RISEN CHRIST CATHOLIC CHURCH 65 West Evergreen Drive Kalispell MT 59901 752-4219 fax: 752-4226 E-Mail: [email protected] and My Parish App Website: www.risenchristkalispell.org Formed Catechetical Resources: www.risenchristkalispell.formed.org Father Stanislaw Rog, Parish Administrator Deacon Floyd McCubbins, 270-2632, [email protected] Heidi Durbin, Religious Formation Coordinator, Grades K-6 Maryruth Fallon, Music Director Sandy Carter, Office Manager ~ Rose Hall, Office Assistant TWENTY-SEVENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME ............................. October 4, 2020 Sat., Oct. 3, Mass for October Intentions ............................................................ 5:00 pm Sun., Oct. 4, Mass for the Parish ........................................................................ 9:30 am Mon., Oct. 5, Mass for the Soul of Raven Stevens, rb Carolyn & Chris Moritz ..... 8:45 am Tues., Oct. 6, Mass for the Soul of Patti Slack, rb Jean Ambrose ........................ 8:45 am Wed., Oct. 7, Mass ........................................................................................... 12:10 pm Thurs., Oct. 8, Mass for the Soul of David Barrett, rb Ken Barrett ...................... 9:00 am Fri., Oct. 9 ............................................................................................. No Mass FINANCE COUNCIL Our Finance Council members are: Roger Ackerly, Peg Gebhardt, Christopher Gill, John Gunnerson, Loren Vranish, and Wally Walbruch PASTORAL COUNCIL Your Pastoral Council is always interested in your concerns. The Council represents the interests and needs of the entire Parish community. Take your questions about the future of the parish, your hopes and needs, to a Pastoral Council member: Mark Fredenberg, 756-6142, Jovita Kottraba, 212-8461, Jamie Miller, 257-9636, Judy Stack, 752-4411, Vicki Walbruch, 758-0170, Linda Zimmerman, 361-946-6055, Ken Barrett, 755-0269 DATES TO REMEMBER Oct. 4 TWENTY-SEVENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Rosary ........................................................................................... 9:10 am 7 Ladies Scripture Study ................................................... 10:15 – 11:45 am Religious Formation, Grades K-12 ...................................... 5:15 – 6:30 pm 8 Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament ....................... 12:00 noon – 5:00 pm 9 Son Light Celebration .......................... Online from the Diocese 7:00 pm 10 Rosary ........................................................................................... 4:40 pm 11 TWENTY-EIGHTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME ACA Kickoff Weekend Rosary ........................................................................................... 9:10 am 13 KC Ladies, dinner at Applebee’s.................................................... 6:00 pm Knights of Columbus ..................................................................... 6:30 pm 14 Ladies Scripture Study ................................................... 10:15 – 11:45 am 15 Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament ....................... 12:00 noon – 5:00 pm 17 Rosary ........................................................................................... 4:40 pm 18 TWENTY-NINTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME World Mission Sunday ACA Commitment Weekend Rosary ........................................................................................... 9:10 am Parish Office Hours Monday through Thursday, 10:00-12:00pm and 1:00-3:00pm To be sure your announcement gets into the bulletin, please have your information in the Parish Office by noon, Wednesday. The deadline for altar announcements is noon, Thursday. Sacrament of Reconciliation is Saturday, 3:45-4:30 pm, or by appointment. Ministry Schedule, September & October, 2020 DATE LECTOR SAFETY AND SECURITY Oct. 10 Vicki Walbruch Rick Nease/Wally Walbruch Oct. 11 Andrea Wright Richard Frisk/Jamie Miller Oct. 17 Dixon Rice Mike O’Neil/Jerry Bristow Oct. 18 Pati Heath Ron Bauer/Ken Barrett Oct 24 Pati Heath Gary Hembd/Denny Falcon Oct. 25 Alan Ruby Jamie Miller/Richard Frisk SAVE THE DATE! 10/10 PRAYING THE ROSARY FOR AMERICA Our Lady of Fatima annual Rosary Rally Sat. Oct.10th at NOON in front of St. Matthew School on Main St. at the stoplight It takes less than 30 minutes and is community prayer for the USA. Rain or shine - we invite our children and families to join us. Please respect the regulations of spacing as we gather to pray. Any questions contact Karol Witt 837-0072 ~OUR GIFT TO GOD~ “Above all, let your love for one another be constant, for love covers a multitude of sins. Be mutually hospitable without complaining. As generous distributors of God’s manifold grace, put your gifts at the service of one another each in the measure he has received.” (1 Peter 4:8-10) Thanks to everyone who so generously supports our parish. Your financial support enables us to continue the on-going work of our ministry. September 26 & 27, 2020 Sunday Envelopes $4,163 Building Envelopes $55 Holy Day $5 Mass & Stole Gifts $80 Total $4,303 Join the Knights of Columbus Council 8329 And Make a Difference! Consider Joining the Knights of Columbus Council #8329 on-line. Check it out: http://kofc.org/en/members/online-membership/index.html#/ or call Wally: 406-758-0170 for more details. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS FALL FOOD DRIVE The Knights of Columbus Council 8329 is sponsoring its fall 2020 Food Drive for the North West Montana Veterans Food Pantry of Kalispell. Please support this important Parish non-perishable food drive by donating items over the first three weeks of October with the final collection day being Sunday, October 18, 2020. Items should be dropped off in the social area. Risen Christ Knights of Columbus Supporting Charity, Unity, Fraternity & Patriotism A STEWARDSHIP MOMENT Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time Weekend of October 3/4, 2020 This weekend’s Gospel reading poses some challenging stewardship questions, particularly at a time when so many people are becoming disengaged from their faith communities. When Christ returns, will we be found working diligently in the Lord’s “vineyard;” converting our own hearts into a rich harvest of love and compassion? Calling those outside our vineyard to enter into the joy of the Lord? Or will we just be living off of what the Lord has given us, but not sharing God’s love with others? Jesus’ parable suggests that if we are not good stewards of the gifts we’ve been given then the gifts will be taken away, and we will be called to give an account for our failures. We have all we need for a bountiful harvest, even during these disquieting times. What will our Lord find when He returns and asks us to give an account? MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE MONTH OF OCTOBER, 2020 +++++ FOR THE FAITHFUL DEPARTED +++++ Howard and Lorraine Carter, rb Kimberly Carter Jim Thomas, rb Bobbie Thomas Poat & Roberts Family, rb Chris Beyer Karel & David & Terry Barrett, rb Ken Barrett Andy H. & Constance M. Visocan, rb Larry & Betty Visocan Larry Ward, rb John & Connie Babb RISEN CHRIST MASS REQUESTS FOR THE FOLLOWING SPECIAL INTENTIONS +++++ Shelley Hembd, Lavine Heuscher, Michael Arace Joe Riska, Sherry Miller, Bob Neitzling, Tim Slobojan Larry Visocan, Mike Wright, Rose Sweetzer, Norma Coote Audrey Turner, Deacon Jay Biedermann, Curtis Gomes Jerry & Sharon Bristow Fr. Stan’s Immigration Status FOR OUR SEMINARIANS +++++ Dillon Armstrong, Matthew Christiaens, John Cooney, Tyler Frohlich, Riley Helgoe, Kaleb Mitchell, Brett Rotz, Kyle Tannehill TODAY IS RESPECT LIFE SUNDAY!! Join Catholics nationwide in celebrating the kickoff of Respect Life Month! respectlife.org/celebrate WORD OF LIFE The Gospel of life is intrinsic to the whole Christian life and foundational to the decisions we make on a daily basis. For, “the Gospel of God’s love for man, the Gospel of the dignity of the person and the Gospel of life are a single and indivisible Gospel” (EV 2). *Excerpt from Evangelium vitae, © 1995, Libreria Editrice Vaticana. Used with permission. All rights reserved. USCCB Secretariat of Pro-Life Activities 2020-2021 Respect Life Reflection, www.respectlife.org/reflection ANCIENT PRAYER TO THE VIRGIN MARY We turn to you for protection, holy Mother of God. Listen to our prayers and help us in our needs. Save us from every danger, glorious and blessed Virgin. Amen. READINGS FOR THE TWENTY-EIGHTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME October 11, 2020 Isaiah 25:6-10A Philippians 4:12-14, 19-20 ................ Matthew 22:1-14 PRACTICE OF FAITH In Scripture, images of abundance and feasting point to the gift of God’s grace. Today’s Gospel of the parable of the wedding feast offers images of the grace made present to us through the sacraments. In the abundant feast of the Eucharist, God provides food that strengthens life in us. In Baptism, God provides the garment as well, clothing us in holiness and enlivening the Holy Spirit’s power in us so that we might accept the invitation to the feast. *Make one of your meals this week a special occasion by inviting family members, friends, coworkers, or neighbors to join you as you give thanks for God’s abundant grace. *In her prayer on the grace of the Eucharist, St. Catherine of Siena reflected on how God’s love gave us not only food but the whole divine essence. Reflect on how you allow the Eucharist to affect you. *Spend time in prayer savoring the abundance of God’s grace already given to you in the sacraments, a foretaste of the eternal banquet. ” ~At Home With the Word 2020 SEEKING PEOPLE WHO LOVE TO DECORATE! We are seeking people who would like to be on our decorating committee.
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