ISSN: 1402-1544 ISBN 978-91-86233-XX-X Se i listan och fyll i siffror där kryssen är DOCTORAL T H E SIS Olov Candell Olov Systems of using InformationDevelopment eMaintenance SupportTechnical Solutions for Complex Department of Civil, Mining and Environmental Engineering Division of Operation and Maintenance Engineering Development of ISSN: 1402-1544 ISBN 978-91-7439-030-8 Luleå University of Technology 2009 Information Support Solutions for Complex Technical Systems using eMaintenance Olov Candell Development of Information Support Solutions for Complex Technical Systems using eMaintenance Olov Candell Luleå University of Technology Division of Operation and Maintenance Engineering Printed by Universitetstryckeriet, Luleå 2009 ISSN: 1402-1544 ISBN 978-91-7439-030-8 Luleå www.ltu.se Acknowledgements Acknowledgements This research has been carried out at the Division of Operation & Mainte- nance Engineering at Luleå University of Technology (LTU). The author would like to acknowledge the financial support of the Swedish National Aeronautics Research Programme (NFFP), Saab Aerotech and Saab Aerosys- tems. The activities in this research have been managed through a joint indus- trial and academic project, and have been supported by many people in dif- ferent ways. The ILS Development Department, Aircraft Services Division at Saab Aero- tech has together with individuals at other divisions at Saab Aerotech, Saab Aerosystems, the Swedish Air Force Wing F21 and the Swedish Defence Ma- teriel Administration (FMV), contributed to the NFFP projects and partici- pated in workshops as well as provided valuable information for the study. First of all, I wish to express my sincere thanks to my main supervisor Profes- sor Uday Kumar and co-supervisors Assistant Professor Ramin Karim and Assistant Professor Peter Söderholm, who have guided, supported and en- couraged me during my studies. I would also like to thank Professor Per An- ders Akersten and Professor Bengt Klefsjö for valued supervision during my first years as a Ph.D. student. At the Division of Operation & Maintenance Engineering I also owe thanks to Lic. Eng. Alireza Ahmadi, Dr Mattias Holmgren and Dr Aditya Parida, and all other colleagues, for interesting dis- cussions. They have all made me feel welcome during my working sessions at LTU. During the work with this thesis I have received most valuable support in different ways from many of my colleagues at Saab Aerotech and Saab Aero- systems. The original ideas for the NFFP research were worked out together with Carl-Johan Wilén and Per Nilsson, who also encouraged me to take on the challenge of a ‘mid life-upgrade’ as a Ph.D. student. Elisabeth Jaksic, Mats Hultin and Kjell Karlsson supported the ideas and made it possible to com- bine ordinary work with the NFFP-programme and Ph.D. studies. Leif Gyll- ström introduced me to Product Life Cycle Support (PLCS) and stimulated innovative thinking about data and information. Mårten Szymanowski pro- vided cognitive perspectives and much-needed sparring. Joakim Rylander, Claes Wadsten and Lars Sjöström contributed significantly by promoting Op- eration & Maintenance R&D. Göran Bengtsson and Katarina Björklund have, through excellent management of the NFFP programme at Saab, provided the best circumstances for implementation of the research project. Thanks also to Lt. Col. Laci Bonivart and Hans Öhlund at SwAF Wing F21, Jan Johansson I Acknowledgements FMV and all my other colleagues at Saab Aerotech, who all shared their knowledge as experienced aviation maintenance professionals. I would also like to thank Gary Watson who has helped me to improve the English of this thesis. At Saab Aerotech Wanja Strömberg has provided most valuable ad- ministrative help, and at LTU Marie Fjällström has done likewise. Finally, and above all, I would like to thank my family. Their support made my Ph.D. studies possible. A long time has passed since my mother, father and elder brother helped me to realize how much fun and rewarding it is to be curious and to keep on learning new things. Thanks to the inspiration and motivation from my beloved daughters Klara, Lisa and Ebba, and the en- couragement from all who are close to me, it has been possible to finally reach the goal for this thesis work. Olov Candell Kisa, Oktober 2009 II Abstracts Abstract Deployment and use of complex technical systems are common in society and in industry. Many of the complex technical systems have stringent require- ments on safety, dependability and cost, which necessitate frequent updates and modification in response to new developments in technology and chang- ing functional requirements. Hence, correct, role-adapted, situation-adapted, context-adapted and timely information and information support, are crucial to be able to access, manage, maintain and improve the services these systems are required to provide. Given the technological development and the chang- ing business environment, system and support providers need to improve the design and provision of information support solutions. This can be facilitated by the utilisation of new and innovative Information & Communication Technology (ICT), manifested in emerging approaches such as eMaintenance. However, there is still a need for methodologies and tools that enable the de- velopment and provision of support information services by integrating business and maintenance processes at both customers and providers to achieve novel business solutions such as Performance-Based Logistics (PBL) in the context described above. Hence, the purpose of this research is to describe how providers of support solutions can develop and provide effective information support solutions related to complex technical systems by enhanced utilisation of ICT. To fulfil this purpose, a single case study within military aviation was performed. Empirical data were collected through interviews, observations, archival re- cords, workshops and action research. The analysis was based on existing, adapted and developed theories, model-based simulations and available in- ternational standards. The results of the research are: I) a definition of system-oriented, service- oriented, process-oriented and lifecycle oriented eMaintenance solutions; II) an identification of critical information and information support require- ments of customers and providers while implementing e-maintenance; III) an identification of ICT-related methodologies and technologies suitable to fulfil the information support requirements of customers and providers; and IV) an approach for development and provision of ICT-based information support solutions that satisfy the requirements of customers and providers. Even though these results are achieved within the context of a modern mili- tary aircraft, the results throughout the research process indicate that they to a large extent are generic in nature and can be applicable to other complex III Abstract technical systems within the process, power generation and transportation industries as well. Keywords: Maintenance process, Product support, Complex Technical System, Aviation Maintenance, Maintenance Support Services, eMaintenance, eMaintenance Framework, Service-Orientation, Process-Orientation, Information Logistics, Military Aircraft, System Life Cycle, Performance-Based Logistics (PBL), In- formation Support IV Summary in English Summary in Swedish (Sammanfattning) Spridningen och användningen av komplexa tekniska system är vanlig i samhället och inom industrin. Många av de komplexa tekniska systemen har stränga krav på säkerhet, tillförlitlighet och kostnader, vilket kräver frekventa uppdateringar och ändringar till följd av ny teknisk utveckling och förändra- de funktionskrav. Därför är korrekt, kontextanpassad och aktuell information och informationsstöd avgörande för åtkomst, förvaltning, underhåll och för- bättring av de kravställda tjänster som skall tillhandahållas av dessa system. Med tanke på den tekniska utvecklingen och det föränderliga företagsklimat, behöver system- och supportleverantörer förbättra utformning och tillhanda- hållande av lösningar för informationssupport. Detta kan underlättas genom användning av ny och innovativ informations- och kommunikationsteknolo- gi, (IKT) vilka manifesteras i nya angreppssätt såsom eMaintenance. Det finns dock fortfarande ett behov av arbetssätt och verktyg för utveckling och till- handahållande av informationsstöd genom en integration av affärs- och un- derhållsprocesser hos både kunder och leverantörer, för att åstadkomma nya affärslösningar såsom Prestandabaserad Logistik (PBL) i de sammanhang som beskrivs ovan. Syftet med denna forskning är därför för att beskriva hur leverantörer av supportlösningar kan utveckla och erbjuda effektiv informationsstöd kopplat till komplicerade tekniska system genom ökad användning av IKT. För att uppnå detta syfte, har en fallstudie inom militär luftfarten utförts. Empiriska data har samlats in genom intervjuer, observationer, arkivstudier, workshops och deltagande forskning. Analysen baseras på befintliga, anpassade och ut- vecklade teorier, modellbaserade simulering och tillgängliga internationella standarder. Resultaten av forskningen är: I) en definition av service-, process- och livscy- kelorientede eMaintenance lösningar, II) en identifiering av kunders och leve- rantörers kritiska krav på information och informationsstöd III) en identifie- ring av IKT-relaterade metoder och teknologier lämpade att uppfylla kunder och leverantörers krav på informationsstöd, IV) ett tillvägagångssätt
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