4TH WORLD DEAF VOLLEYBALL CHAMPIONSHIPS 23 September - 02 October 2021 Chianciano Terme - Chiusi ITALY BULLETIN 1 Comune di Chiusi Dear Athletes and par-cipa-ng countries, as President of the Organizing Commiee I am glad to work on the organiza-on of the 4 ͭ ͪedi-on of the Deaf World Volleyball Championship. I want to give all of you my warm welcome to this wonderful event of sport, culture and tourism in the charming region of Tuscany, in the “hot thermal water” of the TOMMASO GRAZIOSI cies of Chianciano Terme and Chiusi. OC President We want to thank the ins-tu-ons and the municipality of Chianciano Terme and Chiusi, they showed us their sensi-vity since our very first mee-ng. I am sure that this will lead our Championship to a very high level, where the union between sport and culture will be enhanced. I wish all the par-cipants good luck, and I am sure that the true values of sport will win all the compe--ons. Comune di Chiusi Dear Athletes, TDs and Delegates from all over the deaf sport world, the FSSI – Italian Federa:on of Deaf Sports and the CIP – Italian Paralympic Commi?ee, the Municipality of Chianciano Terme and Chiusi with the Organizing Commi?ee, accepted this big challenge to organize the 4 ͭ ͪ World Deaf Volleyball Championship , to give to the athletes a big opportunity. We decided to preserve the right of deaf athletes to represent their country: they’ll take part in this event they have been wai:ng for four years, aer sacrifice, hard training and pride. With this event we want to give a signal: the SPORT is ALIVE beyond this pandemic really puts us to the test. I am sure that you will par:cipate with joy and enthusiasm, beyond victories or defeats, on behalf of the spor:ng spirit. GUIDO ZANECCHIA Thanks to the Italian Paralympic Commi?ee and its President, Luca Pancalli, the event has FSSI President been included in the list of spor:ng events of pre-eminent na:onal interest, making this difficult challenge, proposed to Italy by ICSD to avoid another cancella:on, possible. I hope that the 2021 edion will show the high level of compe::on of the Deaf athletes, which can reach very high quality performances. At least, I want to thank FSSI board members for their moral support, the federal offices for their efforts suppor:ng the event and the OC members, that in such a delicate moment accepted the challenge of not stopping the sport! Comune di Chiusi We are very proud to host the World Deaf Volleyball Championship: we will try to welcome all those that will come to Chianciano Terme with warmth. Being the protagonists in a moment of sport is important, for the economic outcome and for the universal value of sport, which means par:cipa:on and social development, that our city has been experiencing for a long me. The compe::ve effect, in this event, leaves space to par:cipa:on and to communi:es that coexist, honoring our city of Chianciano Terme. ANDREA MARCHETTI The love for sport has always fascinated me and I have learned that when you go on the field, like Mayor of Chianciano Terme Pope Francis would say, “You can find beauty, gratuitousness and camaraderie. If a match is missing these elements, it loses strength, even if the team wins. There is no place for individualism, but everything means coordina:on for the team”. I want to thank all those people that, on different levels, with commitment and passion contributed to the realiza:on of this edion of the World Championship. A huge “good luck” to all the athletes and gree:ngs to all the fans that will come to see the compe::ons, hoping that this sport event could also be an opportunity to stay together discovering the natural, ar:s:c and cultural beaues of our territory. Comune di Chiusi In September our city and the whole territory will have the honor of hos:ng the Deaf Volleyball World Championships, an extraordinary event that we will experience with great enthusiasm and par:cipa:on. The event will certainly be engaging and we are sure that we will see breathtaking matches that will keep us in suspense un:l the end. As the City of Chiusi we are really proud to have been chosen as one of the venues for the event because volleyball represents a discipline that has wri?en the history of our town with hundreds of children who have prac:ced and con:nue to prac:ce this sport. In addion to this, as an Administra:on we have always paid great aen:on trying to promote the JURI BETTOLLINI posi:ve values that sport is able to transmit to the younger genera:ons and we are convinced that Mayor of Chiusi an event of this level will be full of examples of fair play, not only as a prac:ce of respect for opponents, but also just like custom and lifestyle. A sincere thanks is due to all those who are working so that the World Championships can be carried out without problems and, of course, our greatest wishes go to all the athletes involved, to be able to realize the dream of becoming world champions. Comune di Chiusi Our hope is to have the opportunity to show the beaues of our territory to all the people involved and above all to be able to get excited in the presence of the athlec deeds that we will see in our sports hall. It would be the best way to celebrate the tle of 2020 European Town of Sport. Comune di Chiusi CHIANCIANO TERME - CHIUSI CITY MAP Palazzetto dello Sport Chianciano Terme Hotel LE FONTI and CAPITOL Palasport loc. Pania Chiusi Comune di Chiusi Chianciano Terme Dear Traveller, if you look up and you admire our land carefully you will understand that these places have been the cradle of a cultural path which concides with the evolu:on of human history and his wisdom. Here you will be able to meet hospitable people, experience the culture, find out more about cul:va:on and our lifestyle… Here the landscape have been shaped by human ac:vies expertly developing the ancient wine and oil tradion. These places has been used today as filming loca:on and a stage for many Oscar winning movies and for famous Tv adver:sing. Here you will be able to go back in me, to walk down the “Tagliate Etrusche” (long Etruscan Corridors) in Rossellana area, to rest next to the water springs where the Etruscans stood their vo:ve temples and admire their magnificent pediments. Here in this beauful landscape you will find wonderful Romanesque churches that allowed the flowering of western civiliza:on. Here you can touch the uniqueness of the Fourteenth century Madonnes by Ambrogio Lorenzeg and the glazed artefacts by the school of Della Robbia. Here you can relive the atmosphere of the Renaissance Period walking through the narrow streets of Pienza “the Ideal City” brainchild of a great humanist. Here you can live the Ninenteenth century Modernity of “Aque Hortus” the Metaphysical City of health and good living thanks to its healthy climate achieved through the reclama:on of Valdichiana’s area. Here now we want you can choose to live according to your real passions! Let’s do it together!!! In the mean:me live the daily life of this area, get on the Chianciano Express train to discover the meaning of “pleasant place” and at each stop you will find a wellness, regenera:on and a good life surprise. Get off and stop at the Thermal Pool Theia here you will be enveloped by the vapors of the warm waters. t off and relax a bit in one of our old parks gegng lost in a good book. Get off and awaken your senses with the paths of “Terme Sensoriali”. Get off and visit our medieval village where you will enjoy breathtaking views like pain:ngs over Val Di Chiana and Mount Amiata. In the serene quiet of this village dedicate to the local culinary tradions. Get off and stop at the “Museo delle Acque” here you can admire the largest collec:on of Etruscan Canopus and you will be able to say that you have known the true culture of this place. hps://www.visi?uscany.com/it/localita/chianciano-terme/ Comune di Chiusi Chiusi, The Etruscan city: Located in the south of the province of Siena, bordering with the region of Umbria and near the region of Lazio, Chiusi is the perfect place for those who want to plunge into history and to enjoy tradi-ons and anecdotes, as well as tas-ng the genuine flavor of a simple but generous land. The first se:lements in Chiusi dated to the late II millennium B.C., when villages of shepherds and farmers rose on the hills of the area. Chiusi, called Clevsin in ancient mes, became one of the most important Etruscan cies, thanks to its very fer-le alluvial soil and to its excellent land and water communica-on lines. The city had its most flourishing period during the reign of Porsenna, the King who, at the end of the VI century B.C., besieged Rome for a short period of me. When the inhabitants of Chiusi got the Roman cizenship in 89 B.C., the city was fully embodied in the sphere of influence of Rome. Its prosperity con-nued in the Imperial Age as well, when Chiusi, known as Clusium, remained a strategic passageway along the Roman consular road Cassia and the river Clanis which was navigable to the river Tiber.
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