ps 'Speeding Not Allowed The har. EYer been caught In I rldl" .pHd trip? Forecast A DI .tlff writer .pent I dlY recently with t fOOlbtn .n lowl City Polici Dlplrtment rldlr clr IOWA - CIN, ttI,.rtfy cIeudy and HIt­ 'llCk, 1963 tinuecl cool t ..lght_ Pirtly cloudy _ : (share I 10 Hnd out how they work - Ind why. Hi. report Is on pige 4. .Irmer FridlY. Highs tod:JY 70-75. 1961 ail and Iowan ~nd gym. Servim! the Universitfl of Iowa and the People 0/ Iowa City as that of Established in 1868 10 centa a copy AMocialed Preu Leased Wire aod Wirephoto Iowa Ciy. fowa 52240--ThW'lday, August 31. 1961 !sms won Ilball and In wrest). am Cham. UA W Shuns Big 3 Offer, ew Iiawk. r, Reds Accelerate r~e Pitts. To Name Strike Target day Pitch. rough for DETROIT I.fI - Il' negotiators bavlng un· Traditionally the union presses to a con­ Anti-Vote Drive a Pulled aqimously recommended rejection of new tract at one company, by strike or other· contract offers from the Big Three auto­ wise, and then uses that agreement as a SAIGO til - A guerrilla raid on ing to fight sboulder to shoulder with the makers, the United Auto Workers Union pattern for settlement with the other two. Quang Ngai thaI freed 997 prisoners cap­ North Vietnamese people in defeating the hl·hander Americans. Ing for a turned to selection of a strike target Wed­ lf one is struck, the other two are allowed ped ri ing Viet Cong pre ure Wednes­ , discorn. nesday. to operate. day against the national election, only Favorable weather over North Viet· The target will be named by the UAW's Odds have shifted in recent days to Gen­ four day away, which is to give South nam enabled U.S. pilots to keep up a 2li-member international executive board eral Motors being the target. Ford was the Vietnam an elected government. heavy rate of strikes ranging from tbe today. Only seven days then will remain leader in early speculation, and one union Two guerrilla platoons, perhaps 60 men, panhandle to targets above Haooi and -- before current three-year pacts at ail three Haiphong. source cautioned Wednesday "don 't count virtually had the run of Quang Ngai , a expi\'~. Chr:.,&lv; \Nt :i-at." provincial capital 330 mile northeast of While the war swirled on, a group of In words typical of UAW president Wal­ Saigon, for more than an hour before 22 American arrived In Saigon to ob· ler P. Reuther, the union's negotiators Chrysler last TIrget dawn. erve the voting Sunday for a president, termed practicalIy identical offers from Chrysler was the target in 1964, when vice presJdent and Senate. They were General Motors, Ford and Chrysler "en­ current three-year contracts providing pen­ They shelled the U.S . advisory com­ sent here by President Johnson . tirely inadequate and inequitable when sions of up to $400 a month at age 60 were pound, killing one American and wound­ measured against the fantastic profitibil­ negotiated. ing 15. They killed four civilian, ham­ hy of the automotive industry." A reason for the shift to GM in target mered at Vietname troop In tallalions * * * In making offers Tuesday, the companies speculation is that by taking on the most and bla ted down the gate of the pro­ formidable opponent and winning, Reuther Larry said they constituted "the highest wage in­ vincial prison, where Viet Cong uspects Vote Watchdogs creases ever offered" the union. A GM could enhance his standing in lhe Amer­ made up the bulk of the 1,329 inmates. ,OOd chal. ican labor movement. He has been em­ spo kesman estimated the minimum in­ They induced 997 to head for the hills. ladina, a crease in worker's pay would be $1,700 broiled in a running and thus far lOSing It was originally reported 1,200 made the Joe Belli­ over the proposed three-year period. battle with AFL·CfO President George Begin Snooping Meany. bl·eak. But 352 chose to tay behind. itched to 650,000 Employed The Big Three employ approximately The UAW turned down Tuesday a pro­ Military sourc aid at least 10 of the guerrillas were killed . 65{),OOO UA W members. posal by financially troubled American In Vietnam Today e flanker Formal rejection is anticipated today Motors Corp., smallest of the U.S. auto· Field report from the fivE' northem 1I'0n four f om union councils representing GM, makers, to continue their present agree­ province making up the 1st Corps area See Rellted Story Pige 3 ng titles; Ford and Chrysler plants across the coun­ ment two years. UAW Vice l-'r ( ~siden Pat alone list d 29 Red attacks or terrorist SAIGON I.fI - Twen ty-two Am ericans who set try and then by the international executive Greathouse said the union "will take an­ incident in a 24-hour period. named by Pre ident Johnson to observe ~ark with board. A target then will be named by the other look" after it settles with the Big Hlrrassment Reported South Vietnam's nation:!1 cl etion are a\1 and tight board. Three. "They are harra ing civilians every­ set to start looking over the counlry today where," said LI. Gen. Hoang Xuan Lam, with armed e corts guardin,; against ter· Isive line the South Vietnamese commander of that rori t hazards. ; at cen. politicalIy sensitive area. "Part of the plan is to 'cr as much as N~groes Snub Mayor's Order po sible." said roving Amba sador Henry I ChArlie Other raids elsewhere signified Viet Cabol Lodge, former envoy to Saigon, on In Oakes Cong obedience to Communist orders to his arrival with the gronp :IS guide and ad· !kles. THE NEW LEADER of the American NIlI Plrty, Mllthlu Koehl , called I news con­ try to wreck the election Sunday and vi er Wednesday. til' up another political crisis, which has On Gatherings In Milwaukee ference in Arlington, Va., Wednesday to brelk the news as to the fate of the body of The observers - some support ers and proved in the past to be a relatively cheap some critics of U.S. policy in Vietnam - MILWAUKEE, Wis. !A'! - Police moved kind that our local officers cannot COIl­ George lincoln Rockwell, the slain founder of former Ilader of the right-wing group. way of impeding the allied war eftor •. Rockwell's body, Koehl said, has been cremlted and the uh.. hive b"n 'Icretly r. including senators, governors, mayors, reo - in twice to sweep a way gatherings staged trol, " Maier said. The U.S. Command noted "a sharp in­ ligious leaders, labor, business and news by young Negroes Wednesday night in The marches began Monday night in lur"ed to the party's headquarters In Arlington . PriVlt. memorial services were crease in the number of enemy-in tigated executlves. defiance of an order by Mayor Henry what the youth Council termed an effort held on the lawn of the headquarters WednesdlY Ifte,noon, - AP Wirephoto rocket and mortar attacks throughout The Americans are joining 60 other for­ Maier. to dramatize the campaign for Common South Vietnam." eigners from 23 nations a orticial gue ts - Estimates of the number of arrests Council enactment of an open housing hells lobbed at a sprawling U.S. in- of the Saigon government to watch the ranged to 30 but no shots were flred and ordinance rejected on IouI' previous oc­ tallation at Long Binh, 20 miles north cia e of the campaign and th( vote Sunday no tear gas used. casions. of Saigon, wounded 10 Americans. Sev. for president, vice president and a 6O-man A few bottles were tossed as police Senate OKs Marshall enty South Vietname e were killed and Heavily·armed police protected the Senate. moved in . marchers from huge crowd s of taunting 104 wounded in a combined mortar and Natton Cilltd Unlqu. A television cameraman's lighting whites both nights. ground attack by the Viet Cong at Tam U.S. Ambassador Ell worth Bunker told equipment was smashed by police who !(y, on the cen tral coast 50 miles south them; "In its journey on tho road to con­ Tuesday night, the crowds greeted the For High Court Post complained about the bright lights. of Da Nang. stitullonal government, Vietnam is unJque Je young Negroes with a barragE' of fire­ in that It is holding elections while there is After the second sweep, the street out· WASHINGTON lil'l - Thurgood Marshal\, are or who your ancestors were," Mans­ While 32 allied forces of balta1ion size :NTS crackers, boWes, stones and debris . Po­ 01' larger hunted enemy forces across conflict within its borders." side the fire-ravaged headquarters of the lice used tear gas and fired shots into the the first Nergo nominated til the Supreme field added. , IVIII· Milwaukee Youth Council of the National South Vietnam without reporting a maj. Chief of State Nguyen Van Thieu heads air to break up mobs of whites who surged Court, won solid Senate confirmation Great-Grandson Of Slave or contact, U.S. planes pressed the air the military ticket comp2ting with civi­ Association for the Advancement of Col­ toward the marchers. ored People was deserted except for po. Wednesday, 77 days aiter Plesident Jobn­ Marsball is the great-grandson of a slave war. lian tickets for support of the 5.85 million __I lice and their vehicles. As the youth Council demonstrators re­ son named him to the high tribuna\. and the son of a sleepingcar porler.
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