. large fishing lake, cabins, RV campground, tent This park has been designated a MS Historic Site camping, visitor/activity building, disc golf and because of the abundance of original Civilian Con- nature trail. The state record largemouth bass servation Corps (CCC) buildings constructed from was caught in this lake. local stone. The park has six unique cabins, group The Clark Creek Natural Area near camp, lodge, RV campground, museum, suspended Woodville, MS, features a scenic nature trail bridge over Bear Creek, seasonal canoeing and ex- which drops dramatically in elevation to the tensive nature trails. Tishomingo is named for the creek bed below. The trail has numerous rock Native Indians who once resided outcroppings, native plants, and is located in a here. heavily, wooded area. A comfort station with On the journey south, Trace and parking is provided. Tombigbee State Parks are found Mallards near Tupelo, with exits off the Natchez Trace Parkway. Indicates State Parks and Natural Areas Tufted Titmouse J.P. Coleman State Park Tishomingo State Park Trace State Park Bird Watching Possibilities Bird Watching Possibilities Bird Watching Possibilities Acadian Flycatcher Eastern Towhee Pilated Woodpecker Acadian Flycatcher Golden-winged-Warbler Rock Pigeon Acadian Flycatcher Cooper’s Hawk Northern Cardinal American Coot Eastern Wood-Pewee Pine Siskin American Crow Gray Catbird Rose-breasted Grosbeak American Crow Dark-eyed Junco Northern Flicker American Crow European Starling Pine Warbler American Goldfinch Gray-cheeked Thrush Ruby-crowned Kinglet American Goldfinch Double-crested-Cor- Northern Mockingbird American Goldfinch Field Sparrow Prothonotary Warbler American Restart Great Blue Heron Ruby-throated-Hum- American Pipit morant Northern Parula American Kestrel Fish Crow Purple Finch American Robin Great Egret mingbird American Restart Downy Woodpecker Northern Rough-Winged American Redstart Forster’s Tern Purple Martin Bald Eagle Great Horned Owl Scarlet Tanager American Robin Eastern Bluebird Swallow American Robin Gadwall Red-bellied Woodpecker Baltimore Oriole Great-crested- Fly- Sharp-shinned Hawk Baltimore Oriole Eastern Kingbird Northern Waterthrush American Wigeon Golden-crowned-Kinglet Red-breasted Nuthatch Barn Swallow catcher Song Sparrow Barn Swallow Eastern Meadowlark Orange-crowned-War- Anhinga Golden-winged-Warbler Red-eyed Vireo Barred Owl Green-winged Teal Summer Tanager Barred Owl Eastern Phoebe bler Bald Eagle Gray Catbird Red-headed- Wood- Bay-breasted Warbler Hairy Woodpecker Swainson’s Thrush Bay-breasted Warbler Eastern Towhee Orchard Oriole Baltimore Oriole Gray-cheeked Thrush pecker Belted Kingfisher Hermit Thrush Swamp Sparrow Belted Kingfisher Eastern Wood-Pewee Osprey Barn Swallow Great Blue Heron Red-shouldered Hawk Black Vulture Hooded Merganser Tennessee Warbler Black & White Warbler European Starling Palm Warbler Barred Owl Great Egret Red-tailed Hawk Black & White Warbler Hooded Warbler Tree Swallow Blackburnian Warbler Field Sparrow Philadelphia Vireo Bay-breasted Warbler Great Horned Owl Red-winged Blackbird Black-billed Cuckoo House Sparrow Tufted Titmouse Blackpoll Warbler Fish Crow Pilated Woodpecker Belted Kingfisher Great-crested- Fly- Ring-billed Gull Blackburnian Warbler House Wren Turkey Vulture Black-throated Green- Golden-crowned-Kinglet Pine Siskin Black Vulture catcher Ring-necked Duck Blackpoll Warbler Indigo Bunting Veery Warbler Golden-winged-Warbler Pine Warbler Black & White Warbler Green-winged Teal Rock Pigeon Black-throated Blue- Kentucky Warbler Vesper Sparrow Blue Grosbeak Gray Catbird Prothonotary Warbler Blackburnian Warbler Hairy Woodpecker Rose-breasted Grosbeak Warbler Killdeer Whip-poor-will Blue Jay Gray-cheeked Thrush Purple Martin Blackpoll Warbler Hermit Thrush Ruby-crowned Kinglet Black-throated Green- Lincoln’s Sparrow White Ibis Blue-gray Gnatcatcher Great Blue Heron Red-bellied Woodpecker Black-throated Blue- Herring Gull Ruby-throated-Hum- Warbler Loggerhead Shrike White-crowned Sparrow Blue-winged Teal Great Horned Owl Red-breasted Nuthatch Warbler Hooded Merganser mingbird Blue Grosbeak Louisiana Waterthrush White-eyed Vireo Blue-winged Warbler Great-crested- Fly- Red-eyed Vireo Black-throated Green- Hooded Warbler Savannah Sparrow Blue Jay Magnolia Warbler White-throated Sparrow Broad-winged Hawk catcher Red-headed- Wood- Warbler House Finch Scarlet Tanager Blue-gray Gnatcatcher Mallard Wild Turkey Brown Creeper Green Heron pecker Blue Grosbeak House Sparrow Sedge Wren Blue-headed Vireo Merlin Wilson’s Warbler Brown Thrasher Hairy Woodpecker Red-shouldered Hawk Blue Jay House Wren Sharp-shinned Hawk Blue-winged Warbler Mississippi Kite Winter’s Wren Brown-headed-Cowbird Hermit Thrush Red-tailed Hawk Blue-gray Gnatcatcher Indigo Bunting Snowy Egret Broad-winged Hawk Mourning Dove Wood Duck Canada Goose House Finch Red-winged Blackbird Blue-headed Vireo Kentucky Warbler Song Sparrow Brown Creeper Mourning Warbler Wood Thrush Canada Warbler House Sparrow Rose-breasted Grosbeak Blue-winged Warbler Killdeer Spotted Sandpiper Brown Thrasher Nashville Warbler Worm-eating Warbler Carolina Chickadee Indigo Bunting Ruby-crowned Kinglet Bonaparte’s Gull LeConte’s Sparrow Summer Tanager Brown-headed-Cowbird Northern Cardinal Yellow Warbler Carolina Wren Kentucky Warbler Ruby-throated-Hum- Broad-winged Hawk Lesser Scaup Swainson’s Thrush Canada Warbler Northern Flicker Yellow-bellied- Sap- Cedar Waxwing
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