FROM THE RECTORY Dear Friends, One other fact we should know about donkeys, is that pretty well all of them carry the mark of a cross on their I remember as a child being taken on family holidays to the backs, just below their necks. I wonder why. Lincolnshire coast, it was to Cleethorpes, Skegness or Mablethorpe because they were the nearest coastal resorts Is it a mark given to them at birth perhaps to signify and to our home village. I eagerly looked forward to all the remember that it was donkeys that gave such unstinting good things that the holiday would bring, especially the service to Jesus Christ during his time on earth? Is this donkeys on the beach. For just sixpence a ride it was cross their medal of service, their badge of office, showing possible to become Roy Rogers and The Lone Ranger, that they are, by their deeds, members of Christ’s flock just riding the range as in the films of the day! as they are part of his creation? Of course we don’t know the answer but perhaps it is no coincidence that they are Well now it’s April, and in just a few days’ time we will be given special mention in the bible stories directly relating celebrating Palm Sunday, recalling the day when Jesus rode to Jesus, and nineteen times throughout the bible as a into Jerusalem on a donkey to be greeted by huge crowds whole. So it is good that as Easter draws nearer we waving palm branches and shouting, “Blessed is the king remember the part donkeys played in those events. who comes in the name of the Lord.” This was not the first time Jesus had been carried by a donkey. When Mary was The sign of the cross is, of course, very special to us also, expecting the baby Jesus, she and Joseph were ordered to especially at this time, for it carries with it the story of go to Bethlehem and it was by donkey that they travelled, Easter, of the trial and the crucifixion of Jesus and his all the way to the stable where the baby was born. resurrection just a few days later. When babies are christened in church they are marked with a cross on their Riding a donkey is not easy, for they can be quite stubborn forehead as they are blessed and named, just as people who animals and not always willing to do as you, the rider, in later life choose to be baptised are also marked with a would wish. Were it not for those beach donkeys being led cross. So as Christians, like the donkey, we carry the mark by handlers, many would not have moved from the spot of the cross throughout our lives. Theirs is visible, ours where they were assembled. But eventually, with a firm pull isn’t, but for them as for us, it is the mark that shows we on the lead rope and strong pat on the dusty rear quarters, carry the name of Jesus with us wherever we go. Sometimes they would move forward at a slow pace along the beach, that can seem like a heavy load on our shoulders with many rocking their rider from side to side in a fairly challenges and responsibilities along the way. In some uncomfortable fashion. And then suddenly, as if by magic, places it can lead to persecution and death, but at other they would stop and turnabout and return, again at a slow times it can prove to be the most joyous and fulfilling pace, to the spot where they had assembled earlier. experience as we serve our Lord in our daily lives. No matter how you tugged the reins and tried to make So, the next time you see a donkey, look for the mark of them go further, all was to no avail, not one extra metre the cross, and when you find it remember that you may would they cover. It was as if they had reached a hidden have something more in common with that animal than marker in the sand that was invisible to us humans but you might have thought. God bless, which they knew was their turning point. Geoff Wortley CHURCH OFFICERS Please note that Vanessa takes Friday as the ‘Sabbath day of rest’. Matthew is normally available on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays Team Vicar Vanessa Cole 01264 782615 [email protected] Associate Priest Matthew Grayshon 07960 299434 [email protected] Team Administrator Dawn Dearden 07495 085906 (M,W,F, 9-12) [email protected] Licensed Lay Minister Geoff Wortley 01264 889426 Lay Worship Leaders Stephen Baldock (783540) Marilyn Childs (783435) John Searles (781301) Pastoral Visitor Jean Hicks (781000) St Andrew’s Nether Wallop St Peter’s Over Wallop Churchwardens Emma Todd (781517) (vacant) PCC Secretaries Janet Herring (781126) Hugo Deschampsneufs (781690) Treasurers/Gift Aid John Waits (782110) Janet Baldock (783540) CHURCH WEBSITES www.standrewsnetherwallop.co.uk and www.stpetersoverwallop.co.uk 1 THE WALLOP PARISH NEWS TEAM Editor Christine Deane 01264 782819 [email protected] Monthly Adverts Janet Baldock 01264 783540 [email protected] Cover Adverts (Jan-Dec)* Pepe Keightley 01264 781418 [email protected] Saye House, Orange Lane, OW, SO20 8JB Subscriptions Stephen Baldock 01264 783540 [email protected] EDITORIAL COPY DEADLINE: 6.00pm on 15th of previous month (includes weekends). Late copy not accepted. MONTHLY ADVERTISEMENT DEADLINE: 15th of each month – for copy and payment. COVER ADVERTISEMENT DEADLINE: September 30th. Enquiries to Pepe Keightley as above. Colour printing will be available for 2021 FORMAT FOR EDITORIAL COPY: Contributions MUST be submitted in WORD to the Editor, who reserves the right to accept or reject material. ALL articles must be signed. Images should be provided as JPEG or PNG files or photographs. Flyers are NOT ACCEPTED. FORMAT FOR ADVERTISEMENTS: Please supply text ads in WORD and those with images as JPEGs. The magazine is printed in black and white. Please avoid colour photographs and white text on a dark background as these do not print well. Copy should be emailed to Janet. Space limitation means that adverts may occasionally have to be reduced in size. Neither advertisements nor editorial copy appearing in The Wallop Parish News represent Church, Parish or Editorial endorsement. The objective of the Wallop Parish News is to provide residents with articles of interest and useful information about events, societies and local services and to promote a sense of community. Contributors are asked to avoid material which might offend individuals or groups. If the Editor decides the submitted text may cause offence or needs to be significantly changed for another reason, the contributor will be provided with a suggested amendment or given the option to withdraw the article. The committee which oversees the magazine is regularly consulted but the Editor’s decision is final. Monthly advertising rates for 2020 Cash or cheque payable to ‘Over Wallop PCC’ Non Commercial Commercial ¼ Page £2.50 £5.00 ½ Page £5.00 £10.00 Full page £10.00 £20.00 EDITOR’S COMMENT Dear Readers, volunteer organisations who are on the lookout for We are keen to keep this magazine going and new helpers together with a list of Wallops clubs, this edition has been collated by a small societies and groups who are always happy to number of people under special arrangements. welcome new members. See page 22. Many thanks Please bear with us in future months if delivery to Peter Hope for suggesting we include the list and is slightly delayed and if other changes prove for his time in collating it. necessary. It is likely there will be fewer pages, A big “Thank you” to Tanya Royle as well for as events are being cancelled and there will be producing our Word Search puzzle (on page 6) fewer advertisers. which I hope you enjoy. In the meantime, looking to brighter times ahead, Keep well everyone. this month’s magazine features a listing of local Christine Deane 2 ST ANDREW’S NETHER WALLOP and ST PETER’S OVER WALLOP Public church services are suspended until further notice In response to the government church hall is closed and unavailable for announcement about minimising social bookings. contact, the Archbishops of the Church of Contact details for the Vicar and church England have recommended that public officials are on page 1 of the magazine. We worship be suspended until further notice. want to keep in touch and to offer support There will therefore be no services in the where it is needed. Please let us know if you Wallops churches this month. The would like to receive by email copies of churches will however remain open during sermons or details of church services and the day as before and those who wish to talks available on the internet. enter for prayer or meditation are welcome to use them. Please follow public health Our websites will provide up-to-date advice, washing your hands before you information. come and using the toiletries provided. The Websites: www.standrewsnetherwallop.co.uk and www.stpetersoverwallop.co.uk VOLUNTEERING & HELP FOR OVER WALLOP – COVID-19 Over Wallop Parish Council is coordinating a Our milkman, Martin Shadwell, is still taking on village-wide effort to support those in our new customers and can deliver milk, cream, eggs community who are vulnerable, isolated or ill during and fruit juice daily. Contact 07786 100977. the Covid-19 pandemic. We will be communicating via the Wallop Parish Wallops Good Neighbours has generously offered News, the Parish Council website to be the contact point for this support in the form (overwallopparishcouncil.org.uk), notices on notice of shopping, dog walking, prescription collection or boards, at the Village Shop and via the Nextdoor telephone chats, as well as their core service of app (nextdoor.co.uk).
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