THE.WESTFIELD LEADER THE LEADING AND MOST WIDELY CIRCULATED WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN UNION COUNTY Entered at- Second ('his* Matter JfuMivhi'd YEAR—NO. 4 P™t Office, W outfield, N. J. WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 7. 1954 Kvrry Tliurwday 36 Page.—5 Cents edieation of New Lake Sworn In As New Postmaster New Postmaster Takes Oath of Office First Monthly library, Town In Ceremony At P.O. Last Week Hymn Sing Here One Night Drive (all Scheduled Westfield has a new postmaster, Joard of Education Sunday Night after three and one-half years, in For $110,000 Set he person of Edwin A. Lake, 61, Nominations Due Onler Open To if 226 Lenox avenue, a veteran of Rev. Gates to Lead i'S years in the postal service. The deadline for submitting Singing; 60 Voice Public Oct. 23-24 Mr. Lake was officially sworn in suggestions to the Joint Civic United Campaign Plans Incomplete o his new post last Thursday at Committee for Board of Edu- Chorus Featured arief ceremonies in the Post Office. cation nominations is Oct. 15. The committee is seeking the Plans Completed The oath was administered by Leo The first in a series of monthly -^......tion and public inspection Shatzel, an inspector in the names of qualified candidates, IR'estneld's new municipal build- both men and women. Every Sunday night hymn sings will be Newark Post Office. Other guests held in the First Baptist Church and memorial library will be »ere Acting Postmaster Vincent suggestion will receive serious Residents Urged To Saturday, Oct. 23, and Sun- consideration, a spokesman Sunday at 7 :30 p.m., according to j. Noonan, Patrick Quinn, an in- an announcement released recently Oct. 24, the "Leader" learned ipector at Newark, and Postmaster for the group stated, and Receive Volunteers lay. This announcement was is- should be made either to the by H. Gordon Fromm, chairman of Clifford Cardoza of Scotch Plains. the hoard of deacons at the church. I in a joint statement by Mayor Mr. Lake technically replaces chairman of the screening One out of every four families -itles P. Bailey, Councilman committee, Howard Bilden of The sing will be conducted by is the approximate number of vol- lie late John H. Traynor, who re- the Rev. Elbcrt E. dates Jr. who laid II. Bagger, chairman of the tired in 1951. 855 Boulevard or to any ntee.rs who will be giving of their lication committee, and Coun- member of the Joint Civic has had wide experience in this inie in some way to make the But since Mr. Traynor's depar- field and is regarded as one of the an II, Emerson Thomas, chair- ture, three other men have been Committee. 954 United Campaign for $110,- of the town property com- best song leaders of the present 00 successful, according to Robert named either acting postmaster or day. For the past 10 years, he has 1. Fuller, general chairman. I'C. postmaster. The late William U. served as music director for the nal plans have not been con- Nestor was designated postmaster Mayor Will Speak "After five years of narrow mar- ed, but tentative arrangements American Baptist Convention and gin failures, it is hoped that we last spring, but died May 2 before in this capacity has appeared be- for a public flag-raising and he was sworn into office. :an make this drive successful," dedicatory service at the new At UN Pageant fore many audiences across the na- w said. "To do it we must have Joseph T. Sharkey was acting tion. During his pastorate in Os- he support of every one and in- ..ry at 2 p.m. Oct. 23 with pub- postmaster following Mr. Tray- jpen-house at the new buildings wego, N. Y., the Rev. Mr. Gates creased giving all along the line, nor's retirement, but resigned .the established a similar series of Sun- n a town like Westfield we must fi! 5 p.m. The following day will post in 1952. Until Mr. Lake was Teacher to Plan, ) be marked with a public open- day night sings which became a avoid handicapping the important sworn in last week Mr. Noonan had Direct Program Edwin A. Lake (left) is sworn in as Westneld's new postmaster community event and attracted work being done for our youth, our from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. At a been serving as acting postmaster. at ceremonies last Thursday. Leo C. Shatzel (center) adminiitert date, details of the program much attention in upper New York DR. PER K. FROLICH sick and our aged by less than eiio- Mr. Lake, who was elevated Mayor Charles P. Bailey will the oath as Acting Postmaster Vincent G. Noonan holds the Bible. state. quate support. j be publicized. from chief clerk and acting assist- ipeak at the United Nations birth- Ircsentation and acceptance of Speaking of tho sinpr, the Rev. New features of the 1954 cam- ant postmaster, will receive $6,170 day pageant Sunday, Oct. 24, in Mr. Gates said, "There is some- pnda murals will be held at a a year in his new post. He has been he Junior High School auditorium, paign include earlier planning, an and prior occasion. As Knights Templar Of State Hold thing fine about gathering with Three Clubs Set enlarged organization, so that no employed at the Post Office for 27 iccording to an announcement to- Christian friends in an experience leighborhood volunteer has more [iiinan of the dedication com- years and served another six years day by Mrs. Robert Alpher, chair- _e, Councilman Bagger empha- of song. The hymn book is second than five calls, better publicity and in the Newark Post Office. man of Westfield United Nations only to the Bible as a Christian Joint Meeting concentration on a one-night i that additional public infor- A native of Newark, Mr. Lake ommittee arranging the program. Annual Service Here Sunday ion will be made available heritage. If you want to thoroughly drive," Mr. Fuller said. was certified for the postmaster's Mayor Bailey will speak before the enjoy yourself, come to tho First Tho drive will open Thursday ugh subsequent issues of this job by President Eisenhower July opening of the pageant on "What spaper. P.O.A. Director Knights Templar of the state Baptist Church and join your Dr. Frolich Is evening, Oct. 14', at 7:30 o'clock, ! 21. He had been nominated for tho the UN Means to Us." Closing the •ill hold their annual church ser- neighbors and friends in singing Featured Speaker and by 10 it is hoped that most of post by the Town Republican Com- rogram will be a prayer delivered ,ce Sunday at 4 p.m. at the Con- tho hymns of the church." the calls will be completed. Resi- mittee June 10. by the Rev. J. L. McCorison Jr., tf Church here. The Itev. In addition to the congregational ients are urged to remain at home The new postmaster took his pastor of the First Congregational A joint meeting of the local Ro- embers Assist r. Joseph Lyle MeCorison, pastor singing a musical program has been tary, Lions and Exchange Cluba until the volunteer calls, so that first job at the age of 15 and en- Church of Westfield. f the host church, will preach the arranged which includes a trumpet the volunteer can complete all,his tered the postal service three ycais The program at the Junior High will be held at Echo Lake Country rmon. solo by the llev. William Blackley, ^lub tomorrow with a golf outing calls and turn in his report to his Ibrary Transfer later, lie has served as president is scheduled for 3:15 p.m. imme- Several hundred Knights from pastor of the Mount Pleasant Bap- group manager. Each group man- of Westfield Local, National Fed diately following the Hag raising t 12:30 p.m. mid the dinner meet- ommunderies throughout the state tist Church, Newark, who is an ing at 7:30 p.m. ager in turn will report to his cap- eration of Post Office Clerks, and ceremony which will take place at •e expected to attend the service outstanding trumpeter; a quartet tain, who will bring the reports of Librarian Anticipates Westfield Branch, National Asso. 2:30 p.m., in the Plaza. Taking ith their families. number, "Softly and Tenderly", Dr. Tor K. Frolk-h of 100 Kim all members of his team to the (Monday Opening ciation of Letter Carriers. part in the pageant will be stu- Dr. McCorison, a member of sung by a quartet composed of ball Circle drive, the features YMCA, where he will report to his Mr. Lake is a director and sec. dents from Westfield schools and rinity Coinmandery, , No. 17, Ann Day, Dorothy Waugh, Harold speaker, will have as his topic district, manager, who will place retary of the Plainfield Post Offie( groups from Elizabeth and Plain- lairifield, will have as his topic: Hammar and Fred Olde; a baritone 'Chemistry In Living", io district report on the totals Ipproximately 10,000 books, oi- Federal Employes' Credit Unior field, In charge of directing and Soldiers of the Cross, Arise!" solo sung by Mr. Okie, and a hymn Dr. Kvolich, recently appointed oard. l-fourth of the entire collection and sergeant at arms of the Unioi planning the pageant is Miss Jose- Dr. McCorison is an active mem- deputy chief chemical officer for (the Public Library, are in the anthem, "Sail On", presented by The volunteer organization for County Branch of the National phine Di Miceli, teacher at Colum- >r of the York and Scottish Kite scientifiific activitieiii s andd chiehiff scii- his year's drive includes the fol- of townspeople who an Association of Postal Supervisors, bus School.
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