THE LOWELL LEDGER. INDEPINDENT-NOT NEUTRAL. VOL. XI, NO. 8 LOWELL, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY AUOUST 13, 1903 FIVE CENTS. BAD ROADACCIDENT STILL A MYSTERY Buy Your PraftB SIX YOUNO FOLKS IN A Cash Your Chcckg NO TRACE OF WHEREABOUT IIOKNE AND HUUUY OF SUPER VIS0R SKIDM0RE Deposit Your Fiitids SMASH UP. Sheriff Suspects he Has Gone JHIBB Attale B. Buxton Badly In- with O. A. R. Excursion to San- lured, But Will Recover. Pranciscoand will Telegrapb. A Safe Place to Buy at M#... A serious and nearly ratal run away accident occured on the depot $ street Sunday evening, In which the Supervisor lx»vi Skidmore of Bowne, lives of six young people were Jeop- as related by our correspondent, this nrdlzed, all growing out of the fool- morning's Orami Rapids Herald says City Bank ish custom of "driving by." that the mystery is still unsolved Ed. OreCn and Ed. Buxton, two and adds. All day yesterday Deputy Sheriffs RespoflBlbillty $180,000.00 youilg men, were driving Into Lowell If you buy an article here and it isn't exactly what village from the Ada road. They Gates and Greenly and Under sheriff drove past Phllo Murray, who was Verkerke were searching the neigh- it should be—if you're not satisfied, bring it back, we'll 3 Per Cent Paid on DeposltB. accompanied by Miss Annie Buxton, borhood of Alto for traces of the scaling their horses, which became missing man. They were working refund the full purchase price. This store's quarantee unmanageable, ami overtook nn- on a clew furnished by a woman is back of all goods sold, and the success of our business other rlgcontalnlng two more young who had seen a man tallying with folks. The two bugglea locked the description of Skldmore, who depends largely on your good will—wc wish to prove wheels and the Murray rig was cap- was wandering in the woods five sized, with the occupants In the miles from Alto. The search how- that we deserve it. WE SELL MANY THINGS that wreck. Just In front of I). G. Look's ever, proved fruitless. residence. Sheriff Chapman thinks that it is you are in the habit of buying, do you buy them of us? Miss Buxton was taken up in an possible that Skldmore went on the unconscious condition and taken to G. A. R. excursion to San Francisco. the home of her sister, Mrs. Wall. He Intends tt> send a telegram to For a time serious results were Eber Rice, who Is In charge of the Perfection feared, but tldH morning she Is doing excursion, to see if the missing man well, and her friends expect her to is on the train. recover. Murray had two ribs If this does not bring the desired The improvement put upon the FountaiD Sprayer makes it cracked and IH very sore. results it is probable that the sheriff the best sprayer made. It's working'parts are BO pcrfett they All of the rigs in the scrape belong will have the lakes near Alto drag- can't get out of order. to J. T. Jones' livery, ami two of ged. There are three lakes within a the buggies are In the repair shop. few miles of Alto. The largest and The two young men In the affair nearest oue la McEwan's lake. This resent a report that they were In- will probably be dragged first. toxicated, and our reports verify Mrs. Phlia Clark, who is a sister of their claims to having been sober. Skidmore's mother was culled to It wnsHlmply a youthful freak, the Alto Sunday and is still with the results of which will doubtless fur- family. nlsh a lesson for all concerned. When you buy a Lowell Man Strikes It Rich. The following article clipped from The Guernsey, Wyo., Iron Gazette of THE NEW BAND July 81, relates to the good fortune Sewing T/fachine of I). R. Whitney of Lowell, who in now sojourning in the locality refer- WILL GIVE FIRST OPEN AIR ed to: CONCERT 50,000 POUND CHUNK OF ONYX. You had better bny of a reliable Henry Koch returned Tuesday dealer, one that you know, one who This Thursday Evening. Starts from a ten days trip to the onyx carried repairs, one whoee guarantee is fields near Glendo. He reports that good becaoee he Rtaya here to make it wltli Snug Treasury. Wm. H. Vaughn of that place and Dan'l Whitney and his father of Sun- BO. Buy of A fly-by night peddler or a The new Lowell baud starts out rise have four onyx claims In that cheap John department houee and yon with the following Instrumentation: district which are very promising. have no redress or no remedy or re- Lenderniflrluet, U. A. Sherman. The rock is of the dark brown" and pairs when the dap trap goes back on Piccolo, Weldon Smith. black variety and is susceptible to a Flute, Arthur Sherman. very high polish. These gentlemen you. Buy right and you'll buy of ClarluelH. Chuu. Howe. Don. Craw- have a single huge piece of this black Potato growers are especially invited to inspect this machine at ford, Hatley Maynard. onyx out of the ground that is esti- Cornets, Elmer White, F. M. .lohn- mated t o weigh twenty-five tons and sOn, Chas. Kopf. they have a standing offer of $500.00 Altos, R. E. Sprlngett, George for any one who will place the big Morse. A. L. Knap. rock safely on a flat car on the C. & R. B. BOYLAN. Tenors, W. W. Pullen, Chas. Boyle. S. railroad,which is one mile from Baritone, E. R. Quick. the mine and on the opposite side of R. De STOCKING Tuba, Walter Morgan. the North Platte river. The owners Snare drum, Arthur Stone. wish to take the lump of onyx to the Bass drum, Dr. Barnes. St. Louis expositon. This twenty- Some additions to aid alterations five ton chunk of onyx would help In the above arrangement may be materially to swell Larainlecounty's made before the new organization.is exhibit at the Wyoming's Third In- well started. dustrlal convention that is to be About f225 has been subscribed by held at Sheridan in October. How the buHiness men, making with the about it county committee? This is recelptK of the bull game about |290. worth looking after. Good Bread is more than Meat Of thlHnhout $200 has been expended Your Summer Vacation for new Instruments and repairs on Onr bread is made by the most skilled workmen, from the old, which will leave a nice bal- CHURCHES AND SOCIETIES. carefully (teleoted materiaU All utensils are kepi scrapnl- ance In the treasury. ouolv dean, and extraordinary care is exercised to prosorve The first of a series of open air con- CATHOLIC. all the nutrient qualities. It is mixed Just right. It ia certs will be given this Thursday kneaded Just right. It is allowed to rise to exactly the evening. In two parts, one on each There will be services at St. Mary's proper poinl. It is soieotiflcally baked. Wil* 'nave an add Catholic church on Saturday and side of the river. It Sells for Five Cents a Loaf. ed value and OQO Sunday, August 15 and 18. Services will l)e held at the usual hour 10 that will ig we pleas- MARRIAGB LICENCES. o'clock, standard time. ure to you and William Johnson, 20, Campbell Try a loaf of 'our friends for a township; Lena Swenson, 20, Bowne MDTHODIST. Hearth Bread WELDON SMITH, township. Jifetime, if you "A Full Hand," will be the theme take with you one used by Rev. Chas. Nease next Sun- of our Reports Pocketbook Stolen. day morning. In the evening Mr. G. Robert Patterson of Cascade town- K. Boyajian will preach. Mr. Boy- ship reported to the sheriff's ofllce ajian Is an Armenian and others say, that he had been robbed of $10.50 "He is well worth hearing." while In the village of Cascade yeHter- The topic for the Epworth League day noon. He left his overcoat, con- meeting on next Sunday evening Is. KODAKS taining a pocket book and that "Endure Hardness as a Good Soldier" amount of money, on the seat of his and the leaders will be, Misses Libbie We wish to call your atteution carriage while he went into the hotel. Lawrence and Lila Lawrence. The Thursday evening meetings once more to the Simple in opeiation, hut effective in results. Easy to Upon his return the purse and cash were gone. He suspects one of a are well attended. If you are not at- buy, easy to carry, easy to use. Buy one. you'll never • party of ball players who were In a tending them, and can do so, you regret it. carry-all near his carriage. ought to be there regularly. He who takes a rellgigus vacation Arras Cream will find, when he would return to Michfcan State Fair Pontlac Sept. duty, that the evil oue has been very busily at work. A. D. OLIVER. 7th to Itth, 1903. Separator The Grand Trunk Railway System BAPTIST. will sell excursion tickets at single JEWELER, WATCHMAKER fare for the round trip, plus 50c, for No regular preaching services dur- The best cooling process, the handiest, cheapest and Prompt and reliable repairs a specialty. AND OPTICIAN. ndmlwdon to the fair grounds on ing the absence of the pastor, during best deep setting on earth, for the following reasons: the rest of August. Sept. 7th to 11th, inclusive.
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