I ' ' - .. ' ' I p I L 0 T 1 9 6 9 NEDERLAND HIGH SCHOOL NEDERLAND, TEXAS "\ FOREWORD EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Judy Miller BUSINESS MANAGER Becky Hebert PHOTOGRAPHERS Ruthann Mitchell Kitty Halphen Jackie James STAFF MEMBERS Janelle Snyder Regina Magee Georgia Hebert Shirley Ellerbee SPONSOR Mrs. Erne tine Fleming The ounds through high school are memorable ones. We hope that through this book, we have portrayed the many ounds of high chool year . The sounds of winning and losing, the sounds ofhappi­ ne s and sadness, and mo t of all the sound of memories. We are proud of our faculty, administration, and our school. With all the e things in mind we give to you ... THE SOUNDS OF N.H.S. THE PILOT STAFF 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS Foreword 2 Dedication 4 Administration 5 Faculty 11 Seniors 22 Juniors 70 Sophomores 84 Student Life 100 Personalities 110 Organizations 132 Sports 170 Honors 196 Advertisements 210 3 DEDICATION The 1969 annual tatf proudly and respectfully dedicates the 1969 PILOT to Mr. N.K . Ohlendorf and Mr. Audley Dry who have o willingly given their time, support and guidance to the entire student body thi year. We shall remember them as being one of us at NHS. MR.N.K.OHLENDORF MR. AUDLEY DRY 4 ADMINISTRATORS Messrs. Charles Thomas; Ralph Raines; E. H. McKenzie, Jr.; Joe Fiedler, and George Ingram, of George L. Ingram and A sociates, spend many tirele s hours planning for the new Nederland High School which is to be ready for use in 1971. 5 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Mr. R. L. (Bob) Harmon President Mr. Fred R. Ewing Vice-President Mr. Charlie Propes Secretary Mr. Tyler L. Kirkland Mr. Earl P. Gregg Mr. Paul P. Smith Mr. Murray Libersat b SUPERINTENDENT: MR. E. H. McKENZIE, JR. 7 . ,.1;"f1;r:~ I Mrs. Karen ue Allen Coordinator of Curriculum Mr. Joe Fiedler Assistant Superintendent for Instruction Mr. L. J. Brou-,-,ard Mr. Ralph H . Rain'> 8 oordinator of Admini,trative er•ices Bu\iness Manager HIGH SCHOOL PRINCIPAL: MR. CHARLES THOMAS 9 Mr. Pat Johnson Athletic Director Mr. Malcolm Dow Mrs. Toody Fay Byrd 10 Counselor Counselor NEDERLAND HIGH SCHOO FACU-LTY Mr. Jon Banks strikes a rare pose in the High School Faculty-KA YC basketball game which was one of the main money raisers during the PILOT race. Mr. Ronald Graham and Mr. Charles Simmons contribute their valuable time to help raise money to pay for the School yearbook. Mr. Audley Dry led his team to victory m the ball game and m the PILOT race. II FACULTY Mr. Jon Banks demon trates to his Advanced Biology students the finesse in carving a cat. Mrs. Virginia Abney: BS, M.Ed., Stephen F. Austin State College. Physical Education; Sponsor, G .I.S. Mrs. Eleanor Anderson: BS, orthern State College of South Dakota. Latin; Sponsor, Latin Club. Mr. Jon Banks: B , tephen F. AuMin tate College. Biology 23, 33; Sponsor, Boy Intramural ports. Mrs. Lois Bennett: B , Lamar tate College of Technology. Homebound. Miss Diane Bowlin: BA, Stephen F. Austin State College. American History; ponsor, Future Teacher . Miss Carolyn Cagle: B , Lamar State College of Technology. Bi ology 23. Mr. Don Caraway: BA, niversity of Texas. Algebra 33, Geometry; Sponsor, Rifle Club. Mr. Michael W. Carson: B , outhwest Texas State College. Art, American History. Mrs. Barbara Cole: BA, niver ity of Oklahoma. English; Sponsor, Junior Class Magazine. Mr. Clarence Deering: BA, Trinity University. Distributive Education; Sponsor, Distributive Education Clubs of America. 12 Mrs. Massey teaches the basics of tennis. Mrs. Mickey Dominy: BBA, Lamar State College of Technology. Typing 13; Business Arithmetic; Journalism 43, 33; Sponsor, Bulldog Beat; Quill and croll; Press Club; Miss Photoftash Pageant. Mrs. Clara Douglas: BBA, Lamar State College of Technology. Business Arith­ metic; Business Communication; Sponsor, U.I.L. Typing. Mr. Audley Dry: BS, Lamar State College of Technology. Alegbra 33; Trigo­ nometry 41 ; Elementary Analy is 42. Mr. Jackie Faubian: BA, Lamar State College of Technology. Biology 23, 33. Mrs. Ernestine Fleming: BS, Stephen F. Austin State College. Typing 13; Clerical Practice; Sponsor, PILOT; Pilot Sweetheart Conte t; King and Queen of Hearts Contest; Quill and Scroll. Mr. Harry Fontenot: BS, orthwestern State College. Drivers Education; Health; Sponsor, Football; Ba eball. Mrs. Patricia Foyle: BS, Lamar State College of Technology. English. Mr . Kathy Frazior: BA, Texas Woman's University. Homemaking II, III; Family Relations; Sponsor, FHA. Mrs. Carla Garrett: BS, orth Texas State niver ity. World History; American Hi tory. Mr. Leonard Germer: M.Ed., Southwest Texas State. Physical Education. 13 FACULTY Mr. Max Henry in tructs his students in the art of building. Mr. Travis Gib on: BS, Lamar State College of Technology. American History; Civics-Economics; Sponsor, Student Council. Mr . aomi Gleason: MA, AB, West Virginia University. Bookkeeping; Sponsor, ational Honor Society. Mr. Ronald Graham: BS, Lamar State College of Technology. Civics-Economics; American History. Mrs. ylvia Hanna: BA, Baylor University. Consumer Mathematics 43; Sponsor, Math Club. Mr. George Hawkin : BS, Lamar State College of Technology. Biology; Athletics. Mr. Max Henry: BA, MA, MS, Sul Ross State College. Mechanical Drawing. Mrs. Jo Anne Hill : BA, Lamar State College of Technology. English 33; Rifle Club. Mr. ylds Hinch: BS, M.Ed. , Lamar State College of Technology. Chemistry. Mr. Bob Hines: BS, Lamar State College of Technology. Special Education. Mr. idney Jolly: BS, Lamar State College of Technology. M.Ed., Stephen F. Austin. Driver Education; Physical Education; Sponsor, Football; Track. 14 Mr. George Martin takes full advantage of the modern facilities in the language lab. Mr. James E. McCarty: M.Ed., Stephen F. Au tin State College. Vocational Agriculture; Sponsor, FFA. Mrs. Billie McClure: BBA, M.Ed., Stephen F. Austin State College. Shorthand I, II ; Typing II; Sponsor, Cheerleaders; Pep Squad. Mr. Blanton McDonald: BM, Vandercook College; MME, Stephen F. Austin State College. Band I, II , III. Mrs. Clover McKey: M.Ed., Lamar State College of Technology. Chemistry 33. Mrs. Florence McLemore: BA, Lamar State College of Technology. Engli h; Sponsor, FTA . Mr. Jerry Mallory: BA, Lamar State College of Technology. Physical Education. Mr. George W. Martin: BS, BA, MA, Stephen F. Austin State College. Spanish I, II , Ill, IV, V. Mrs. Julia Ma ey: BBA, Lamar State College of Technology. Health; Physical Education; Sponsor, G .l.S. Mrs. Willa Mast: AB, Calvin College of Grand Rapids, Michigan. Engli h. Mrs. Beverly Minaldi: BA, Lamar State College of Technology. Government ; Economic ; Spon or, We ternaires. FACULTY Mr . Sue eal and Mrs. Kathy Frazior work hard to get football jerseys in shape. Mrs. ue eal: BA, Stephen F. Austin State College. Homemaking I, II ; Sponsor, FHA. Mrs. Gloria oel: BA , Mc eese State College. English; Sponsor, Magazine Sales. Mr . Fern Paulus: BA, Lamar State College of Technology. English; Spon or, Anchor Club. Mrs. Judy Petkov ek: BS, am Houston State College. Health; Physical Educa­ tion ; ponsor, Girls Intramural Sports. Mr . Adelyn Pratt: BS, Lamar State College of Technology. Geometry 23; Alge­ bra 13 . Mr. Clifford Rose: BS, Lamar State College of Technology. Geometry 23; Related . Math 13. Mr. Don Ro s: B , East Texas tate College. Drivers Education; Sponsor, Foot­ ball; Basketball. Mrs. Dorothy Ryland: BS, Lamar State College of Technology. Photography; Ceramics; Art 13; 23, 33, 34; Sponsor, Art Club; Camera Club. Mr. Doyle helander: BS, Industrial Education, Texa Univer ity and A & M. Indu trial Cooperative Training; Sponsor, V.l.C.A. Mr. Charles R. Simmons: BS, orthwestern State College. Algebra 33; <\nalytic Geometry; Elementary Analysis; Sponsor, Math Club. 16 Mr. Le ter Youngblood teaches the correct procedure in firing a rifle. Mrs. Leola Smith: BA, Lamar State College of Technology. English. Mr . Mary Stroud: B , Lamar State College of Technology. Trigonometry; Alge­ bra II ; Sponsor, ur e' Club. Mrs. Susan Thackere: BA, Emory University of Atlanta, Georgia. Algebra I; Geometry. Mr . Joyce Thiery: B , Lamar State College of Technology. Speech; ponsor, .l.L. Literary Events; Interscholastic Speech Event , One-Act Play; Debate Club. Mr. Jack Weeren: BA, MA, Texa A & M mver ny. General Metal Trades: ponsor, Vocational Industrial Club of Amenca. Mis Mavis William : BS, M.Ed., Stephen F. Austin State College. T)pmg II : Sponsor, Pep Squad; Cheerleader . Mr . andra Williams: BS, Lamar State College of Technology. Engh h 23, 43. Mrs. Grace Wolf: BA, Lamar State College of Technology. Engh h 43. Mr. E. W. Woodrome: BA, M.Ed ., Stephen F. Au tin tate College. pan h. English; Choral; Mu ic Appreciation; pon or, A Cappella Choir: Madngal jngers; "Pop" Singers. Mr. Lester Youngblood: B , M.Ed., Arkan a A & M and tephen F un tate College. Indu trial Art ; Wood Working; pon or, Junior Rifle Clu . OFFICE STAFF trs. Vera Fraser ecretary to Supt., R.~cording ecretary to Scliool Board Mrs. Gloria Brown Curriculum Office ecretary Mrs. Zelda Daigle Bookkeeper Mrs. Zillah mith Dietitian Mrs. Roxy Thornell School ur e Mrs. Edna Brady ecretary Mrs. Kay Beauboeuf Bookkeeper I Clerk Mrs. Donell Tant Secretary to Bus. Manager Mr. W. J. Maxwell Chief Clerk Business Office Mrs. Lorene icklebur Clerk Mrs. Betty Ritchie Attendance Clerk Mrs. Peggy Budwah Health Clerk Mrs. Annie Marie Watts Tax Clerk Mrs. D. Lout Tax Assessor I Collector Mn.. Lorene Bass Tax Clerk 18 THEY COME TO WORK EARLY AND STA Y LATE Mr. Julian Trahan Head Custodian SNACK BAR STAFF Messrs. Mabel Sterling, Manager; lmay Wright; Annie Sattler; ell Potts; Frankie Kincaid Mr. A. Y. Hall Custodian CAFETERIA STAFF Messrs. Ora Harris, Manager; Dorothy Carr; Frances Erwin, Marion McPherson; Lillie Swain; Eva Perkins; Valerie Miller Mr. S. Delahoussaye Custodian CLEA I G STAFF Messrs. Irma Lee Laurent, Rena McElvain, Dorothy Broussard, Myrtle Campbell.
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