Plant List ~ 28Th Edition

Plant List ~ 28Th Edition

Plant List ~ 28th Edition Key to Plant Characteristics This plant list is purely a guide to species cultivated and does not indicate the A Australian native availability of plants at any one time. a West Australian native B Tree Plant heights and widths are based on C Shrub average Perth growing conditions and may D Dense foliage vary based on soil conditions and aspect. E Ground cover F Climber Nursery Trading Hours G Suitable for pots or baskets Everyday 9am to 5.30pm H Low water requirements Closed Christmas Day I Attracts birds J Fast growing 155 Watsonia Road K Fragrant Maida Vale, WA 6057 L Grows in sandy soils Australia M Will grow in heavy clay soils N Some shade required Phone: (08) 9454 6260 O Suitable for damp conditions Fax: (08) 9454 4540 P Will tolerate some salt in soil Q Tolerates coastal alkaline soils R Will grow in shade S Can be difficult to grow T Local plant to the Perth region Rewarding, reliable, recommended! ß Butterfly attracting © Cockatoo feeding ƒ Frog feed and habitat Bush Tucker Plant Name Code Height Flower Flower Other information & Width Colour Time & common names Acacia “Wattle” acuminata aBHLMß 5m Yellow Aug.-Sept. Jam wattle alata aCHLMRT 1m Pale yellow May.-Sept. Winged wattle aphylla aCHJM 1.5m Yellow Aug.-Sept. Rock wattle cardiophylla ACDJLMR 2-3m Yellow Aug.-Oct. Wyalong wattle celastrifolia aCDHJLMR 3-4m Yellow June-Nov. cognata ACDJLMOR 5m Light yellow Aug.-Dec. River wattle coriacea aBHLM 5m Lemon June-July cyclops aCDHLPQß 2-3m Yellow Oct.-Nov. Cyclops wattle denticulosa aCDHJLM 2-3m Gold rod Sept.-Oct. drummondii aCDLMNORTß 1-2m Yellow rod Aug.-Nov. Drummond’s wattle fimbriata ABCHJLM 3-5m Yellow Sept. Fringed wattle. floribunda ABDHJLMR 5-6m Yellow rod Sept. Gossamer wattle ‘Green Wave’ ADEHLM 0.4m x 1m Yellow Sept. ‘Honey Bun’ ACDHLM 1.5m Yellow Sept. howittii ACDJLM 4m Pale yellow Sept. Sticky wattle. lasiocarpa aCDEHLPQRTß 0.5m Yellow June-Aug. ‘Limelight’ ACDLMRƒ 0.8m Light Yellow Aug-Dec A. cognata dwarf merinthophora aCHLM 2m Yellow Aug.-Oct. pendula ABDHJKLM 6m Yellow Aug.-Sept. Weeping wattle pentadenia aCDJLMOR 3m Yellow July-Oct. Karri wattle pulchella aCDHJLMQRTß 1m Yellow June-Oct. Prickly moses saligna aBCDHJLPQT 2-4m Yellow Sept.-Oct. Golden wreath wattle spectabilis ACHJKLM 3-5m Yellow July-Sept. Mudgee wattle vestita ACHLMQR 3m Yellow Sept.-Dec. Hairy wattle Acmena ‘Allyn Magic’ ACDGHLM 0.5m White Nov.-Jan. Colourful new growth smithii ABDGIJLMR 10m White Nov.-Jan. Lilly pilly Adenanthos “Woolly Bush” barbiger aCHILMT 0.5m Red Intermittent Hairy jugflower cuneatus aCEHL 1m Small red Colourful foliage cunninghammii aCDEHIJL 0.5m Pink March-Sept. Natural hybrid detmoldii aCHIJL 1.5m Yellow April-Dec. Scott River Jugflower obovatus aCILMOR 0.9m Orange/red June-Aug. Basket flower sericeus aCDHL 2m Small red Woolly bush Agonis “Native Peppermint” ‘After Dark’ aBCGHLMß 4m x 3m White Aug.-Dec. Dark foliage ‘Burgundy’ aBCGHLMß 5m x 4m White Aug.-Dec. Bronze tips flexuosa aBDHLMOPQß 6m x 4m White Aug.-Dec. Willow peppermint flexuosa nana aCDLMOQRß 1m x 1m White Aug.-Dec. Allocasuarina fraseriana aBDHLMT 6-9m Local sheoak humilis aCDHLMQRT 1m x 1m Dwarf sheoak torulosa ABHLMQ 6m Rose sheoak Alyogyne “Native Hibiscus” hakeifolia aCHJLMQ 1.5m Mauve or cream Aug.-Dec. Native hibiscus huegelii aCHJLM 2m Mauve Aug.-Dec. Anigozanthos “Kangaroo Paw” ‘Big Red’ aDGIJLMOƒ 1.2m Red Oct.-Jan. ‘Bush Ballad’ aDGIJLMOƒ 0.5m Red All Year ‘Bush Diamond’ aDGIJLMOƒ 0.5m White All Year ‘Bush Pearl’ aDGIJLMOƒ 0.6m Pink All Year flavidus aDHIJLMOQRƒ 1.5m Pink/green Oct.-Jan. Albany ‘roo paw Zanthorrea Nursery Plant List, 28th Edition page 2 Plant Name Code Height Flower Flower Other information & Width Colour Time & common names ‘Federation Flame’ aDGILMƒ 1m Orange Oct.-Mar. manglesii aHJLMTƒ 1m Red/green Aug.-Oct. Emblem ‘roo paw pulcherrimus aHILƒ 0.8m Yellow Oct.-Mar. Sulphur ‘roo paw ‘Yellow Gem’ aDGIJLMOƒ 1.2m Yellow Oct.-Jan. Astartea fascicularis aCHJLMR 1.2m White Dec.-Feb. Semi-weeping ‘Winter Pink’ aCDJLM 1.2m Pink July-Nov. Our own hybrid Austromyrtus dulcis ACDELMOR 0.5m White Sept.-Dec. Midyim Berry, Edible Babingtonia - Formerly Baeckea ‘Miniature’ ACDHLMORƒ 0.8mx1.2mWhite Dec. virgata ACDJLMOR 2m White Nov.-Feb. Twiggy heath myrtle Banksia attenuata aBDHILOT© 4-8m Yellow Oct.-Mar. Slender banksia baueri aCDHIL 2m Large cream June-Oct. Possum banksia baxteri aCDHIL© 2m Yellow Dec.-May Birds’ nest banksia ‘Birthday Candles’ ACDHILM 1m Orange April-Sept. blechnifolia aDEHLƒ 0.3m x 1m Red Sept.-Nov. burdetti aCDHIL 3m Orange Nov.-Mar. Burdett’s banksia coccinea aCHLMS© 2m Red and grey July-Nov. Scarlet Banksia dallanneyi aDEHLMRT 0.15m Yellow July-Oct. Formerly Dryandra nivea ericifolia ACDHIJLMR© 3m Amber June-Sept. Heath-leaved banksia formosa aCDJLM 1.8m Large yellow July-Nov. Formerly Dryandra formosa grandis aBHLMQT© 6m Large yellow July-Oct. Bull banksia hookeriana aCDHIL© 2m Orange April-Oct. Acorn banksia integrifolia ABDHIJLMOQ 6m Lime Jan.-July Coast banksia media aCDHILM 2-3m Yellow Dec.-July Golden stalk menziesii aBHILMT© 6m Red May-July Firewood Banksia occidentalis aCDILMORS 3m Red Nov.-Apr. Red swamp banksia petiolaris aEHL 0.5m Yellow Sept.-Jan. Prostrate stems polycephala aCHLM 1.8m Light yellow July-Nov. Formerly Dryandra polycephala prionotes aBDHILM© 6m Orange Jan.-June Orange banksia repens aEHL 0.5m Brown/red July-Nov. Creeping banksia sessilis aCDHLMT 3m Light yellow May-Oct. Formerly Dryandra sessilis speciosa aCDHLM© 4m Cream Jan.-Feb. Showy banksia Beaufortia aestiva aCHILQ 1.5m Red Nov.-Jan. Summer Flame purpurea aCHLMT 1m Crimson Oct.-Dec. sparsa aCIJLMOR 1-2m Red Jan.-May Swamp bottlebrush squarrosa aCDHILMT 1m Red Feb.-Apr. Sandplain bottlebrush Billardiera fusiformis aCDFLMQRTƒ Climber Blue or White Oct.-Feb. Native bluebell. Formerly Sollya Boronia denticulata aCJKLMOR 1m Pink July-Nov. Pink boronia heterophylla aCDJKLMNO 1-2m Red/pink Aug.-Oct. Kalgan River boronia megastigma aCKLMNOS 1m Brown/yellow/red July-Sept. Sweet-scented Boronia Bossiaea aquifolium aCJMOR 0.8m Yellow Oct. Waterbush Brachyscome multifida ADEGJMNOR߃ 0.15mx1m Mauve July-Feb. Rock daisy Zanthorrea Nursery Plant List, 28th Edition page 3 Plant Name Code Height Flower Flower Other information & Width Colour Time & common names Callistemon “Bottlebrush” ‘Captain Cook’ ACDGILMO© 1.2m Red Jan.-Dec. ‘Dawson River Weeper’ ACDHIJLM 3m Red Aug.-Nov. Weeping foliage ‘Endeavour’ ACHILMR 2m Bright red Sept.-May glaucus aCHILMOR 2-3m Large red Aug.-Feb. Albany bottlebrush ‘Little John’ ACDGILM 1m Red Intermittent C. viminalis dwarf ‘MacArthur’ ACDGILM 1.2m Red Hybrid of ‘Little John’ and ‘Captain Cook’ ‘Matthew Flinders’ ACDGHILMO 1m Red Intermittent ‘King’s Park Special’ ACHILM 3m Long red Aug.-Nov. ‘Perth Pink’ ACDILMO 2m Mauve/pink Sept.-Nov. phoeniceus aCHILMOQT 2m Red Aug.-Dec. Fiery bottlebrush ‘Prolific’ ABCDHIJLM 4m Red Sept.-Jan. ‘Reeves Pink’ ACDILMO 2m Large pink July-Jan. ‘Rocky Rambler’ ACEHILM 0.3m x1.5mRed July-Oct. salignus ABDHJLMO 5-6m Cream Sept.-Nov. Pink tips ‘Western Glory’ ACHILM 2m Purple/red Oct.-May ‘White Anzac’ ACHLM 1m x 1.5m White spreading Oct.-May Callitris “Native Pine” preissii aCDGHJLMPQ© 4-6m Rottnest Island pine Calothamnus “One-sided Bottlebrush” hirsutus aCDHILMƒ 0.8m Red Sept.-Jan. Soft, grey foliage quadrifidus aCHIJLMQRT 2m Red or Gold June-Dec. One Sided Bottlebrush sanguineus aCDHILMRTƒ 0.5m Deep red Oct.-June Net bush Calytrix acutifolia aCDEHJLMRT߃ 1.2m x 2m White Oct.-Nov. fraseri aCHLMSTß 1m Deep pink Jan.-Mar. tetragona aCHJLMRß 1.5m White or pink Oct.-Nov. Red bracts Ceratopetalum Ceratopetalum gummiferum ACDJM 4m White/Red Dec.-Jan. NSW Christmas Bush ‘Johanna’s Christmas’ ACDJM 1.5m White/Red Nov-Jan Dwarf NSW Xmas Bush Chamelaucium “Wax Bush” axillare aCHJKLM 1.5m White turning red Aug.-Nov. Esperance wax ciliatum aCDLMOR 0.8m White to pink July-Sept. floriferum aCDLMRS 1m White Sept.-Oct. Walpole wax uncinatum aCHJKLMQ 2m Various colours Aug.-Nov. Geraldton wax Chorizema “Flame Peas” cordatum aCDLMRß 1m Orange Aug.-Oct. Heart-leaved flame pea dicksonii aCHLMTß 0.5m Red/yellow Aug.-Oct. diversifolium aFHJCMRT 1.5m Orange June.-Aug. Chrysocephalum “Straw Flower or Everlastings” apiculatum AEGJLMß 0.2m Yellow July-Dec. Yellow buttons Conostylis aculeata aDHJLMRT ƒ 0.3m Yellow Aug-Dec Cottonheads candicans aDGHLMQRT߃ 0.3m Yellow Aug.-Feb. Grey cottonheads Correa “Native Fuschia” alba ACHJLPQ 1m White Dec.-May Coast correa baeuerlenii ACDMOR 1m Green bells Mar.-Aug. Chef’s cap correa calycina ACDHIJLMR 1.2m Green June.-Oct. ‘Dusky Bells’ ACDILMR 0.8m Pink/red Mar.-Sept. glabra ACDGHILMR 1-1.5m Red/yellow April-Aug. Zanthorrea Nursery Plant List, 28th Edition page 4 Plant Name Code Height Flower Flower Other information & Width Colour Time & common names pulchella ACEGLMN 0.6m Orange Mar.-June reflexa ACIJLMNQ 1m Red green tips May-Sept. Native Fuchsia Corymbia - Formerly Eucalyptus calophylla rosea aBDHJLMT© 9m Pink Jan.-Mar. Pink red gum citriodora ABHJLM 20m White June-Aug. White trunk lemon-scented gum ficifolia aBDILß 6m Red Dec.-Feb. Red-flowering gum maculata ABDHJLM© 20m White White trunk spotted gum Crowea ‘Ecstasy’ ACGLMN 1m Pink Jan.-Dec. C. saligna x exalata ‘Festival’ ACGLMN 1m Pink Nov.-June C. exalata x saligna ‘White Star’ ACDGLMOR 0.8m White April-Jan. Dampiera diversifolia aEGLMN 0.1m x 1m Blue July-Dec. linearis aCELMRT 0.3m Blue Aug.-Nov. teres aCHL 0.5m Blue Aug.-Oct. Darwinia citriodora aCDHKLMRT ƒ 1-1.5m Orange July-Nov. Lemon-scented darwinia oldfieldii aCHLM 0.5m x 1m Red Aug. oxylepis aCDLMOR 0.7m Red Mar.-Sept. Gillham’s Bell Dianella caerulea ADGHJLMR ƒ 0.8m Blue Sept-Dec Paroo Lily ‘Little Rev’ aDGHLMQR ƒ 0.4m Blue Aug.-Jan. Dwarf revoluta revoluta aDLJMORTƒ 0.8m Blue Aug.-Jan.

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