A#1140 -: Chilatenslibrarians Are Increasingly ,Aware- of The

A#1140 -: Chilatenslibrarians Are Increasingly ,Aware- of The

DOCOMEMS RESUME .p)- 077237 M 011 160 47'44 Ends in Children's Programs. A Bibliography Prepared by the Film Committee of the Children's and Young* People's Services Section oftheWisconsin Library Association. INSTITUTION Wisconsin Library Association; Madison. POEDATE 72 -NOTE 39p. AVAlIAELEFROMWisconsin Library, Association, 261 West Mifflin Street,,MadleOn-, j_WiscfOnSin-53703 = EDNS-PBICE MF-$O.65HC Not Available from DESORI-PTONS Bibliographies; : CatalCgSt. *Children;4Ti lm.Libraries;1 4,E-110S; -Guides A#1140 -: ChilatenSlibrarians are increasingly ,aware- of the 'value offilmsin programing::: films -are_ attractive to _children, -they _-_-illnitinate,the familiar ,;and i suggest new areas_ of interest to .explore,- and theyc:an_.ttoii-cw -,backgroundand open new -vistas : for the 41-71i*.a11.4-401411,40t.af40-0-111.-This -t-lti-P5.1-0cliti-On.,of the liStifig, -presentS-selections for-US!:in _- - ---,.. _-prfOgraMS--With-_-Children- frObs- gtadeS- three through _Sit,- with -information _ -,-,- -.- -- - .on- xi-inning,time,_-Prcidlider, :01S4i:biltCr 0'price, Whether itS-- black-and-white or -color,: and the :content. N bibliography of aids : forlibrary:use,a-_list of sources for- the selection of films, and a-cliktor--ofdistributors for purchase andrentalare riialtidEd: ._(SH)- ,=;-:±. FILMED FROM BEST AVAILABLE COPY 434odfosts, A_= Bibliography prepared.,by the Film Coamittee-=of' and xeisig;kekiii._!ir*!t*icks Sebtion:of the; A060.-ittion- WISCONSIN LIBRARY-ASSOCIATION 1 201 West Mifflinstieet- Nadiloti,Wis.3703 FILMS! IN'tifILDNEN'SiTNOGNANS-, A :Bibliography prepared' bzittie-FilmCommittee =of the Childten_is andYoungpeoPle!s Seitides -Section-ofthe Wisconsin Library AsSociation- 1972 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. EDUCATION &WELFARE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REPRO DUCCD EXACTLY AS RCCEIVED FROM THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATION ORIGIN ATING IT POINTS OF VIEW OR OPINIONS STATED DO NOT NECESSARILY REPRE SENT OFFICIAL NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION POSITION OR POLICY WISCONSINLIBRARY ASSOCIATION 201 West Mifflin Street Madison,wits: 53703 "PERMISSION TO REPRODUCETHIS COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL BYMICRO. FICHE ONLY HAS BEENGRANTED BY SCOOC: h to-a el, CSh OPERAT TO ERIC AND ORGANIZATIONSTHE NA ING UNDERGREEMENTS WITH TIONAL INSTITUTE OFEDUCATION. FURTHER REPRODUCTIONOUTSIDE THE ERIC SYSTEM REQUIRESPERMIS SION OF THC. COPYRIGHTOWNER." Prides, 11141A0 WL& members- 2:00 tL hon-WLA Members 1.00 14,92u-dopy for orders of 10 or more copies '17ciREvyi41 "Films 'Programsle- a bibliography pared', by the_ piln_Committee of the-,Wisconsin;Iibrary -Association,, -.Children'=s ii_retsafedfor-, the_ 404-0.:siiring.,mee ting supplement goteber-,of 1969.; The Secend7Edi#on;fae,put,,OLt: A* et supplement This la'a-Third -Edition prepared for tke!:',90-tobet, _1972 : :confe*io eL . _ . The, Pirst..=_C omitted-wh-ich-iiiirked-ion,the:131.bliOeraphy, :triic4gh tmedi6ciii Publia- _Libraryj ;Madison._ Public__Library;Miss ;ElizabethBurr;,izetst. of In= struction, 5lirisioli-'tor-LibrarY,E_SerViCesr:Mrii. Mary"Carr, -Children!,6 Cootierati:ve_,Beek-CCenter;1,1r7a.,:ge:ttrUdeltermari.- Ailet.% Prof , eie'iMaky Me iliberg tibrarki-IMre., Slithbeth --'1116Coi- ChIldrenql -Treattent:Cen'teri, Williams -10.9----4biaryi.:te-airei-te!iii 1,Oulae.--,vialkare, Dwight Foster- PfibliC, library*. consultant Miss :',MAW , $ Milwatikea and' .Miss Jarie -Yowoi,er :156/#* of Instruct-fen; :14.1#1ty,-Serjiices The ',Seeend iihieh- *ea -aptOinted in. 497' and presented' their- -siiiipleriletita.t :Spring; Mee-tit* 19,72 e- -c2 :their- -cnakertieni_,Mro.- Witieeitin._,'Ne Public :-Librark;, Mre -Circa -DeJardini ,APtlitori :Mrs:- _Marilyn Hazard,, Manitowoc P1011.C,; Library; Jean- Kline, Menasha: Public= -libraryi_ Patricia :-Leviniette,, dent= -dinatot of 'Children's =Serifidea, -Broivn-_,COUnty-_pUblic- Librarkl -Mist; .Mary Head; Children's" Seriicesi, ehkoeh Public -Schroeder, Director -Media denten:SerlilaeS, Oshkosh Area__PUblit' Schools; _Me. Rosalie Shier-, _Brown -CoUnty library; 'Miss Kay viahlgren, Mead Pub- lic Library, Sheboygan. PerrnieSiOn to reproducethis doCuMent in MICROFICHE. ONLY I-has _been granted by&ti:Etit414k) 7/402(...:L)ditt:a4g04..) 01411A24;,4) 6240.00.442t;A) g/x0(-pety /2gei/24-::=. to ERIC and organizations operating underagreements with the National Institute of' Education.Further. reproduction -outsidethe "ERIC System requireS permission of' thatcopyright Oianer, date FILMS_ IN-CHILDREN I.S PROGRAMS Children's iibtariank,are=indreaSinglY-r-aWare-,of- the value -of films in programming. °_Today'a,,children- -are_ vis- ually minded..The,eibtiOn.PictUrekls- a fardiliariadiUk atipicting_the,reader'_and:1 fie-,riori=reader t the,library.. For the =61111(1WhO.,,alreadY.:-ehjeYabaitikei- fill*inater the-familiar'and diggedt.rieW4reaaarintaradb-OpI0e.- -0tilturealY,,di444*fitatadj tilma7.-ProVide back=.- grOund.-.andoPen. neW=yiStas. -The -T-10T,aTY-iSill-hk;43TOgram-ahon14.:rise- taboVe 'the leVel :of. :ft-06;410:th ,shOuldf,offer: t,chlidr4:ivaedthetid' experience.:' aain..SeleatingbookdYi: 6 the,.-Chi4i bliigaride:- anit'taStei'ilitherritidi-te- and= orig- inality;. rlarignageo:,and-,:appeiiI to the age_and;-- intaradta,CfrtheLaudianda.- 'Storied' translated- frOM.-bOdk to filmshould. "be :faithfUlta the SPirit_v=ef. the There'iS,no narration, coy, &iced humor in a tri, addition; th -filth -Must= be Judged' as-,an _art forM; and-- meet the -criteriar,Of -technical 'elcceliefide, underdtandable'dotind4-.-good, Print :ecuality; 'and -ciesive- iihotograpt*i the ..following- -films=- were. =selected: for,,Use in prograMs dhildren -from grades threethroUgksiiiii.- -Many of them are available at the ,:i4idcoridiri, Library Film Circuit.Others may_ be rented for-a ette.11.-fee frog, the litiree.if=Of"Andio- Visual-Indtructioh, 1327' ViiiVeriiity Boie_:,2093,1 Madiean; Wisdanern: 5379_1, Tel. 608=.262=.16. hoe- aVailable at the Bitreaii-af Inetrilation 4re coded: (BAVI-)! The notation ,(tAvti on those filets for librarians and other - adults interested:in work Aii-th-:Ohildren- indicates thetithe Visdondin- DiviSion:for Library -Serviced -hadder pdaited. the:Ole:111MS' at the -Bureau of Audin-VisUalInstruction. They are--aVaiiable to public and schoollibraries- for a service fee_ per -reel-. Other universities in the area halting fil& rentalli- brarieS -are listed at the end but_ ;not given each annotation. any code after *FILMS FOR-CHILDREN:A SELECTED LIST.New York Public LibraryAssociation.Children'a and YOUng_Adult Services Section. Filthsfor Childreri'CoiMitteb. 1969.P.4. 24 Alos.Ftlitt1tkAittiOs* Adiaaoric -Citherine1E.-.and ;Ai*in :Children" er:PrOeteues"-.. 'TOP-',0E-17[E-:NEWS' 1817072 'Deo eater- .1961 u A _Short reportonthe Evaluation:(*Mitt, s pilot torciii144 dlatD001, S 401c ItVPUBIAIIC: 'LIBRARIES New Yorke_"If41.-_Wilson. C4InpOiSrt. 176pp.-The p_heiifei. "Programs ,f6r--,Children"-,disCdaseivthy,-:and how,. to.=:_aa films .bruner 4(eirhiCei ti'and=1Miteilalaiia -:LIBRARY TRENDS' -12171=83,411lY-:1963u ldeiciadie4:11OW-ffilaa can us_64- to 1#0 ts.a. library. Butr;:Elisabeth.= "Children" W.:ROCOrdinkau Fills', and-Film- itrits"4 :WISCONSIN LIBRARY -BOLIETW50 i 09=12, March :191626._ Diseribee: the -.ilee-of 'redordingau films, :and'.filmstrips in pdbliC libraries to;,give, children .OrPerienCe clifferent -mediums: _ Cohn. :pita SUCCedifulFormula FrOkramiing", TOP OF- THE.. NEWS ,2_112474254 ,A detailed dis- cusiion- planning a yOung adult film=. program, with implications for children _s f Jim: pro4rami 11W Wrathy in the:LibrarY", LIBRARY TRERqS 4 i17181 , -ottobei- 1955.- The development_ of film ,PrOgrams in publio -libraries, -how_ tO _ care for them. Gross, El iiab eth . ,:PiitLiO -LIBRARY :SERVICE _TO CHILDREN, Dobbs Feitii, N. Y*i, 00eana Publicationi, -Inc., -1967.The chapter- "The SeleCtioli and- Uite-lifNoW-Book-Materials" con - sidersplanning film- Program*, and_-_evaluating -Mts. Hamilton, 'Witte Hewitt "Film Exploration ", TO -OF THE NEWS 19.75 -77, October -1962. :MehtiOnd-filt* of interest to children' in the-upper- el eitiantit'Y -Etade. Higgins, Judith, "The: HoW-of _a- Film Festival", LIBRARY JOURNAL 93.1737 -1740, April -15, 1968. The step - 1.y -step prOcedUre in planning. a. yoilhg_ adult film program which tould -be applied a children' s- Program. Hyatt,' Hannah, "Family Trips on Films", SIGHT LINES 383-6, January/February- 1970. -Suggests programaand gives tips on programming for Nadir' night at the library. Lyman, Helen, "Creative Film, -Programs", WISCONSINLIBRARY BULLETIN 58.73-78, March 19624.Basic considerations in planning film programs for audiences of allages. MaYreiee,,, "Fileas-_-fOr thildrete-aTOF OF-'-'1HE -NEWS 16i 7=9. -Decemtiek, 1959., *eitates, the- need to evaluate films for children ',end: "te; share, i3regram; experience. Poignend,._jOhii,:trid- Peggy --.;Maniii,:"..CUritin-,OE-IllittiOn-lhi -OdYsseer-ofF-the -,LIERARY-, JOURNAL, 92i lebruary--15;-'1967.'beicribei-,,aLMobilakAntia:tre--to give rjuvenileaudiences in poverty areas "an ideal envi- ,; ronzaent to realize theeieximin-,effeet -Radiate:- ;Reboil -= -6.0fi-tre at -for--ehildre0,,_ -HORN, 800t=40141-5=14,17-, -August s -1964.- ;A :fileiprOducer tells What he-thinks ;a",,Children!w_fila,zefietild:_be -Arid: ga ;-! -StitikEt' TBASid- AIDS AlliionuMary L., ed. :NEW:EbUdATIONAL-MATERIALd. Citation,- 1968: TaPerboUnd._ . BUREAU OF AUDIO-VISUAL INSTRUCTION CATALOG OF -EDUCATIONAL 16mm.- ,010TIONJPICTURESi Ai8ilAbIó for rental. -University of ,Wieceriain_-Eitinatoni -Mitdi8on,"1968. EDUCATIONAL, FILM:GUIDE. -195*.1958.,

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