inside: Back to the ‘90s Melissa Fierce Global - page 3 Who is OUR - page 5 Warming: Biggest Loser? - page 6 Fine Arts, Major Problem Ignored? or Illusion? - page 2 - page 4 Passport Laws Soon to Change U.S. territory and do not need Shelby Klepfer to show a passport. Same goes Reporter for citizens of the territories; Kidnapped! You’re done with the they can leave to the U.S. or A Missouri kidnapping that lasted four years holds controversy. school year, and summer another U.S. territory and not to wikipedia, Stockholm [Shawn’s] mind, he was is here. You and your fam- need a passport. If a citizen Amanda Goeser Syndrome is a “psycho- doing the right thing. He ily have planned a trip Ads Editor logical response in which held out that someone to Mexico by plane. One Imagine being kid- the hostage exhibits would help or intervene. problem: before you can napped at age eleven and loyalty to the hostage- He was afraid of more go, you must have a pass- being in the kidnapper’s taker, in spite of danger punishment,” said sopho- port if you want to re-en- care for four years. Now in which the hostage has more Kaitlin Carlson. ter the United States. imagine being terrified been placed.” Now back home with For every citizen of to contact your parents. One case you may his family, Hornbeck has the U.S., the new pass- Sounds crazy, huh? Well remember would be Eliz- not spoken much of his port law can be good and it was a reality for now abeth Smart, from near ordeal. His parents be- bad. Now, if a passenger fifteen-year-old Shawn Salt Lake City, who was lieve he was molested wants to get back in our Hornbeck. kidnapped and held for during the four years. country by plane from “If I was the kid, I nine months. She was Sometimes Devlin would another country, they would not even try to call kept unrestrained, but in- wake the boy up every must have a passport. anyone, for fear of what terestingly enough, kept forty-five minutes. Horn- This law started January he [the kidnapper] would a journal in French about beck said that he was ter- 23rd to tighten border do,” said sophomore Me- how much she disliked rified to call his parents security into the United photo by Shelby Klepfer Issue 5 March 2007 lissa Vesper. her kidnappers. during the fifty months he States for U.S. citizens and who doesn’t have a passport Shawn was kid- “After several years, was with Devlin. international travelers, ac- and wants to re-enter the U.S. napped in 2002 by forty- it probably just became Devlin has been will be interviewed by cus- Lewis Central cording to www.state.gov/ . one-year-old Michael daily life for him [Horn- charged with sixty nine On the first day the law was toms agents, who will decide Devlin, a pizzeria manag- beck],” said junior Josh counts of sodomy [moles- put into effect, rarely any whether to let them into the High School er. The first month after Coffman. tation] and two counts of problems happened and the country or not. Even students he was abducted, Devlin Nearly four years lat- kidnapping. He admitted transition came out smooth. are concerned if they would be kept Hornbeck locked in er, Devlin abducted thir- to the sodomy charges, But, not long after long lines let back in if they didn’t have a his apartment. teen-year-old Ben Ownby but pleaded not guilty to and waits to get passports passport. Neighbors were as he was getting off the the kidnapping charges. started popping up all over “If you’re a citizen of shocked that Hornbeck school bus outside of St. We may never know the U.S. the U.S., you shouldn’t have was not a son or nephew of Louis. whether or not Shawn This may cause prob- to prove you live in the U.S.,” Devlin’s, as he would ride It was Devlin’s white Hornbeck was kept lems. If a traveler doesn’t says freshman Brooke Elliff. his bike around the apart- pickup truck that led au- against his will. At least have your passport and they The only substitutes that Upcomi ng ments and had friends. At thorities to Hornbeck he has been reunited with attempt to get into the U.S., can be allowed as a passport the same time, his fam- and Ownby. The boys his family and Devlin is they will be denied entry. will be a NEXUS Air card a ily did not know anything were found in Devlin’s being held accountable Also, they are at risk to lose and a merchant marine docu- Events about Hornbeck. apartment in a St. Louis for his actions. or have their passport stolen, ment that can be carried by Experts say Horn- suburb, less than an hour Information found on and the perpetrator may try to some American and Canadian beck’s case may paral- away from their homes, wikipedia.com, stltoday. use their passport. frequent fliers and the green lel that of Stockholm on January 12th. com, dispatch.com, and The reason to have this card carried by legal perma- Syndrome. According “I think that in his news.aol.com. rule is simple. Not only does nent residents. Active mem- it protect America, its intent bers of the U.S. military are is to protect citizens from ter- excused. March rorists. Ever since September Eventually, on Decem- Self Defense: A Crime? 11th, homeland security has ber 31, 2007, a new law will been a big concern among be enforced that requires pass- 8: Justin Timberlake @ Holly Nicolosi ly, all of the jury she was U.S. officials involved our nation. And now the 9/11 ports for all land, water and air Reporter testifying to were male with Nazanin’s case. He Commission is creating ways travel. However, according Qwest Center and thought it was very has already sent a letter to to prevent another terrorist to The New York Times chil- She sits there waiting outrageous for a woman to President Bush asking him attack. The Intelligence Re- dren fifteen or younger will be for the moment she can stand up for her rights and to do something about the form and Terrorism Preven- exempt when traveling with leave. She doesn’t know defend her dignity. treatment towards women tion Act of 2004 instructed parents as long as they have 11: Remedy Drvie @ Liv- what is going to happen to There is no place in in Iran. that the U.S. Secretaries of certified copies of their birth her or her family, but she the world and under no The letter was then Homeland Security and State certificates. Young people ing Safe United Method- is hoping she can get out. law is self-defense con- copied to the United Na- develop a plan. They said from 16 to 18 traveling with Her family doesn’t have sidered a crime, but in tions Secretary General, to require U.S. citizens and school, religious groups, ath- ist Church the money to help her, and foreign travelers to show a letic, or cultural groups, and she doesn’t know why she passport or other appropriate under adult supervision, can is here. What can she do identification and citizenship travel with their birth certifi- 16: No School but wait until she hears the documents when trying to cates. one voice saying, “You’re enter or re-enter the United So, if you are worried free?” States. about having to get a pass- Nazanin Mahabad “Anyone could be go- port to travel out of the 21: Early Dismissal Fatehi, a woman in Iran, ing against the U.S., even citi- states, your options are still was sentenced to death on zens could be terrorists,” said open. A passport cost rang- January 3rd, 2006 after she freshman Paige Buffum. es from $87- $97. Passports 22: Mr. LC stabbed one of three men But, a passport will not can be purchased from the who tried to rape her and be needed if U.S. citizens are Council Bluffs Post Office, her 15-year-old niece in a returning directly from a U.S. and may take anywhere park in Tehran in March territory, since they are not from 24 hours to 8 weeks 22: Evanescence @ MAC 2005. On June 1st, 2006, considered to have left the or more to process. the Head of Judiciary Ayatollah Shahroudi an- cartoon by Blake Johnson 24: Booster Club Auction nounced a stay of execu- Iran, if a woman doesn’t the United Nations High World News tion and the call for a com- resist rape, then she will Commissioner for Human Victoria Means plete new trial. be stoned. Stoning means Rights, the U.S. Ambas- Copy Editor Nazanin’s new trial that she will get stones sador to Iraq, and a group 27: Swing Show was held on January 10th, thrown at her until she of U.S. Senate and House A Smuggling Boat Tragically Sinks 2007, and according to the dies. If she does resist leaders. A boat that was smuggling migrants sank of the judges, Fatehi was “de- rape, she will be hanged. In this letter, White- coast of San’a, Yemen. About 112 people were reported fending” herself and did The attacks on women in head also wrote, “Ameri- dead, their mangled bodies were found ashore after be- 31: Eric Clapton @ not mean to stab and kill Iran are so frequent that ca has long been a cham- ing thrown against rocks.
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