THE LONDON GAZETTE, STH JUNE 1972 6929 of the public right of way from its present line should write to the Evesham Rural District Council running south-east from Pepper Street, Inkberrow giving your name and the address to which these to a proposed line running from Pepper Street first in documents may be sent. a southerly direction along a new Estate Road to a Dated 8th June 1972. point 15 yards south of Brecon Close and thereafter G. H. Westwood, Clerk of the Council. in an easterly direction to a point coincident with the Lansdowne, boundary between Parcels 1254 and 1294 on O.S. Port Street, Evesham. (307) Worcs. Sheet XXXV.2 at which point it meets the existing footpath, the proposed alternative line com- prising approximately 260 yards. A copy of the Order and ithe map contained in it MALMESBURY RURAL DISTRICT COUNCIL has been deposited at and may be inspected free of NOTICE OF CONFIRMATION OF PUBLIC PATH ORDER charge at the Council Offices, Lansdowne, Port Street, TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING ACT, 1968, SECTION 94 Evesham, between the hours of 9 a.m. and 1 p.m. and 2 p.m. and 5 p.m. on Mondays to Fridays. (Footpath across O.S. No. 60 Lea) Public Path Any representation or objection with respect to the Diversion Order, 1972 Order may be sent in writing to the Evesham Rural Notice is hereby given that on the 30th May 1972, District Council not later than 8th July 1972, and the Malmesbury Rural District Council confirmed should state the grounds on which it is made. the above-named Order. If no representations or objections are duly made, The effect of the Order, as confirmed, is to divert or if any so made are withdrawn, the Evesham Rural the public right of way being a length of Footpath District Council may, instead of submitting the Order from the junction of Footpath No. 5 and Footpath to the Secretary of State for the Environment for No. 6 leading easterly for approximately 53 yards confirmation, themselves confirm the Order as an across O.S. No. 60 to a line running southerly unopposed Order. If the Order is submitted to the for approximately 20 yards from the junction of Secretary of Staite for confirmation any representa- Footpaths No. 5 and No. 6, then easterly for tions .and objections which have been duly made and approximately 56 yards and then northerly for not withdrawn will be sent to the Secretary of State approximately 36 yards to rejoin the existing Foot- with the Order. path approximately 53 yards east from the junction If you wish to be notified if the Order is confirmed, of Footpaths No. 5 and No. 6. and to have a copy of the Order as confirmed, you A copy of the confirmed Order and the map con- should write to >fhe Evesham Rural District Council tained in it has been deposited at the offices of the giving your name and the address to which these Malmesbury Rural District Council, 10 High Street, documents may be sent. Malmesbury, Wilts, SN16 9AN, and may be inspected Dated 8th June 1972. free of charge at that address between the hours of 9 a.m. and 1 p.m. and 2 p.m. and 5 p.m. on G. H. Westwood, Clerk of the Council. Mondays to Fridays. Lansdowne, This Order becomes operative as from the 30th Port Street, Evesham. (306) May 1972, but if any person aggrieved by the Order desires to question the validity thereof or of any provision contained therein on the grounds that it is not within the powers of the Town and Country EVESHAM RURAL DISTRICT COUNCIL Planning Act 1968, or on the ground that any require- ment of that Act or any regulation made thereunder NOTICE OF PUBLIC PATH ORDER has not been complied with in relation to the con- TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING ACT, 1971—SECTION firmation of the Order, he may under section 178 of 210 the Town and Country Planning Act 1962, within 6 weeks from the 8th June 1972, make application for The Evesham Rural District Council (Footpath No. 4, the purpose to the High Count Broadway) Public Path Diversion Order, 1972 Dated 30th May 1972. Notice is hereby given thait the above-named Order (hereinafter referred to as " the Order") made on R. A. Sounders, Clerk of the Council. the 2nd June 1972, is about to be submitted to the Rural District Council Offices, Secretary of State for the Environment for confirm- 10 High Street, Malmesbury, Wilts. (297) ation or to be confirmed by the Evesham Rural District Council as an unopposed Order. The effect of the Order, if confirmed without modi- LANCASHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL fication, will be to divert a section of footpath No. Newburgh Village Conservation Area 4 at Broadway (this being the public footpath leading Notice is hereby given that the Lancashire County from Walnut Close to Smallbrook Farm on the Council, pursuant to section 277 of the Town and Leamington Road (A.46)) from its present line com- Country Planning Act 1971, have designated as the mencing at a point on the north-westerly side of the Newburgh Village Conservation Area, an area in the timber store of Gordon Russell Ltd., at the rear of Urban District of Ormskirk comprising the part of Back Lane, extending northwards for approximately Newburgh Village around The Green on both sides 5 yards and then running in an easterly direction for of Ash Brow and Back Lane as far as its junction with approximately 40 yards. Sandy Lane, as shown on Plan No. 3/8/4/R4/137. As diverted the path will comprise a 6 ft. wide The plan is available for inspection at the County footpath extending from a point on the north-westerly Hall, Preston; County Planning Office, East Cliff side of the said timber store for a distance of County Offices, Preston ; Divisional Planning Office, approximately 35 yards in an easterly direction, then Greetby Buildings, Derby Street, Ormskirk and the running for approximately 8 yards in a northerly Ormskirk Urban District Council Offices, Burscough direction to a point where it meets the existing Street, Ormskirk. footpath. A copy of the Order and the map contained in it P. McCall, Clerk of the County Council. has been deposited at and may be inspected free of County Hall, charge at the Council Offices, Lansdowne, Port Street, Preston. (423) Evesham, between the hours of 9 a.m. and 1 p.m. and 2 p.m. and 5 p.m. on Mondays to Fridays. Any representation or objection with respect to the Order may be sent in writing to the Evesham Rural District Council not later than 8th July 1972, NEW TOWNS ACT, 1965 and should state the grounds on which it is made. If no representations or objections are duly made, WASHINGTON DEVELOPMENT or if any so made are withdrawn, the Evesharn Rural CORPORATION District Council may, instead of submitting the NEW TOWNS ACT, 1965 Order to the Secretary of State for the Environment (New Towns Act 1965, Section 7; Compulsory Pur- for confirmation, themselves confirm the Order as chase Act 1965 as applied by the New Towns Act an unopposed Order. If the Order is submitted to 1965) the Secretary of State for confirmation any representa- tions and objections which have been duly made and The Washington Development Corporation Compul- not withdrawn will be sent to the Secretary of State sory Purchase Order (Great Usworth) No. 3 of 1972 with the Order. Notice is hereby given that the Washington Develop- If you wish to be notified if the Order is confirmed, ment Corporation in pursuance of their powers under and to have a copy of the Order as confirmed, you section 7 of the New Towns Act 1965 on 9th June.
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