BUY A TICKET FOR The LAST “JOLLY GYM” TO THE BANDS “POP'’ BE HELD THIS CONCERT Rocky Mountain Coolegian SATURDAY Published by the Aa«ei«t«d Students of th« Colorado Agricultural College VOLUME XL. I'ORT COLLIN'S. COLORADO. WEDNESDAY. MAKCII 18. 1il;i1 M MI’.EH 27 Welcome to Aggies, Pi Kappa Delta Delegates Nominations to “Come Seven” In “Come Seven” “Pop" Concert Delegates From Seven Colleges Conference held Is Next Program Be Monday Play Is On Thursday Are Competing in Forensic Meet FRIDAY’S PROGRAM Body Election to Nejrro Comedy to Be ______________ Student Big Crowd Is at Expected Mew's A. >l. Colorado Host Provincial Held Week Before Staged bv Dramatic Debate—First Round 8 Aggies to Conclave of Pi Be Annual Musical Event Hub Colorado Teachers—Kearney Teachers—Room 113, Old Main. Delta. National Spring Vacation Mar. 27-28 Kappa Honorary Forensic Of Band State—Room Oid Main. Aggie Colorado Aggies—Western 302, Fraternity, This Week-End The big *rrfat of having a "mil- Hastings, team A—Doane—lecture Room, Civil Engineering Aggie should attend aa- Every lionaire" on the has The largest campus barely musical event of the Building. The regular provincial biennial. tend the banquet of the organize* lembly next Monday, as nomina- grown old when a new play ar- school year will be given tomor- Nebraska Teachers No. 2—Little Wesleyan—Colorado Theatre. ; convocation of Pi Delta will tlon will he body offices will Kappa which held Thursday tions for student rives. lime It different the This is as row nigh: at gymnasium at Hastings, team B—Nebraska Wesleyan, team 8—3:30 o’clock. lie.held will : on our campus Thursday, evening. held that day. Election oc- it be las is possible to be. It is an S;0»» p. m.. by the Aggie band. Old Main. | Friday, end Saturday of this week, Schools to be the week represented at thi* cur sometime following all-negro of At that time the company players who band will present Women’s Debate—First Round 8 o'clock at which time Nebraska seven and conference are: Doane College, March 30. according to —possibly will appear the nights of Friday ta annual "Pop" concert. Nebraska Wesleyan—Western State—Room 210. Old Main. i Colorado schools will ga*her and Nebraska Wesleyan university. Ball, student body president. Has and Saturday, March 27 and 88. Colorado Teachers—Kearney- Room 405, Old Main. Thia | engage in an intensive program of ' Hasting? college, and body constitution concert is the only one Kearney The student re- in the auditorium Old U Main, Colorado Aggies—Hastings—Room 102. Oid Main debating, and Teachers In Fort Collins ; oratory, extempor- college, all of Nebraska? that there be at least played during quires a with a presentation of ‘Tom* the, Men's Debate —Hero mi Round. II: 30 o'clock ;ind Colorado Western ! year for which the band Teachers, *««lc between nominations and Seven." charges Kearney Teachers—Colorado Aggies—Little and the students admission. It is giv- Theatre. Ammons. college, Colorado Aggies, eleetioti. They will unreel before your Western State—Hastings, team B—Lecture Room. Civil En- Fraternity and sorority house* en each year before the band Candidates for positions on the • what eyes everyone, who rends the gineering Building. will - leaves jn its annual house the delegates. —i spring tour. and Silver Spruce should (and who Collegian Saturday Evening Pont, Doane—Nebraska Main. AVIS U\KVI\ The program In the Wesleyan—Room 302, Old Aggies will be represented make their practically i* not fail to applications doesn't) has read—the extremely Colorado Teachers, team B—Hastings, team A—Room 210, the convention same as that given on the tour by the following the board of publications, whim Interesting and stories ot to funny Old Main. Justice end is made up of classical and people: Wilkinson and sometime the latter will meet part negro life in ihe South by Nebraska B (true well Wesleyan, team Colorado Teachers, team A Earl men’s * popular music, as as many Balia, debate; Justin* No one norni- Octavus Cohen, is of the week. can be i Roy there any- Room 301. Old Main. specialties. Wilkinson, men's extemporaneous listed tor these positions who has one who hasn't followed the ad- Women’s IHuitc—Sccnml Round, o'clock .‘■peaking; Peter Freeman, men'* been passed upon by th;s ventures and silly predicaments of Among the special numbers not »o Western State—Nebraska Wesleyan—Room 105, Old Main. oratory; Kathryn Dickson and Urtas Neshit and wife E. Gwin be board. his presented this are solos year Kearney—Colorado Aggies Room 3uo. Old .Main. Ruth Garlic. women’s debate; Al- have Sen While no candidates pub- bit. Floviau Sloppey. Lawyer on the piano, banjo, xylophone, Hastings——Colorado Teacher:-.—Auditorium, Old Main. ice Hesaeltlne, women’s extempor- licly announced their Intention to and Mrs. Chew, Litlua Blivens, clarinet and baritone. The saxo- Third Hound Ibdmles—i Mill o'clock aneous speaking. " for oiftdlr, rumors fly thick Detecatlve-" Probable Huff, "Old phoue group wJH also several ran play I ouith Hound IZefmte.**—;{:«•»» o'clock and fa»t about the campus and It Skinflint." Semore Mashliy, and popular numbers and the Jazz lATI MI’OIU \ Mil s SIM- AKINb Vlatar looks like there would be plenty' ’ Goins. Of course, as it band has again worked up a nov- Men's Finals will b»* held ai 8:00 o'clock. Ammons Hall. for would he rather hard number. of opposition evtrywn*. to get all elty Stock Women will be held the hour, s Finals at same in the hi Judgers So to these characters* here from way come assembly Monday Auditorium of Ammon-: Hail The program as announced by down south’ to in and see your favorites nominated appear person Dr. Bourne, the director, is as fol- will be mem. for office. they impersonated by Initiate lows: SATURDAY’S PROGRAM Eight hers of the Dramatic club. And Part I .Send-Finals Dehrr they arc really impersonated too. In \ union. Hall, s a. n. I. March—American \\ lI.HUH I . MOORE Women's --Litti Every member has changed Ills Oratory Iheatre. Ammons Hall. 2.<u» o'clock. Election of Officers lanilln ancons Prof. Wilbur Held; Army .............. Mens Little itro Hal!. l.uO o'clock i speaking. A. C. A. Will ways and speech so much that his Oratory rie Ammon* ( j Paloma Yradler forensic is Banquet at Cafeteria La - s , Moore. Aggie coach, Finals in Debar - -Little ! no ' best friend won't recognise him Ammons Hall, luck ' 3. Clarinet Solo—- provincial pr -idem of PI Kappa Reception Annou i< em'-ni ;• "«i Tuesday Niffht on the nights of the play. and of Winner* U'-iock. Delecta Rollinson Delta, and will be In charge of the Ammons Hall. Student tickets are good for j Edit Al-Cri | not Lambda Gordon Ayers conference. Gamma Delta, nation* this but all tickets ] j : play, must be .1. LEE BROWN j 4. A Japanese Sunset Depper. A large crowd Ih expected to at- honorary stock judging fraternity, . purchased. This Is due to the fact held Its annual initiation in tbe Miss Parvin r>. Creme de la Creme—Medley that the tickets and Mr. Brown will Girls Journalistic Frater- were changed so i j- animal number from husbandry office on Thurs- have two of the four leads in including excerpts to he J to jas good for the last play. Bill and Jack Are nity Entertain Aida. The Prophet. Hearts and Vaughn Harp day, March 12. The requirement "The Millionaire “Com** Seven," all-negro comedy; It However, this Why They Call for ( Schubert's Seronade. membership Is participation in onference which will be staged by the Dra- Flowers, ; should keep no jiio away because Chairmen for Annual an William Tell and other stand- College Day intercollegiate stock Judging this matic club March 27 and 28. Concert ! Is i chance never offered by “Pop” The newly the two weeks. Alpha ard numbers Tobani contest. initiated mem- past ... the Dramatic club ; before, to s*»P Mvra Jensen and Mark Conway Chi Alpha members have been The Livestock club of tho col- bullding at which time George bers am Victor Qstermllh Mer- real ;.» negro play put on by an will play the other two Part II The Painter of will talk .M».*nt•* on stories prominent name Pop concert was I* a| ! Uoggen, Colo., ino, Colo.; Nelson Setters. working for the spring ge i- already preparing for cant. Mother Parade i ail-negro Goose started when the bends f!w :o members and Mr. Vista; Charles Mellvalnp, Al-Cri, Eta chapter's number of per- gigantic celebration for College j the guests. Lamar Walter Butler and Jack Manweiler formance was in 'J Painter is one of the llere- Everett Myers. Del Hand* the magazine. given 1 1 Day. •hi May 1. and committees: largest Norte; Introducing adver- •rd in the and Scottsblufi, Nebr. I.arge poster® designed t - appointed at the meeting of breeders country Spurrier. Kay The spring number. arrylng were 1. Lolaud Leonard Pianist tis® the hand were to he headed should have a very interesting I Friable. Red Feather Lake in out the idea of Theta of ihe organlzaiion Monday evening.: a gypsy trail, is Tri-Beta Is Chapter 2. Jack Manweller Banjoist “Popular Concert" but when the : tory to tell. «on Barr, Longmont; and Junes Bill Vaughn will lie chairman of i mentially a convention number. t. The Saxophone Sextet came had been club members asked \ Akron. proof* only "Pop the Day show, with Ray Frtsbie, All are to lishouse, Since Eta s members are to bo the 1.
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