THE CITY RECORD. INDEX FOR MAY, 1925. ACCOUNTS, COMMISSIONER OF- ALDERMEN, BOARD OF- APPROVED PAPERS- Changes in the department, 3598. Resolution to provide for an issue of special revenue Ordinance to provide the necessary means for the sup- ALDERMEN, BOARD OF- bonds for purchase of equipment for the playground port of the Government of The City of New 'York and Counties of New York, Bronx, Kings, Queens Amending corporate stock issue for dredging the main for children on Battery Park, Manhattan, 3950. Resolutions for special revenue bonds for development, and Richmond and for oth,er purposes, and to levy channel between Barren Island and Mill Basin, 3719. taxes on the estates, real and personal, subject to Amending corporate stock issue for construction of a etc., of plot of land at Commercial, Dupont and Franklin streets, Brooklyn, set aside for playground taxation in the City of New York pursuant to Law, in pier at Canarsie, 3719. and for the year 1925, 3541. Board meetings, 3528. purpose, 3944. Resolution for leave of absence to members of the Ordinance selecting a site in the Borough of Queens for Communications f rom- disabled American Veterans of the World War in use as the Ridgewood Branch Library, under the New York Board of Fire Underwriters, 3943. City employ to attend convention, 4224. jurisdiction of the Board of Trustees of the Queens Vyle, Philip, 4432. Resolution relative to use of Police Department automo- Borough Library, 3589. Communication from city, county and borough officers, bile cards, discontinuance thereof, and calling for in- Ordinance requiring permit for the withdrawal of exist- 3717, 3943, 4219, 4432. formation with respect to the same, ing taps before building is demolished, so as to pre- Code. of Ordinances, amendment of, relating to- Resolution granting leave of absence to Veterans of serve the water supply of the City of New York, 3590. Obstructions and encumbrances, 4224. the Rainbow Division in City employ to attend Resolution 'authorizing the President, Borough of Man- Public porters, 4223. National Convention, 4455. hattan to initiate proceedings to regulate, grade, curb, Rate of speed on the 155th Street Viaduct, Manhattan, Resolution appointing City Surveyors, 4455. flag and pave 138th street from Madison avenue to 4455. Resolution granting permission to the United States 5th. avenue, etc., 3588. Streets designated as play streets, 3723. War Amps, Inc., to drive an ox cart through the Resolution transferring jurisdiction over the area at Standards i or various commodities, adding thereto a streets of the Borough of Manhattan, 4455. intersection of Broadway, St. Nicholas avenue and new subdivision relating to sale of charcoal, 4224. Report of the Committee on Rules, recommending West 167th street, Manhattan, from the President of Chief Clerk, City Magistrates' Courts, annual report changes in Standing Committees, 3719, the Borough to the Commissioner of Parks, 3588. for year 1924, 4432. Report of the Committee on General Welfare in favor Resolution transferring jurisdiction over Pennsylvania County Clerk, Richmond County, request for fixation of filing Int. Nos. 137, 1227, 1254, 1275 and 1313, avenue from Jamaica Bay, Brooklyn, from the De- • of salaries under provision of chapter 411, Laws of 4222. partment of Parks to the President of the Borough, 1918, of two special Deputy Clerks (County Court), Salaries and Offices, Committee cn, reports of- 3588. 4450. Attendant (Male and Female), in office of the Presi- Resolution for special revenue bonds- Deeds, Commissioners of, reso'ltion appointing various dent, Borough of Richmond, 4223. Armory Board, 3591, 3592. persons, 3722, 3949, 4223, 4435, Clerk in office of President, Borough of Queens, 4223. Correction, Commissioner of, 3590. Estimate and Apportionment, Board of, request that Law Assistant and Laborer, in office of Public Ad- District Attorney, Bronx County, 3588. balance of special revenue bond issue, $2,660, to pro- ministrator, New York County, 4223. Hunter College, Board of Trustees of, 3590. vide for Stationary Engineer and fuel supplies for Special revenue bonds, requests for- the Department of Licenses be transferred to Police Jurors, Commissioner of, Kings County, 3589. Armory Board, 4219. Manhattan, President Borough of, 3591. Department, 4448. Ambulance Service, Board of, 4219. Mayors Committee of Women, 3592. Estimate and Apportionment, Board of, establishing Bronx, President, Borough of The, 3944. Parks, Commissioner of, Manhattan, 3590. various grades of positions of Inspectors in offices of Chief City Magistrate, 4222. Parks, Commissioner of, The Bronx, 3592. the Presidents of the Boroughs, 4449. Manhattan, President, Borough of, 4222. Parks, Commissioner of, Brooklyn, 3592. Establishing grades of positions- Memorial Day observances, 4221. Parks, Commissioner of, Brooklyn, 3944, 4221. Parks, Commissioner of, Queens, 3590. Attendant (Male and Female), in office of the Presi- Richmond, President Borough of, 3590. Plant and Structures, Commissioner of, 4221. dent, Borough of Richmond, 3944. Register, Kings County, 3590. Sheriff, Richmond County, 3948. Clerk and Comparer, in office of Register, Kings Taxes and Assessments, Department of, 3592. Surrogate, Queens County, request for fixation of com- County, 3944. Tenement House Department, 3590. Deputy Chief and Battalion Chief, in the Fire Depart- pensation of various Clerks in the Surrogate's Court, ment, 3719. 4449. • ART COMMISSION- Executive Stenographer and Clerk, in office of the APPEALS, BOARD OF- Minutes of meeting held April 14, 1925, 4333. Mayor, 4451. Board meetings, 3528. ARMORY BOARD- Law Assistant and Laborer, in office of Public Ad- APPROVED PAPERS- Proposals- ministrator, New York County, 3944. Typewriting Copyist, in office of President, Borough Amending special revenue bond issue, $2,400, for sala- Contract No. 1, for furnishing, delivering and storing of Queens, 4220. ries of employees in the Division of Licensed Vehicles. coal in various armories under the jurisdiction of Various positions in the Department of Plant and Department of Licenses, by reducing the amount to the Armory Board, in the Boroughs of Brooklyn Structures, 4220. $1,830.28 and changing the uses thereof, 3591. and Richmond, 3540. Various positions in the office of Borough of Man- Authorized to purchase various articles without public Contract No. 2, for the installation of plumbing and hattan, 4220. letting- • drainage in connection with the reconstruction of Various grades of positions in the Department of Hunter College, Board of Trustees of,3587. Squadron A Armory (51st Machine Gun Squad- Licenses, 4451. Purchase, Commissioner of, 3587, 3588, 3590. ron), Madison avenue and 94th street, Manhattan, Finance, Committee on, reports of, relating to- Queens, President, Borough of, 3587. 3540. Appropriating $35,625 to cover rental of premises Richmond, President, Borough of, 3589. ASSESSORS, BOARD OF- Nos. 247-259 West 54th street, Manhattan, 3721. Sheriff, Richmond County, 3588. Annual apportionment in former town of New Utrecht Chief City Magistrates, 4453. Authorized to contract without public letting- 4013. Justices, Municipal Court, Board of, 4452. Bellevue and Allied Hospitals, Board of Trustees of, Assessments and awards, completion of- Manhattan, President, Borough of, 4453. 3587. Memorial Day observances by Corp. Frank F. Fagan Parks, Commissioner of, The Bronx, 3593. Bronx, Borough of, 3599, 4013. Post, Queens, 4452. Brooklyn, Borough of, 3599. Police Coomissioner, 3587. Manhattan, Borough of, 3599. Parks, Commissioner of, Brooklyn, 4452. Authorized to draw on account of contingent expenses- Piant and Structures, Commissioner of, 4452. Queens, Borough of, 3599, 4013. Jurors, Commissioner of, Queens County, 3591, Richmond, Borough of, 3599, 4013. Granting permission to Beth Israel Synagogue of Code of Ordinances, amendment of, relating to- Brownsville, Brooklyn, to construct and maintain a Rates of fare of hacks, cabs and taxicabs, 3586. BRONX, BOROUGH OF THE- vault without payment of the usual fee, 4455. Taximeters, 3586. Bureau of Buildings, weekly report of, 3644, 3843, 3924. In Memoriam-Thomas R. McGinley, 4224. Toy balloons charged with hydrogen gas, 3590, Bureau of Buildings, approval of materials, 3764, 3822, Minutes of stated meetings held- Changing part of Avenue A, Manhattan, to Sutton 3927, 4161. May 5, 1925, 3717. place, 3589. Changes in the department, 3598, 3794. May 12, 1925, 3943. Changing names of streets, etc.- Local Board meetings, notices of, 3599, 4490. May 19, 1925, 4219. Doughty •street The Bronx, to Ruppert place, 3590. Minutes of Local Board meetings, 3643, 4252. May 26, 1925, 4431. 1st street, Brooklyn, to East 8th street, 3590. Proposals- Ordinance, selecting" a site for the location of a comfort Constructing sewers and appurtenances, 3822. station in the Third Ward, Richmond, under the juris- Winik place, The Bronx, to Phelan place, 3590. Deeds, Commissioner of, resolution appointing various Furnishing and delivering one 1-ton motor-driven diction of the President, Borough of Richmond, 3722. persons, 3587, 3589, 3591, 3593. gasoline truck, 3822. Public Letting, Committee on, reports of- Declaring Good Friday, April 10, 1925, a public holiday Furnishing and delivering one 5-ton motor-driven Brooklyn, President, Borough of, 3720. for City employees, 3589. gasoline truck (non-assembled), 3822. Fire Commissioner, 3719. Designating Albee Square, Brooklyn, 3592. Paving with bituminous concrete on a cement concrete Manhattan, President, Borough of, 3720.
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